Infoseek 楽天


ニューズウィーク日本版 2019年6月13日 17時10分






この投稿をInstagramで見る If anyone tries to tell you that your body size will hold you back, they are absolutely wrong. A few weeks ago someone left me a comment saying 'You are mad if you think you can do ballet'. Feels good proving people wrong, you're only called 'crazy' til you do it -------------- This whole dream of a campaign is a collaboration I worked on with @nike + @veryuk - all hail brands working towards diversity + including plus size women in such a positive way! The campaign focused on the Nike One Leggings which are honestly the most comfortable pair I have EVER worn. I wore them from 9am-8pm, through a ballet/barre session with the incredible @paletacalmquality ,for lunch, to travel home and barely even realised I had them on. Super high waist, comfortable and they really move with your body - no rolling or falling down (thank the Lord) which annoyingly most plus size workout leggings do - but these do not move! Thank you Nike for taking the time to create a ridiculously well made plus collection + for your leaps and bounds in terms of inclusivity. Everything I'm wearing is available on the Very website Ph by @sarahellen_photography @nikewomen @veryuk #onelegging #bodypositive #ballet #barre #barreworkout #blok Chloe Elliottさん(@chloeincurve_)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 3月月14日午後12時31分PDT


ソープはゴールドの記事について、信じられないとコメント。「太った人々はばかにされ、ジムに行って体重を落とせと言われ、さらにはスポーツウェアを着る資格がないとまで言われるなんてはどうかしている」と、彼女はインスタグラムに書き込んだ。「これがどんなに馬鹿げているか分かる? 健康面の配慮などではなくて、完全な偏見だ」





※6月18日号(6月11日発売)は「名門・ジョージタウン大学:世界のエリートが学ぶ至高のリーダー論」特集。「全米最高の教授」の1人、サム・ポトリッキオが説く「勝ち残る指導者」の条件とは? 必読リーダー本16選、ポトリッキオ教授から日本人への提言も。

この投稿をInstagramで見る If anyone tries to tell you that your body size will hold you back, they are absolutely wrong. A few weeks ago someone left me a comment saying 'You are mad if you think you can do ballet'. Feels good proving people wrong, you're only called 'crazy' til you do it -------------- This whole dream of a campaign is a collaboration I worked on with @nike + @veryuk - all hail brands working towards diversity + including plus size women in such a positive way! The campaign focused on the Nike One Leggings which are honestly the most comfortable pair I have EVER worn. I wore them from 9am-8pm, through a ballet/barre session with the incredible @paletacalmquality ,for lunch, to travel home and barely even realised I had them on. Super high waist, comfortable and they really move with your body - no rolling or falling down (thank the Lord) which annoyingly most plus size workout leggings do - but these do not move! Thank you Nike for taking the time to create a ridiculously well made plus collection + for your leaps and bounds in terms of inclusivity. Everything I'm wearing is available on the Very website Ph by @sarahellen_photography @nikewomen @veryuk #onelegging #bodypositive #ballet #barre #barreworkout #blok Chloe Elliottさん(@chloeincurve_)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 3月月14日午後12時31分PDT

この投稿をInstagramで見る Ten years ago today I was relapsing back into anorexia and couldn't see a way out. Last night I was given a Beat award for being an influencer who helps other people in their recovery. I'm thinking of that Warsan Shire quote - "If we're going to heal, let it be glorious". • Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who voted for me, I will cherish this and everything it means. I'm forever thankful for you being here. [Image description: Megan is standing in front of a painted rainbow fence. She's wearing a floral midi skirt, a pink gingham top and sparkly pink shoes and she's smiling.] Megan Jayne Crabbe さん(@bodyposipanda)がシェアした投稿 - 2018年11月月1日午後12時53分PDT

この投稿をInstagramで見る I love to move my body because it helps me mentally. I found out at a pretty young age that my attitude and behaviour could be better controlled with a little exercise each day. So, does that mean I always love working out? Frick no! But the best workout advice I ever got was from somebody who made the act of getting started seem very easy. They said, 'If you don't want to work out today just put your gym gear on, and walk out your door. Go to where you workout--the park or gym. When you get there... take a few steps. If you want to turn around then, you can. And you can count that as a success.' So that's all I ever commit to. Not a giant walk. Not a 40 minute run with my @nikerunning app. Not a whole spin class. I just commit to getting there and starting. And I know at any time I can leave. Now, even though I'm not a fitness guru--I'm not here to tell you it's easy and you'll just love every second, because you won't--but take it from me--aka a normal person who knows the struggle is real!!!!!--I promise you, you will keep going more than you'll ever turn around. Just starting is a little success in and of itself. #justdoit #nike #nikerunning #niketeam #nikerunclub jëssica vandër lëahyさん(@jessicavanderleahy)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 6月月2日午後2時38分PDT

