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@Press / 2012年10月12日 13時0分

株式会社BIGFACE(東京都中央区銀座、代表取締役:水野 英明)は、同社事業の海外展開をより一層推進するため、インドネシア法人キュリオ・アジア(PT. Curio Asia、以下:CA社、制作総責任者:Sriwijaya Saputra Ali)と業務提携を結んだことを発表いたします。


Curio Asia制作総責任者のSriwijaya氏は、若手ながら日本留学経験及びNHKジャカルタ支局で現地レポーターとしての勤務実績があり、両国の文化や魅力に精通しております。なお、日本では東京国際大学を卒業、留学生会会長を務め、フリーマントルメディア日本法人(当時日本代表は石山 辰吾、現BIGFACE取締役制作局長)でインターンを経験しました。CA社は、同氏を中心として、両国の視点から日本のありのままの姿をインドネシアに発信する番組シリーズ「Kokoro no Tomo」を制作しており、すでに日本政府機関や大手日系企業の協力・スポンサーシップを獲得した上で、来年2月からインドネシア全国ネット局「メトロTV」にて放送が決定しています。

多数の日系企業が進出するインドネシアとの関係においては、経済産業省のCool JAPAN政策や、JKT48(アイドル・グループAKB48の姉妹グループ)プロジェクトで展開されるような、文化、エンターテイメント面での交流も進んでおります。(東南)アジア圏においては、「日本発」の事物への需要、関心が高まっている今日、メディア・エンターテイメントの分野においても、日本発のコンテンツ展開を試みるケースは増えています。



Press Release

As of October 12, 2012

BIGFACE Co., Ltd. (based In Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director, Hideaki Mizuno) forms alliance with Indonesian firm PT. Curio Asia, further establishing their foreign network and Asian market access

BIGFACE Co. Ltd., has formed an international business alliance with Indonesian firm Curio Asia (PT. Curio Asia; “CA” below, Chief Producer Sriwijaya Saputra Ali). This will be the company's' third international alliance, expanding the hemisphere of their resourceful network of creative production from Japan to the world with Asia as the beach head. They are swiftly, but surely enhancing their fortes as a comprehensive and multidimensional entertainment production firm, with works in the realms of television program production, program format distribution, license management, event organization, web design, smart phone app development and distribution.

Sriwijaya, Curio Asia’s Chief Producer has a young but admirable international career, with first obtaining his degree from Tokyo International University followed by working at the Jakarta bureau of NHK (Japan’s public broadcaster) as a current events reporter which enabled him to acquire a rare deep cultural understanding of both nations. During his time attending University in Japan, he served as chairman for the association of foreign students, and interned at the global production company FremantleMedia Japan (represented by Shingo Ishiyama, now BIGFACE board director and head of production). He is currently responsible for CA's in-house project “Kokoro no Tomo,” the first Japan focused television program series in Indonesia introducing life-sized Japan, from both nations' perspective. In doing so, he has already successfully attained support and sponsorship from numerous major Japanese government organizations and private firms.
The project series will be launched in February 2013 on MetroTV, Indonesia’s nationwide broadcaster. CA aims to continue producing content featuring Japan’s unique charm and value, with this project as a kick starter.

Many Japanese firms are extending their business to Indonesia, and cultural ties are also growing with the Japanese government “Cool JAPAN” policy and JKT48 (a sister idol group of the Japanese AKB48). Newly created Japanese concepts and products are growing beyond the export of actual established culture, and are fast becoming assets in high demand, particularly in (South East) Asian media/ entertainment markets.

Despite this demand, these attempts to expand have been limited to major conglomerates due to lack of adequate funds and connections, and focus solely on the export of pre-produced shows. Since viewer lifestyles and media experiences are rapidly changing due to the innovation of technology, multi-faceted business systems with a program’s brand as a core intellectual property (IP) - e.g. program format conception, license management, and collaborative smart phone app development- is what is needed now, as opposed to the conventional simple export model. A good example is the tactical numerical game show “Numer0n” which has become a regularly aired Fuji TV show starting October, talked about much on the web and social networks.

BIGFACE will maximize their trend savvy and intrepid characteristics as a young production agency while providing their unique know-how, and collaborating with the best international partners such as CA. The goal of BIGFACE is to continue providing original solutions toward this borderless media sphere, based on our cultural internationalism. This alliance is by no means a one-way cultural exploitation, but a great opportunity for both Japan and Indonesia to gain new beneficial findings about each other, even creating synergy between the two cultures. We are sure this will serve as a great asset for inter-Asian cultural exchange.











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