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OKAMOTO’Sのアドレス帳 Vol.28 Jvcki Wai x オカモトレイジ

NeoL / 2018年11月3日 18時0分

OKAMOTO’Sのアドレス帳 Vol.28 Jvcki Wai x オカモトレイジ

OKAMOTO’Sのメンバーが友人はもちろん、憧れのアーティストなどをゲストに迎える対談企画。オカモトレイジがホストを務める第28回目は、勢いを増す韓国のヒップホップ勢の中でも、唯一無二の存在感を誇るJvcki Waiが登場。








レイジ「そう、なにもなくてそれがよかった! 公園でただ喋って……」


レイジ「あっ! ピンスも美味しかったよ!(笑) でも、すごかったんです。公園で大きい音で音楽がかかっていて、“フリースタイルやれよ~”といった小競り合いをしたり。そういうところは日本と変わらないですね。韓国の街中のスピーカーでかかっている音楽がうるさくて本当に驚きました」




レイジ「普段からみんなはああいう感じなの? ぶらぶらして遊んだり」




Reiji: The last time we talked, we were both very nervous and we didn't really get to let loose, but thanks to the talk, we got to know each other. The last time you were in Tokyo, we hanged together and when I went to Korea, we also hanged together. Now that our relationship is a little more casual, let’s talk a little more casual today.

Jvcki: Ok. (laugh)

--On a different note, what did you guys do together in Korea?

Reiji: We went to BIM&kZm's live and ate Patbingsu (Korean shaved ice) together with Starex crew. After that we just walked around and went to a park.

Jvcki: We went to Hongdea, a popular street full of fashion/music stores and walked down the street.

Reiji: It was such fun because it felt so real. Like it was nothing, it had such a natural vibe.

Jvcki: Yeah, there was nothing (in Japanese).

Reiji: Yeah, nothing much was happening and that was good. We just talked in the park and…

Jvcki: What about Patbingsu?! (in Japanese)

Reiji: Oh yeah! That was yum! But it was really crazy. They were playing super loud music in the park and challenging each other saying stuff like “why don't you do freestyles?”. It’s not that much different from Japan, I guess. I was so surprised with how the music played from speakers all over the city was so loud. It isn’t a club, you know?

Jvcki: I hate that! (in Japanese)

--So you don't go to Hongdae often?

Jvcki: I am living there actually… (laugh)

Reiji: But is everyone always like that? Just hang around in the area?

Jvcki: Yeah in Hongdae, we hang like that every day.

--Why are you in Hongdae, the area you don't like much?

Jvcki: The company I work for is very close by, so I kind of have to be there.






Jvcki「逆にどちらも出来るのは普通じゃないんですか? ピアノは今でも上手ではないけれど弾けます」


Jvcki「もちろん! ラッパーをナメないでください!」









レイジ「照れてる! そしたら、さっき話した対談する機会があってそれがきっかけで打ち解けられたというか」

--Listening to Jvcki songs, I can hear the influence of diverse musical backgrounds, but what originally inspired you to start making music?

Jvcki: I can’t remember what exactly because it’s so long ago… But I was always making music since I was a child so I guess to say that music was always around me would be more correct.

--Then, do you think the environment surrounding you inspired you to do so?

Jvcki: Well, not quite. But ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be a singer-songwriter so I learned musical composition.

Reiji: I see. Was piano the main musical instrument you used when you were a singer-songwriter?

Jvcki: Piano and guitar. But I forgot how to play them now.

Reiji: It’s rare to play both, no?

Jvcki: I think it is quite normal to be able to play both? I am no expert, but I can still play piano.

--Can you still read the score?

Jvcki: Of course! Don't underestimate rappers!

Reiji: I’m so jealous! I am in a rock band, so I never studied music. I just kind of listened and remembered.

Jvcki: Are you bragging about it?!

Reiji: No, I am not. (laugh) I am just saying that it is a different style (of learning music). Well, I can copy (music) after listening to it once!

Jvcki: Good for you. (laugh)

--How did you discover Jvcki’s music, Reiji?

Reiji: My beat maker friend was talking about Jvcki so I listened and it was really cool. I then listened to all the tracks on SoundCloud. I guess it was like half a year ago.

Jvcki: …

--Jvcki is blushing!

Reiji: Yeah, she’s blushing! And then, we had an opportunity to talk to each other for an interview. I was nervous at first, but we got to know each other well in the end. I am glad that she didn't hate me, I was afraid she would say “that guy is a no-no”.











レイジ「えー、迷うけどやっぱり”Anarchy”かな。”Hypereal”もすごく好きだし、”Enchanted Propaganda”も」

Jvcki「”Enchanted Propaganda”は名曲ですよね(笑)。あれはEddyがビートを作っています」










--I can certainly recall that from last year to this year, even in Japan, we started hearing your name, Jvcki. What do you think has triggered it yourself?

Jvcki: I think it was because of a song “Anarchy”. I also think it was partially thanks to Block, the famous hip-hop writer in Korea.

--There are many Korean hip-hop tracks that are well-made, but even amongst them, your tracks have a very distinguishable taste.

Jvcki: It wasn't that I wanted to differ myself from others, I think it would be more correct to say that it just became so naturally. High genre, the category I like, is often under-valued in the Korean hip-hop scene, where there are many well-made works. But I didn't really pay attention to that and pursued what I liked and came to the current style.

Reiji: In the past interview, I asked her the question, “what kind of an artist would you like to be”. And she answered “I want to keep being the only one”, and I thought that was really cool. Really, she is so cool. It is so rare to see someone with such stance even at a worldwide level.

--What do you think of Jvcki’s music when you listen to it, Reiji?

Reiji: She is a melody maker. Of course, the rap is amazing, but it is also good as a song. I have my own criteria of judging whether a song is good or not, and it’s whether a song can be played in acoustic arrangement. Her tracks can also be good in acoustic arrangement.

Jvcki: That is a very good point. (in Japanese)

Reiji: That’s why I asked you which musical instruments you used when you were a singer-songwriter. She makes high quality tracks that would be too difficult to create if you started off with instruments like MPC or samplers. It’s very difficult to find someone like that in Japan.

Jvcki: Thank you. What is your favorite track?

Reiji: Well, it is difficult to say, but I guess of course “Anarchy”. I also love “Hypereal” and “Enchanted Propaganda”.

Jvcki: “Enchanted Propaganda” is a great track. (laugh) Eddy created beats for that.

Reiji: Does Eddy create beats and you add melody to them?

Jvcki: Yes.

Reiji: I see. Don’t you create beats yourself?

Jvcki: I started recently.

Reiji: I am looking forward (to listening to them)!

Jvcki: I will let you listen to them later, but I am still no good.

Reiji: I think there is a certain type of coolness that can only be created when you are at such a primitive level.

Jvcki: I will let you listen to them so please let me know what you think!

Reiji: I sure will.


Jvcki「自分の中では一番明るく書いたのがその歌詞なんですよね(笑)。特に”Enchanted Propaganda”は明るいなと思っているんですけれど、みんなはそう思わないようで」

















レイジ「indigo musicに所属して何か変わったことはある?」













--there are many tracks with the lyrics with dark themes.

Jvcki: To me, the lyrics are written about the most cheerful themes I could write about. (laugh) Especially, I think “Enchanted Propaganda” is cheerful, but no one agrees.

Reiji: I think the track itself is cheerful, but I don't understand the language so I don't know what you are saying in it.

Jvcki: There is an English sub.

Reiji: I also have to study English…

Jvcki: (laugh) But I guess it is different from getting this impression that I am a cheerful person when you meet me in real life. We are only seeing each other at this moment, and you are only looking at the superficial side of me so I guess a part of me that are shown in the lyrics is different… Human beings are complex.

--when you write lyrics, do you base emotions such as anger often?

Jvcki; Actually, I don't write lyrics are my emotion flows. I actually have a part of me that is calculating and I am always thinking and moving. So I don't start with my emotions but I always set a goal of what I want to express and work from that by selecting emotions and putting them into lyrics.

Reiji: You are such a pro. But I just know that this person is dark when meeting someone who's really dark.

Jvcki: But isn’t that prejudice?

Reiji: Well, it isn’t quite prejudice, but it’s rather something I feel instinctively before even thinking.

Jvcki: I don't want to be someone who conveys dark energy.

Reiji: Yeah, you have good energy.

--Jvcki has such an amazing choice in words even in an ordinary conversation.

Reiji: She’s really intelligent.

Jvcki: Well, I am a genius. (in Japanese)

Reiji: (laugh)

Jvcki: … I feel shy saying that. (laugh) Do you have any question?

Reiji: Has anything changed since you joined indigo music?

Jvcki: Nothing. But the ways in which others see me have been changing because the environment changed.

Reiji: I see. Actually when we went to Hongdae and had cheese Dak-galbi together, they were playing indigo tracks in the restaurant. To me, that was quite a culture shock. In restaurants in Tokyo, they almost never play recent hip-hop tracks, unless the owner really loves it or something. It made me realize that hip-hop is really widely accepted in Korea.

Jvcki: It’s really common in Korea. I was surprised to hear TVXQ tracks in a Korean BBQ restaurant in Tokyo.

Reiji: I think you actually hear more K-POP songs in Tokyo.

Jvcki: Yeah probably. I was also surprised by the fact that it was such an old song, the song that was popular when I was a kindergartener.

--I dare to ask you, but do you have any Korean artist role model?

Jvcki: Of course not…

--Well, that says all.

Reiji: I know, she has been and she always will be the only one.

Jvcki: (laugh)

Reiji: I really cannot compare you to anyone, in terms of the style and the voice as well.

Jvcki: Ok, I am feeling shy again, do you have any more question?!


Jvcki「1st アルバムを発売した時はまだ20歳になる前だったのでBPMも遅めだったのですが、自分が成人になってからクラブに行って、踊る音楽としては遅すぎるということがわかりました。それがきっかけとなって音楽の方向性が変わったという意識があって、今はどちらかというとクラブでかかってみんなが踊れて楽しくなる曲を目指しています」



















--I think you already have a consistent process of creating music, but do you have any perspective of what you would like to do for lives and performances?

Jvcki: I was still under 20 when I released the first album so the BPM was still slow, but after I turned 20 and started going to clubs, I realized that as dance music, it was too slow. That realization was the beginning of the change in musical direction, so I am trying to create music that can rather be played in clubs and everyone can dance and have fun to.

Reiji: Do you wish to form a band?

Jvcki: I’d like to sing and play drums, teach me.

Reiji: Yeah, I can teach you the drum. It would be super cool to be able to do drum vocal and rap. And what makes you so special is that you can also DJ. By the way, I am going to DJ tonight and I am a little nervous.

Jvcki: Please dance.

Reiji: That, you can count on me. I messaged her earlier that I was a little nervous about the DJ set and she replied saying “you are a professional. You can do it”. (laugh) She knows it!

--It’s great to have someone like Reiji, with whom you connected through music in Japan.

Reiji: Recently in Hongdae, I asked her to DJ as well. But simply speaking, it feels safer to do it with someone who understands each other’s’ vibes.

--Do you think you will ever collaborate with each other?

Reiji: I’d love to make tracks. Oh, also didn't you mention that you wanted to rap in Japanese?

Jvcki: But is my Japanese ok? I think my Japanese is still at a level that is not sufficient enough to write lyrics.

Reiji: Maybe you will be able to do it if you try.

Jvcki: Also Japanese doesn't have many swear words.

Reiji: You can create new swear words. Let’s create bad words. There are many bad words, but they will cause bad influences. But it would probably be fun to create new bad words. I think because you still don't fully understand Japanese, you could create some really original words.

--You have mentioned in the past that you find techno and house fun.

Jvcki; I like electronic music. I like techno and trance the most. In Korea, there isn’t any club that plays trance but there is a trance festival.

Reiji: You have the Pon-chak techno culture in Korea, right. You are from the generation that listened to TVXQ as a kindergartener so you might not have heard much of it, but maybe because of that it sounds really fresh.

Jvcki: I’d love to make my own Pun-chak.

Reiji: Maybe acid Pun-chak or trap Pun-chak. (laugh)

photography Akiko Isobe
text wardaa
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

Jvcki Wai
『Enchanted Propaganda』
Now On Sale
(Indigo Music)


Jvcki Wai
2013年に韓国で開催されたフィメール・ラッパー・コンペティション「GALmighty」にて17歳という年齢で優勝し、現在はラッパーのSwingsが主催するレーベル「Indigo Music」初の女性アーティストとして注目を集める。2018年6月には日本人トラックメイカーPARKGOLFとのコラボレーション楽曲”xaradise”をリリース。luteにて公開されたM/Vが話題を呼んだ。

オカモトショウ(Vo)、オカモトコウキ(G)、ハマ・オカモト(B)、オカモトレイジ(Dr)。2010年5月にアルバム 『10’S』、11月に『オカモトズに夢中』、2011年9月に『欲望』を発売。2013年1月に4thアルバム『OKAMOTO’S』を発売し、7月に は両A面シングル“JOY JOY JOY/告白”を、11月6日にニューシングル“SEXY BODY”をリリース。2014年1月15日に岸田繁(くるり)を迎えた5th アルバム『Let It V』を、8月27日にはRIP SLYME、奥田民生、黒猫チェルシー、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、ROY(THE BAWDIES)らとコラボを果たした5.5 thアルバム『VXV』を発売。2015年9月30日、6thアルバム『OPERA』をリリース。2016年6月1日にNetflixドラマ「火花」の主題歌「BROTHER」を表題曲にしたシングルをリリース。10月29日、東京・日比谷野外大音楽堂公演にてキャリア初の47都道府県ツアーファイナルを敢行。同ツアーからの厳選音源と、ツアー中に書き下ろした新曲「ROCKY」を収録し、ツアーファイナルの映像を全曲収録したBlu-ray付きライヴアルバム『LIVE』を2017年5月31日にリリース。8月2日に7thアルバム『NO MORE MUSIC』をリリース。同年10月7日には中野サンプラザにてキャリア初のホールワンマンの開催を発表し、即完売となる。同月30日より恵比寿リキッドルームを皮切りに全国23か所を回るツアー「OKAMOTO’S TOUR 2017-2018 NO MORE MUSIC」を実施。ファイナルとなるZepp Tokyoも完売となる中、オカモトショウのソロツアーが4月より、鈴木茂x猪野秀史 Special Support with 林立夫&ハマ・オカモトが6月よりスタートし、それぞれ好評を博し終了。11月には東阪ホール公演と、東海エリア限定の対バンツアーを控えている。













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