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Interview with Methyl Ethel about “Triage” /メチル・エチル『トリアージ』インタビュー

NeoL / 2019年2月28日 17時0分

Interview with Methyl Ethel about “Triage” /メチル・エチル『トリアージ』インタビュー


"Next Tame Impala”,some people call them so.Methyl Ethel is the music project that started in Perth,Australia.They’ve already got some domestic music award but this time,they had a contract with and finally finished making their world debut album”Triage”.The record made by inspirations from David Bowie,classical music,and DIY bedroom music through sophisticated band sound and modern production into this third album which can be called “arrival point”.The standard-bearer of psychedelic music――we asked a story from Jake Webb.









――You came to Japan for promotion this time,any other plans?

Jake ”Not really.I was thinking that hang out in Tokyo,Australia is in holiday season so”

――I expected your surprise solo live.

Jake ”Actually I was thinking about that last time I was in here.It didn't become true though.Sometimes I do the electronic music live by my self with sampler.But not this time,because it's holiday haha.I want to learn playing keyboad so buying it is the most important thing of this trip,haha”

――So it’ll become true next time,right?haha.So about new album“Triage”, since it’s recorded by band the sound is multicolored and the electronical arrange is more sophisticated than your past works,I thought.

Jake ”I tried to focus on the constitution this time.I tried to figure out the codes,arrangement more carefully,so I studied about other musicians's works or thought about how to make the sound more crearly for it.But I it is what I’m always trying to do,and I will keep doing,improving the details”

――What were the other musisian’s works,specifically?

Jake ”I don’t know specifically because I had been listening internet radio,there were songs that I don’t know so I’d been listening many kinds of music like classical pops and classical music.Not specifical genre but I sought for what the music catch people’s heart,I guess.And It was found that the simpleness is the most important thing.Sophistication is the core,I think.That is the mysterious charm of music,and that’s why I’m crazy about making music.I’m crazy about the relationship between music and emotion”


Jake「ファースト(『Oh Inhuman Spectacle』2015年)のときは何だろう……トランス状態ともまた違うけど、それに近いような、完全にあっちの世界に行っちゃってる状態で、ただひたすら本能の赴くままに自分の感情をぶちまけるみたいな。セカンド(『Everything Is Forgotten』2017年)のときはその流れを引き継ぎつつも、同時に曲の構成みたいなものを意識するようになった感じで……今回のアルバムではさらにそれを突き詰めているという。なぜそういうことを意識するようになったかというと、ただ純粋に感情の赴くままに曲を書くのも楽しい作業なんだけど、それだとただ自分を繰り返すだけになってしまう気がしてね。自ら努力したり研究したりすることも必要なんじゃないかと。その上で、自分の感情をより的確に捉えて、伝えていった」











――So this time,you focused on the constitution,what about the past works?

Jake ”I don’t know about the 1st album(Oh Inhuman Spectacle,2015)...it wasn’t really in trance but really close to it,I was just be myself and express my emotion directly.In the second album(Everything Is Forgotten,2017),I stayed in same way as 1st but started to focus on the constitution at the same time...the reason why I started to do is,well...being myself and writing songs is really fun thing to do but I thought it’s gonna be just repeating myself.And I thought making effort and studying are also important things.So I saw my emotion more specificly and expressed it”

――Some artists keep making music what they like or makes them feel good,but for you,making music is the new challenge of going through your self?

Jake ”Yes,I’m kind of like that artist.I like new thing,I want to try it.Otherwise,I will be bored of music I think.I like feeling o progress.It doesn’t mean I’m better than other artists,never”

――So on the other hand, some people say Methyl Ethel is “Next Tame Impala"…

Jake ”Oh,no no never and it’s too impudent,...no.I can understand why they say it but...I should stop talking about it,because I don’t want to say weird thing,haha”

――So you can understand their feeling?

Jake ”Ah,yeah,haha”

――Tame Impala and also Kevin Parker,how do you think about the movement of music scene in Australia now?

Jake ”Yeah,I feel the connection between us and the movement,but I think it’s like when you go to foreign country you feel your home town,it’s like that.But I like going to foreign country like Tokyo and meeting new people,that is one of the best part of this job.So I feel the connection to the Australia music scene just because I’m from there”

――Recently Kevin Parker collaborate with pop artists in main stream such as Kanye and Rihanna,do you also have desire or longing for kind of like that works?

Jake ”Yeah,I think collaborating with many artists must be really fun thing,and when I listen to the pop songs that in hit chart,it sounds fun.It means,making kind of like that songs must be fun I guess so I want to have experience of making those songs one day.But, Kevin is special,isn’t he?I think he can go any studio”











――Do you think you get inspired by pop music in main stream?

Jake ”Not only recent music,but I got inspired by any kinds of pop music.I’ve listened pop music from radio since I was kid,I love 90’s pop music that I used to listen,it stuck on my mind.So it gives me influence naturally,I think.Whichever I want to or not”

――According to the press paper,this album got inspired by “Scary monster”by David Bowie?I think your stance that you like challenge is same as David’s.

Jake ”Good point.I admire the artist who always progress.Not every time it makes works better but it’s best atitude that artists have I think.But about Scary Monsters,I was listening that album at that interview...I’m big fan like any other people.I have Japanese version album”

――Where did you buy it?

Jake ”On the internet,haha.I go to record shop a lot though.There are many good record shop in Japan”

――In your comment to this album,you using the quotes from poet by T.S.Eliot.The influence by poet and literature is huge for you?

Jake ”If anything,I just like poet and literature that’s all.I don’t want talk about music or poet,especially poet because it sounds preachy and uncool,I think,haha.But I like reading”

――Do you write poet,not for lyrics?

Jake ”Yes I do,but please keep it secret,haha”











――So,You mentioned that “I tried to organize my emotion in the end”,in same interview.

Jake ”If I explain about it more,I didn’t try to organize my emotion through the making process of this album but making this album made me organize my feeling eventually,it was like that.I’ve making music based on my own expeience....through making this album,I tried to see what is the important thing for me and what should I focus on.I got to know about them though the process”

――So after you finished this album,you must felt greater than any other past works?

Jake ”But I don’t think there is end.I’m pretty much sure that this album is great and this is the work but this isn’t the answer of my life,it’s only one of the part of my life I think.And when something ends,that means the start of something,it’s like cycle”

――So,you already have the image of next work?

Jake ”Yes,but right now,it’s still the idea for music.I usually get idea for the story or lyrics later.I want to sing about bigger thing than myself in nexy work...not like personal expression like this album but more universal and abstract thing.To be honest,I’m bored with talking about myself through past three albums,haha.So I want to talk about not about me,like about train maybe haha”

――So last question.This album title"Triage"means select the order of the treatment for patient depends on their sick level,and it’s medical language,what is the most important thing of your life?

Jake ”Good question.The most important thing of my life is...this question makes me figuring out why I named this album as Triage.This is tough question but I think everyone should keep asking themselves for lifetime.If I answer now,So I don’t think it is the final answer...and this feeling links to this title,Triage”

――I thought you will answer like”My girl friend is the most important thing of my life”,more pop answer,you know...

Jake ”Hahahahaha,you should say that first!"

photography Riku Ikeya
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

Methyl Ethel
(4AD / Beat Records)

Now On Sale

国内盤CD 4AD0114CDJP ¥2,400+税
Apple Music

Methyl Ethel












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