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PR TIMES / 2018年8月17日 15時1分

John StucciをWebBedsの太平洋地域の新社長に任命. Grant SumichとAnthony Rumpelも経営陣に参加. このチームはシドニーを本拠とする予定


当社は、JacTravel、Sunhotels、Lots of Hotels、totalstay、FITRuums ブランドを運営していますが、John Stucciを太平洋地域担当社長に、Grant Sumichを太平洋地域商務担当責任者に、Anthony Rumpelを太平洋地域ホテル仕入マネージャー に任命しました。この3人の上級経営者は、シドニーに本拠を置く予定です。

[画像1: https://prtimes.jp/i/28249/7/resize/d28249-7-179715-0.jpg ]
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WebBeds the Pacific Ocean region with three key appointments to enlarge

John Stucci appointed WebBeds' new president in the Pacific region
Grant Sumich and Anthony Rumpel also join the management team
This team will be headquartered in Sydney

August 13, 2018, Singapore

WebBeds, the world's second largest B2B accommodation provider, has taken a major step forward in expanding the worldwide business by adopting three prominent senior executives leading the business in the Pacific region.

The Company, JacTravel, Sunhotels, Lots of Hotels , totalstay, but operates a FITRuums brand, the John Stucci in the Pacific Ocean region President, the Grant Sumich in the Pacific Ocean region Commercial Managing Director, the Anthony Rumpel Pacific Ocean Area Hotels suppliers I appointed a manager. These three senior executives will be headquartered in Sydney.

[画像2: https://prtimes.jp/i/28249/7/resize/d28249-7-992888-1.jpg ]

John Stucci , president of the Pacific region , joined WebBeds from the GTA, but was at the GTA position as vice president of sales and marketing. John has worked for GTA over a decade and has formed part of the GTA Global Leadership Team since 2012. He has experience in the rich travel industry such as airline company, GDS (comprehensive travel reservation system) business. John, based in Sydney, leads our regional operations and business expansion in the Pacific region and will develop its partnerships throughout the region. He began his work in a new position from July 2018.

[画像3: https://prtimes.jp/i/28249/7/resize/d28249-7-979431-2.jpg ]

Grant Sumich is Pacific Regional Commercial Officer but moved to the Sydney office of WebBeds in May 2018. Prior to that, he was responsible for sales of Rezdy. Rezdy was a booking and distribution system for tours and attractions and also worked for nine years as a sales manager in GTA. This time, Grant leads the WebBeds commercial strategy in the Pacific region, including relationships with suppliers, agents and other partners.

[画像4: https://prtimes.jp/i/28249/7/resize/d28249-7-726442-3.jpg ]

The purchase manager Anthony Rumpe in the Pacific region also joined WebBeds in July 2018. In Australia and Thailand's GTA, he has extensive experience in responding to hotel purchasing responsibilities and recently was in responsibility for global business and technical training.

"It is wonderful to have a chance to join a unique company like WebBeds, which has energy and dynamism of opening, but an organization featuring the world's most reputed global brands We have experience and know-how in Australia, New Zealand and other areas, we can not wait to make WebBeds a dependable partner for travel deals. "

Daryl Lee, CEO (CEO) of WebBeds in the Asia Pacific region, said: "This is a great time for WebBeds, as we added JacTravel and totalstay brands to our existing portfolio of brands in 2017, We are now going to continue the complete sales program. " In addition, Lee says, "It is absolutely essential that we have the right personnel at our company's board of directors to achieve our ambitious growth goals, along with the right products and technology, so we are experienced in this kind of success It is a great news for us and our partners that we have a strong motivated and talented professional. "

Pacific hotel managers including attractions in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, attractions and other travel Suppliers can set up tags with WebBeds Pacific, and you can see how much money you can earn by collaborating on the B2B channel.

Meanwhile, travel agencies in the Pacific region can find many opportunities such as exclusive agency rates, profits, educational opportunities by partnering with WebBeds Pacific.

For more information, please contact us at contact.pacific@fitruums.com.

# # #

Overview of WebBeds:
WebBeds is, Sunhotels, JacTravel and Totalstay (Global and Europe), FIT Ruums (Asia), Lots of Hotels (America, Middle East, Africa), the second largest in the world, which operates a B2B travel business through The accommodation supplier for the travel industry. WebBeds offers over 250,000 hotel choices at nearly 10,000 destinations to traveling partner global networks. Customers can access this huge inventory choice from market-leading reservation websites or APIs, from hotels in the city center's international chain to beach properties not belonging to the chain. The client also has access to 950 destinations mobile services, thousands of tour guided excursions and attraction tickets.

WebBeds also offers customized travel arrangements for groups of all sizes covering leisure, specific interests, education, MICE.

WebBeds is a subsidiary of Webjet Limited (ASX: WEB). Webjet Limited is an ASX 200 listed company that operates a digital travel business with a total turnover of 1.9 billion Australian dollars.

For details, please contact below. David Tarsh, Tarsh Consulting, David @ Tarsh.com, +44 (0) 20 7602 5262.











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