TechinsightJapan / 2015年8月19日 15時49分
Away from her work, Britney is currently busy planning a joint birthday party for her sons Sean and Jayden, who turn 10 and nine next month.
She said: "We love skateboarding so we're probably going to rent out a skate park."
And the two boys - whose father is Britney's ex-husband Kevin Federline - are already showing signs of musical talent.
Britney said: "My kids are DJs. They're both in their rooms DJing 24/7 and making up their own music."
However, they don't include any of the 'Piece of Me' hitmaker's own songs in their sets.
She admitted: "Not yet. They haven't gone there...yet!"
But one person whose music the 'Womanizer' singer would like the boys to include is Taylor Swift.
She gushed: "I love Taylor Swift. I think she's adorable. I love her music. Her music makes me so happy. She's very level-headed. She's a very, very smart girl, very wise."
(TechinsightJapan編集部 ケイ小原)
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