JIJICO / 2017年12月1日 7時30分
オンラインでスクリプトを探したり、公式映画のスクリプトブックを購入したりしましょう。「“(英語で)映画タイトル script”」と検索するとたくさん見つかるはずです。スクリプトブックがあると、映画を見ながらでなくても勉強でき、メモを残したり、辞書を参照しながら理解を深めていくことができるでしょう。
トイ・ストーリー ハリー・ポッター インディ・ジョーンズ バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー Hunger Games James Bond Movies英語学習と映画を楽しんでくださいね。Good luck!
Watching Movies with English subtitles is an enjoyable and interesting way to help improve your English. But you have to choose the right type of film to watch and know how to watch them if you want to improve your English from them.
In this article I am going to give you 7 tips that let you know how movies with subtitles can improve your English and tell you the best way to watch them to do this. I’ll also give you some movie recommendations that are both interesting and good for improving your English.
First you need to decide what part of English do you want to improve-your listening? – Your speaking? -Both perhaps? In this article I am going to concentrate on speaking in this article. If your speaking does improve, then your listening will probably improve too as a side effect.
Secondly you should also decide what countries English to you want to improve- British, American, Australian, or New Zealand English? The following tips can be applied to any countries English but my movie recommendations will focus mostly on US and British movies.
So here we go!
Tip 1.
Choose a movie that you enjoyed, and you have already watched in your own language. This is important as we learn better when we feel interested and when we enjoy the learning. The other reason is you want to concentrate on the language, not the story.
Tip 2.
Choose a movie that is set in the real world (or close to it). What I mean is that the movie should be close to the reality of your world now. Movies that are all action, or set in the future, or the distant past contain language and expressions that we would not normally use as we don’t have those kinds of experiences in our everyday life. One exception is Disney type movies or CG movies like Toy Story that are often set in fantasy worlds. Although these characters are not real, the stories are often very human and close to real life experiences.
Tip 3.
Decide what you are going to study- listening, speaking, or both. If you just want to improve your listening, then watching with English subtitles is enough. If you want to improve your speaking you will have to read out aloud and speak along with the subtitles – so you should choose somewhere private to do this. This is also when you need to decide which type of English accent you want to study, American, British etc. To improve your speaking, you will need to shadow the actors speaking, which means speaking at the same speed and in the same manner as the actor (happy voice, quiet voice etc.) at the same time as they speak in the movie you are watching.
Tip 4.
Break the movie into the scenes- study one scene at a time. When you feel comfortable move onto the next scene. Don’t try and study the whole movie at once, as it is too long and also tiring. Keep your study time to about 40 minutes, then take a break and refresh yourself. This gives your mind time to absorb the new information. Don’t overload your brain! Additionally, this will give you many small opportunities to be successful in your study, as some scenes are quite short, and don’t have many words. So you will be able to achieve small steps and small goals, then you can move along to the next scene.
Tip 5.
Find the script online or buy the official movie script book. To do this type “movies name script” into your search browser you will get a lot of results. This will give you another way to study the language away from the screen, and it allows you to make notes and look up words in the dictionary to help your understanding.
Tip 6.
Make use of technology. Use the slow playback function on your player. This will allow you to slow down the speech and hear each word and match the sound with the subtitle. Then once you can hear each word clearly set the speed back to normal, and you will be amazed when you realize you can now clearly hear everything the actors are saying.
Tip 7.
What movies should you watch? I would recommend movies that are for teens and young adults. This is because the stories are not too complex, the story or language is not offensive, and some of the most successful and enjoyable movies of all time are these kinds of movies. Here are some of my recommendations, which are a mix of British and American English. They are all also movie series so once you have mastered one you can move onto another in the series. You will be surprised at how each kind of movie has its own special language that you will hear over and over again.
Toy Story – Harry Potter – Indiana Jones – Back to the Future – Hunger Games – James Bond Movies
Good luck and enjoy studying English and watching your movies as well.
(グレン ブラウン/ビジネス英語講師)
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