『鵞鳥湖の夜』グイ・ルンメイ インタビュー「将来に対して大きな夢を見ることが叶わない貧困層の若い女性であるアイアイにとって、別の人生に繋がる可能性がある賭けをするか否かという物語なのです」/Interview with Gwei Lun-Mei about “The Wild Goose Lake”
NeoL / 2020年9月21日 17時0分
『鵞鳥湖の夜』グイ・ルンメイ インタビュー「将来に対して大きな夢を見ることが叶わない貧困層の若い女性であるアイアイにとって、別の人生に繋がる可能性がある賭けをするか否かという物語なのです」/Interview with Gwei Lun-Mei about “The Wild Goose Lake”
9月25日、『鵞鳥湖の夜』がいよいよ公開される。『薄氷の殺人』(2014年)で第64回ベルリン国際映画祭で最優秀作品賞の金熊賞と最優秀男優賞の銀熊賞を受賞し、第51回金馬奨の8部門にノミネートされるなど中国のみならず世界で注目を集めるディアオ・イーナン監督の最新作だ。逃亡中のギャングと共に逃げる女性というある種ベーシックなストーリーがディアオ・イーナン監督によってどのようにオリジナリティをもたらせられるのかは本編にて確認して欲しいところだが、中国という国の権力の構図、地方都市のあり方と行き止まりを感じながらそこに暮らす人々の姿は全くの異国の他人事とは思えない部分もあり、監督の視点の鋭さを感じさせる。NeoLでは本作の中心人物であり、地方都市でセックスワーカーとして生活するアイアイを演じたグイ・ルンメイにインタビューを試みた。2012年『GF*BF』で第49回金馬奨と第55回アジア太平洋映画祭の最優秀女優賞を受賞し、『薄氷の殺人』にも出演し、金馬奨最優秀女優賞にノミネートされるなど役者として高い評価を獲得している彼女は、本作をどのように読み解き、演じたのか。(→ in English)
グイ・ルンメイ「両者どちらも大きなリスクがあると思います。 チョウは、自分の死を予見した時、自分にかけられた懸賞金を妻に残そうと考えます。しかしパートナーであるアイアイが信頼できるかどうかの確信が持てません。アイアイの場合、問題はもっと複雑です。そもそもチョウを助けるために動くことは、彼女の人生を危険にさらすことになります。その上に、彼女が下す全ての決定は、彼女がどんな人物か、または彼女がなりたいと願っている人物がどんなものかによるのですからその思惑を読むことは難しいですよね」
グイ・ルンメイ「2014年に『薄氷の殺人』を撮影していたときはまだクルーが少なかったので、意思疎通もしやすく共同作業を行うのも簡単でした。今回はより多くの人々が集まり、より多くが要求される現場。 ディアオ監督は事前にたくさんのプランを立てていたようですが、撮影時にはそこで予測されていなかったディテールにまで厳格な態度で臨んでいましたし、不明瞭な部分にはテイクを重ねました。私は各場面において複数回のやり直しが許されていました。というのも、アイアイの役割は特に難しいもので、これだというテイクができるまでにたくさんの議論があったからです。非常に難しいプロセスでしたね。脚本を読んでいる時に、アイアイという役にはさまざまな可能性があると思いました。私が望むように演じることは間違いないと信じていましたが、私が思うアイアイの物語を演じるためにはバランスをとらなければならなかったので、それがとても難しかった。監督に、私が思うアイアイ像とそれによって生じるパフォーマンスについて同意してもらう必要がありましたが、簡単ではありませんでした」
グイ・ルンメイ「映画が完成するまで、その作品がどう評されるかと考えることはありません。私は映画を、観た人たちを刺激し、現実の生活にアイデアを呼び込むような新しい何かをもたらす芸術と見なしています。それこそがアートの効用ですよね。予測できないような美の可能性が広がったり、『ああ、他の人はこんな風に人生を見ているのか! 知らなかった!』というような気づきを得られたり。だから私は映画やアートに関する様々な意見にオープンでいたいし、思いもしなかった感想を聞いたらワクワクします。他の方も、映画でのより良い体験を得るために同じように寛容でいてほしいなと思います。一方、女優という視点でいうと、私はカンヌ映画祭で初めて全編を観たのですが、それは驚くべき体験でした。脚本の時点で既に明確で鮮明でしたが、物語が視覚されたものを観るのはとても楽しかった。戦いのシーンは私が予想していたものとはまったく異なっていました(笑)。光を効果的に用い、ストーリーを的確に操作するというディアオ監督の強みが存分に発揮され、登場人物を見事に浮き彫りにしていました。とても美しく、独創的だと感じました」
text Baihe Sun
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
9月25日(金)新宿武蔵野館、ヒューマン トラストシネマ有楽町&渋谷ほか公開
出演:フー・ゴー、 グイ・ルンメイ、リャオ・ファン、 レジーナ・ワン
中国/ フランス - 2019
113min / DCP / 1.85:1 / Colour / 5.1 Stéréo 北京語 /フランス語 & 英語字幕
原題:南方車站的聚会 The Wild Goose Lake
ーーThank you for joining us today, Lunmei. As your most recent film “The Wild Goose Lake” is coming to theaters in Japan soon, we are honored to have you here to share your thoughts.
First of all, would tell us about your understanding on the film? What kind of a story do you think it is?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I think the film tells about the story of the adventure of two people who are trapped in a desperate position in life. From the moment the meet, they start a journey of living that is based on the idea of death. It is about salvation. Each of them has to choose what want when facing life and death. I think my character, Aiai Liu, is an underclass young woman who does not dare to dream big about her future. The encounter for them is almost like a bet for her. The questions for her is whether she should take the stakes as it could lead her to a different life.
ーーHow do you see Zenong and Aiai’s roles in this bet on life, both as individuals and partners?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I think they both have great risks to face. Zenong Zhou is trying to make his life count when his death is foreseeable. Though he can not be sure of whether Aiai is trustworthy. For Aiai, the problems are more complicated. Every decision she makes for herself determines who she is, or rather who she wants to be. Also, her life is at risk when she takes on the job to help Zenong.
ーー I do think Aiai as a character has more weight than Zenong from what you have said. The subtle depiction on sisterhood in the film is also intriguing. Even though they are “supposed to be” Zenong’s supporting characters, they make their own life choices. How do you see the female characters in the film?
Gwei Lun-Mei: When working on the film, Director Diao kept reminding me of the core of my character Aiai is that she is honest and pure. Despite the fact that she works in the sex industry, she does not live as the image we have of the stereotypes of sex workers. The quality in her makes it easy for her to see Zenong’s care for his wife. And that ultimately leads to her decision in fulfilling his wish. Although she could have taken the ransom and start a new life. That is why I also think it might bring her grief in making the decision. The encounter of her and Zenong is probably the most romantic experience in her life, and giving up on what she could have kept could be simply cruel for her in the end. That is why I think she is a complicated character as a heroine.
ーー I see. What are the challenges you have had playing Aiai as she is such a complex character?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I was in great hesitation when I was asked to play Aiai’s role. It requires me to learn a different dialect (Lunmei is from Taiwan and Aiai is from Wuhan), and understand what it means to live as an underclass woman. Everything about being Aiai is completely different from my upbringing background. I arrived in Wuhan four months ahead to study my role. I was practicing Wuhan dialect everyday and I went to all those parks where prostitutes go just to understand my role better. I wanted to see how these young women were dealing with their clients. I have read books about them to understand why they took jobs in this industry. I have done everything I could to comprehend Aiai as a real person. I even had a chance to live in an apartment in the village where she is from for a week. It was a very new experience for me.
ーーDid any of these experience make an impact on you as an actress, or as a person?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I changed my mind about young women who work in the sex industry. They were not “filthy” at all, though it is what we have always heard that prostitutes are supposed to be flirtatious and provocative. They were actually just young women who are trying to make a living on their own. They were pure and independent because they have earned every penny by themselves. I could feel that just from observing. That is also what I have discussed with Director Diao in terms of bringing Aiai’s character to life. We wanted her to be just as pure.
ーー How was it like to work with Director Diao as this is not the first time you are collaborating? What were the difficulties you both were dealing with?
Gwei Lun-Mei: When we were filming “Black Coal, Thin Ice” in 2014, we had a smaller crew and it was easier for us to work together effectively. This time we have a larger group of people and it demands more. I feel like Director Diao had done so much planning in advance that in fact he was more strict with us in details when filming. He would ask us to do a second take when he is just unsure about a minor part. He allowed me to try and do more on each scene. Because Aiai’s role is especially hard for me play, we had lots of discussions when filming just to make proper adjustments. I would say it was a difficult process. When reading the script, I thought that Aiai’s role has various possibilities to be performed. It seems like that I can’t be wrong playing the role however I want. That only makes it more difficult because I had to find a balance in between to perform the story I think is hers. Besides, I had to make sure that Director Diao would also agree with me on my understanding and performance. It wasn’t easy.
ーーWas there any specific scene you remember that you and Director Diao had different opinions?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I do remember there was a scene when Aiai was raped and she was walking with Zenong while hiding from the police. I told Director Diao that I think Aiai should feel like crying at that moment. While Director Diao insisted on that I should perform as calm as I could. But later when we were doing the voiceover, Director Diao told me that he agreed with my thoughts on that part. I would always be frank with him when I thought there could be alternative interpretations on the role and we would film several editions and he could choose later when editing. It is collaboration.
ーー What do you think that contributes to the difference of your ideas on the role and your performance?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I think it could be because I am understanding my role coming from a female’s perspective and he is perceiving things as a director. It also has to do with how we were filming. We filmed in the order of the storyline so it was almost like a real time experience for me. It made it natural for me to understand Aiai’s feelings so I could point it out while we were working. While Director Diao had a fine distance with the characters so he could foresee the overall qualities of the role that would make more sense in terms of theatricality. There was no correct answer for us, we were just finding different possibilities.
ーー”The Wild Goose Lake” made its debut at Cannes Film Festival last year and it raised discussions from different voices in high praise. What do you think about the film as a viewer?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I don’t make predictions about the film before it’s done. I think film as art is supposed to bring something new to the audience, in order to stimulate and introduce ideas in reality. I think that is what art’s utility is about. It is bringing the unpredictable possibility of beauty into life from the screen. Or the visuals that would make you go “wow, that’s how others are seeing life, I had no idea.” So I am really open about different opinions on film or art. I would actually be excited when I hear something that I did not think of. I am hoping the audience could be just as openminded to have a better experience of the film, not defining what it is. On the other hand, as an actress, it was the first time I actually saw the whole film when in Cannes. It was a surprising experience for me. Although the script was already clear and vivid, seeing the visualizations of a story I only performed was such a surprising and pleasing experience. Director Diao’s strengths in using light and manipulating the story truly brought out the characters. The fighting scenes turned out to be totally different from what I had predicted. It turned out to be extremely beautiful and I felt that it was very original.
ーー You have done such a challenging job playing Aiai this time. Did it open you up to play any other specific roles in the future? Or would you want to share with us what film is about to you?
Gwei Lun-Mei: I have not thought about it yet but I have been wanting to play something that is historical, maybe drama based on biography. And I have always wanted to play in theaters. I don’t have specific directions, though. I sometimes don’t know whether it is life being found in cinema or cinema coming into life. Or rather if I should go find my part or that it comes to me naturally and I become part of it by playing. It could be coincidences but it happens. Sometimes when I am dealing with troubles in real life and then I get answers in films that I get to play at the same time. I think for me, life and film is inseparable and so I don’t know if I can plan for things to happen either.
ーー Thank you for your genuine answers, Lunmei. Is there anything you want to say to audience in Japan?
Gwei Lun-Mei: Thank you! It is such a regret that I can not make it to Japan and meet with the audience this time because of the special situation as we are living in viral time. I do hope that this film can bring some new experience that can be found exciting to the audience, especially now. And I hope people can enjoy the film, finding hope and courage in it. And I also want to remind everyone to be extra careful when going into theaters!
ーー Thank you, Lunmei! I am sure it will be a great success! Wish you all the best.
Gwei Lun-Mei: Thank you for having me!
text Baihe Sun
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
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