NeoL / 2020年9月30日 22時0分
空間は、アート鑑賞に重要な役割を果たし、作品にまた別の意味を持たせるレイヤーを構築する。場所が異なれば、オーディエンス、ヴィジュアル、作品の姿勢が変わる可能性があるのだ。空間に一歩踏み出すと、何か新しいことに出会えるかもしれない。ロンドンには無数のギャラリーやスペースがある。ナショナル・ギャラリー、テート・モダン、V&A以外にも、アートを楽しめるスペースのいくつかをここに紹介する。(→ in English
House of vans
ウォータールー駅の真下には、5つのトンネルがある。バンクシー・トンネルとしても知られるリーク・ストリートは、ロンドンでグラフィティが許されている唯一のストリート。その同じトンネルの中にHouse of Vansがある。
House of Vansは文化と創造性の坩堝で、これほどに “Vans Off the Wall”の精神にふさわしい場所は他にない。この会場は6つのトンネルを組み合わせたもので、それぞれにスケートパーク、レストラン、劇場、ギャラリーなどさまざまな施設が軒を連ねる。
House of Vans (Arches, 228, 232 Station Approach Rd, London SE1 8SW, United Kingdom)
Temporarily Closed to prevent the spread of Covid-19: https://www.houseofvanslondon.com
Phone: +44 20 7922 1180
Open days: Thursday/Friday (4:00pm-10:00pm)
Saturday (10:00am-8:00pm) Sunday(12:00pm-6:00pm)
Closed days: Monday-Wednesday
180 the Strand
1年を通じて、ファッションのインスタレーション、キャット・ウォーク、ビデオ・エキシビションが展示されている。ヴァージル・アブローやアイ・ウェイウェイなどの著名人の作品を展示。ウェス・アンダーソン監督の『犬ヶ島(犬ヶ島)』のエキシビション・ビデオ、『Strange Days: Memories of the future at The StoreX exhibition video』などの有名な展示も数多くある。
展示スペースのほかに、この建物は、The Vinyl Factory、Dazed Media Group、Charcoal Blue、The Spaces and Fact Magazineなど多くのクリエイティヴ企業のオフィスでもある。
180 the Strand (180 Strand, Temple, London WC2R 1EA, United Kingdom)
Currently no public events: https://180thestrand.com
Open days: Tuesday- Sunday (12:00pm-7:00pm)
Closed days: Monday
Polly Nor exhibition
Protein studios
フレキシブルなこの会場では、多くの型破りな展示会が開催された。ポリー・ノルは以前、このスペースでユニークな展示会を開き、ISSEY MIYAKEもカラフルなインスタレーションを行った。高い天井とギャラリーの開放性は、アーティストに空間の自由を与える。
Protein Studios (31 New Inn Yard, Hackney, London EC2A 3EY, United Kingdom)
Currently no events: https://www.proteinstudios.com
Phone: +44 20 7247 3999
Open days: Monday-Sunday (8:30am-11:00pm)
White Cube Bermondsey
名前の通り、White Cube Bermondseyはミニマリストのギャラリーだ。彼らはスペースへのセンシティヴなアプローチを得意として、コンセプチュアルワークを展示することが多い。それらは建物のミニマルなスタイルと調和を成す。
そこには3種類のスペースがあり、「サウスギャラリー」は大きなメインディスプレイエリア。 「ノースギャラリー」は小さいが、より実験的。注目は「9x9x9」の立方体の空間。
White Cube Bermondseyは、バーモンジーにあるほか、メイソンズヤードと香港にもギャラリーを持っている。
White Cube(144-152, Bermondsey St, Bermondsey, London SE1 3TQ, United Kingdom)
Currently no exhibitions
Advanced booking is required: https://whitecubebookings.as.me/schedule.php
Phone: +44 20 7930 5373
text Maya Lee
Space plays a crucial role in framing art. It adds another layer of meaning to the work. A different location can change the audience, the visuals and the attitude of the work. Take a step out and you may encounter something new.
London is home to a countless number of galleries and spaces. Besides the National Gallery, Tate modern or the V&A, there are many other spaces where you can enjoy art. Here are just a few:
House of vans
Right underneath Waterloo station, is a combination of five tunnels. Leake Street, also known as Banksy tunnel, is the only street where graffiti is tolerated in London. Among the same tunnels is House of Vans.
House of Vans is the manifestation of culture and creativity. There is nowhere more suitable for the “Vans Off the Wall” spirit. This venue is a combination of six tunnels, each equipped with different facilities: skatepark, a restaurant, a theatre and a gallery.
The gallery works closely with infamous local and international artists. They have a space for emerging artists as well. The ambient lighting, the 150-year-old brick walls and the occasional track sounds of the trains above, all add to the experience.
This is a great space to seek creative expression through art, skateboard, street culture, music and fashion. At night or on weekends, House of Vans organizes free movie viewing as well. A perfect place to encounter bricolage of the old and new.
House of Vans (Arches, 228, 232 Station Approach Rd, London SE1 8SW, United Kingdom)
Temporarily Closed to prevent the spread of Covid-19: https://www.houseofvanslondon.com
Phone: +44 20 7922 1180
Open days: Thursday/Friday (4:00pm-10:00pm)
Saturday (10:00am-8:00pm) Sunday(12:00pm-6:00pm)
Closed days: Monday-Wednesday
180 the Strand
A ten-minute walk from the National Gallery is a large modern post-apocalyptic structure. This brutalist office and hotel building was designed by Sir Frederick Gibberd in the 1970s, and only recently transformed into this creative space.
Throughout the year, fashion installations, catwalks and video exhibitions are exhibited in this space. It has showcased works of the biggest names, such as Virgil Abloh and Ai Weiwei. Many of the renown exhibitions were held in this space as well: Strange Days, and Isle of dogs -based on the movie by Wes Anderson.
ーIsle of dogs (犬ヶ島)exhibition video
ーStrange Days: Memories of the future at The StoreX exhibition video
The distinct feature of this venue is its spacious rooms. Although the venue is in a central location, the concrete walls completely shut out the outside life. This quietness and space let the audience to fully dwell into the exhibits. Every exhibition feels like a completely different dimension.
Aside from its exhibition space, the building is also an office to many creative companies such as The Vinyl Factory, Dazed Media Group, Charcoal Blue and The Spaces and Fact magazine.
Why not immerse yourself in an artist’s world.
180 the Strand (180 Strand, Temple, London WC2R 1EA, United Kingdom)
Currently no public events: https://180thestrand.com
Open days: Tuesday- Sunday (12:00pm-7:00pm)
Closed days: Monday
Polly Nor exhibition
Protein studios
Protein Studios is more of an event space. Located Shoreditch, walking distance from Brick Lane, Protein Studio is a prime spot for art. Besides the gallery, it has its own coworking space dedicated to creatives as well.
A number of unconventional exhibitions have been presented in this venue, due to its adaptability. Polly Nor previously had a unique exhibition in this space. Issey Miyake had a colorful installation as well. The high ceiling and openness of the gallery gives space freedom to the artist.
This Warehouse style venue has a large entrance, very approachable space. In contrast to a traditional indoor gallery space, this venue is pretty much outdoors. With some sunlight and fresh air, you may see things differently.
Protein Studios (31 New Inn Yard, Hackney, London EC2A 3EY, United Kingdom)
Currently no events: https://www.proteinstudios.com
Phone: +44 20 7247 3999
Open days: Monday-Sunday (8:30am-11:00pm)
White Cube Bermondsey
Just like its name, the white cube is a minimalist gallery.They have a sensitive approach to space. They tend to work with conceptual work. Which definitely works well with the minimalist style of the building.
With solid white walls and sharp corners, the White Cube is, just like its name, a minimalist gallery. In contrast to other galleries, the White Cube has such a sensitive approach to space.
There are three types of rooms in the White Cube Bermondsey. The 'South galleries' is a large main display area with no columns. 'North Galleries' are smaller but more experimental. Last but not least, the highlight of venue would be the naturally lit '9x9x9' cubic space.
This gallery exhibits both two and three dimensional. The brightly lit rooms give this timeless feel. It is hard to believe that this building was once a warehouse. The beautiful architecture goes hand-in-hand with its sensitive choice of art.
Besides its location in Bermondsey, the White Cube has another gallery in Mason’s Yard and Hong Kong.
Currently the White Cube has numerous online exhibitions available.
Online Exhibitions can be viewed from link here
White Cube(144-152, Bermondsey St, Bermondsey, London SE1 3TQ, United Kingdom)
Currently no exhibitions
Advanced booking is required: https://whitecubebookings.as.me/schedule.php
Phone: +44 20 7930 5373
text Maya Lee
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