「15歳当時の私と似た状況にいる女の子たちが、このアルバムを聴いてパワーを得て、人目に左右されずに自分たちがやりたいことをやっていいんだということに気づいてほしい。間違えてもいいし、叫んだっていいし、自分のしたいことをすればいい」Interview with beabadoobee about “Fake It Flowers”
NeoL / 2020年10月30日 17時0分
「15歳当時の私と似た状況にいる女の子たちが、このアルバムを聴いてパワーを得て、人目に左右されずに自分たちがやりたいことをやっていいんだということに気づいてほしい。間違えてもいいし、叫んだっていいし、自分のしたいことをすればいい」Interview with beabadoobee about “Fake It Flowers”
フィリピンのイロイロ市生まれでロンドン育ちのシンガー・ソングライター、ビーバドゥービーことビー・クリスティがデビュー・アルバム『Fake It Flowers』をリリースした。「15歳の私がそのまま詰まった作品」と20歳の彼女が語る今作は、過去の自分に宛てた手紙のような趣もあるプライベートでパーソナルな一枚。90年代のギター・ロックにインスパイアされたサウンドにのせて、思春期の真っ只中にいた彼女の心に刻まれたほろ苦い記憶が衒いのない言葉で綴られていく。ただしこのアルバムは、かつての彼女のように今も何かを抱える誰かに向けて届けられた作品でもある。「相変わらずの私/相変わらずの私/でも、あなたも同じでしょ?」(“Care”)――昨年行ったメール・インタヴューに続き、今回は電話インタヴューで彼女に話を聞いてみた。(→ in English)
――実は今年の初めにスティーヴン・マルクマスにインタビューする機会があって、ポートランドであなたと会った時の話を楽しそうにしてくれました(※クリスティは昨年、“I Wish I Was Stephen Malkmus”という曲を発表して話題に)。「まだやんちゃだった頃の自分を思い出して親近感が湧く」って。デビューしてわずか2年と少しの間に周りの環境は大きく変わったと思いますが、自分ではこの変化をどのように受け止めていますか。
――『Fake It Flowers』というタイトルはどうやって付けたんですか。
beabadoobee「私がデモを携帯にレコーディングする度に、自動的に“Fake It FLowers”っていうタイトルで保存されていたんです。ボイスメモってロケーションをそのままタイトルにしてるんだと思うんだけど、私がロケーションを変えても、なぜかずっとそのタイトルで保存されていて。“Fake It Flowers”っていうすごく可愛い花屋さんがあるんだけど、最初は多分そのロケーションを拾ったのかもしれない。でもなぜか、家でレコーディングしても家の外でレコーディングしても、必ず“Fake It Flowers”になっていて。“Fake It Flowers”って、皆がそれぞれに自由に解釈できる言葉だなって思ったし、それをアルバムタイトルにすることにしたんです」
――今回のアルバムにインスピレーションを与えた音楽がApple Musicのサイトにプレイリスト(※スマッシング・パンプキンズ、サッカー・マミー、グライムスetc)として公開されています。サウンド面で新たにチャレンジしたことなど教えてください。
――例えば“Charlie Brown”や“Together”では、過去の自傷行為について触れられています。聴いていて痛みを伴うような曲ですが、逆にこうして音楽という形で自らオープンにして誰かと共有することで、その痛みが少しは和らぐといいますか、そうしたセラピー的な意味合いもあなたの中にはあったりするのでしょうか。
――そのために曲を書き始めた? それとも、段々と曲の書き方がそうなっていったのでしょうか。
――例えば、〈Dirty Hit〉のレーベルメイトでもあるThe 1975の マット・ヒーリーは、ドラッグやメンタルヘルスの問題について、作品を通じて、あるいは音楽活動の外においても積極的に意見を発信してきた一人でもあります。あなた自身にとっても、そうした問題はもっとオープンに語られるべきだし、シェアされる必要があると実感するところは大いにあるものですか。
beabadoobee「どんな時でも。前は、曲を書くのは殆どが悲しい時でした。でも今は、いつでも書けるようになったんです。悲しみに限らず何かを感じたら、その気持ちを整理するために曲を書きます。曲を書き始めるのっていつでもどこでもできる。『Fake It Flowers』に関しては、インスピレーションは私の人生でした。これまでの経験、私が聴いてきた音楽、見てきた映画や写真の全て。インスピレーションはどこにでも存在してるもの」
――“Emo Song”では、子供の頃の経験が、その後の人生にどのような影響をもたらすかについて歌われています。仮にもし今の自分が子供の頃の自分に何か言葉をかけてあげられるとしたら、どう語りかけますか。
――そういえば、 88rising が主催したイベント「ASIA RISING FOREVER」での演奏、映像を拝見しましたが素晴らしかったです。「ASIA RISING FOREVER」はアジア系アメリカ人の市民権と人権の推進、そしてすべての人にとって公正で公平な社会を作ることを目的とした使命を持つイベントでしたが、参加を決めた経緯、理由を教えてください。そうした社会的なメッセージを発信するような歌も、自分ができる範囲で歌っていきたい、あるいはそういう活動にも向き合っていきたいという思いも芽生えていたりするのでしょうか。
beabadoobee「出演者がすべて素晴らしいアジア人アーティストだったし、音楽業界におけるこのコミュニティの一員でいたいと思ったから。そして、素晴らしい作品を作っている新しいアジア人のアーティストたちを見てみたいという気持ちもあった。同じ環境から出てきたアーティストたちがそれぞれにどんな音楽を生み出しているかを見れたのはすごくクールでした。社会的なメッセージは、それが自分の人生に関わっていれば今後触れることもあるかもしれない。さっき話したように、私の音楽は自分が感じることを曲にする。それを聴いたリスナーが自分は独りじゃないと思えること、心配しなくても結果上手くいくということを私の音楽から感じてもらえることが私が曲を書く上でのゴールなんです。少なくとも、『Fake It Flower』でのゴールはそれだった。自分自身が書きたい曲を書くというスタンスはこれからも変わらないと思う。私、自分以外のことを考えるのが面倒くさいくらい怠け者なんです(笑)」
beabadoobee「日本に行きたい! まだ行ったことがなくて。日本に行けてないことは、パズルで最後のピースがみつからないフィーリングと似ている(笑)。日本に行って、カラオケに行ったり日本食を食べたり、服をみたり、いろんなことがしたい。楽しめる確信があります。あとやりたいことは、休みをとること。アルバム制作とプロモーションで今すごく疲れてるから、休暇をとってどこかに行きたい。今回のアルバムは、自分自身でも本当に誇りに思えている。すごく頑張ったと思うから、今はゆっくり休みたい(笑)。東京ではものすごいエネルギーが必要だろうから、多分今は行かないほうがいいですね。行く時は、絶対に準備万端な状況で行きたい。会ってみたいのは友達(笑)。最近忙しいのとコロナで全然会えてないから」
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
『Fake It Flowers(ファイク・イット・フラワーズ)』
Now on Sale
(Dirty Hit )
1. Care
2. Worth It
3. Dye It Red
4. Back To Mars
5. Charlie Brown
6. Emo Song
7. Sorry
8. Further Away
9. Horen Sarrison
10. How Was Your Day?
11. Together
12. Yoshimi, Forest, Magdalene
13. First Date (ボーナストラック)
フィリピンのイロイロ市生まれロンドン育ちのビー・クリスティによるソロ・プロジェクト。2017年から本格的に音楽活動を開始し、ティーンエイジャーの持つ不安定さを上手く捉えた楽曲がZ世代の若者を中心に人気を集める。ファースト・トラック「Coffee」が数日で30万回以上ストリーミングされる。2019年には「Loveworm」と「Space Cadet」の2枚のEPをリリースしNMEアワード「Radar Award(新人賞)」を受賞。 BBCが有力新人を選出する名物企画「Sound of 2020」にノミネート、今年に入るとThe 1975のUKアリーナ・ツアーのサポートアクトを務める。Powfu(パウフー)のヒット・シングル「death bed」にフィーチャーされ、米Billboard”Hot Rock & Alternative Songs”チャート1位を獲得、TikTokで41億回、Spotifyで5億回の再生を記録し全世界の配信チャートを席巻している。2020年10月にデビュー・アルバム『Fake It Flowers』をリリースする。
Born in Iloilo City of the Philippines, raised in London, Bea Kristi, beabadoobee released her debut album “Fake It Flowers”. Twenty this year, the album is a personal letter to fifteen-year-old self. With tunes inspired by the 90s guitar and rock, the music captures the bitter youth memories amid her teenage years. The album is for those who are genuinely struggling. In continuation of our interview by mail last year, we were able to interview her through the phone.
-With COVID, there were lots of changes. It might have stressful at times, how have you been?
beabadoobee : Despite how bad COVID is, it was very healthy being with my family and boyfriend. It has been pretty good for my mental health.
-Has the music industry been affected?
beabadoobee : Not really. I was supposed to go on tours but that didn’t happen. It is about finding different alternatives beyond replacing live shows. My band and I have been somethings that interact with the people listening to my music. Writing has not been bad either. I did manage to go away and write a bit with my band as well as released “Fake It Flowers” so I’m pretty good.
-In the start of this year, we had an interview with Stephen Malkmus. He seemed to have enjoyed meeting you in Poland. (Kristi released a song called “I Wish I Was Stephen Malkmus”). Many said the song reminded them of their youth. After two years from the debut, you mentioned that there was a big change in your surroundings. How did you accept this change?
beabadoobee : Yeah, like for the good and the bad. I think it’s me trying to get used to the sudden change and attention. I am never used to this much attention so it’s like always such a trip for me. It’s like as long as I remain myself.
-Do you think you got used to it?
beabadoobee : I don't think I will ever get used to it for the rest of my life. I’m the type of person that does whatever I want and not think about the repercussions or how people would perceive me. Because of this attitude, people's perception of me is always different. As long as I remain grounded and not care what everyone thinks about me, I would be the happiest person alive.
-For this album debt, you mentioned in an interview that your music so personal that you weren’t sure how it would be received. Now that this album is released, do you feel the same? If not, how did you overcome the fear?
beabadoobee : I’m still kind of scared, but now that it’s out in the world and people are listening to my songs. I think all the messages that I have been receiving saying that it helped a lot of individuals and inspired some girls. At the end of the day, that's the reason why I am making music in the first place.
-There is a lot of positive comments about your album. Your voice is heard by various people. I felt that your songs were honest, sensitive yet humorous at times. It genuinely describes the emotions of pain, kindness, regrets and hope. What do you think about this album?
beabadoobee : It’s to my fifteen-year-old self, it’s everything I needed to hear as a teenager growing up. I hope that girls who are like me when I was fifteen can listen to the album and feel empowered and do everything they want. To not care about what people think, and it’s ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to be loud and do whatever you want and learn from your mistakes.
-Which part do you like most?
Its personal, girly, yet nostalgic. There is a song for every mood.
I wanted people to dance with it in their bedrooms. That was the main goal. I enjoyed making it as well.
Where did the title “Fake it Flowers” come from?
beabadoobee : Every time I recorded a demo on my phone, it would automatically save as “Fake it Flowers” for some reason. Voice memos usually save as its location, but it continued to say “Fake it Flowers” despite me moving locations. There is not “Fake it Flowers” near my house, but there is a really cute flower shop called “Fake it Flowers”. I just really like the name because it’s open to interpretation so I chose it for my album title.
-In this album, you included your personal experience and the emotions attached to those times. Each of these emotions is packed into the songs. To make such music, was there anything you were cautious about.
beabadoobee :
Although I was open with everyone’s ideas and people’s opinions. I did want to keep my sounds because it was my debut.
-What are your sounds?
beabadoobee : I want it to be nostalgic. All the music I listened to growing up, my mom used to play like Alines Morissette, I fell into this rabbit hole of amazing female artists at the time. I wanted to pay homage to that.
-The songs that inspired this album are now on Apple Music playlists.
(The Smashing Pumpkins, Soccer Mommy, Grimes). Is there anything you tried in terms of the sounds?
beabadoobee : Well, I did some screamers. That was fun. I always wanted to do the screamers.
-In “Charlie Brown” and “Together”, you discuss self-harm. It is very painful listening to that but openly discussing it in music, reduces the pain. Did you intend it to be a form of therapy?
beabadoobee : Yes, it makes me feel less alone, The more I get off my chest the less baggage I have in my mind. Knowing that people can relate to it and getting messages like, “Oh my god, this is so relatable to what I am going through right now” it makes me feel less alone. It makes it worth singing.
-Is that the reason why you started writing songs? Or did your songs naturally turn out this way?
beabadoobee : I started writing music as a distraction. That was one of the things I used to do to distract myself from feeling sad. Music was always something I put my mind on that was healthy.
-To face one’s pain and dark past, putting them together to make music, What are musicians that you resonate with or you are inspired by?
beabadoobee : There are a lot of artists at the moment that is using music to express themselves. I can see why they do it and I’m pretty sure that's why they do it. Every girl in the music industry is good at doing that I can’t name out anyone. There are so many great female artists in the recent music scene that writes music that way.
-The song “Sorry” was about a friend who ruined their life from drugs. In the song, you are apologizing to that friend for not being able to do anything. Instead of openly expressing your emotions, you took a perspective of someone in both situations. What was the reason you decided to do it that way?
beabadoobee : I had a few phone conversations with her and it inspired me to write this song because I felt bad. It made me reminisce old times. I thought it was important to apologize, and if it was through the song it was the easiest way for me to understand it.
-For example, “Dirty Hit” label mate, The 1975, Matt Healy had mental health and drug problems. Through work and even outside of the music industry, he actively spoke about those issues. Do you think such issues should be more openly spoken about and shared?
beabadoobee : If you feel that you have to speak about something if you want to express yourself, do whatever you want. If you want to talk about this or that, music should let that out for you. We should not be restricted. If you have rules, it makes it harder to express oneself too.
-What sort of music do you want to write? When do you think is the moment bebadoobee creates, or get inspired?
beabadoobee : Any moment. I used to have a thing where I could only work if I was sad. You can write a song at any time of the day. For me specifically, if I feel something or need to get something out of my chest. It is whatever you can write whenever you want. "Fake it Flowers” specifically, was inspired by my life, artists and sounds from that era. I enjoy watching movies. Movies, art, photography inspires me. You can find inspiration in everything if you work hard.
-What type of music or movies do you watch?
beabadoobee : I like to watch chick flicks. I like watching gangster films as well.
-“Emo Song” explains how childhood affects one’s life as an adult. If you were to say something to yourself as a child, what would you say?
beabadoobee : I would tell her that it’s going be ok in the end and I am ok. I feel that my younger self needed hope. And I would want to tell myself it's going to be ok.
-How do you think being a musician changed, taught you?
Also, what have you learned through making this album? Did you rediscover anything about yourself?
beabadoobee : It made me grow up. It happened at a really fast pace and out of nowhere. I learned a lot about myself. There was a lot of things I had to talk about and learned about myself.
-So what is that feeling?
beabadoobee :It’s a secret for now.
-With the release of the debut album, the themes you sing about and the topics you discuss, do you think they are slowly changing?
beabadoobee :I’m always going to change, I’m always going to grow. I don’t know myself.
-88rising hosted an even “ASIA RISING FOREVER”. We saw your performance through video. “ASIA RISING FOREVER” is an Asian American human rights movement, the purpose of the event was to support equality for all people. Why did you decide to perform at this event? What message did you plan to convey through your music? How do you plan to participate in such movements?
It was all filled with amazing Asian artists. I liked how I was a part of this community in the music industry with so many talented people. They were calling for new artists so it was cool meeting new artists. Even from the same place, I grew up from.
As I said before, the main goal for this album was for people to listen to it and understand that it was going to be ok. If you are a girl, it’s ok to be annoying, its ok to be loud. You can do whatever you want to be. The album, Fake it flowers”, was me whining about my problems, that everyone my age has experienced or can relate to. To know that you’re not the only one going through all this.
-Last but not least, what do you want to do, where do you want to go, want to meet the most?
beabadoobee :I want to go to Japan. I feel like if I go to Japan, it’s like a missing puzzle. I think if I went to Japan and experience everything, went to karaoke and ate the food, and experience fashion, it would feel so comfortable. I’d love to go. I want to go on holiday. I guess I’m just really tired. I can tell myself that I worked hard for this album. I need to sleep. I’m so proud of it.
I’m not ready for Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo but I need to prepare myself. I need to be as cool as hell. I would love to meet my friends. I haven’t seen them in a while.
-Thank you!
beabadoobee :Thank you
text Junnosuke Amai
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