「韓国人デザイナーは非常に優れた技術と革新的なアイデアがある。とてもエキサイティングです」I and Fashion Issue : Hyeyeon Jang
NeoL / 2020年11月21日 17時0分
パンデミックで引き起こされた様々な変化を受けて、ファッションも転換期を迎えている。かねてより懸念されていた環境問題に関してのエシカルな動きは加速し、工業的な変化はもちろん、Black Lives Matterなどのムーヴメントからも文化の盗用やフィッシングをはじめとする問題にもさらに目が向けられるようになり、作り手のアイデンティティが強く問われる時代。そんな時代に、オリジナルを生み出すにはどのような思考、プロセスが必要なのか。韓国にルーツを持ち、アートから写真の世界そしてファッションに入り、現在ロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・ファッションでファッション・デザイン・デベロップメントを学ぶHyeyeon Jangに話を聞いた。(→ in English)
Hyeyeon Jang「若い頃はいつもアートに夢中でしたが、大学準備の期間にファインアートとファッションどちらを専攻するかを決めなくてはいけませんでした。当時、ファッションが自分にとって正しいかどうかはわからなかったのですが、ソウル・ファッション・ウィークに行って、ファッションスナップを撮るということを数年間行った後、ファッションを始めることにしたんです。そしてここで、ファッションを通して自らを表現する方法を学びました。私は写真を撮ることからファッションを始めたのです」
ーー1日の始まりに服を選ぶときに、決め手となるのはどんなこと? 例えば天気、音楽、その日目に入った色など。
Hyeyeon Jang「天候にもよると思いますが、天候にそぐわない服を着てしまう傾向があります。普段はその日に着たいアイテムから始めて、それに合わせて着こなしを決めていきます」
Hyeyeon Jang「好きな年代は特にないのですが、Alexander McQueenの作品からは多大なインスパイアを受けています。彼のオーガナイズしたショーは単なる服に関するものではなく、ストーリーテリングなんです。モデルの一人が立っていて、マシーンが彼女の服を描いたショーを覚えています。それは彼がファストファッションに反対していることを示すものでした。彼はファッションが産業になることに反対し、よりアーティスティックなものであるべきだと思っていた。
Hyeyeon Jang「私のプロジェクトを見たら、絵画や彫刻などのアート作品からインスピレーションを得ていることがわかると思います。私のプロジェクトは非常にパーソナルなものであるため、スケッチブックから理解するのは難しい。たくさんの個人的な感情と経験が投入されているんです。
Hyeyeon Jang「私はVan Herpenからもインスパイアされています。彼女のインタビューを見るのが大好きなんです。そのうちの1つでは、彼女にとってフェミニティとは非常に流動的なものであると述べています。流動的だからこそ様々な体型や服に合わせてそれを作り出すことができると。私のコースではメンズウェアとレディスウェアを履修でき、メンズウェアはあまり経験がなかったのですが、様々な体型の一つとしてトライしてみました。
Hyeyeon Jang「私のファッションは自分の感情の状態に大きく関係していると思います。私が当時どのように感じたかを反映しているのです。作品たちは特に個人的な感情にも関係しています。一方で、韓国の文化に触れてみたいという思いもあります。特にアジアでは文化はとても大きな存在で、多くの人が自分たちの文化から生まれた服を作ります。焼き直しになるのが嫌なので別のアプローチをしたいのですが、自分の作品に独自のアプローチで取り入れられる方法がまだ見つかっていません」
Hyeyeon Jang「ファッションはイメージだと思われがちですが、その人が何を研究してインスピレーションを得ているのかを調べてみるとびっくりすると思います。服には、時に多くの知識と情熱が含まれているのです。
Hyeyeon Jang「正直なところ、第一希望のコースではありませんでした。元来は商業またはビジネス中心のプログラムになる予定だったのです。先生はいくつかプログラムを変更しようとしています。
Hyeyeon Jang「K-POPの登場により、韓国のファッションに興味を持つ人が増えています。素晴らしいけれど、K-POPは工場のようだとも感じます。巨大なパブリシティとして機能し、Ader Error、Gentle Monster、Flat Apartmentなど多くの韓国人デザイナーが注目を集めています。
Hyeyeon Jang「両方だと思います。とても感情を入れ込んだので、自分の作品でプロジェクトをオペレートすることができます。しかし、私は自分がどのように見えているかや作品にあまり自信がない。あまり価値がないと感じているから、一生懸命頑張っているんです。途中で立ち止まり、見栄えが悪いとどうなるか心配する傾向があるのですが、そういう性格は作品に対する気持ちを制限してしまっていると思います。
Hyeyeon Jang「どのように作品を制作するかというところに大きく影響しているのはGavinです。私たち二人は目標に向かって猛烈な情熱を注いでいて、自分たちの信念をもってこの業界で成功したいと思っています。お互いにたくさんのモチベーションを得て、インスパイアしあい、制作を続けているのです。LCFでの私のプロジェクトとCSMでの彼のプロジェクト、これらのプロジェクトを“私たち”と呼んでいます」
Hyeyeon Jang「エキシビションやソーシャルメディアもとても大きなものだと思います。小さなヴィンテージブランドがInstagramで商品を販売したりしていますが、彼らには他のフォロワーとコネクトできるフォロワーがついています。そのようにソーシャルメディアはインスピレーションを得るための優れたベースになっていますよね。ファッションデザイナーやエキシビションは、チケットを売る新しい方法を模索しています。賢く使いさえすれば、ソーシャルメディアは素晴らしい場所となります。彼らが毎週古いペインティングを投稿するこのアカウントは展示会のようなものです。2000archiveはUALの卒業生で韓国版の『Vouge』にも取り上げられていました。彼らはヴィンテージから始め、次にコラボレーションを通じてアイテムを販売し始めました。苦労しながらもコレクションを制作している若いデザイナーを見るとやる気が起きます」
Hyeyeon Jang「自分のアイデンティティを発見できているとは思いません。一人のアイデンティティは一つではないと思います。だから人々は面白い。ファッションデザイナーのように、非常に異なるコレクションを持つことができるんです。あなたのアイデンティティと信念は変わる可能性があるし、私のアイデンティティと信念も常に変化していると思います」
Hyeyeon Jang「テクノロジーを使用するデザイナーは、より多くのコラボレーションができます。現在はすべてがインターネット上で行われていますが、パンデミック以前とそれほど変わっていない。以前から、デザイナーやアーティストは、ソーシャルメディアが自分たちの作品を発表する上で大きな役割を果たしていることを十分わかっています。ですから、アティチュードは変わっていませんが、テクノロジーのスキルがある人ならより容易になっていると思います」
Hyeyeon Jang「はい。ファッションをどのように表現できるかについての新しい視点を得ることができます。私のお気に入りの前衛的なデザイナーIris Van Herpenは、作品を販売せず、世界中のエキシビションで稼いでいるのです。オートクチュールもやっています。彼女の収入のほとんどはエキシビションを通じてもたらされます。彼女のエキシビションは素晴らしいと聞いているので、ぜひ行ってみたい。
ファッションショーの後のエキシビションはあなたの作品を表現する新しい方法になると思います。ファッションショーよりも展示会でのソーシャル・ディスタンスの取り方は簡単。また、ファッションを学んでいない人にも新しい視点をもたらすことができます。アートと同じようにファッションをより多くの人が鑑賞できるようになるのです。私たちの作品もその形式で展示されるといいなと思います。Iris Van HerpenとChannelは、特別なデザインを効果的に使用しています。これは非常に重要です。Rick Owensは自分のショップもデザインしています」
Hyeyeon Jing「サステイナビリティがより重要になっています。最初はあまりサステイナビリティに興味がありませんでしたが、様々な素材で生地を作ること自体は常に私の興味の対象。より多くの人々が布地の染色などのよりサステイナブルな代替案を検討している今、そうした情報はソーシャルメディアでも簡単にアクセスできるようになっています」
Hyeyeon Jang「何もしないより一歩踏み出す方がいい。私にとってそれは非常に難しいことでした。最大のステップはファウンデーションの時。最も重要なことは、他の誰かに後押しされてやるのではなく、自分が本当にそのことを考えているのであれば自分で一歩を踏み出すこと。そして踏み出せば何かが生まれてくると信じています。予期しない結果が生じることがありますが、それはすべて体験になります。だから、うまくいかなくても悲しまないで、恐れないでください。何もしないよりはましなのだから」
text Maya Lee
Hyeyeon Jang
Hyeyeon Jing is a second year student at London College of Fashion, Fashion Design and Development (FDD).
-What are the roots of your passion?
Hyeyeon Jang : When I was young I was always into art. Before my foundation year, I was deciding between fine art and fashion. I wasn’t sure back then if fashion was the right thing for me. I used to go to Seoul Fashion Week, and take fashion snaps of people. After doing this for a few years, I decided to go into fashion. This was where I learned how people express themselves through fashion. So I would say I started fashion from taking photos.
-What does your outfit every day depend on? Is it affected by the weather, colours that catch your eye?
Hyeyeon Jang : I do think my outfit depends on the weather but I tend to wear the wrong thing to the weather. I usually start with one item that I want to wear that day, then I dress accordingly to that item.
-What period fashion do you like and why do you like it.
Hyeyeon Jang : I don’t have a period, but I was inspired by Alexander Mcqueen’s work. The shows he organizes is not just about clothes. It is about storytelling. I remember one of the models standing and a machine painted her outfit. It was about how he was against fast fashion. He was against fashion becoming industrial, and it needs a bit more art.
He was one of the first designers to challenge presentation of fashion so my favourite period would be when Alexander Mcqueen was actively producing these collections.
-What is your main source of inspiration? (Art, social media, childhood memories)
Hyeyeon Jang : If you look at my projects, I get my inspiration from art pieces like paintings or sculptures. Its harder to understand from my sketchbook because my projects are very personal to me. I put a lot of personal emotion and experience into it.
My first-year project is about defining "Emptiness". When I was in the foundation, I was very busy, but when my BA started it was much slower. I wanted to express the emptiness I felt during this period. When a person feels empty, there are different ways to fill it, like drinking, or meeting people. So my project was about the emotional emptiness and how people fill those gaps. It's hard to tell from my sketchbook what I am looking at because the themes I work with are so personal to me.
-From your Instagram, I see that a lot of your work relates to the body. The body is very important in fashion, but is there a specific reason?
Hyeyeon Jang : I am inspired by Iris Van Herpen. I love to watch her interviews. In one of them, she says feminity is very fluid to her. She believes that feminity is so fluid and that it can be created through different body types and clothes. My course lets me do menswear and womenswear. I try to experiment with menswear because it’s a path that I wasn’t very experienced in.
I love going to museums. In the British Museum, there is a lot of beautiful sculptures that were once considered beautiful but today, it might not be seen in the same way. it’s so black and white how we see bodies. Like I have clothes that look good on me and some clothes look better on a different body type. If you use that as an advantage, you can make beautiful fluid clothing. Which is why I try to design for different body shapes.
In a part of my “Emptiness” project, we had to go to different museums for inspiration. I chose to go to the British Museum. In there almost all the artefacts aren’t from the UK. Most of the sculptures, that I liked had missing arms or broken faces. Looking at that I felt the same “Emptiness” because these artefacts weren’t in their countries and were missing a part of themselves. Also knocking on a sculpture makes a hollow sound. I worked with my friend in Chelsea who studies Fine arts, to plaster caste her chest. I wanted to use this as a part of a garment but I’m still developing it.
-When you express yourself in fashion, do you have your philosophy?
(For example, incorporate something from your race, wear something sustainable, of express your emotional status)
Hyeyeon Jang : I do think my fashion relates to my emotional status a lot. It reflects how I feel or felt back then. My work especially is related to personal emotions too. On the other hand, I want to try connecting to my South Korean culture. Culture is such a big thing in Asia especially. Many people make clothes from their culture. I think it becomes repetitive so I just want to take a different approach, but I haven’t found a way I could take it in my work.
-What power do you think fashion has?
Hyeyeon Jing : There is a tendency to think that Fashion is about the image but if you look into what the person research and get inspiration from, it blows your mind. An item of clothing can contain so much knowledge and passion.
That’s why I do fashion, It’s really sad because my friends in Korea don’t study fashion so they can’t understand what I am doing. My parents love and support me but they aren’t art people. It's not just about how cool and edgy something looks. It‘s about how much passion, or the time the designer put into. It could come from anything so I think that’s why fashion is so powerful.
-You are studying Fashion design development (FDD). It is a unique subject that prepares you for the industry. Could you talk about your course and how it is different from studying fashion ‘traditionally’?
Hyeyeon Jang : To be honest, when I applied, it wasn’t my first choice. Originally it was a commercial or business-centred program. The new head tutor is trying to make some changes.
In my course, you can do menswear and women’s wear. There are different jobs in the industry, you can be willing to work in fast fashion or big labels like Balenciaga. He understands that we can learn from any place and anyone. My class has twenty students and some students design more commercially while some design more avant-garde. It is an interesting course which the tutors listen to you. They are willing to see what our interests take us, they don’t push their style which is important.
-How do you feel your ‘race’ is represented in the fashion world?
Hyeyeon Jang : With the emergence of K-pop, more people are interested in Korean Fashion. Which I think is amazing but I feel k-pop is similar to a factory. It is great publicity, a lot of Korean designers are getting attention Ader Error, Gentle monster, Flat apartment, there is so many.
I didn’t think I was the type of person to be proud of my culture but it makes me happy. The reason why I chose to study here is that I felt Korea was too commercial. I see these brands stepping away from the commercial side. It gives me hope and it gives other Asians hope that they can start their brand and sell their beliefs and it would work.
Studying heavily is such a part of the culture as well. Usually, for young designers, it would be good designs bad executions. But for these Korean designers, there is a very good technique and innovative ideas. Which makes it so exciting.
-How do you feel that your identity plays a role in making art? Do you feel that it occasionally limits you?
Hyeyeon Jang : I think both. I can operate my projects in my work because I put in so much emotion. But I don’t have much confidence in how I look or my work. I feel that I don’t have much value so I push myself to work hard. I tend to stop in the middle of my work and worry what if it doesn’t look good. I think my personality limits how I feel about my work.
In Korea, we have a saying that we try to be same as everybody else. As soon as you graduate University we compete to be different to get a job or do business. Modesty is very important in Korea. I think that contributes to some extent to this.
-Due to the pandemic, the way fashion is presented is very different. What are ways you continue to make original work?
Hyeyeon Jang : I think a big part of how I produce work is because I have Gavin. We both are very passionate about our goals. We both want to be successful in this industry with our own beliefs. We get a lot of motivation from each other. My project in LCF and his project at CSM, we call those project ‘ours’. We very much feed off each other and keep producing.
-How do you communicate your views on climate change and politics through fashion? and how do you maintain your originality through that?
Hyeyeon Jang : I don’t start it until I genuinely feel like it. Unless I am confident about it and know about it.
-With quarantine and staying at home, many find it harder to be creative. What are ways you get inspiration?
Hyeyeon Jang : Exhibitions, I also think social media is such a big thing, small vintage brands sell items on Instagram. They have followers that can connect with other followers. So social media is a great base to get inspiration. Fashion designers and exhibitions are finding new ways to sell their tickets. Social media is a great place if you use it wisely.
There is this account where they post old paintings every week. It’s like an exhibition. 2000archive is a UAL graduate. They were in Vogue Korea as well. They started by selling vintage then they started selling their items through collaborating. It is motivating to see young designers who are struggling like us but producing collections.
-When are moments that you discover your identity? When is the time you feel that you break out of your own identity?
Hyeyeon Jang : I don’t think I discovered my own identity.
I believe that one person doesn’t have one identity, It makes people interesting. Like a fashion designer can have very different collections. Your identity and beliefs can change. I think my identity and beliefs are constantly changing.
-With the pandemic, do you think ‘collaboration’ between artists/designers has changed?
Hyeyeon Jang : Designers who use technology in their work get more collaboration. Everything is on the internet now. I think it hasn’t changed that much. Even before that designers and artists are aware that social media play a big role in presenting their work. So the attitude has not changed but people who are skilled in technology would find it easier.
I noticed you really enjoy galleries and exhibitions. Would you want your work to be exhibited in an exhibition format as well?
Yes, I think it would bring a new perspective on how fashion can be presented. My favourite avant-garde designer, Iris Van Herpen, she doesn’t sell and she earns from her exhibitions around the world. Her clothes are unsellable and she does couture as well. Most of her income comes through exhibitions. I heard her exhibitions are amazing and I would love to go to one.
I think after fashion shows, fashion exhibitions would be a new way of presenting your work. It’s easier to manage social distancing in exhibitions than a fashion show. Also, it can bring a new perspective to people who don’t study fashion. With that, more people can appreciate fashion in the same way art is appreciated. We would love our work to be exhibited in that format. Iris Van Herpen and Channel use special design effectively which is very important. Rick Owen designs his shops as well.
In an exhibition setting, you feel forced to engage with the work.
-Currently, fashion is experiencing a big transition. As a fashion student in this era, what are your next steps?
Hyeyeon Jang : TakiSustainability became more important. I wasn’t very interested in sustainability at first, but making fabric in with different materials was always my interest. Now that more people are looking into more sustainable alternatives like dyeing fabrics, the information is easily accessible on social media as well.
-What is your advice to someone who is trying to step out of their comfort zone in fashion, to test their limits and take action?
Hyeyeon Jang : Taking one step is better than doing nothing. For me it’s been very hard, My biggest steps were during foundation. The most important thing is that you can’t be pushed by someone else. You have to take that step because you genuinely think that, and believe that something would come out if you take that step. Sometimes when you take a step you might have unexpected outcomes but its all about the experience. So don’t be sad it doesn’t work, don’t be afraid that it might not work. It’s better than doing nothing.
text Maya Lee
Hyeyeon Jang
Hyeyeon Jing is a second year student at London College of Fashion, Fashion Design and Development (FDD).
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