「自分が何らかの形で“multiple”だと感じている人たちに、このアルバムが語りかけてくれることを心から願っています」エミー・ザ・グレイト 『April/月音』 インタビュー/Interview with Emmy the Great about “April/月音”
NeoL / 2020年11月23日 17時0分
「自分が何らかの形で“multiple”だと感じている人たちに、このアルバムが語りかけてくれることを心から願っています」エミー・ザ・グレイト 『April/月音』 インタビュー/Interview with Emmy the Great about “April/月音”
[caption id="attachment_101738" align="alignnone" width="650"] Photograph by ALEX LAKE WWW.TWOSHORTDAYS.COM[/caption]
シンガーソングライターのエミー・ザ・グレイトことエマ・リー=モスが、4年半ぶり4作目となるアルバム『April/月音』をリリースした。イギリス人の父親と中国人の母親の間に香港で誕生したエマは、香港返還を機に12歳でイギリスへ移住。2009年に『First Love』でアルバムデビューを果たすと、UKのアンチフォークシーンを代表する存在として活躍してきた。本作はそんな彼女が数年間のアメリカ生活を経て、生まれ故郷の香港で書いたアルバムだ。レコーディングは2018年にニューヨークで行われたが、一年間の産休を挟んで、ようやく今年リリースされることとなった。2つの母国を持つアーティストが自身のアイデンティティに向き合うことで誕生した新作について、ニューヨークから香港へ移住し、母親になり、そして再びイギリスへと戻ったエマにメールで話を聞いた。(→ in English)
エミー・ザ・グレイト「ニューヨークのミュージシャンたちはとても仕事に熱心で、“大きい”ライブとか“小さい”ライブとかいうことは気にしません。 彼らはただ最高水準で音楽を奏でるだけなんです。ニューヨークでの暮らしからは、より良いアイデアを得るために努力することだけでなく、演奏に対して自由にアプローチすることを教わりました。私はニューヨークが大好きなので、今回の選挙があの美しい街やアメリカという国にリセットするチャンスをもたらしたことを、とてもうれしく思っています」
――アルバムのタイトルを『April/月音』にした理由は? 本作ではどのようなことからインスピレーションを得ましたか?
エミー・ザ・グレイト「ありがとう! あの曲には幼なじみと彼の新しい家族に会うために、バリへ行った時に録音した音源が収録されています。旅の間、私たちはいろんな村をドライブしてまわり、ガムラン奏者が練習する様子を耳にしました。その時に幼なじみが、ガムランの音階は沖縄音階なのだと教えてくれたのです。私はあの旅で家族について深く考えていました。私や友人の親たちが若い頃、ヒッピートレイルの旅で訪れたであろうバリに、今度は私たちが彼の赤ちゃんと一緒に来ているんだな、と考えていました」
――本作を完成した後にお子さんを出産されて、産休を取ったそうですね。数年の時を経て、ようやくこのアルバムをリリースするのはどのようなお気持ちですか? 制作時と今とで作品への思いに変化はありましたか?
――昨年はお子さんを連れてUKツアーをまわったそうですが、いかがでしたか? 母親になったことによって、アーティストとしてクリエイティブな面でどのような影響があると思いますか?
エミー・ザ・グレイト「当時はまだ赤ちゃんだったので大丈夫でしたが、次はじっとしていない時期が終わるまで難しいと思います! 母親であることは、私が本質的に仕事をするように仕向けてくれた気がします。自分の時間がほとんどないのですが、それが生産性の向上に非常に役立っているんです。それに、私という人間や、自分が残りの人生に求めていることを反映した仕事を選ぶようになった気がします。仕事と家庭を両立するのは本当に大変です。でもロックダウンになってからは、プロとして成功したいという願望が以前ほど顕著ではなくなったことに気付きました。娘と一緒に過ごしていれば、いつでも幸せを感じられるんです」
[caption id="attachment_101739" align="alignnone" width="650"]
Photograph by ALEX LAKE WWW.TWOSHORTDAYS.COM[/caption]
――今年は大変な年でしたが、あなたの音楽にとても助けられました。いわゆる“ニューノーマル” とされる状況にはどう対応していますか?
エミー・ザ・グレイト「私の音楽が今、誰かの力になれるなんて、ものすごくうれしいです! 最近は私も音楽を聴くことに本当に救われています。一回目のロックダウンでは、ただただ悲しかったり、すごく疲れたりした時もあって、なぜだかそういう日は世界がもっとカラフルで素晴らしい場所に見えたりしました。そして多くの場合、一番大変な時に大きな喜びがあったんです。あとは、おもちゃの食べ物を手芸で作ったり、バードウォッチングをしたりと、たくさんの変わった趣味を持つようになりました」
エミー・ザ・グレイト「みんな、がんばって! 私たちはきっと乗り越えられるはずです」
text Nao Machida
EMMY THE GREAT(エミー・ザ・グレイト)
『APRIL / 月音(エイプリル / 月音)』
(Big Nothing/Ultra Vibe)
1. Mid-Autumn
2. Writer
3. Dandelions/Liminal
4. Change-E
5. A Window/O'Keefe
6. Okinawa/Ubud
7. Your Hallucinations
8. Mary
9. Hollywood Road
10. Sutra
[caption id="attachment_101738" align="alignnone" width="650"]
Photograph by ALEX LAKE WWW.TWOSHORTDAYS.COM[/caption]
――You wrote this album in Hong Kong in 2017 after living in New York for several years. Why did you decide to write an album there?
Emmy the Great: All my albums have helped me discover something about myself. As I began to think about album four, I realised I needed to tackle the idea of home. I had been planning to go back to the UK, but I found myself needing to check my relationship with Hong Kong, which is so complex and links back to my childhood there.
――What was it like to live in the place where you spent your childhood again after so many years?
It was a lot of psychological drama. At first it was really cool, walking through streets that I hadn’t seen since I was a child, and had been in my subconscious this whole time. It was like walking through a dream. But then when I had a baby, it was very weird to be in the place where I spent my baby years. I kept getting flashbacks.
――How was your experience living in New York? How did it affect you both personally and creatively?
Emmy the Great: New York musicians work so hard and they don’t care about what is a ‘big’ gig or a ‘small’ gig. They just play music to the highest standard. Living in New York taught me to strive for better ideas, but also to be free in my approach to playing. I love it so much and I’m so glad that the election has given that beautiful city, and the whole of America, a chance to reset.
――Having lived in two different cultures I have always had this feeling of having two places you call home so far away from one another. From the very beginning of “Mid-Autumn/月音,” this music made sense for me and felt really soothing. What do you remember the most about writing this album?
Emmy the Great: I really hope this album speaks to people who are ‘multiple’ in some way, whatever that means to you. I have struggled a lot with trying to define myself, and I think while writing this album I was realising that some things don’t have easy answers and it’s OK to just be. That was a really fun way to write songs. Sometimes I’d be like, “Oh I forgot to write a chorus, never mind.”
――Why did you call it “April/月音 (= moon sound)”? What were some of the inspirations that led to this album?
Emmy the Great: I started writing the album in Hong Kong during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I continued writing until January. During this time there were four important moons finishing with a supermoon (and maybe a blue moon?). April in Chinese is the same characters as ‘Four Moons’, and moon sound is a reflection of the intuition that came with surrendering myself to that process.
――“Okinawa/Ubud” is so beautiful both sonically and lyrically. What is the story behind it?
Emmy the Great: Thank you! That song has field recordings from a trip I took to Bali to visit a childhood friend and his new family. During the trip, we drove around villages listening to gamelan players practicing, and he told me about how the gamelan scale is the Okinawa scale. I had a lot of reflections on that trip about family, thinking about how when my friend’s and my parents were young, they’d come to Bali on the hippy trail, and now we were here with his baby.
――You took a maternity leave after recording this album. How do you feel to release it now? Do you feel differently about it in any ways?
Emmy the Great: I tried not to be frustrated about the album being delayed, because the album is very much about letting things be, and I felt that whatever happened would probably be the right thing. It came out this year after a terrible period for Hong Kong and the craziness of the pandemic, and I can’t help but think this is the right time. On a personal level, it meant a lot to me to be able to hear these songs from the recent past and remember an easier time. I also feel quite happy that it came out on John Lennon’s 80th birthday, as I always thought John and Yoko reminded me of my parents.
――I read that you toured with your baby last year. What was it like? How do you think the motherhood would affect you as an artist in the future creatively?
Emmy the Great: It was OK because she was young, but I don’t think I could do it again until she gets out of her ‘wriggling’ stage! I find that motherhood has made me essentialise my work. I get very little time, and that can be quite helpful for productivity. I also feel like I’m choosing work that reflects who I am and what I want from the rest of my life. It can be really hard trying to balance work and family, but since lockdown, I’ve found that my desire to achieve professionally is not as pronounced as it used to be. I just feel happy whenever I spend time with my daughter.
[caption id="attachment_101739" align="alignnone" width="650"]
Photograph by ALEX LAKE WWW.TWOSHORTDAYS.COM[/caption]
――I am very sorry to see so much has been happening in Hong Kong in recent years. What is it like to live in London again after having lived in different cultures.
Emmy the Great: It’s very nice to be in East London, and I feel lucky to be out of the tumult of Hong Kong. It was hard leaving it behind while it was in such turmoil. Because of my complex relationship with the city, I find it easier to be in the UK and dream of Hong Kong, rather than the other way around.
――Your music has been helping me a lot during this difficult time. How have you been dealing with this so-called “new normal”?
Emmy the Great: I’m so, so glad that my music can help right now! It really helps me to listen to music these days too. There were some points in the first lockdown when I was just so sad, and so tired, and on those days the world would sometimes seem more colourful and more amazing. There have been huge moments of joy, often during the most challenging times. I have taken up loads of weird hobbies, like sewing toy food and birdwatching.
――What would you like to do the most when we’d be Covid-free?
Emmy the Great: I just want to go inside a friend’s house and touch all their stuff.
――Do you have any message to your fans in Japan?
Emmy the Great: Hang in there, everyone! We’re going to get through this.
text Nao Machida
- 「自分が何らかの形で“multiple”だと感じている人たちに、このアルバムが語りかけてくれることを心から願っています」エミー・ザ・グレイト 『April/月音』 インタビュー/Interview with Emmy the Great about “April/月音”
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