「自分が抱えている痛みをすべて受け止めてあげることも大事なこと。それが自分を成長させるのだから」Interview with Snail Mail
NeoL / 2022年9月12日 17時0分
「いまの自分をとても誇りに思う」。昨年アルバム『Valentine』をリリースした際、そう話してくれたスネイル・メイルことリンジー・ジョーダン。デビュー作『Lush』で脚光を浴びたのち、メンタル不調に対処するため回復施設で治療を受ける時期を過ごし、そこで書き溜めたアイデアや歌詞を元に制作された10の楽曲。かなわぬ恋や自身のクィアネスについて、あるいはその痛みや怒り、落胆に翻弄される感情の起伏を率直な言葉で歌い上げた『Valentine』は、ジョーダンにとって文字どおり“癒しと再生”を意味し、またミュージシャンとして大きな糧をもたらした作品だった。ジョーダン本人も「スネイル・メイルという本の新たな章のページをめくる作品」と自負する『Valentine』だが、先日にはなんと、A24(『ミッドサマー』、『ムーンライト』)がプロデュースするホラー映画『I Saw the TV Glow』に役者として出演することが発表。さらなる飛躍が期待されるなか、先日出演したフジ・ロックのステージ直後、ジョーダンとの撮影を敢行。後日メールインタビューを行った。(→ in English)
ジョーダン「フジ・ロックは最高だった! 日本に来て街を散策する時間があったのはラッキーだったし、フジ・ロックのお客さんも素晴らしかった! みんな、エネルギッシュで興奮してたし」
ジョーダン「もちろん。アルバムの曲を書いている時は、書いている出来事のほとんどが起こったばかりだったから感情が高ぶっていました。でも自分はもう、2019、2020年の自分とはまったく別人! 自分が過去に感じた気持ちに対しては今でも共鳴できるけど、現時点ではずっと昔のことみたいに感じます」
ジョーダン「プレイステーション4で『Stray』(ストレイ)をたくさんやって、デニス・クーパーの本をたくさん読んでます! あと(テレビドラマの)『セヴェランス』も大好き!」
ジョーダン「自分の音楽の幅を広げるのはワクワクします! 次のアルバムで試したいアイデアがすでにいくつかありますが、それはすべてサプライズにしておきます!」
photography Marisa Suda(https://www.instagram.com/marisatakesokphotos/)
text Junnosuke Amai(https://twitter.com/junnosukeamai)
Snail Mail
(Matador / Beat Records)
Beatink: https://www.beatink.com/products/detail.php?product_id=12100
01. Valentine
02. Ben Franklin
03. Headlock
04. Light Blue
05. Forever (Sailing)
06. Madonna
07. C. Et. Al
08. Glory
09. Automate
10. Mia
11. Adore U (Valentine Demo)*Bonus Track for Japan
――What did you think about Fuji Rock?
Jordan:Fuji Rock was amazing! It was already such a treat to get to spend some time exploring Japan and on top of that the crowd was incredible! They were so energetic and excited.
―― The album " Valentine," which was made last year after you went through some tough times and challenges, was widely acclaimed and generated a great deal of sympathy. I would imagine that it was an album that also meant "Healing and Rebirth" to you.
We had the opportunity to interview you just before you released the album last year. When I asked what you considered important while making the album, you said, "I want to create a place for the various emotions I am going through, and understand them (myself) better." Can you tell us if there were any new realizations that you had through making this album or anything that changed within yourself through making this album?
Jordan:Putting feelings into words always creates a sense of clarity for me, similar to journaling. From “Lush” to this record, I have grown a lot as a musician, a lyricist, a person in general, and as a music fan, which made the process of making 'Valentine' entirely different.
――Are there any songs from the album that make you feel differently now, compared to the time when you were writing the songs, or any songs that give you new or different feelings singing them now, as opposed to when you wrote them?
Jordan:Definitely! My emotions were heightened during the writing process because most of the events I was writing about had just happened. I'm already an entirely different person than I was in 2019/2020! I still resonate with how I was feeling before, but it feels like many moons ago at this point.
――On “Valentine,” you openly wrote about many of the things that you went through since the first album came out. We can understand the dynamics and the narrative of how you came to terms with your pain and sorrow, and by taking care of yourself, you were able to extend that care and tenderness towards other people. And I feel like that’s the part where the listeners can relate to the most about this album. What do you think, when looking back on it?
Jordan:Writing “Valentine” was cathartic for me at an intense time in my life, so I am glad that other people can relate to it in their healing or with whatever they're going through. I like listening to personal music because I love the feeling of being able to relate to another person's experience. It's cool to be able to provide that for people.
―― When we interviewed you last time, you said that going into making “Valentine” felt scary, and it still stresses you when you look back to that time when you started writing this album. Can you tell us some of the things that supported you emotionally, any music or art that helped you and pushed you to write the album?
Jordan:Writing might always scare me because it feels like such a vulnerable extension of myself and putting it out there for people to criticize comes with a lot of pressure. I was able to push through by constantly reminding myself that I do this because I love music and that I am a capable artist and writer. Zooming out also helps me remember that I don't give a fuck what people thing about my work.
――This is something about the future, but can you tell us what you would like to sing about in the future, or anything that you’d like to share with the listeners through your songs in the future, if any?
Jordan:I'm working on stuff slowly, but surely!
――Can you tell us your recent interests, or anything that you’re into or you’re obsessed about lately?
Jordan:I've been playing a lot of Stray on my ps4 and reading a lot of Dennis Cooper! Also loving Severance.
――Any music or musicians that you’re listening to a lot lately? Last year, you told us that you’re also listening to people like Prince, and genres like hip hop, R&B, and jazz.
Jordan: I've been listening to a lot of Water from your eyes and Momma lately. I'm always listening to Elliott Smith.
――"Valentine" was a big leap forward from the first album in terms of sound, including the use of synths, string arrangements, and production. Are there any new approaches or ideas in terms of sound that you’d like to try in the future?
Jordan: I'm always excited to expand musically! I already have some ideas that I want to try on the next record, but I'll keep it all a surprise!
――This is the last question. What kind of advice would you give to your past self who was going through tough times?
Jordan: I would tell myself that everything turns out okay, but that it's important to let yourself feel all of your pain because it is what makes you continue growing as a person.
photography Marisa Suda(https://www.instagram.com/marisatakesokphotos/)
text Junnosuke Amai(https://twitter.com/junnosukeamai)
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