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「愛を見つけるためには、孤独な時間が必要だと思う」Interview with Beth Orton about “Weather Alive”

NeoL / 2023年1月30日 17時0分

「愛を見つけるためには、孤独な時間が必要だと思う」Interview with Beth Orton about “Weather Alive”

ベス・オートンが昨年発表したアルバム『Weather Alive』は、彼女がその30年近いキャリアにおいて初めて自分でプロデュースした作品だった。レコーディングには、彼女の夫であり音楽家のサム・アミドンのほか、トム・スキナーやトム・ハーバートといった現在のジャズ・シーンを牽引する気鋭のミュージシャンが参加している。生楽器とエレクトロニクスが織りなす幽玄でアンビエントな音のレイヤー/テクスチャーが際立ち、瞑想を誘うように美しくも霊妙で実験的な感触をたたえたサウンドスケープ。その奥深い音の響きのなかで、オートンは過去の記憶、愛着と別れ、母性、憧れ、そして不確かな未来について思いを馳せている。「なぜ私は音楽を作るのか、なぜ音楽を作ることが好きなのかをあらためて感じることができた」。そう振り返るオートンの言葉をよそに、途中パンデミックによる影響で中断やスケジュールの変更に見舞われるなど、けっして平坦で順調なものではなかったというその制作過程。しかし、同時に『Weather Alive』はオートンにとって、アーティストとしての自身のアイデンティティを再発見し、それを新たなかたちで捉え直すような経験をもたらしたのではないだろうか、と想像する。
多くのメディアやリスナーの間で2022年を代表するレコードの一枚に選ばれるなど高い評価を受けた『Weather Alive』。年の瀬も迫った昨年12月の下旬、秋から続いたツアーを終えていち段落したオートンに話を聞く機会に恵まれた。

→ in English

――ニュー・アルバム『Weather Alive』を携えてのツアーはいかがでしたか。今回のサウンドをステージで表現する上で重視しているポイント、またこれまでと異なるアプローチがあれば教えてください。


――『Weather Alive』は大きな称賛を集めていて、キャリアのベストに挙げる声も聞かれます。そうした評価や声をあなた自身はどう受け止めていますか。



ベス「もちろん、すごく大きな存在。今回のアルバムは、他の人に聴かせることになるのかさえわからないまま作った作品。親が子供を育てるような感じで作っていて。親は、子供を愛しているから彼らを育てるでしょ? 自分が与えられるベストなものを彼らに与えたいし、彼らがベストになれることを願っている。そんな気持ちを持って作ったのがこの今回のアルバムです」



――『Weather Alive』では、天候や自然、愛情、人間関係、記憶や時間の流れなど、私たちが目の当たりにしたり心の中に抱えていたりする様々な移ろいやすく不確かな感覚について歌われていて、その移ろいやすく不確かな感覚がサウンドでも繊細かつ鮮やかに表現されていると感じました。制作に際してはどんな姿勢で臨まれたのでしょうか。







ベス「あれを聴いた時は、今までこんな美しいものは聴いたことがないってくらい美しいと思った。それくらい衝撃を受けたんです。で、その後またロックダウンがあって、それが開けてから数日間また一緒にレコーディングができるか彼らに尋ねたらOKがでて。だからまた3人で彼らがよく使ってるフィッシュ・ファクトリーっていうスタジオに入って、そのスタジオのエンジニアと一緒にレコーディングしました。その時に私は作っていた曲全てをプレイしたんだけど、最高でも一曲3テイクくらいまでしか録らなかった。本当に直感的で、サラッとしていて、素晴らしかった。みんなのおかげでベストなものをとらえることができたと思う。トム・スキナーが、よく“the first thought is the best thought”(=最初の思いつきが最高の思いつきだ)って言っているだけにね(笑)。トムたちだけじゃなく、今回参加してくれた皆に参加してもらうことになったのは、いい意味ですべて偶然だった。そして、皆と一緒に自然の流れで素晴らしいサウンドが出来上がった。最高で美しい偶然が重なって、アルバムの曲が出来上がっていったんです」


ベス「本当にそう! 今年は特にクレイジーだったと思う。私は、自分自身がジャズ・シーンに属していないこともあって、あのシーンがあそこまで盛り上がっているなんて全然知らなかった(笑)」



――“Fractals”という楽曲もありますが、今回の『Weather Alive』にはそうしたミニマルな美しさや静けさが感じられて、心を静めたり瞑想を誘うような音のテクスチャー、音の響き(アンビエンス)が印象的です。個人的にはブライアン・イーノやファラオ・サンダーズの作品も連想したのですが、こうしたムードやニュアンスを捉えた作品になったのはどうしてでしょうか。










――“Lonely”では、「falling」と「lonely」という言葉が響き合う瞬間が印象的で、「Will you be the ash of a well-tended fire/Will you be the ambush of my desire?」という問いかけも深い印象を残します。この曲へのアプローチについて教えてください。


――“Friday Night ”は、あなたが10代の頃の親友について歌った曲だと聞きました。歌詞からは、痛みや悲しみに寄り添い、癒すこと、セルフケアについて描いた歌という印象を受けましたが、なぜ彼女について書こうと思ったのですか。






――アルバム・タイトルの「Weather Alive」は曲名から取られたものですが、このフレーズをタイトルに選んだのはどうしてですか。

ベス「レーベルのティムが、『Weather Alive』にしたら?ってずっと言ってきたから(笑)。私は『本当にそれでいいと思う?』って確認したんだけど、『思う!』っていうから、じゃあそうしようかなと思ってそれにした(笑)。私って、名前を決めるのが本当に苦手だから(笑)」

text Junnosuke Amai(TW)

BETH ORTON(ベス・オートン)
『WEATHER ALIVE(ウェザー・アライヴ)』
Now On Sale
1. Weather Alive
2. Friday Night
3. Fractals
4. Haunted Satellite
5. Forever Young
6. Lonely
7. Arms Around a Memory
8. Unwritten

Beth Orton
イギリスで最もユニークで魅力的なミュージシャンの一人。The Chemical Brothers、Andrew Weatherall、Red Snapper、William Orbitとの共演を通し、Ortonのサウンドは、フォークトロニカ/トリップ・ホップのパイオニアとして、約30年にわたり変貌をとげてきた。これまでに発表した6枚のアルバムの中で、Ortonはカテゴリー分けを断固として拒否。静寂に包まれたフォーク調のストーリーテリングから、暗く陰鬱で難解な実験主義までを織り交ぜた作品を発表している。このような様々な音の探求を通し、Ortonは幻想的なソングライターであり続け、スタジオの外では、Patti Smith、Nick Cave、Sinead O’Connor、Flaming Lips、Beckといったアーティストとステージやマイクを共にしている。ブリット・アワードを受賞し、マーキュリー・プライズに二度ノミネートされる等、Ortonはあらゆる賞賛を浴びながらも、次に進むために常にあまり人が通らない道を選び続け、予測不能な興味深いバック・カタログを作り上げている。
More info: http://bignothing.net/bethorton.html

――We were really moved and touched by your recent album, “Weather Alive”. You have been touring with this album already but how is it going so far?

Beth : It’s good. It’s a bit like taking a tiny flower but you’ve grown in mud in a very arid world. You have to hold that delicacy while being on stage and amplify this raw place, in a not-so-conducive environment for this music and songs. Yet somehow doing them live has become this celebration. It was such an achievement to make the record. To now, get to play them live, they have become more robust at the end. It is interesting to me, it’s been great.

――This new album has already been highly acclaimed. Everyone is talking about it and have been hearing very good reviews and comments about it. How are you feeling about this?

Beth : I feel good. I mean I think it took everyone by surprise, the fact that it did well. It’s been so beautifully received. For me it’s not just that it got good reviews, it’s the way people speak about the record, it’s very poetic. The way that people spoke about the record, has been so touching to me because, unlike everything that I made, they are hearing what I heard. It’s like I regained my identity as an artist. Of course not just through the response, but the making of the work. To have that work recognized is incredibly meaningful to me.

――So does this album mean something different to you as well?

Beth : Yes, it means a great deal to me because it wasn’t made to be heard at some point. It was made because I needed to. Like you grow up children, you bring children up because you love them. You don’t know any better, you just have to give them the best you have and hope for the best. You throw yourself into it.

――This is your first self-produced album. How was it?

Beth : It was wonderful.

――Was your mentality different this time?

Beth : The pandemic created the situation and created the need. There was no other way of doing it in the end. I think what was so important in the end was to keep the integrity of the song. Even with the amazing musicians playing on the record, every term I had so much beautiful material to work with. Even then you can still lose the song. You could still lose the integrity of the song. What happened was that I was able to edit and work with the music around the songs that I saw fit. I learned there that it was really beautiful. I was able to maintain the kind of spirit and atmosphere. I was able to grow from what some other people brought as well. It was the best of both worlds.

――Through making this album, did you discover anything about yourself? At any point were you surprised about yourself?

Beth : Yes for sure. I surprise myself every step of the way. I surprise myself with the concentration that I had to see it through. Even when there wasn’t anybody to ‘see it through’ beyond my interests and what would happen. I was so curious about the process. I learnt so much. I learnt about my stamina and ability to overcome the voices in my head. To just stay true to the art, work and integrity of it.

――It must be satisfying to feel this way.

Beth : Very.

――What were you expecting from Tom Skinner and Tom Herbert, and what did they bring to the album?

Beth : I know Tom Skinner for sixteen years ago. He is just someone I have always wanted to work with. I did a tour with him when he was in a band and he supported me in 2005. We stayed in touch over the years. We tried on one record but it wasn’t the right time or music. When I was writing these songs they were very spare piano lead, and atmospheric so I just thought he would be an interesting person to reach out now to. So I reached out to him and sent him five tracks. I asked him to do something percussive, not beat or loop necessarily, something that I could chop up or play with. He sent me some beautiful gorgeous percussive parts. “Unwritten” became part of the bedrock of the track. I asked if he would like to do a day with me live, and asked him to suggest a base player. That’s when he suggested Tom Herbert. The three of us went in together to record “Unwritten”. The baseline that Tom did was done in one take. It was just one of the most beautiful things that I have ever heard. It was like having chopped-up stories in the room. It blew my mind. This was midway between the lockdowns and the weeks we were out of the lockdown so I asked if they were available for a couple of days and they did. The three of us went into a studio that they used alot called, Fish Factory. We recorded there with the in-house engineer. I just played all the songs I had and ran through them twice, three times maximum. They were both wonderful to work with, very instinctive, and very quick, they gave the best shot on their first try. So that’s how I came to play with them. Of course, then we went into the next lockdown and I was alone with this incredible palette. The colours that they had brought and I brought in other artists. I found Alabaster DePlume's record. I asked him if he would like to play on the record and sent him two tracks. In many ways, whether it was by accident or chance, somehow I got the best of each musician played on the record.

――Both Tom Skinner, Tom Herbert and Alabaster DePlume currently play a big role in the British Jazz scene.

Beth : Yes, this year is just crazy. They kicked off. I had no idea, I was ignorant of this scene.

――Do you think it is inspiring as well? What are your thoughts on the Modern British Jazz scene?

Beth : I don’t know. I didn’t make this record to tie myself into the Modern British Jazz scene. From my own experience of instinctively reaching out, there are so many beautiful people out there, and there are so many inspired artists coming out of the UK at the moment. But I don’t know if I have any answers to why I reached out to these people. I seem to have unwilling to tap into this energy with this record. For me, I reached out to Tom because instinctively he would be the right person and it was a good choice. I wasn’t aware of what was blowing up.

――They brought energy to your record too.

Beth : I don’t think they just brought the energy, I think the energy came from a lot of places.

――This time your album sounds minimal and beautiful. It felt calming and similar to meditation almost. It reminded us of Brian Eno and Pharoah Sanders's sound ambience. What do you think lead you come up with these sounds?

Beth : I am in quite a meditative place in my life. I spend a lot of time walking. I found that a piano could be a place where I could live in a space of time. I had no sense in this record to try to react or interact with my past. I was just in the space that I was in. It was a very meditative space that has a lot of sorrow and sadness. Recently I had a lot to deal with and find peace with. I’m looking for ways to find peace in my life. What happened was that I came back to music as a place to feel peace. I realized that the real true nature of why I came to be a musician wasn’t to become someone else. It was to become who I am. I think in the writing of this music, my life kind of got involved and that need for peace is deep.

――We thought that the soundtrack was about the landscape of your everyday life.

Beth : Well, I spend a lot of time walking in nature while writing this record, hours of walking. I went back to where I am from in Norfolk. When we moved to London I made sure we lived near this area called Heath and it is huge. It is one of the largest expense of woodland in London. It’s interesting when you live in the country you can’t quite get inside nature. Somehow living right here I could just go sit right inside the trees and immerse myself in nature. I think I’d been longing to do that for a long time.

――There are some sounds of coughing, and the piano in the soundtrack. What were your intentions behind this?

Beth : Well, I left that in because there was a certain point in this record where I just hit a wall. I didn’t feel like I could do it anymore. I was done physically, mentally, and spiritually. I handed it over to Craig Silvey to fix the record. Bless him, he didn’t take anything out. He didn’t change a hair on its head. He left what was there and he loved the creek of the stool and the cough. He loved the rawness of what I gave him but also he brought everything out. To me, it was sort of excruciating to hear his mix because I thought he was supposed to make it tidy and crystal clear. But he turned everything up so it was even more visible and you could hear it even more. It was quite bold. He said what I gave him was beautiful in its own right, and he loved it. You could hear kids running through and dogs barking. There is this life. It’s like those ladies in the olden days where they get pottery. When you listen to the pots, there would have a groove in those pots so they were like a record. So in the Neolithic times from the pots that the women made, you could hear them talking. For me, it’s like this Neolithic tape of life. It’s like you are hearing our lives.

――Dustin O’Halloran was involved as well, how did you meet him?

Beth : Dustin played on my last record. I met him through my friend Lucy Bright who he makes film scores with her. She introduced us, so in my last record, I asked if he could play and he did. For this record, I asked him if he would play, and he did again. I just love ‘A Winged Victory For The Sullen’, I love his music, and I love their music. I’m very moved by the beauty of their music so I reached out again and I was very honoured that he wanted to be involved.

――What was your reason to collaborate with Danni Bennett-Spragg?

Beth : She is Craig’s assistant.

――“Lonely” had a strong impression to us, what is your story behind the song?

Beth : This song is the blueprint for the sound of the record. At one point all the songs were spare and sparse of this song. All the songs have emotional depths of this song. The story is about searching for love results in being more alone. In the end, it’s a song about embracing loneliness. She has a lifelong love for the loneliness in our lives. It’s this constant search of taking away the ‘lonely’ but ultimately at some point, you have to embrace what leaves you lonely. So there is a lot of that in this song.

――Do you think the pandemic has anything to do with this?

Beth : Not at all.

――We heard that “Friday Night” is about one of your best friends. Could you tell us about the song?

Beth : I didn’t write about her. When it came to singing the song I thought about her and it allowed me to sing to her. The song is a love song to Proust. This song is another song about being alone and it is about memory and acceptance. It’s about the unconscious self and an inspired relationship with a dead author who visits. It’s complex but it’s a love song to Proust.

――Where did you get the inspiration for your lyrics this time?

Beth : I think from my conscious. I think I kept digging deep into my unconscious. A lot of it is free association and writing without judging or questioning. It’s about writing what came first, writing those inaudible nonsensical lyrics and making sense of them. My conscious mind seems to take longer to catch up. It starts in a certain place and it gets developed.

――The whole experience of making this album, how would you describe this experience?

Beth : As I said, it is a very deep experience. It is a meditation to acceptance and it’s a long journey to this acceptance. It’s about reforming my identity as an artist and reclaiming what I love about making music. It’s just very meaningful. I don’t think I understand what it all means. So much of the last few years is just about working continuously. Later I will look back and understand what the experience was. At the time it was confusing and out of my depth. Like I felt pretty much out of my depth the entire time. It became something incredibly meaningful, to be honest.

――Were there any differences in your vocal approach or mixing in this album?

Beth : To be honest the vocals were the last thing that got done. The lyrics and the songs were written but actually, it is about performing sometimes, I had to choose the demo. “Fractals” was recorded in my shed with my piano. “Lonely” was recorded at Francine Perry’s, she was my co-engineer. She is wonderful and she recorded “Friday Night” as well. That got recorded in a nicer environment, but other songs like “Lonely” was recorded in the shed. I had to stick with the vocals because re-singing it would mean to undo the work of the music. As I said, at a point I could not go further and perfect it more. It was like a thread, if I pulled one thread ten other threads will come with it. I had to leave that there. It was like a strange puzzle that I had finished and there was no way of redoing certain things cause they were done. To redo it would undo other vital components. That is something I learned when to stop.

――How did you come to this title, “Weather Alive”? and why did you pick this phrase for your album title?

Beth : It was the name of the lead song, the most beloved song on the record. It was Tim from the label who called it “Weather Alive” and I was like really ?! I kind of sat with it for a while and I was like okay, fine. I’m terrible with names anyways. I am really bad at naming things because it feels too definite for me. So the final call was made to him.

――Thank you so much!

Beth : Thank you!

text Junnosuke Amai(TW)












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