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Interview with Arlo Parks about “My Soft Machine”

NeoL / 2023年5月24日 20時30分

Interview with Arlo Parks about “My Soft Machine”

2021年にデビュー・アルバム『Collapsed in Sunbeams』を発表するや否やグラミー賞2部門にノミネート、マーキュリー・プライズとブリット・アワードを受賞したアーロ・パークス。幼少期より綴ってきた詩にビートを乗せたところから始まった音楽活動はビリー・アイリッシュやミシェル・オバマ、マッシヴ・アタック、ゼイディー・スミスら多くのファンを熱狂させるにとどまらず、そのパーソナルな歌詞からユニセフの史上最年少サポーターに選ばれ、イギリスのメンタルヘルス・チャリティであるCALMのアンバサダーも務めるに至っている。そうした大きな環境の変化を経て、ロンドンからLAへ移住したアーロ・パークスは、20代での経験と成長を綴った2nd『My Soft Machine』をリリース(2023年5月26日)。「このレコードは、私のレンズや体を通して、20代半ばの不安、周囲の友人の薬物乱用、初めての恋、PTSD/悲しみ/自己破壊/喜びの取り扱い、驚きと感性で世界を駆け巡ることなど、この特別な体内に閉じ込められている人生を描いたもの」と語る彼女が、改めて本作の制作過程を振り返りながらインタビューに応えてくれた。

→ in English


アーロ「私たちが出会ったのは3年前。私は彼女のアルバム『Stranger in the Alps』が大好きで、特に”Funeral”と” Motion Sickness”にはとても感動したし、なんて美しいんだろうと思っていました。そんな中、(BBC RADIO1の企画として)ロンドンの美しい教会でレディオヘッドの“Fake Plastic Trees “をフィービーと一緒に歌う機会があったんです。ピアノを弾きながら彼女とハーモニーを奏で、その声にすっかり恋に落ちました。グストンベリーやコーチェラでも何回か一緒に歌ったんですが、私たちの声が合わさるとオーガニックな魔法が生まれるような気がしていて。特にメランコリーだったり、ほろ苦い雰囲気のラブソングにはその魔法が強く宿るなって。”Pegasus”は、柔らかな優しさと魔法のような輝きだけでなく、どこか切なさも感じさせますよね。こんなふうに音楽に別次元の深みをもたせるのは彼女以外に浮かびませんでした。つまり、このコラボレーションは私が彼女の長年のファンで、その作品を愛しているというところからスタートしてるんです(笑)」


アーロ「最初はインディー・ロックみたいな曲だったんです。アルバム内の“Dog Rose”にも似た、インストゥルメンタルのような曲。でももう少し柔らかくて広がりのある曲が欲しかったので、フランク・オーシャンの“White Ferrari”のように削ぎ落としていくことにしました。サビの柔らかな優しさや高揚感を表現したかったから、ブレイクやドラムの跳ねる部分を少し加えて、という風にちょっとずつピースが集まってきて。歌詞にしても、一旦離れたりまた何か考えてはエディットしたり、さらにまた手を加えたりしたんですけど、そういう感じで歌詞を書いたのも初めてだったんです。どうしたら愛をうまくカプセルみたいに閉じ込めた曲ができるか考えていました。そうして、ゆっくりと時間をかけてまとまっていったんです。アルバムの中でもお気に入りの曲の一つですね」


アーロ「ポールとの作業はもっと迅速でした。ポールはプロフェッショナルで、ほんの数回試しただけで完璧なものを作り上げることができるんです。5日間で3曲を一緒に作ったんですけど、音楽に身を委ね、その流れのままに作ることができました。そして“Blades”, “Purple Phase” そして“Weightless”とどれも全く異なるテイストの曲が生まれたんです」









―あなたが一番思い入れがある曲は? よければその理由も教えてください。

アーロ「“Puppy”が大好き。この曲は異なるたくさんのジャンルを壁を溶かしてくれるから。この曲の共感を誘うようなエンディングがお気に入りだし、マイ・ブラッディ・ヴァレンタインを彷彿とさせるでしょう? ザラザラと歪んだサウンドと、そこに鳴るジェイムス・ブレイクのようなシンセ。ビートに合わせてかき混ぜていくと、すべてのピースがハマったような気がしました。あの曲を作ったときは確かに魔法がかかっていたと思います」


アーロ「おっしゃるように私はいろんな国の映画を観ることに多くの時間を費やしていて、様々なカルチャーがどのように物語を作っているかということを学んでいたんです。特に写真家、ジャスティン・カーランドやヴォルフガング・ティルマンズのようなユース・カルチャーをドキュメントする人々からね。彼らは率直でニュートラルなドキュメンタリーのスタイルで世界を捉えています。そのようにインディペンデントな、限られた予算の中でどのように物語を構築しているかに強い関心がありました。インディペンデントで活躍する監督のクリエイティヴの旅路を記したものもたくさん読んでいます。 『グッド・ウィル・ハンティング』『マイ・プライベート・アイダホ』の監督であるガス・ヴァン・サントに関する本もその一つ。彼とその作品の写真、スケッチ、セットなどがすべて納めてあって、彼が時間の経過とともにどのようにアーティストとして成長したかを記録したものなんです。そんなヴィジュアルアートの媒体たちとその作り手たちからインスピレーションを受けて今作を手がけました」






アーロ「すごく興奮してます! 日本はアルバムリリース後初のヘッドラインショーになるんです。新しいライヴショーとステージデザイン、そして新しい音楽を初めて味わうのが日本のファンになる。これまで以上にパフォーマンスや音楽との繋がりを感じてるから、ファンのみんなもショーを楽しんでくれるといいな。たくさんのエネルギー、情熱、喜びで満たしたい。みんなと会って、会話を交わして、街を楽しむことをとても楽しみにしてます」

photography Alex Waespi / Clare Gillen
text Ryoko Kuwahara(IG)

Arlo Parks
『My Soft Machine』
2023.5.26 Release
(Big Nothing / Ultra Vibe)
1. Bruiseless
2. Impurities
3. Devotion
4. Blades
5. Purple Phase
6. Weightless
7. Pegasus ft. Phoebe Bridgers
8. Dog Rose
9. Puppy
10. I'm Sorry
11. Room (red wings)
12. Ghost
13. Devotion (acoustic)*
14. Pegasus (acoustic)*
15. Jasmine (Jai Paul cover)*
プロフィール – ARLO PARKS – アーロ・パークス】 
Arlo Parksは2021年1月、デビュー・アルバム『Collapsed in Sunbeams』をリリース。ブリット・アワード「最優秀新人賞」、マーキュリー・プライズ、BBC「Introducing Artist Of The Year」を獲得し、グラミー賞でも「最優秀新人賞」と「最優秀オルタナティブ・ミュージック・アルバム」にノミネート。アルバムは全英チャートでトップ3に入り、AIMアワードの「ベスト・インディペンデント・アルバム」と「UKインディペンデント・ブレイクスルー」を受賞。ほぼ全ての「2021年のベスト・アルバム」リストに含まれ、多くのメディアが絶賛。そのソングライティングはBillie Eilish、Florence Welch、Michelle Obama、Angel Olsen、Phoebe Bridgers、Massive Attack、Zadie Smith等、ミュージシャン、作家、著名人から幅広く支持されている。
Official Site : https://www.arloparksofficial.com/
Label Site : http://bignothing.net/arloparks.html

―Congratulations on your second album! Your song featuring Phoebe Bridgers was released recently. Your overlapping voices are magical and remind us of the euphoria, ephemeral feeling of first love. Could you explain how this collaboration came about and why you decided to do it with her?

Arlo : Of course, we met three years ago. I was a massive fan of her record “Stranger in the Alps”, particularly songs like “Funeral” and “Motion Sickness” which was so moving and gorgeous to me. We sang together, we did a cover of “Fake Plastic Trees” in this beautiful church in London. I was playing piano and harmony with her and I fell completely in love with her voice. We sang a few more times in Gastonbury and Coachella. There was this organic magic when our voices combined. I think she has this ability in melancholy or love songs with bittersweet quality. “Pegasus” has this soft tenderness and wonder but also a sense of sadness. She just seemed the best person to bring another dimension to the music. I have always been a fan. Honestly, it started with me just being a fan and loving her work.

―Could you tell us a bit about “Pegasus”? How was the writing process?

Arlo : It started as indie rock, kind of instrumental underneath it, similar to the song “Dog Rose” on the record. I wanted something slightly more soft and spacious so we stripped down this song like “White Ferrari” by Frank Ocean. I felt that I wanted to convey that soft gentleness and sense of euphoria in the chorus so we added that bit of splashy break, drum moment. It came together piece by piece. Even the lyrics, it was the first time I went away and sat with lyrics to craft something and edit, re-edit. I tried to come up with that encapsulation of love. It came together slowly and over time. It’s one of my favourites on the record.

―You mentioned that the song “Blades” with Paul Epworth was written in a ‘Magic Week’. Did you have a similar week-long process with Pheobe?

Arlo : No, that was a lot quicker. She is a professional. It takes her only a few tries to get something perfect. With Paul, we made three songs in five days. All three of them made the record and were quite different. It was “Blades”, “Purple Phase” and “Weightless”. I think that’s when I felt like it was flowing in the music. It also told me that this record was going to be.

―Every time the music feels different, almost like a kaleidoscope. There are elements of synths distributed throughout the addictive soundtracks. Why did you decide to focus on electronic music for this album?

Arlo : Honestly, electronic music has always been a very big part of my life. When I think about the first records I fell in love with; “Overgrown” by James Blake was a big one for me, I listened to a lot of Joy Orbison, Bicep, a lot of techno music from Berlin and House music from Chicago. There is always something special in my heart about electronic music. I haven’t had the opportunity to explore that fully in my music before. Spending a lot of time in studios that had access to all that analogue equipment, having synths all over the room and having the time to play and experiment. Throwing myself into that, almost like a teenage excitement about music again naturally happened. In doing so a lot of music electronic music blends into the sounds.

―So it’s like an album about love with music.

Arlo : Exactly, I fell in love with music again while making this record. Being able to make these songs in ways I wanted to make but didn’t have the confidence to make. To challenge and surprise myself feels special.

―It’s beautiful to see how confident you became through the experience from your first album. As an artist, it must have given you a lot of confidence.

Arlo : Definitely.

―Did you set out to work with all your collaborators for this album?

Arlo : I did. For this second record, I wanted a wide range of different creative minds, people in quite different pockets of music. For example, Romil from Brockhampton has this hip-hop sample base sensibility and Ariel spent a lot of time working with bands like Haim and Vampire Weekend, CharlieXCX, and MIA. Buddy Ross was a key player in Frank Ocean’s band for ten years. I wanted to combine all these different worlds to create this colourful record. I felt that each collaborator brought together a different part of myself and my tastes. It was fun to have all these different people, they were all kind and had pure love for music. I feel like it added richness to the record because so many different people were involved. They were all tied together for their absolute love for what they do.

―You have always been a colourful, multi-dimensional artist, songwriter and musician. Through working with all these different producers and musicians for this album, do you feel like you discovered a new facet as an artist? Anything you didn’t know about?

Arlo : Yes, definitely. Something I recently discovered through the album-making process was how sensual storytelling is not just in music. The idea of wanting to work on a script or acting, or directly telling. Also the idea of dwelling on more physical expression; woodworking, sculpting and doing something with my hands. That’s something that I want to explore more. As you said there are many different branches to my creative tree. As you gain confidence and work on music, you open yourself up to a million different opportunities for what you might make in the future. It surprises you with many different sides of yourself all the time.

―Which is your favourite song on the album? Is there a particular one you feel especially attached to?

Arlo : I love the song “Puppy” because it kind of melts all these kinds of different worlds. I love the sympathetic end of this song, being quite reminiscent of My Bloody Valentine. Like gritty warped sounds there and the James Blake synth happening there. It's like the way I whirl and mix with the beat, I feel like everything is aligned. There was some magic when we made that song. So that’s my favourite right now, as we speak.

―When we interviewed you for your previous album, you shared with us how the album was deeply rooted to poetry. Besides poetry, this time you focused on building out the visual world. It is interesting to see you being involved in woodwork, how was this overall creative process like?

Arlo : It was a visually inspiring process. I spent a lot of time watching international films. I was dipping into different cultures’ ways of having stories. Especially photography, like Justine Kurland or Wolfgang Tillmans, people who document youth culture. These people have this candid and neutral documentary style of capturing the world. I was especially drawn to independence at the moment particularly, how these people build these stories in the world on a limited budget. Reading a lot about the journey of these directors in film. I have this book on Gus Va Sant, director of “Good Will Hunting” and “My Own Private Idaho”. There are all these photographs of him and his work, sketches, and film sets. The way that he developed as an artist over time. I was inspired by the visual art mediums and also the people who created that work.

―There are some similarities between your video for “Pegasus” and “My Own Private Idaho”.

Arlo : Yes, exactly. That was very much an inspiration. “Paris, Texas” as well.

―Since young you have been putting your life experiences into poetry. You mentioned that this record is “life through your lens, through your body”. Were you conscious about sharing those experiences objectively? If so, how did that awareness affect your music?

Arlo : I always write for myself and I try hard to create this bubble that I am making things. I honestly don’t think that awareness affected me that much. When I am writing I am very much in a space with my friends and my notebook, journals. I feel like I don’t become aware that people listen to it until afterwards when I come out of my studio. I would be like okay, actually, this isn’t quite just for me. But I try and maintain that space when I am making things.

―The tickets to your upcoming performance in Japan were sold out instantly. We genuinely look forward to your concert. Do you have anything you want to say to your eager audience in Japan?

Arlo : Honestly, I am super excited. The Japanese shows are pretty much my first headline shows since the album came out. The Japanese fans will be getting their first taste of the new live shows, new stage design and new music. I feel more connected to the performance and the music than ever so hopefully they will enjoy the show. It will be filled with so much energy, passion and joy. I’m excited to meet everybody out there, have conversations and soak in the city as well.

photography Alex Waespi / Clare Gillen
text Ryoko Kuwahara(IG)












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