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メイ・スティーブンス 来日インタビュー/Interview with Mae Stephens

NeoL / 2023年10月18日 17時0分

メイ・スティーブンス 来日インタビュー/Interview with Mae Stephens

今年初めにシングル「If We Ever Broke Up」をリリースし、その強気なリリックと中毒性の高いサウンドで大きな話題を呼んだUK出身のシンガーソングライター、メイ・スティーブンス。日本でも両手で作るハートを割るユニークなダンスがTikTokで人気を集め、国内の各チャートを席巻した。ほんの一年前にはスーパーで働きながら、ミュージシャンとしての成功を夢見ていたという弱冠20歳の彼女は、一夜にしてグローバルな脚光を浴びる存在に。ここでは、今夏に初来日を果たしたメイにインタビューを行い、これまでの道のりや音楽活動への想いを聞いた。

→ in English

――日本へようこそ! 初来日だそうですが、楽しんでいますか?

メイ・スティーブンス「最高です。移住したいくらい! 引っ越してきてもいいかな? 窓からパスポートを捨てちゃおうかな(笑)」










メイ・スティーブンス「今のマネージャーに出会う前は、父がマネージャーだったんです。“Dadager(Dad + Manager)”と呼ばれていました(笑)。両親は2人とも本当に協力的です。父は私のキーボードをどこへでも運んでくれたし、ライブに連れて行ってくれて、機材も買ってくれました。





――曲作りを始めた頃から、「If We Ever Broke Up」のようなスタイルの曲を作っていたのですか?

メイ・スティーブンス「以前はバラードアーティストだったので、失恋ソングをたくさん作っていました。感情的なトラウマを基に曲を書いていたんです。『If We Ever Broke Up』は、私が初めて書いたファンクソングです。私にとっては完全に新しいジャンルの曲なんです」

――「If We Ever Broke Up」は一度聴くと頭から離れません。どのように誕生した曲なのですか?




メイ・スティーブンス「あの動画で終わりにしようと思っていたんです。私は長い間、TikTokやインスタグラムでいろいろ試していたのですが、何もうまくいかなくて。だから、大晦日に動画をアップして、もしそれがうまくいかなかったら、真新しい年を迎えて今後のことを考えようと思っていました。動画を投稿した後、大晦日だったこともあり、飲みに行ってめちゃくちゃ酔っ払ったんです(笑)。翌朝は頭痛で起きたのですが、携帯が鳴り止まなくて、事故でもあったのかと思いました。そしたら、画面がTikTokの通知でいっぱいで。通知を開いて叫んだ私は、『これ見て!』とボーイフレンドに見せました。ものすごい再生回数だったんです! 彼も叫んで、私は泣きました。

それまで一万回ですら達成したことがなかったので、もしかしたらまだ酔って眠っていて、そのうち目が覚めるのかも…と思いました(笑)。新年の初めにこんなことが起こるなんて衝撃的で、2日ほどは誰にも話せなかったくらいです。今年は人生で最高の日々を過ごしています。6ヶ月の間に人生がひっくり返ってしまいました。クレイジーです(笑)。レーベルと契約して、出版契約も結んで、海外に行けるようになって…。グラストンベリーに出演したなんて、信じられません! 人生で最も奇妙で、最も素晴らしい一年を過ごしています。絶対に何も変えたくありません」



――「If We Ever Broke Up」は日本でも大人気で、TikTokにはダンス動画がたくさん投稿されました。遠く離れた日本で自分の音楽が受け入れられた気分は?



メイ・スティーブンス「私は常に音楽は人生のサウンドトラックだと思っています。映画だって、無音で観たらつまらないでしょ? 私の人生のすべての思い出には曲があるんです。私はみんなにそういった思い出を与えられる人になりたい。音楽を通して、記憶をよみがえらせることができるようになりたいんです。


photography Marisa Suda(https://www.instagram.com/marisatakesokphotos/)
text nao machida

「If We Ever Broke Up」


「Use Somebody(Amazon Music Original)」


2003年3月23日生まれのシンガー・ソングライター。イングランドのノーサンプトンシャーにあるケタリング出身。自身の音楽性はフレディ・マーキュリーやシグリッドといったアーティストから影響を受けていると公言している。2020年3月にデビュー・シングル「I Want You To Be Here」、そして翌4月に「Devil Eyes」の2曲を本名のAnna Mae Kelly名義で2か月連続自主リリースし、アーティスト活動を本格的に開始。2022年12月にTikTokに公開した「If We Ever Broke Up」のデモがバイラルし、2023年2月10日にメジャー・デビュー・シングルとして「If We Ever Broke Up」を正式にリリース。同曲はメジャー・デビュー・シングルにして瞬く間に全英シングル・チャートTOP20入りを果たすほどの成功を収める。アーティスト活動に専念する前は、イギリスのスーパーマーケットのアズダで働いていた。

――Welcome to Japan! I heard this is your first time here. How do you like it?

Mae Stephens: I love it. I want to move here! Can I just live here? Or just throw my passport out the window? [laughs] 

――We would like to start asking you a bit about your background. Growing up in England, when did you start playing music?

Mae Stephens: We have this heirloom piano that's about 110 years old. It's been passed down through generations in my family, and it got passed to me when I was 12. But from I think it was about four years old, I would sit on the piano and just play. I never learned how to read music, but I just listened to something and then tried to figure it out. I did that all the way up until 12 years old. Then I decided I was going to write my first song, and I wrote a song about a mother wolf and her cubs. And I went downstairs, I played it to my parents. They were like, "Okay, I think this is what you're good at."

――You started so young. That’s amazing. What motivated you to write songs?

Mae Stephens: I had a really rough time in school. I was bullied quite badly for almost everything about me and music almost became quite a therapy for me. Like I'd come home I had a really bad day and I'd go and play. For example, on my 13th birthday, I got bullied so mercilessly because it was my birthday. And I came home and played for six hours straight. So it became therapy, and then that turned into a reliance. I just I relied on that to make my day so much better. From that grew a passion to write and it almost turned from playing into writing and releasing all my energy into lyrics and songs.

――How did you learn songwriting?

Mae Stephens: I didn't want to take piano lessons because I spent so many years learning it myself that I was worried that it might take away from some of the stuff I taught myself. So I taught myself how to also create home demos, so I can record my songs. I taught myself guitar. I spent a long time looking at other songwriters and what they did and the tools they used. It was like an obsession. I'd come home and I'd go straight onto YouTube and look up how to write about this. It was like a little girl to a Barbie that was me to songwriting.

――When did you decide that this is what you want to do with your life?

Mae Stephens: I grew such a passion for it that when I left school, I kind of went to college. I knew I wanted to be the musician or at least as far as I could get in the industry. And my dad spent eight years learning everything you could about the industry, analytics, social media, everything to try and help me. He's really supportive and he's lived every moment with me. He's cheering me on from the sidelines now. He's done his job and now he's hung his hat with the label.

――So he started this journey with you.

Mae Stephens: He was my manager before I met my manager now. We called him "Dadager" [laughs.] Both of my parents are really, really supportive. My dad carried my keyboard everywhere, took me to gigs, paid for my equipment.

――What kind of music did you grew up listening to?

Mae Stephens: Absolutely everything!

――Who inspired you the most?

Mae Stephens: As a kid, every family member had different styles. I was brought up mainly around classical music from my grandparents. But then my mum loves rock and my dad was into trance and electro pop, R&B, Jazz... I was brought up on such a broad spectrum of music that I learned to take inspiration from everything around me. But if we're talking like idolizing, it's probably Freddie Mercury. Either him or I was brought up around the period where Adele was on every billboard, so definitely, I think Adele as well. They are my two big ones.

――When you started writing music, was it always the same style as "If We Ever Broke Up"?

Mae Stephens: I was a ballad artist before, so I wrote a lot of heartbreak music. It was based on emotional trauma. "If We Ever Broke Up" was the first funk song I ever wrote. This is a completely new genre of music for me.

――Once you listen to “If We Ever Broke Up,” you can’t get it out of your head! How did you make that song?

Mae Stephens: It was based off a real experience. I had a very terrible boyfriend. He just wasn't a good person, but I was quite scared to leave him for a while, you know, I was intimidated. I eventually plucked up the courage to leave him, and he was very, very harsh and very horrible during that situation, especially to me. He'd make comments about everything, he got friends to turn against me and all of this stuff. And during the time we were together, he'd commented on my body size on the phone. He was like, “We need to take you to the gym and get you skinnier.” And the song was a way of me releasing that and forgetting it and moving on and healing, kind of like how I did as a kid. And it's basically all the things I wanted to do when I was with him.

It's also about me healing as well with my self-confidence, and reminding people that when you come out of a relationship, especially one like that, you don't want to feel deflated. You don't want to feel like you've lost the battle. You want to feel empowered that you pulled yourself out of that situation.

――I read that you posted that song on TikTok on New Year's Eve, and when you woke up the next morning it went viral? What was your initial reaction like?

Mae Stephens: It was the last video I was going to do. I've done TikTok for so long. I tried and played doing stuff on Instagram, nothing works. So I was just going to post it on New Year's Eve and if it didn't work, I had a brand new year to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I posted the video and then in retaliation, because it was New Year's Eve, I went to go get very, very, very drunk [laughs.] I woke up the next morning with a headache, and I just I opened my phone because it was dinging. And I was like, either something's happened, like there's been an accident. I had no idea. I picked up my phone, and there were all of these TikTok notifications. And I opened it and screamed, and I turned to my boyfriend like “Look at this!!!” It was just like 11 billion! And he screamed and I started crying.

Because I don't ever have like 10,000 views. I thought I was going to wake up from a coma, I thought maybe I was still drunk dreaming [laughs.] There was a couple of days where I just couldn't speak to anyone, because I was so in shock that this had happened at the beginning of a brand-new year. And this year so far has been the greatest year of my life. My entire life is turned upside down in six months. It's insane [laughs.] And to be able to have signed to a label and a publishing deal, being able to travel to countries… I played Glastonbury for goodness sake! It's been the weirdest year of my life, but the best year of my life as well. I wouldn't change it for the world.

――Your dad must have been thrilled.

Mae Stephens: Oh my goodness. I opened for Anne Marie a couple of weeks ago and it was a massive crowd, a huge stage. We were doing a soundcheck and I was playing a song I wrote about my mental health as a kid and my imposter syndrome and all the stuff I went through. It's a really emotional song. And my mum and dad were on the field checking the sound, and I saw my dad fall to his knees. He started crying. It's been his dream for me to stand on the stage like that. And to watch my dad like fall over and start crying, which he never does, it was like, one of the moments of my life. There are so many moments this year that I can't forget but that one. That was a really emotional day. I think he's really proud.

――Your song is very popular here in Japan as well. Many people post a little dance clip on TikTok. How do you feel that your music is accepted all the way across the globe?

Mae Stephens: The moment I found out it was popular in Japan, I did scream. I never expected it to get that far. Maybe you know, a couple of countries like Germany, Sweden, maybe France, but for it to branch out this far across the globe is absolutely insane. I'm really, really thankful.

――A lot of your fans here are empowered and inspired by you already. How would you like to evolve as an artist in the future?

Mae Stephens: I've always found that music is the soundtrack to people's lives. Like if you watch a movie with the sound off, it's never as good, right? I feel like every memory I've ever had in my life has had a song. And I'm the kind of person that wants to give people those memories and allow them to remember them through music.

I want to bring out the weird kids as well. I mean, I was a weird kid. I was someone who was taken aback for everything. So I support people who are a little bit rough around the edges, and the kids who aspire to be musicians, actors, artists, because it's chasing an impossible dream, but it's still a dream that's achievable.

photography Marisa Suda(https://www.instagram.com/marisatakesokphotos/)
text nao machida












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