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カオスと官能性をもたらす作品と選曲で今最も注目されるイギリス拠点のDJ、プロデューサーMANUKA HONEY初来日インタビュー

NeoL / 2024年5月20日 17時0分

カオスと官能性をもたらす作品と選曲で今最も注目されるイギリス拠点のDJ、プロデューサーMANUKA HONEY初来日インタビュー

アメリカで生まれロンドンへ移り住みラテンアメリカやカリブ海のダンスサウンドが持つエネルギーを先鋭的に取り入れた独創的な作品のリリースを手がける側ら、DJとしてRinse FM、英BBC Radio 1のレジデンシーを務め世界各地に活動の場を広げているDJ、プロデューサー、マルチ・アーティスト、そしてプロの占星術師でもあるMarissa MalikことMANUKA HONEYが渋谷のMID NIGHT EASTに待望の初来日を果たす。東京で独自のスタイルを表現し続けるMars89、MAYUDEPTH、TEI TEIと共演する(https://www.neol.jp/music-2/127931/)。そんな来日前の彼女にインタビューを敢行した。

→ in English

ープロダクションワークをはじめ様々なストリーミングやラジオショウでDJ MIXを聴いていて日本でのプレイを熱望していました。あなたが音楽で表現するストーリーを生で体験できるのがとても嬉しいです。
日本に来るのは今回が初めてでしょうか? 日本で行ってみたい場所や体験したいことはありますか?

Marissa「日本に行くのは今回が初めてです! なんて言っていいかわからないくらいワクワクしてます。日本のGOTH-TRADは私が若い頃一番好きなエレクトロニックアーティストの一人だった(今も大好き)。私のテイストは彼のサウンドにものすごく影響を受けていて、彼のパーティーBack To Chillに行きたいとずっと思っていました。和食も大好きでよく食べに行っています。本物の”旨味”を味わうのが待ちきれないし、色んな新しい食べ物や飲み物にも挑戦したい。あとはポケモンセンターに行ったり(イーブイコレクターなんです)、東京の街の賑やかな雰囲気を体感したり、GR8みたいな革新的なショップに行くのもとても楽しみ」

ー音楽を表現するに当たってはどんなカルチャーから影響を受けていますか? あなたのバックグラウンドにある占星術は音楽の表現にどのように作用しているのかも聞きたいです。

Marissa「 私のセットやプロダクションからも分かるように、私はディープでダークな低域の周波数に大きな影響を受けています。


Marissa「SUZIOは、ロンドン拠点のヴォーカリストBaby Cocadaと私の子どものような存在。私は長い間、ロンドンでパーティーをやって、ラテンアメリカのルーツを持つ人たちのためのコミュニティを作りたいと思っていたんですが(特に、ラテンアメリカのサウンドがアンダーグラウンドでますます人気になっている今だからこそ)、自分一人でやるとか、自分が中心になりたいわけではなくて。SUZIOは、今もこれからも、決して私だけのものではありません。アーティストが自分自身を純粋に表現するためのプラットフォームを提供し、繋がりや知識を共有するための場所です。ラテンアメリカとの繋がりを持つ人たちによる膨大なサウンドを讃えながら、みんながセクシーで官能的で、互いに調和していると感じられる空間を作ることを大事にしています。
立ち上げてから3年近く経つけど、私たちはしっかりその考えを実践していて、そのことを誇りに思っています。Kelman Duranのようなレジェンドから、Isabella Lovestoryみたいなペレオ・ポップのアイコンまでを呼んできたSUZIOの存在感は、とてもいい感じに大きくなってきていますね」

ー今年リリースされたばかりの“3Eternities Beneath You”には「3Eは、憧れ、セックス、そして時間の停止によって起こる無限の瞬間を中心に展開するクラブと音の儀式のための魔法」と記されています。このEPを制作するに至った背景ついてもう少し詳しく聞かせてもらえますか?


[caption id="attachment_127990" align="alignnone" width="650"]

Processed with VSCO with fs16 preset[/caption]


Marissa「 私がNatoxieのトラックを1曲もプレイしないセットはないと思います。いつか彼のプレイを見てみたい!」

ーこれまでプレイしてきて印象に残っている場所はどこですか? またはこれからプレイしてみたい、旅してみたい場所があったら教えてください。


Interviewer MAYUDEPTH(https://www.instagram.com/mayudepth/)
Translator Tomoko Naoshima(https://www.instagram.com/moccorin/)

Manuka Honey
Collaborated with NeoL magazine
先鋭的な作品と選曲で注目されるDJ/プロデューサーManuka Honeyが初来日! NeoL企画のポップアップも!




会場:MIDNIGHT EAST (Spotify O-EAST 3F ⇄ Azumaya )


ZAIKO: https://midnighteast.zaiko.io/e/manukahoney-20240607
※ 20歳未満の方や、写真付身分証明書をお持ちでない方のご入場はお断りさせて頂いております。ご来場の際は、必ず写真付身分証明書をお持ち下さいます様、宜しくお願い致します。尚、サンダル類でのご入場はお断りさせていただきます。予めご了承下さい。
※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.

=Spotify O-EAST 3F=
Manuka Honey  https://www.instagram.com/mariimals
Mars89  https://www.instagram.com/Mars89.unlimited/
MAYUDEPTH  https://www.instagram.com/mayudepth/
TEI TEI  https://www.instagram.com/teitei08056/

BASiRiNO  https://www.instagram.com/basi.rino/
DIV⭐︎  https://www.instagram.com/sexrifice/
Elena Midori  https://www.instagram.com/elena_midori_/
MELEETIME  https://www.instagram.com/meleetime/
Sonia Lagoon https://www.instagram.com/sonialagoon/

=NeoL Lounge=
DENSE (FASHION)  https://www.instagram.com/dense_tokyo/
Yuna (NAIL)  https://www.instagram.com/yuna.sucre/
Erika (2WEEKS TATTOO)   https://www.instagram.com/erika__tzui______/

Flyer design by Mars89

Manuka Honey
カオスとセンシュアリティ、そして恍惚とした動きを自身の作品と選曲に吹き込むManuka Honeyは、クラブミュージックにおいて最も魅力的な周縁で活動している。DJ、プロデューサー、マルチ・アーティスト、そしてプロの占星術師でもあるMarissa Malikは、アメリカで生まれ育った後にロンドンへ移り住んだ。彼女はダンスフロアの複雑な魔力に駆り立てられ、クンビアやデンボウのほか実験的なサウンドを好んで取り入れる。

Malikの最新作「3Eternities Beneath You」は彼女史上最高にマジカルであり、サイケデリックでギザついたシンセサイザー、弾むベース、ガタつくパーカッションが満載の、Manuka Honeyの夢の世界へと誘う月明かりに照らされたイントロダクションのような作品だ。しかし、彼女の気迫と情熱に満ちたパフォーマンスは、生で体験すべきものだ。彼女はベネズエラのターレオやマルティニーク島のシャッタのようなディアスポラから生まれたキネティックなサウンドに、嵐のようなインダストリアルな圧力を吹きかける。

ーAfter listening to your productions and DJ mixes on various streaming and radio shows, I have been eagerly waiting for you to play in Japan. I’m so stoked to experience the stories you’ll tell with music in person.
So, is it going to be your first visit to Japan? Are there any places you’d like to visit or experience over here?

Marissa : Yes, it’s my first time in Japan! Words really can’t describe how excited I am to visit. Growing up, Japan’s very own Goth-Trad was (and still is) one of my favourite electronic artists. His sound influenced my taste so much. I’ve always wanted to go to one of his “Back To Chill” parties. Japanese cuisine is one of my go-to’s and all time favourites. I can’t wait to eat authentic Umami flavours, and expose myself to all sorts of new foods/drinks. I’m also really looking forward to going to the Pokémon HQ (I’m an Eevee collector), experiencing the general atmosphere of Tokyo’s bustling streets, and going to innovative shops like GR8.

ーWhich culture are you influenced by when you express your music?
And how does your background in astrology affect your music expression?

Marissa : As is evident in my sets and productions, I’m very influenced by deep and dark bass frequencies. This sonic pallet really ties together the sounds from specific cultures that I explore and enjoy curating into my sets. Whether it’s shatta from Martinqiue, corridos from Mexico, RKT from Argentina or dembow from DR, I’m always looking for new evolutions of exciting sounds from across the world that fit into the energy of the stories I tell.

I think being an astrologer and generally spiritual person ties me to music in a very deep way. Knowing the power of when a sound was first made and released, how vibrations influence our mindsets, and the ritual way that sound brings people together from across the world is something I’m hyper-conscious of. Having a spiritual and astrological practice for me means that it translates into everything I do, and helps me to move through the world with gratitude and intention.

ーTell us the concept of SUZIO night, which you curate in London.

Marissa :SUZIO is the lovechild of London based vocalist Baby Cocada and I. I wanted to throw a party in London and create a community for people of Latin American heritage for a long time (especially at a time where the sound of LatAm is increasingly gaining popularity in the underground) but didn’t want to do it on my own no centre myself in it. SUZIO is and was never meant to just be about me; it’s about connectivity and sharing knowledge, platforming artists to express themselves authentically. It’s about making a space for people to feel sexy, sensual and in tune with one another while celebrating the immense range of sounds that people connected to LatAm have to offer. Almost 3 years since its inception, we’re really doing that and I’m so proud. From legendary artists like Kelman Duran to perreo-pop icons like Isabella Lovestory; SUZIO’s presence is growing so beautifully.

ー“3E is a conjuring for the club and sonic ritual that revolves around yearning, sex, and moments of the infinite which occur through a suspension of time.” - this is what you stated in the press text of your latest release ‘3Eternities Beneath You’.
Could you tell us a bit more about the story behind this EP. What brought you to make it?

Marissa : This EP feels like a mirror to my soul, so putting it out in the world has been beautifully terrifying. I wanted to make something genre-bending that spoke to the infinite.
Music allows us to suspend time, and so does sex. The way we conceive of time in the west is also such a farce; in indigenous Peruvian societies (and many others) time is circular and we are so much more connected to our ancestors via this format. We know this as “Aymara time”. It warps life into a totally new framework: an innovation and an homage. This record is really about me meditating on suspending time, the eternal, sex, and how we create this in the club. Through stretched and warped synths with grating edges, deep bass, and swirling percussion that pans through your ears I convey these feelings.

[caption id="attachment_127990" align="alignnone" width="650"]

Processed with VSCO with fs16 preset[/caption]

ーAs a DJ, who’s your favourite producer you often play, or influenced by?

Marissa : I don’t think a single set of mine goes by without me playing at least one track from Natoxie. I really hope I get to see him play one day!

ーIs there any place in particular you have played before and left a big impression on you?
Where would you like to play, or travel to in the future?

Marissa : I often think about when I played in HALL in Tallin, Estonia. It’s a place I didn’t know much about, and honestly never expected to visit in my lifetime. The people were so lovely and excited for my set. That genuine curiosity for sounds that are so far removed from the norm of their own community really gave me respect and joy, and reminded me of the power that music has to connect us to one another. One place I’m really itching to travel back to and play is Mexico City.

Interviewer MAYUDEPTH(https://www.instagram.com/mayudepth/)
Translator Tomoko Naoshima(https://www.instagram.com/moccorin/)

Manuka Honey
Collaborated with NeoL magazine


venue:MIDNIGHT EAST (Spotify O-EAST 3F ⇄ Azumaya )
2-14-8 Dogenzaka Shibuya-ku Tokyo

Entrance fee:

Ticket now on sale
ZAIKO: https://midnighteast.zaiko.io/e/manukahoney-20240607

※ Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.

=Spotify O-EAST 3F=
Manuka Honey  https://www.instagram.com/mariimals
Mars89  https://www.instagram.com/Mars89.unlimited/
MAYUDEPTH  https://www.instagram.com/mayudepth/
TEI TEI  https://www.instagram.com/teitei08056/

BASiRiNO  https://www.instagram.com/basi.rino/
DIV⭐︎  https://www.instagram.com/sexrifice/
Elena Midori  https://www.instagram.com/elena_midori_/
MELEETIME  https://www.instagram.com/meleetime/
Sonia Lagoon https://www.instagram.com/sonialagoon/

=NeoL Lounge=
DENSE (FASHION)  https://www.instagram.com/dense_tokyo/
Yuna (NAIL)  https://www.instagram.com/yuna.sucre/
Erika (2WEEKS TATTOO)   https://www.instagram.com/erika__tzui______/

Flyer design by Mars89

Manuka Honey will make her Japan debut atMIDNIGHT EAST on Friday, 7th June.
The London-based artist and a professional astrologer Manuka Honey released her first EP on Mexican label NAAFI in 2021, and since then she has been releasing cutting-edge music that harness the energy of Latin-American (where she has her roots) and Caribbean dance sounds such as reggaeton and cumbia. In 2023, she toured across Europe, the US and Asia, in addition to appearances at Boiler Room and Keep Hush. This year, she got featured on RA Podcast in January and released her latest single '3Eternities Beneath You' on Club Romantico in March, making her an ever-increasing presence to keep an eye on. Manuka Honey is now one of the hottest names in the game and she will be playing at Spotify O-EAST 3F this time.
She will be joined by MAYUDEPTH, who contributed a new track for the LA label Acid Camp's 10th anniversary compilation in April this year, and Mars89, who has just launched his own label Nocturnal Technology. Also TEI TEI from Beijing, the force behind the psytrance-and-techno-rave-inspired party Denki Bodhisattva, has been confirmed.
MELEETIME, the organiser of the queer party FETCH, curated the line-up for Azumaya, that includes another four up-and-coming acts: BASiRiNO, DIV☆, Elena Midori and Sonia Lagoon.
For this special night, we will collaborate with NeoL, an online magazine from Tokyo that publishes articles on fashion, art and culture, selected from a unique perspective. There will be “NeoL Lounge” where you can check out POP-UP store of DENSE, a popular select shop of vintage/archive clothing from all over the world, nail art by Yuna, and 2weeks tattoo booth by Erika.

Manuka Honey
Bringing chaos, sensuality and ecstatic motion to her productions and selections, Manuka Honey circles club music's most compelling fringes. A DJ, producer, multi-disciplinary artist and professional astrologer, Marissa Malik was born and raised in the US before she relocated to London, and has animated by the complex alchemy of the dancefloor, and as likely to reference experimental sounds as she is cumbia or dembow.

Malik's latest EP '3Eternities Beneath You' is the most magical example of her mode so far, which is a moonlit introduction to Manuka Honey's dreamworld, brimming with psychedelic, serrated synths, bouncy bass and rattling percussion. But her spirited, passionate performances have to be experienced in person. She spritzes kinetic sounds from the diaspora - like Venezuelan turreo and shatta from Martinique - with stormy, industrial pressure.












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