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Valerie Phillips 『Another Girl Another Planet』Interview

NeoL / 2016年11月28日 20時0分

Valerie Phillips 『Another Girl Another Planet』Interview

Valerie Phillips 『Another Girl Another Planet』Interview

音楽とスケートボードに熱狂したティーンネイジャーだったヴァレリー・フィリップスは、PJ HarveyやManic Street Preachersらとのコラボレーションを経て、アイコニックな女性たちの内面を映した写真を発表。いまやロンドン、NY、東京など世界を駆け巡るフォトグラファーとして注目を集めている。自由、衝動、熱気、ユーモアーーシエナ・ミラーやアルヴィダ・バイストロム、サラ・カミングスらの一瞬の表情を切り取った写真集『Another Girl Another Planet』について話を聞いた。


Valerie「写真を撮り始めたのはずっと前。多分90年代始めね。90年代半ばにはPJ HarveyやManic Street Preachersといったミュージシャンと一緒にコラボし始めた。でも、結果的にもっと自分自身のパーソナルな作品により興味を持つようになった。1999年だったか2000年頃、『I Want to be an Astronaut』という初の自分の作品を出版したわ。それが私の人生を変えたの。自分のパーソナルな作品、本を作ったり、ジンを作ったり、スクリーンプリントをやったりというのが私のキャリアの中で一番の核なんだと気づいた。今までとは違う方向性に進むようになって、音楽を止めた。何人か、私が大好きなシンガーやバンドとコラボはしたけど、よりファッションの写真を撮るようになったわ」












Valerie「名前とか詩、タイトルって大好きなの。ある意味、私のプロジェクトの中で一番大切な部分とも言えるわね。私にとっては、プロジェクトを定義するものだから。アイデアは色々なところで思いつくわ。『Another Girl Another Planet』はお気に入りの曲から取ったのよ。イギリスのポストパンク・バンド、The Only Onesの曲の一つ。多分70年代後半から80年代初めのバンドなんだけど、彼らの曲の中に、”Another Girl Another Planet"っていう美しい曲があって、まるで他の惑星から来たみたいに見える私の本の女の子達にピッタリだと思ったの。皆、素敵で変わってるから。バスに乗って窓の外を見ながら、ふと思いついたのがこのタイトルだった」


Valerie「ニューヨークにあるお店からインスパイアされているわ。小さなインディーのお店で、Printed Matterっていうんだけど、アートブックやジン、自費出版の本なんかを販売しているの。結構有名なお店だから、知ってる人もいるかもしれない。若い時、私はよくそのお店に行って、”このクールで風変わりな品揃えは何なの!?"って思ってた。それを理解出来るほど私は充分にクールではなかったけど、素晴らしいことはわかったし、すごく興奮したわ。その一部になりたいって思ったのよね。私は常に、Alexander Calderとか、Rovert Rauschenberg、Joseph Cornell、Dante Gabriel Rossettiみたいに沢山の種類のアーティストが好きだし、全く違うタイプのアーティスト達が大好きなの。だからある意味、私は写真よりもアートにインスパイアされていると言えるわ。アーティスト・ブック、ジン、パンク、スケート、DIYカルチャー、そして音楽もそうね」




Valerie「これまでの中で一番のお気に入りはHarmony Korineの本で、『The Bad Son』。でも、選ぶのは難しいわね。アメリカの写真家のSally Manも好きだから。あと、Hiromixも大好きなの」


Valerie「『Mushpit』というインディペンデント・マガジンがお気に入り。本当に変わってて、面白いのよ。前は『The Face』も好きだったわ。『i-D』や『Vice』、他にも色々良い雑誌はあるわよね。あまりハイファッションの雑誌は好きじゃないの。だって、パーソナリティがないんだもの。洗練されすぎているわ。存在してても構わないとは思うけど、私のスタイルではないのよね」







ーーでは、『Another Girl, Another Planet』のコンセプトは?

Valerie「私のお気に入りの写真ってこと。そして私のお気に入りの女の子達。一番古い写真は2000年代に撮ったものだと思うけど、ほとんどの写真は6~7年の間に撮られたもの。PJ HarveyやFlorence and the Machineといった有名人もいるけど、私が世界中で出会った全く無名の女の子たちもいるわ。色々な女の子たちのミックスなの。でも、全員に同じアプローチをしたわ。この作品は、様々なガールズの世界への招待状よ。私にとって、この作品は本当にハッピーでポジティヴ。そして風変わりでエキサイティングでミステリアスなの。それがテーマだったわ」




















photo Valerie Phillips
interview & text Ryoko Kuwahara



——Can you introduce yourself? How and when did you start taking pictures?

Valerie : I started talking pictures really long time ago. Probably in the early 90's. And I started working with musicians such as PJ Harvey and Manic Street Preachers.That was probably mid-90's. I eventually got more interested in my own personal work. So in 1999 or 2000..I can't remember, I put out my first book which is called "I Want to be an Astronaut". That kind of changed my life because I realized that my personal work and making books and zines and screen prints all that were really main focus on my career. So it was the different direction. I stopped doing the music. I just did like a few singers or bands that I really loved, and I started doing more fashion.

——Did you learn photography at school?

Valerie : No. I studied on my own.

——Wow. Were you in a band when you were younger?

Valerie : I was like a skateboarder. Haha. I loved music as well but I wasn't very good. I played the guitar very badly. I wish I was in a band but no. (laughs)

——Were you taking pictures when you were in high school?

Valerie : No. Not really. In high school, I was really interested in skateboarding, and just going out and seeing band every night in New York like all the time. Just music and skateboarding. I didn't really find photography until that later on. My dad kinda taught me when I was younger, but i just did it for fun. I didn't really know that was… I just wanted to do something would be interesting and fun, like travel or not have a real job. (laughs)

——When did you get into taking photos?

Valerie : I'm not really sure. I don't remember because it kinda happened naturally, very organically. Because I loved music so much, I would like to use my camera to get into clubs for free. Haha. That's kinda how it happened. And then, once that stopped being as much fun, I needed to find something that was artistically satisfying for me and my photography. So just not bands but my goal was to document interesting people.


——Your pictures are really beautiful and strong like music. It's also a little bit dark.

Valerie : I was really influenced by punk and post punk. I like girls who are quite tom boy. Even if they are little bit girly, they are still like quite fearless. Tough and cool. Girly plus tom boy plus all those things mixed up.

——How did you come up with those names?

Valerie : I'm obsessed with names and titles. I love poetries and titles. In a way, it's always the most important part of my projects. It sort of defines the projects for me. So I've come up with them, you know, all different place. My new book, "Another Girl Another Planet", is actually the title of my favorite song. It's one of The Only Ones's songs. They're like post punk British band. Maybe fro the late 70's or early 80's. And there's a beautiful song called "Another Girl Another Planet". I thought that was perfect for my girls who all look like from another planet. All amazing and weird. I was on the bus and looking out the window and that came to my mind.

——What is your inspirations?

Valerie : I was very inspired by a store in New York. A little independent shop called Printed Matter which cells artist books, zines, and self published books. It's very famous so probably you know it. When I was younger I would go in and just think "What is all this cool weird stuff!?" I wasn't cool enough to understand but it was amazing and I was really excited. I wanted to be a part of it. I've always loved a lot of kinds of artists like Alexander Calder, Rovert Rauschenberg, Joseph Cornell, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Very very different types of artists. In a way I've been inspired more by art than photography. But also by artist books, zines, punk, skate, DIY culture and all music.

——So you have many things in your house? (laughs)

Valerie : Yeah. (laughs) Big collection.

——What is your favorite in the collection?

Valerie : I think my favorite ever is a book called "The Bad Son" by Harmony Korine. I love this book. But it's hard to say because I also love Sally Man, an American photographer. And I actually really like Hiromix.

——What kind of magazine do you like?

Valerie : There's a magazine called "Mushpit". It's an independent magazine. That's my favorite magazine.It's really weird and funny. I used to really love "The Face". There are some other nice things as well such as I.D. and Vice. I don't really like very high class fashion because they're no personalities. They're too sanitized. I don't mind them but it's not really my styles.

——Where do you usually get those ideas for shooting from?

Valerie : Hmmm you know what? I don't really like ideas so much. I like to take pictures of girls. That's what my pictures always about. I just go where they are, decide where to shoot, and I just decide that naturally. I never plan that. Because I want to capture the chaos and vibes they've got. You can see that from the pictures. Nothing was planned. (laughs) Every time.

——So you're always looking for girls for your photography. What is most important when you try to look for them?

Valerie : I think initially I'm drawn to the way someone looks. Looks is also indication of what's going on in America and their personalities. First it's just looking and looking. And then if I wanna know more about the person and think they're interesting, like maybe the way they move, or the way they hold a tea cup or anything, I talk to them and see the personality. Maybe take a few pictures and see if we can understand each other or if we spend a day together. So it's very mutual. It's like you're meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend, or even friend. Something clicks and it's very important.


——Could you tell us about the concept of your new book "Another Girl, Another Planet"?

Valerie : The concept is really my favorite pictures. My favorite girls. My favorite pictures from the last 15 years.. Or maybe less like 7 years. I think earliest pictures in there are from like probably about 2000's. But it's mostly more like the last 6-7 years. There are some famous people like PJ Harvey, Florence and the Machine, and also people not famous at all, just girls I met all over the world. It's the mixture. And I approached them all the same way. It's just a little invitation into the world of all of those different girls. I also wanted the pictures to be very happy experiences for me. So when I look at those photos in the book, I want to be happy. To me, they are really really happy and positive and weird and exciting and mysterious. So that was the theme.

ーーYou have so many fans in the world. But what kind of people are buying your photo books mainly?

Valerie : I think mixture. Definitely people who are young like teenagers and people in their 20's. Photography collectors, and a lot of men are into it as well. I think it's a lot of different people. I think in Tokyo, probably a lot of girls, which I love. So I don't really know.(laughs) I'm just glad people liking it. Whoever they are, it means a lot to me.

——Yes. A lot of girls especially in Tokyo are into your photo books.

Valerie : All these girls in Tokyo looks brilliant and have such cool individual styles. I feel very excited by that and very inspired.

——What do you think about Japanese Kawaii culture?

Valerie : I like it. I'm fascinated by it. I love walking in Harajuku and seeing those people.

——I think it's too pink, iit's too much. (laughs)

Valerie : In the west, we don't have so many totally different mixtures like "Hello Kitty x goth". In the west, it's either Hello Kitty or goth. I've always liked lots of different things didn't belong together, like jesus and a donut. (laughs) Japanese weird fashion senses and styles are like fairly tales. So I love walking around and seeing those kids. I can do that all day everyday, or a whole year. I'll never get bored. You can take inspirations from those bits of that. You just see the craziest things in Harajuku. In Harajuku, I saw a tree outside a shop. Lots of different handbags but they were all animals and looked like they were all climbing the tree. Its just… everything is so pop. I love that. I like Kawaii culture. I think it's interesting.

——So you love youth couture.

Valerie : Yes. Very much. People always think that my girls are so young. But they're not so young. They just don't have loads of make up and hairdos. They just look like young. People always think they are 12 years old. But they're like 23, 25, and 27 or sometimes 19. Some people might think what they're wearing are not appropriate for their ages but they're just wearing whatever they want to wear.

——What do you think about the latest youth culture?

Valerie : It's a very hard question. I don't really know because it can be so many different things. But I think it's interesting that people are not afraid of being themselves more. Gay, straight, feminist, crazy maniac, (laughs) there are so many kinds of people. I think youth culture is just whatever youth is into at the time. I think people are still interested in art and music, going to parties and skateboarding. But it's just so many things are brought into the youth culture. it's not narrow. I think it's just the celebration you're living in the world. And I think Tokyo has such amazing youth culture.

——There are so many styles and so much information.

Valerie : There are so much stimulation.

——What do you think about young people in London?

Valerie : I think there are a lot of different young people and things here. I think people like being themselves as much as they can. They like to reflect their own individualities. I think London has been always good with that. A lot of young designers, bands are here. And they are like, "This is what I like. I'm gonna make this, and I'm gonna do this". I think it's more free than New York. Until London became very expensive now. Maybe more like the 90's or 00's. You were more able to do whatever you liked, like "I'm gonna start a magazine today!". When things were cheaper, you could have your studio space. But now, not so much.

——Why did you move to London from New York?

Valerie : Because of that. At that time, New York was a bit corporate and conservative. People were not so interested in letting young photographers just kind of try to be. It was like, "What have you done?" "Let me see this". You had to kind of already have prove in yourself. I wanted to be more free and invent my own being at my own pace. I have a lot of friends here, and all the music I like was from here. So it kinda happened by accident. (laughs)

——Where do you think the trends today come from?

Valerie : I think it comes from anywhere now, which is really interesting. It could come from Israel, LA, Hangary and Japan. I think the world is so open and everyone travels so much. And now on like Facebook, you can say "Hey, I'm gonna be in Kazakhstan next week. Can I sleep on your sofa?" or Airbnb. So all younger kids are able to get a cheap flight and go traveling. So I think all those influence could come from anywhere, which is really really interesting. For me, my inspirations come from my whole childhood, my friends, conversations. Just my own life experiences.

——please send a messege to Japanese fans.

Valerie : Well, It was just really fun to getting to make this book. Just like my dream come true in a way. It's really special to me to have a lot of Japanese fans because its really my favorite place to go. I get so excited to go. Japan is my favorite favorite place. Thank you so much.


Valerie Phillips
『Another Girl Another Planet』

シエナ・ミラー、デイジー・ロウ、フローレンス・ウェルチといったIt Girlも登場する。
『ANOTHER GIRL ANOTHER PLANET』は、それぞれの宇宙のなかにのびのびと存在する女の子たちを写した

Valerie Phillips
NY 生まれ、現在はロンドンと NY を拠点に活躍するフォトグラファー。 女性同士の共感とともに踏み込めるティーンの奔放な日常と、健康的なセクシーさを捉えたガーリーで躍動感のあるファッション写真は、90 年代後半の世界的な女性写真家ブームの渦中で注目を集めるように。あらゆる雑誌やドクターマーティンの広告写真など幅広く活躍。












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