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#BFF 『Tangerine』 Sean Baker Interview

NeoL / 2017年1月21日 12時0分

#BFF 『Tangerine』  Sean Baker Interview

#BFF 『Tangerine』 Sean Baker Interview


Best Friends Forever特集2弾。スマートフォンで全編を撮影したとして世界中の映画祭で大きな話題を呼んだ映画『タンジェリン』が、1月28日より全国公開される。舞台は犯罪が多発するLAの悪評高い地域。クリスマスイブの一日を通して、2人のトランスジェンダーの女性たちの友情や恋愛がリアルかつポップに描かれた。監督、脚本、撮影、編集、プロデュースまでもこなし、演技未経験だった主演の2人を見事に輝かせたのは、今作が監督5作目となるショーン・ベイカー。先日プロモーション来日した彼に、今作の誕生秘話を聞いた。




















今作では人生における本物のユーモアを観ることができるんだ。時にそのユーモアは悲劇的なところから来ているのだけど、誰だって悲劇的なことに直面するし、ユーモアで乗り越えたりするよね。そういうことをやってのける監督は何人かいるよ。アレクサンダー・ペインの『ネブラスカ ふたつの心をつなぐ旅』は悲劇的だろう? でも同時に、終始笑いが止まらないんだ。ラース・フォン・トリアーも常にやっている。リアルな人生を反映しているから、そういったスタイルやトーンが僕には響くんだ」








ショーン「ありがとう。撮影は楽しかったよ。彼女が歌った“Toyland”は、有名なクリスマスのミュージカル映画『Babes in Toyland』からの曲なんだ。僕にとっては思い出深い特別な曲なんだよ。でも彼女は『なんで私がこれ歌わなきゃいけないの?』って感じだった。だけど上手だったし、最終的にはとても満足してくれた。それにサウンドトラックにも収録されたから、とても喜んでくれた」















interview & text Nao Machida
edit Ryoko Kuwahara


共同脚本:クリス・バーゴッチ 共同撮影:ラディウム・チャン 製作総指揮:マーク・デュプラス、ジェイ・デュプラス
配給・宣伝:ミッドシップ 2015年/アメリカ/英語・アルメニア語/88分/カラー/シネスコ/原題:Tangerine  


Best Friends Forever #BFF『Chocolat』 James Thiérrée & Omar Sy Interview


- We see many films from America, and this might not be the side of America that many people here would know. Why did you decide to tell this particular story?

I'm a New Yorker grew up in New York for the most of my life. But I moved to Los Angeles in 2012. LA is humongous and there are so many neighborhoods and communities and little microcosmos that haven't been explored in the Hollywood mainstream industry and in film and television. And I thought, why not?

- I see.

It's right there. Literally, the block with Donut Time is right next to the studio. It’s so weird to me that this was the area where people just drive by but never really stop and get to know the area. So I thought I would like to explore it. It's sort of like an unofficial red light district, which I would say frequented by last decade mostly transgender sex workers. I knew that there would probably be millions of stories that could be told in this location.
So I called my producer up to tell him that I wanted to make a film about "the corner of Santa Monica and Highland." And that's all I had to say literally. He knew about it and understood what I was going for. He said, "all right, perfect, green lit."
And I had to start a whole research process, because I'm not going to go in there with Chris Bergoch, my co-screenwriter, and just make up something. We didn’t know much about the area. So we decided to start that whole research process that took a while, but in it, it was quite eye-opening, we got to meet Mya and Kiki. Mya was the one who really introduced us to everybody.

- How did you meet her?

She was at the LGBT center, which was about a block away from Donut Time. We were approaching women on the street, we were approaching people in the neighborhood, but they thought we were either police officers or journalists and we couldn't get to anywhere. So we decided to go to the LGBT center because it seemed easier to approach people. There was a nice courtyard and everything and they service youths at risk in the area. So we knew that there would be some people to talk to.

- And Mya was there.

Yes, we saw Mya from across the courtyard and we thought, "oh my gosh, she has such a look!” So we went over there, and we just said, "Hi, we're making a film. We want to know more about the neighborhood and your life experience here." And she was just like "Yeah! Sure! And I sing, so I want to sing!" [laughs] So I went, "OK, well it's not a musical, but we'll figure out a way for you to sing in the movie."

- What about Kiki?

We started hanging out with Mya at a local fast-food restaurant, and got to hear a lot of stories. A lot of anecdotes about what it was like there. And then one day Mya said, "I want you to meet my actor friend. She's the actor." So she brought Kiki who really just studied drama in high school. But I guess she was considered a performer amongst everyone. It was at that moment when I saw the two together. It was such a dynamic duo. They look different and yet they complement each other, and they finish each other's sentences. So there was something there I thought, "OK, if they can act, then we're set."

- Are they really like how they are in the film?

They are like that in terms of their wit, excitement, humor and energy. But Kiki is not like Sin-Dee. [laughs] She's never violent. Actually, outside of her circle, she's shy and introverted.



- That means she's a great actor then.

Yeah, yeah. She was able to turn it on really quick and turn it off. So anyway, that was when we just started figuring out what the plot line was going to be based on all these anecdotes that we heard. I told them from the very beginning that I wanted their approvals through every stage, it was very important… just because we were two cisgender white guys from outside of that world.
I always do that for every film, but especially with this, there haven't been many stories told about trans sex workers in the way that I think it's been respectful and heard their voice. So we gave them our 7-page treatment, and they loved it. They had a few notes but then we moved forward and started to flush it out, and we had workshops… And then even in post-production, at least Kiki was very helpful in terms of coming by and watching me edit and telling me what she thought.

- What were some of the directions that you gave them?

They understood my sensibility because of my previous films. It's based on the realism so it has to be real and also has to entertain. But I think it was Mya who actually said "I want this even funnier than your other films!" [laughs] She said, "I want this to really show how hard it is for the women out here, but at the same time I want you to make this hilarious." And I was like "Oh boy…" That's a hard balancing act.
But you know what? I think she was right. Because when I was hanging out with them at that restaurant all the time, they were so funny. And they always used humor to cope with their problems. And I thought if we didn't infuse that humor into the movie, it would be untruthful. So it just became to the point where we always had to make sure that we were balancing that comedy and pathos.

- Their lives are tough but I was laughing a lot throughout the film, and there was that right amount of lightness.

I honestly did not know how people were going to react. I thought it was going to be 50/50 quite honestly. Love and hate. But it was a nice universal acceptance of it because I think that people saw that it was genuine and we weren't making fun of. It was instead just seeing the real humor of life. And sometimes it does come from tragic places, but we all face tragic things all the time, and we use humor to get by. There are some filmmakers I really respect to do that, like Alexander Payne. "Nebraska" is tragic, right? But at the same time, you are laughing the whole time. Lars von Trier does it all the time. And I think that's the style and tone that speak to me, because it reflects real life.

- Also, their conversations sounded so real and so much fun to listen to. I loved the part where she said "you didn't have to Chris Brown that girl."

That was scripted. [laughs] That was my line that I'm still scared about. One day, Chris Brown is going to punch me in the face!

- Were there some lines they came up with?

There were some incredible lines. When Mya was in the car with the john, and the john goes "oh you know you want it" and she goes "oh you see right though me, don't you?" And that not only is a good line, and well delivered and funny, but LGBT critics have brought it up as an important line. Because they say it's one of the few times in a movie seeing that sort of interaction from the sex worker’s point of view. So they not only delivered funny lines, but they brought their voice to it, which I think is very important.

- I loved the scene where Mya was singing. She wanted to sing in the film, right?

But she hated our choice. [laughs] She wanted to sing Mariah Carey!

- That scene was so dreamy and beautiful though.

Thanks. That was fun to shoot. "Toyland" is a song from the film "Babes in Toyland" which is a famous Christmas musical. It meant a lot to me because I have a connection to the original "Babes in Toyland." But for her, she was just like "why do I have to do this?" But she did it well. Ultimately, she's very happy with it. And the fact that it's on the soundtrack, she's very happy.

- You said they were shy about acting in the last scene, but it was just great.

They were wonderful. I only did one take, which is dangerous. Because you never know if you could lose the digital file or something would be messed up. But I couldn't put them through it again, because I could see it was beyond acting. I frame the shot the way I wanted it. That was like how I envisioned the shot. But I didn't know they were going to be delivering such powerful performances. I don't get emotional on my own sets, but that was the one time where I got teary eyed. Because I was looking at them and "oh my god, I can't believe this is happening." They were wonderful.



- Before watching this film, I read some reviews online and their emphasis was on how it was shot by iPhones. But to be honest, I forgot about that in few minutes.


- Why did you shoot it with iPhones?

It did stem from a budgetary place, but then quickly, all the benefits revealed themselves. I knew that with the first time actors and with the non-professionals, it was going to be less intimidating, if not intimidating at all. Because everybody owns a smartphone now, even the women on the street with no money, they still have their smartphones. So when I shot this in their face, who cares? But if I shot the big 35mm camera in their face, it would take a while for them to get used to it.
And we were able to move the camera a lot faster being mobile. If you compare this film to my other films, there is a lot more movements in this one. And getting into little tiny places too. Donut Time is actually much smaller than it appears to be in the film.

- Why did you decide to call it "Tangerine"?

We couldn't figure out the title of the movie for a long time. We didn't want to be too on the nose, we wanted something that's not literal. We wanted something that would conjure up images. We threw that title down, and that was the title everybody started thinking about and talking about. And everybody had their own interpretation about it, which was nice for me that everybody could do whatever they want to do with the title. And it was more about the sense of color in the fruit. It just seemed to work. And then when I saturated the colors, it suddenly became the dominant hue.

- This is the film about people, not the film about LGBT people.

It's funny because James Ransone who plays Chester always says, "this is a movie about LA." And then other people would say, "this is a Christmas movie." And other people would say, "just think of it as a buddy movie." So there are many different ways you can go about pitching. But I think this is a romp through present day Los Angeles. [laughs] That's how we think of it.

- What did you think was the biggest thing you got through this experience?

I'm very critical of my own work, but I'm very happy with all the performances in this. It's the first time where I was happy with the entire cast. I didn't know where I was going to go next, I thought I might make a big puppet movie quite honestly. But this film sort of helped me set my path straight. My follow up, the new one that's in Florida is same sensibility. It focuses on children, but it's trying the same stuff. I think I'm staying in this wheelhouse for a little while, instead of making a big puppet movie [laughs]













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