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Interview with Gogy Esparza about Beirut Youth

NeoL / 2018年1月4日 17時43分

Interview with Gogy Esparza about Beirut Youth

11月初旬、adidas Originals Flagship Store Tokyoにて「BEIRUIT YOUTH」の写真展が開催された。BEIRUIT YOUTHとは、フォトグラファーのGogyとプロデューサーのJeyが、レバノン・ベイルートのユースを追いながら、彼の国の現状を写し出し、さらにそれらの写真やビデオを通してドネーションを呼びかけているアート活動。アートが社会を映す鏡だとするならば、その循環を通してより良い社会を作ろうとする彼らのチャレンジに賛同したadidasサポートのもと、NYを筆頭に東京やドバイなどで展示が実施され、反響を呼んでいる。彼らがなぜベイルートに魅了され、このような活動に臨んだのかを聞くとともに、ドネーションのリンクをポストする。

ーーBeirut Youthはどのようにして始まったのでしょう。








ーーCYC、Shyila Youthへの支援がこのプロジェクトの大きな基幹ですがこのチャリティについて教えてください。











Gogy「35mmからは、流行にとらわれないものを感じるんだ。僕たちは、今回のプロジェクトにタイムレス感をもたらしたかった。デジタルビデオを使ったのは、僕が持っているカメラの中で、映像を撮影できるのがそのカメラだけだったから。あと、今回はFinal Cutも使ってみたよ」










Gogy「2018年の2月にロサンゼルスでBeirut Youthの展示をやるよ!」

Beirut Youth

——How did Beirut Youth start out like?

Gogy : Jey wanted to experience the Middle East in a city that brewed all its complexities together. He read a lot about Lebanon’s history and Dynamic, and reached out to me to help Document it.

——Each of you have a role that you’re responsible for, Gogy for photos and Jey as the producer, but how do you discuss things and choose the order when working?

Gogy : We tried very actively to be as aware and sensitive to the context of whatever we were shooting. Jey would research the history of the places we were going to document, and then introduce it all to me. I’d take his help and then explore the places and locations myself. We’d come together with our interpretations, and establish a game plan of what emotions and message we planned to document.

——What is attractive about Beirut, Lebanon?

Gogy : It’s pride. The entire country borders the Mediterranean Sea, and its Mountains are only about a 40 minute drive from the coast.
It’s a country that has fought so hard for its independence and they really value every element of the land and beauty they call home. The Palestinian displacement of the 1940s and the current Syrian Civil War, have left this tiny country in various phases of refugee crisis. The way its politics are handled in this arena, and in any other of its politics, have bred this thick, palpable cloud of tension felt throughout its borders. Lebanon is literally teetering on the brink of war and Beirut is where it all culminates.
This energy, paired with its history, religious denominations, weather, food, make it unlike any other place in the world.

——Scenes at the refugee camp were shown as well. Can you explain what kind of situation that was to the readers who have not seen to video?

Gogy : Shatila Refugee camp was established in Southern Beirut in 1949 to provide shelter and housing to displaced Palestinians. After the break of the Syrian Civil War in 2011 the population of the camp has now more than doubled, and its borders have not expanded and neither have its resources. Beirut’s municipalities do not extend to the camp, no running water, electricity, waste removal. All of these are luxuries to those who reside in Shatila, the living conditions are extremely hazardous.

——Supporting CYC Shyila Youth is one of the major key concepts of this charity, so can you briefly explain about it?

Gogy : Shatila Children and Youth center is an NGO that provides education and recreation to children six to 18-years old. CYC is desperately needed there, it is only one of two institutions set up for education in the camp. 50 percent of sales from our merchandise and book go directly to this youth center. We have also started a GoFundMe charity, where anyone can donate directly to our drive to raise money for CYC. The donations will go towards providing the children new stationary, books, uniforms and kits for its youth soccer initiative.

——There are artists like you guys that work in society and derive charities from art, but what do you think about the art society?

Gogy : Most businesses in any country, anywhere, have their fair share of corruption, insider trading, speculation. Art is the same. Trends, big business, big Fish and even more bottom feeders. I like to think that true emotion and pain are what propel the best artists to the top of the game, but I know that’s half true. As an artist you have to be smarter than those who are trying to sell or resell your work. Most artists get exploited, and the hierarchy of art is very daunting at times.

——Why did you choose youth as the object?

Gogy : They embody the entire range of emotions and history of Beirut. And the way they come off is so pure. That’s what we wanted to capture, the truth.

——There must be situations in which you hesitate to even take out your camera at dangerous areas, but what is your secret to taking good photos when interacting with youth on the streets?

Gogy : Just being human, normal, ourselves. Show them who we really are as people and what we are trying to paint with our pictures. A lot of people can feel that, even though we don’t speak the same language the energy is unspoken.

——What is something memorable from the interactions?

Gogy : The refugee camp had the most impact on us. It was humbling beyond anything We’ve ever seen. Its always in the poorest places where you find the most hope and gratitude. We just feel very lucky to be able to have seen and documented this and try to help.

——What kind of struggles did you go through?

Gogy : Because of Lebanon’s political climate and tension, a lot of times people were very hesitant to have their photo taken. As a photographer, getting rejected time after time is frustrating and hurts your confidence. But it forces you to be more creative and dig deeper to find ways of getting the photos you need.

——It seems like you used 35mm films and a digital video camera, but why did you select those tools?

Gogy : 35mm film photography always feel more classic to me. We wanted this feel of timelessness to our project. Digital video was chosen because it was the only camera I had that could record moving image, and I also have some experience with Final Cut.

——Photographs, videos, and documentaries are all fundamentals, but what kind of things do you keep in mind when editing and selecting photographs?

Gogy : The sequence of the images is important. We want the project to read as a novel or short story. To have suspense, characters, rises and falls, triumphs and drama. We wanted to create this pace and interaction with the viewer.

——With you collaboration with addidas, you had an exhibition in New york and Japan selling books and collaborative items, but how did the youth in Japan reflect to you?

Gogy : Japan is always amazing to exhibit in because the youth and seniors alike are all very curious and ask a lot of questions. They really wanted to know the back story to the work and tried hard to understand what they were viewing. As the artists it was incredibly fulfilling to feel the empathy and support so far away from Beirut. It was surreal.

——Are you going to continue visiting Beirut for this project?

Gogy : Yes we hope to visit Beirut another time to document more of our story, and then to present our exhibition there as well. We also are looking forward to personally delivering the donations to CYC in Shatila.

——If there are any projects in progress currently, can you tell me about them?

Gogy : We’re exhibiting Beirut Youth in Los Angeles in February 2018 !

Beirut Youth

interview Ryoko Kawahara












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