The Resell App Market
NeoL / 2018年3月4日 18時16分
ビジネスの視点から見ても、リセルアプリは非常にスマートなツールなのです。例えば、もともと供給が少ない Off-White コラボのスニーカーや Kanye West x Adidas の Yeezy Boost を定価より高い値段で売り、利益を得る学生が増えています。このような商品は価格弾力性が低く、周りの需要が高ければ高いほど価格が上がっていくものです。レアなスニーカーは注目を集めるだけではなく、流通市場でのアディダスの存在にも影響を及ぼします。学生達は知らない間にアディダスのマーケティングにまで協力しているのです。
How do young generations like The Millennials and Generation Z make use of resell apps to enjoy fashion? We dive into 6 apps that are often used by college students in New York City.
Resell apps give anyone the chance to access luxury brands and those high-demand kicks. For youth generations, said to change preferences at rapid speeds, it is an ideal tool. More and more students are utilizing these fast-paced markets to re-sell clothing that have been stored away in their closets. The advantages of resell apps include accessibility -so long as you have a phone or laptop-, and easy dissemination of products through shares on social media. While the fashion industry is said to be the second most polluting industry, with the appropriate use of technology, these college students are even contributing to an apparel’s afterlife.
Even from a business perspective, resell apps are incredibility practical tools. For instance, many students are keen to be the first ones to buy limited supply sneakers such as Off-White collaborations and Kanye West x Adidas’ Yeezy Boosts, and resell them at a higher price to gain a profit. Such products are price in-elastic, meaning consumers are not sensitive to price – the higher the overall demand for the product, the higher the price soars. Not only do rare sneakers attract people’s interests, they also contribute to Adidas’ brand image within secondary markets. In fact, college students are cooperating to market Adidas products unconsciously.
Below I introduce 6 resell apps commonly used among college students in New York City, along with characteristics of each.
1.TheRealReal ザ・リアル・リアル
An app for buying and selling luxury consignment goods. Product categories include apparel, leather goods, watches and jewelry, artwork, and home goods. The Japanese site/app was closed down in 2015, however those in Japan can still use the U.S. app.
In 2017 TheRealReal collaborated with Stella McCartney to promote ways to enjoy sustainable fashion. Here, you can easily find, buy or sell luxury vintage items. All products listed on the website are inspected by authenticators to ensure that they are 100% authentic. Their website lists over 50 authenticators and art curators with profile photos. TheRealReal is reliable, and environmentally friendly.
Instagram: @therealreal
2.ThredUP スレッド・アップ
ブランドに関係なく、着なくなった服をまとめて”Clean-Out Kit” 機能で売ることができる、ファストファッション向け古着アプリ。残念ながら、現在のところ日本からは利用できない。常に何らかのアイテムが最大90パーセントオフになっている、世界最大のリセルストア。古着を売りたい場合、申し込み後ThredUP から袋が送られ、その中にいらなくなった服を入れるだけ。それをそのまま寄付することもできるし、提示された金額で売ることもできる。もちろんサイトから好きな服を見つけ出し、買うこともできる。
Famous for their Clean-Out Kits that enable users to resell unworn clothing regardless of its brand. Great for re-selling fast fashion for thrift-loving consumers. Unfortunately, this app is not yet available in Japan.
ThredUP, the largest online secondhand shopping destination has sales up to 90% off retail. If you’re looking to sell secondhand clothing, all you have to do is sign up and order a Clean-Out Kit. ThredUP will send you a bag, you fill the bag with your clothes, and they’ll determine prices for you. The company professionally photographs and lists your accepted items, and recycles everything else. The app/website also enables you to buy clothing you find.
Instagram: @thredup
3.Poshmark ポッシュマーク
The best app to use when you have limited time. The app offers you a selling price after you insert the product category with the number of units. Once a buyer is found, the seller simply downloads a pre-paid shipping label to place on their package and drops it off at the nearest post office. Poshmark is only available in the United States. Poshmark is similar to Mercari, a resell app currently booming in Japan. What differentiates Poshmark though, is that unlike Mercari the seller does not have to cover shipping fees. In most cases, the buyer pays for shipping on Poshmark, so the app is highly beneficial to sellers. You can even broaden your community by following other sellers who buy and sell products of your interests. When you share a product, those following your closet will be able to view it on their feed. Attending “Posh Parties” that are held to buy and sell certain product categories enables you to interact with other users live.
Instagram: @poshmark
4.StockX ストックX
株の取引きと似た仕組み。出品しているものの値段に応じて売り手と買い手をマッチングさせる。日本を含む200カ国以上の国からアクセス可能。商品取引市場、StockX はジョーダン、ナイキ、アディダスなどのブランド別の取引の状況を知らせてくれたり、相場から売りたい商品の価格設定を提案してくれるサイト。シュプリームや KITH などのストリートウエアも売買されている。買い手が価格を入札し、それに対して売り手は入札の中の最高価格で売ることができる。売り手から価格を買い手に提案することもでき、合意が成立すれば自動的に取引が行われる。市場のデータも見ることができるので、初めての人でも賢く売買ができるようになっている。ブランド品が本物であるかどうかも、StockX 側が保証してくれる。
An app that follows a similar mechanism to a stock market. Also similar to ebay, StockX matches buyers and sellers based on price offers. Available in over 200 countries including Japan.
StockX gives you stock updates on brand items such as Jordans, Nike and Adidas. It also offers you a selling price based on current supply and demand for your items. Streetwear brands such as Supreme and Kith are also bought and sold here. Buyers place bids and sellers place asks. When the bid price and ask price meet, a sale is made. Sellers can also request prices to buyers. In this case, if the buyer accepts, a transaction is made. Because this app allows you to follow market data, even first time users can efficiently buy and sell. No worries, StockX also authenticates the brands they handle to prevent infringement.
Instagram: @stockx
5.Etsy エッツィ
個人のクリエーターによる手作りクラフトやおしゃれな服、雑貨などが集まる、クリエイティブかつグローバルなマーケットプレイス。本社はニューヨーク州のブルックリンだが、ついにEsty Japanも誕生!
A creative and global marketplace that invites individual artists to sell their handmade crafts, clothes, and goods. The company is based in Brooklyn, New York but is now available in Japan.
People from all over the world utilize Etsy to buy and sell unique products. Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of this app is that you can sell things you create. For artists, this is a perfect platform. Collector’s items are also sold on Etsy, so it’s worth scrolling through if you have something specific you want in mind.
Instagram: @etsy
6.BUMP バンプ
ストリートウェア中心に売買されているアプリ。日本のApp Storeからダウンロードして使えるが、ドルでの売買となる。ストリートファッションをより簡単に見つけ、売買できるように作られたアプリ。イギリスの学生2人がテクノロジーとファッションに興味を持ち、作ったアプリ。インスタと同じくらい簡単で、気軽に使えるショッピングアプリを作りたいという2人の思いから作られた。eBayやFacebook のグループで同じようなストリートウェアが売られていることはあるが、ページを何回もスクロールし、時間をかけないといいものが見つからない。Facebookのようなサイトは元々売買目的で作られたものではないので、ストリートファッションのコミュニティーが見つけにくい。それを容易にしてくれたのが BUMP。主にシュプリーム、Off-White、A Bathing Ape などの「ハイプ」のブランドが売買されている。
A resell app that focuses mainly on streetwear. Available in the Japanese app store, however, transactions are made with USD.
This app was made for consumers who want to find, buy and sell street fashion easily. It was created and founded by two students from the U.K. who held interest in fashion and technology. The app navigates as smoothly and simply as Instagram, which was one of the students’ goals – to create a shopping app that one can use casually. Although streetwear can be found on eBay and Facebook groups, it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to scroll through the pages and find what you need. Facebook is not a website made for buying or selling, so it is difficult to find a street fashion community within the platform. BUMP makes this much easier. “Hype” brands such as Supreme, Off-White, A Bathing Ape can be found on this app.
Instagram: @bump_official
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