Interview with Justus Becker about German Embassy Berlin Wall Project
NeoL / 2018年3月13日 12時0分
冷戦の象徴であったベルリンの壁は1961年8月13日から1989年11月9日まで10,316日の間存在していた。壁が崩壊してからちょうど10,316日となる2018年2月6日、 これを記念してドイツ大使館は、日独の二名のグラフィティアーチスト、ユストゥス・“COR“・ベッカーとイマワンに、 このテーマでの壁画の創作を依頼。ポジティヴな歴史の変化を描くことで、現在克服し難い政治的問題に直面している人々へも希望の曙光となること、そして平和へのメッセージを示した。今回のプロジェクトに参加したユストゥスに話を聞いた。 この作品は2018年いっぱいドイツ大使館の外壁で見ることができるので、ぜひ実物を見に訪れてほしい。
——I’d like to know the concept of this whole piece, from your point of view.
Justus: We wanted to show the 28 years of the wall the separation of Germany, and now it’s 28 years of the unity of Germany. So we wanted to show that in the painting so the left side’s kind of the historical part with the separated Germany and it comes up to like the future of the now and the future on the right side, which is more abstract from the future that’s not written yet. And it references an historical piece, over there with the brother’s kiss with the two politicians. But it’s like a bad image because it was from some politicians. And now we reinvented this kiss in a positive and new version, a more artsy version. Something like this.
——How was it working with Imaone collaborating on this piece?
Justus: It was cool. I mean, we have our own sides so we were not too much in stress if it’s going to work or not, so it was really nice.
——So this project is about 10,316 days before the Berlin Wall falls, do you feel something typically about the number of days that have passed by? About that whole concept.
Justus: I like showing like the special moment in German history when the people rise up for freedom and change something for the better, you know? And it’s all peacefully, there were not riots or anything, so it was a peaceful revolution. So it’s kind of rare in the world. So it’s cool to show that.
——I looked at your website, I know your brief history of how you used to do street graffiti and how you sometimes were in a situation where you were kind of chased by the police and such, but now that you’ve come to a place where try to, not try to, but you actually do fine art, how do you feel about that whole changing?
Justus: It’s kind of evolving you know, sometimes I miss like being out in the night times, and then you get new adventures. For example, traveling to some crazy places in the world and you get new adventures so, if I were to be in a regular job, I would more miss the old days but I have like events, new adventures for myself.
—— What was the reason that you started doing your art based on realistic art pieces and photos?
Justus: Because that’s my style. it was important to have like some powerful image. I started doing photorealistic because it was new and unique, you know? It was to show my skills. That I’m better than others. That I was able to do something photorealistic in times where it was not possible. And after photorealism, I started changing up with like color, more abstract colors, like remixing the photorealism.
——Are there like any other new styles that you tried to do? Other than this?
Justus: Well, I’m working on new ideas all the time. Mix it with installation and digital stuff. Like the AR. But it can’t really tell what’s gonna happen.
— You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to since it’s kind of related to politics, a little bit, but, the question is, so I’ll ask you and you can decide whether you want to say it or not, so a lot of the work that you do, like the donations to refugees and other several things, but in the current state of the world where a lot of places are divided, how do you feel about the current way the world is?
Justus: Big question. But I think that if you make work in the urban public, and you have nothing to say about society or the world, you should just go into a studio and paint. So painting out in the public is already forcing you to have your own personal opinion of what war is. Because there’s so many people who does, and I would not say like art is gonna change it, but it make people start thinking about stuff or argue and discuss something, yeah. You should lift up your voice when you want to say something about society or… If you have something to say you should do it.
Justus Becker
German Embassy Berlin Wall Project
photography Layla Shibukawa
interview Ryoko Kuwahara
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