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Interview with RHYE about 『Blood』

NeoL / 2018年4月4日 15時48分

Interview with RHYE about 『Blood』




ーー “Blood is Rhye’s second album, also the first album after Robin left the project. So it could feel this is your solo project’s debut album, but what does “Blood” actually mean to you?

To me it’s an album about overcoming a couple of stuff in my life and it’s an album about falling in love. It’s an album about deciding to explore the life with a person who I love. I think it’s a joyous record. Some people think it’s a breakup album but it’s not. It’s not at all. It’s about discovery and rediscovery. 



ーーWe heard that Robin has already left the project before “Woman” was released. And since then, (you have some support band members but) you’ve been leading the project Rhye as a front man. How have you been sponging these 3-4 years?

I guess I was kinda always a front man. I mean the whole time I’ve been at the front. 

ーーSo nothing has changed since Robin left?

Not really. Because he left even before I started the concert. When he left the project that was before actually the record came out. So it was always me who was making the decision about the live shows and everything anyways. 



ーー “Woman” was more accurate and more like studio work oriented. But on the other hand, we heard “Blood” was inspired by the live experience of “Woman” tour you had with your band members. What did you actually experience from the tour? And how were you inspired by that to make the new album?

Well, I kept playing. I didn’t just do tour like normal people do like six months or a year. I kept playing like four years. We did almost 500 concerts now. So I don’t do concerts like just for tour. I play constantly. Over that time I got to get confidence in my sound I’m creating and in the way I perform. So I just keep following that direction and that’s what I tried to apply to the record. 


Mike「僕くらいツアーをやると、スタジオのなかでは直感が働くようになって、“ステージで演奏できるものと同じサウンドを作りたい”と思うようになる。僕が意識しているのは、すべてを繋げるということ。だから、ライヴとスタジオ・レコードは繋がっているんだ。正直、大変なことは何もなかった。結局、何かに意識を置くということは、つまり“何を選ぶか”ということだよね? すべてはチョイスだと思うんだ。それ以外に大切なことはないと思う。ストリングスも、ヴォーカルも、ドラムも、キーボードもすべてが重要だったし、それぞれが自分の居場所をもっている。トラックごとにすべての楽器が特別な場所をもっているから、僕の場合、特別何かに意識を置くということはあまりないんだ」

ーーAs you recorded the album live, the sound is very uplifting and I can feel the space. But at the same time, we can still enjoy the sensual and intimate nuance which Rhye’s sound has. It might not be easy to keep the balance between those two aspects but what was the hardest thing this time? Or what was the most important thing for you?

Well, when you tour as mush as I have, you get a natural instinct in the studio and it makes you realize “oh, I wanna make sure if I do all the same sounds on the record that I can do live on stage”. So it’s like, for me, everything is about having everything connected. So live show and studio record are connected. And honestly, nothing was hard. The most important thing is choices, right? So everything is just choice. Nothing is more important. Strings are important, vocals are important, drums are important, keyboards are important. I mean everything has its place. I think that’s the way I approach to the music. Everything has very specific place in the track. I don’t think one thing is more important than others. 



ーーSo there wasn’t anything specific you were conscious about?

Yeah everything was important. It was important that I made this record with a lot of freedom. I knew I wanted to record all drums live so that was important, too. Because I wanted to make a studio record, not bedroom record. So using the right microphones was important as well. 



ーーYou made “Blood” in different way from “Woman” but did it change your vocal in any way you think? What was in your mind when you were working on your vocal?

I don’t know. I think if I listen back, it would sound a little bit different because I’m four years older or something (laughs). I don’t know. Haha. I approach vocals very similarly to my whole career. Just I try to make sure my vocal is very delicate. I don’t think it changes much. It will slowly improve. 



ーーOther than the vocal, was there anything you thinks might have changed?

I’m always trying something new, but it doesn’t feel like I’m changing dramatically. I just always approached every song in a way it feels like it’s special to that song, but I didn’t do huge changes. I’m very true to who I am. 



ーーWe heard that you wanted to make the album a little bit more psychedelic and soulful. And also you wanted to use live percussion and live piano to express how intimate human beings can be. Where did you get this idea from?

All the instincts. Trust the instincts and try sounds good. I try not to do anything intellectual. I’m trying to do anything from my gut. 

ーーSo you usually don’t plan anything when you make music?

I do but when I’m in a studio, I kinda know what I want to do. It’s in my blood and body. So I don’t have to think about too much. I just turn off and it’s just great. 



ーーWhy do you think you wanted to go in that direction this time?

Well, the I way I do live show is not exactly like the “Woman” record. There’s a lot of room, it’s a little bit of psychedelic, and I don’t know.. it’s more like exploration. So that’s the kind of the way I approached to the record, too. I wanted to allow the moments to be weird and psychedelic. Well it’s not a psychedelic record. It will never fit into a genre but, you know. 



ーーYou self produced the album again same as “Woman”. On the other hand, you worked with some other songwriters for “Blood”. Could you tell us about the collaboration? How did you start working with Thomas Bartlett?

We talked years ago. I really liked his music so we talked on MySpace or something (laughs). And I finally got to meet him in LA and he helped me with kind of bass line on the song I never released. Since then we just got very well. So we decided to try to work together from starch. It was a lot of fun. 

ーーWhat is great about him?

He’s such a sensitive guy. So you don’t feel judged by him. So when I’m doing the vocal performance, and when I’m recording, I don’t feel like he’s judging me. He’s just so sensitive. Both of us are very sensitive people. So our music is very sensitive. I think that why get along really well. 





ーーWhat about King Henry?

He came to our live show at Coachella, and I met him at backstage. And he has the same manager with me so we got along really well. And just normally we asked asked each other if we wanted to make some song together. It’s very normal natural. 

ーーHe’s collaborated with some pop artists like Charli XCX or Beyonce. But do you sometimes get inspired by main stream pop music?

I don’t know. Probably indirectly because I hear it. But I’m not trying to do mainstream pop. I don’t have a problem with it really but it’s not what I’m really trying to do. But I hear it. 



ーーSome artists make playlists as a promotion they release their new records lately and choose songs which are related to the album. If you make a playlist for “Blood”, what kind of playlist would it be?

I’ve done a couple of playlist. Both of “Blood” and “Woman” and I chose some songs from the 80’s, some R&B songs, and some electronic songs. I have very eclectic taste. I don’t listen to only one type of genre. I listen to lots of different music. So when I choose music, it’s from all over the place. 

ーーWhat did you choose for the “Blood” playlist for example?

Everything from the Beatles, the 90’s hip hop, R&B from the 70’s, and I also put some classical songs as well.



ーーWhat’s the theme of the lyrics on the new album?

The theme is.. it’s always the same answer (laughs) but that’s about my life. It’s not a concept record. ‘Please’ is about me apologizing my girlfriend because we got in a fight. Every song has its own thing. Like rediscovering myself. Every song is different and it’s all about what happens to me in my life. Because it’s always attached to my life, I’m always in the feeing I’m singing about. I don’t imagine anything from outside of my life. I don’t think of a movie or something. It’s always connected to what I’m singing about.

ーーWhat feeling did you put into the title “Blood”? What kind of image do you have in the word “blood”? Or what does “blood” mean to you?

I feel it’s in the artwork. It’s connected to the artwork. Oh man, I put everything into the title. Love, sadness, happiness, little bit of anger, joy, all those emotions are in there. It’s not the record there’s only one emotion in it. It’s got everything.



ーーWe can see Rhye’s beauty sense in the album artwork. Could you tell us about how you’re interested in visual image?

I have a lot of ideas and perspectives. Basically I feel like the world is quite disconnected one from another. I try to make music that brings people together. That’s what I’m really interested in. I’m interested in music that heals people. I like Stanley Kubrick. He is my favorite movie director. And I love Helmut Newton’s photography. They both are very intellectual in a way, but when you watch the movie, you just get emotional. Especially, Stanley Kubrick is one of the most amazing film directors I think. When you watch any of his movies, it’s mind blowing. All the details, how he sets the camera.. He’s just not the director but he also knows how to use the camera. He’s an intelligent man but can connect to emotions.

ーー“Count To Five”のMVには感銘を受けました。ダンサーを起用したフィジカルな表現を用いたことには今作へのアプローチも関わっているように思いますがいかがでしょうか。また、個人的な意見ですが、このようにデジタルデバイスが溢れる現代であるからこそ、フィジカルな表現手法の強度が増していくように思うのですが、表現者としてどう思われているかお聞かせください。


ーー“Count To Five” music video was very impressive. You are using many dancers in the video and I though the approach is very physical. Does this approach have anything to do with the album?

I wanted to do the video just people from all over the world dancing. So we put out emails and want to see if anyone wants to just dance. And bunch of people wrote back and sent us the footages. So we added together. What I wanted to show was just people from all different countries. I didn’t want to just show like peiple from LA or Canada. I wanted Japanese dancers, woman from Ghana, etc. I just wanted to show how unify the planet.

ーーWe have so many digital devices in this era and a lot of people using them. But I personally think that’s actually making physical expression even more special these days.

Yeah, I don’t want CGI in my music videos. I want people. I want human beings because I’m interested in real human emotions. So I try not to do things like animated or CGI or special effect or things like that. I like real people story.



ーーCan you give a message to you Japanese fans who’re looking forward to your show here in May? Has the tour been special experience for you and giving you lots of inspirations?

We’ve already done like 30 shows. Everything has been going great. It’s been fun. I love touring and I love playing live. So for me, it’s how I spend my life. It’s not hard. It’s a fun adventure. The show is a little bit different now. There’s a little bit more intensity in the show now. It’s not as gentle as before. Some moments got some power and the other moments are really gentle. So it’s more dynamic now.

ーーThank you so much for today.

Thank you! I’ll see you guys in the concert.

(Loma Vista / Hostess)

大阪 5/17 (thu) Umeda Club Quattro
open 18:30/ start 19:30
前売り:¥6,800(前売り /1ドリンク別)
e+(QUATTRO web:1/30-31,pre:1/30-31)/ぴあ(P:106-460) 英語販売あり/ローソン(L:52490)/会場
問い合わせ : 06-6535-5569(SMASH WEST)

東京 5/18 (fri) Zepp DiverCity
open 18:30/ start 19:30
e+/ぴあ(P:106-373) 英語販売あり/ローソン(L: 72065)
問い合わせ : 03-3444-6751(SMASH)


協力: Hostess Entertainment

interview Junnosuke Amai












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