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Interview with Yuki Kasai-Pare

NeoL / 2018年4月8日 14時49分

Interview with Yuki Kasai-Pare

Yuki Kasai-Pareの写真は美しいけれどどこか引き攣れをおこしているような、奇妙な引っ掛かりがある。挑戦的なその美醜のバランス、新しいテーマやテクスチャーへの探究心が生み出す独自の世界観は、写真のみならず、抽象画や文字など様々な彼女のクリエイションにも見て取れる。

Yuki Kasai-Pare’s photographs are beautiful, yet there is a strange aura that accompanies them that gets us stuck. The provocative balance between ugliness and beauty, as well as Yuki’s own atmosphere that brings about a spirit of inquiry for new themes and textures not only applies to her photographs, but also to her other creations, such as abstract paintings and texts.



ーーFirst off, can you tell us about yourself?

Yuki “I’m a college student. I study Cultural Anthropology and East Asian Culture at McGill University in Canada.”



ーーSince when have you been taking photos?

Yuki “I received an SLR camera when I was sophomore in high school, and took photos occasionally. However I wan’t really getting into it since I wasn’t exactly pleased with the way humans looked in digital photos. It didn’t feel right for me. However, during a summer break 3 or 4 years ago when I had some free time at my parents’ home in Miyazaki, I was looking through my mother’s old belongings. From there I found a camera that my mother was using when she was just about the same age as me. I took that as an opportunity to use that camera and begin taking more photos.”


Yuki「そう言って頂けて嬉しいです! “美”そのものの基準はやはり人それぞれですが、私が惹かれるのは美と醜の間にある何かなので、それをいつも探してます。完全無欠かと思える美しさにの中でさえも垣間見えるイビツさが生み出す不安、不信感の瞬間が好きで、追えば追うほど危うくなる、ピークを過ぎた途端に墜落するような、美のイデアそのものの’もろさ’は面白いなと思います。それをどう表現できるかを追求し続けたいですね。

ーーYour photographs have, simultaneously, a sense of beauty and distortion, along with a strangeness that entangles the viewer. What do you think of this aesthetic balance between ugliness and beauty within your photographs?

Yuki “It makes me happy that you’re saying so! The fundamentals of ‘beauty’ itself is different for everyone, but I am attracted to something laying in between the beauty and the abject. The uncertainty that a glimpse of distortion can create inside a flawless beauty – I like that moment of disbelief. The more you chase it, the more dangerous it gets. The idea of beauty itself that crumbles the moment it passes its peak, the fragility, its uncanny quality, is interesting to me. I want to keep chasing after it.”



ーーYour work “Faces” that cuts out various people’s expressions, has an emotional power that strongly appeals to people. How did you come to photograph the “Faces” series? What is the concept for this series?

Yuki “Most of the photos that I take are of people’s faces, so it’s more like I grouped them together and later named it “Faces”, rather than a series. I do want to shoot things other than faces, but after all, faces are amazing! I could stare at them all my life. Of course nothing compares to witnessing the raw, shifting emotions on a person’s face, but I think one of the beauties of photography is that it allows us to preserve the shadows of those expressions. It pretty much fulfills my collectomania.”


Yuki「『Pairs』 を撮り始めたきっかけは、よく “私+仲良し2人組”もしくは “私+恋人たち”というパターンに出くわすことに気付いたからです。基本ひとりでいることが1番好きなのもあってか、自分達の間で空気感を持ち合わせている2人と共に時間を過ごすのが大好きなんです。親密な世界に私がお邪魔させていただいてる感じというか。被写体とモデルだけの空間って、そこで初めて構成されてしまう偽造的な空気感があって、それもそれですごく面白いんですけど、既に出来上がっている空間の中にいる人はより素に近いリアルさをかもし出すので好きです」

ーー“Paris” contains many photos that were directed. Please tell me how this came to be, along with the concept.

Yuki “What got me starting “Paris” was noticing that I came across myself third-wheeling often, whether it be “myself + two best friends” or “myself + lovers”. Perhaps because I usually like to be by myself, I love spending time with two people that share their own atmosphere. It feels like I am an invited guest into an intimate little world. In a space where it’s just me and the model, an atmosphere must be created for the first time from scratch - and that by itself is very interesting. But people who are within a space that has already been pre-established and familiar to them, exude such beautiful authenticity.”

——撮影のディレクションはどのように行いますか? 細部まで細かく決めてプランニングが出来てから撮るのか、自然に任せるのか。どのようなスタイルでしょう?「Pairs」に関してと、それ以外の全体的な写真に関してどちらも教えてください。


ーーHow do you direct the photoshoot? Do you carefully and specifically plan it out and then shoot, or leave it to the flow? What kind of style is it? Please tell me about this within “Paris”, and in other photograph shootings overall.

Yuki “Generally, I go with unplanned, improvisational shoots believing in the potential atmosphere to be born in that moment. Actually, I may just be bad at planning because I am afraid of having expectations. It is helpful when there is at least one person that is good at planning by my side during photoshoots with lots of people. I’ve noticed recently though, that when I begin shooting and become immersed in my work, I have an impulsive desire for control that takes over me and I become abnormally meticulous. I would like to fix that.”


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ーー“Food” is a very conceptual series. Is combining food with people something you thought of naturally? The foods in these photographs appear to have meanings that go beyond its original existence that are sometimes sexual, sometimes ornamental. How do you think of these combinations?

Yuki “I have always been fascinated by food, as a lot of us are - and have always loved watching people eat whether in person or mukbang. I started to think of food more seriously in a time when I fell into the unhealthy obsession of constantly counting the calories I was eating. I got captivated by the way that we can so easily become consumed by something we consume. Eating too much, not eating enough, eating ethically,fasting….
Thinking of our consumption of food can be so fascinating when we think it through consumerism, gender, class etc - I guess I started to take photos of food combined with primarily female subjects after I did this happening at home, inviting 6 girls to eat a dinner in a way that completely ignores all forms of manners possible and filmed it. I wanted to see what kind of affect it would have. I rambled but I don't really have a specific message. I guess I just like the idea that something so familiar and available to us can so easily become taboo, sexual, uncanny.”



ーーYou seem to be constantly thinking of new techniques and concepts for shoots, such as reflecting and blurring, and using various materials. Is there something you are trying right now?

Yuki “I have recently been pondering on conceptions around the flat,reproducible,shareable quality of images. Something along the lines of accepting a lie for a lie.”



ーーWhat kind of camera do you use?

Yuki “I mainly use a 35mm film camera.”



ーーHow much do you apply edits? If you do, what sort of rules do you set for yourself?

“I barely edit (I’m not the best at it either). Especially not faces or bodies.”

— 一連の作品を見ていると、あなたにとって写真は表現方法の一つであり、絵画や映像など様々な表現の手段を他にも持っているように思えるのですがいかがでしょう?


ーーAfter seeing a series of your works, it appears to me that to you, photography is a way of expression, and that you also have other various means of expression like painting and filming. Is this true?

Yuki “As long as creative energy can be released, I would like to use any method of expression. I feel that photography, perhaps because of the direct and graphic quality, has the cleanest, most mold-fitted result.
Among all modes of expression, I’m most interested in the moving image. I haven’t been able to create films that I’m completely satisfied with and can confidently show yet so I want to be more at ease with that medium.”



ーーYou actually paint as well, abstract paintings. Why are you attracted to abstract paintings?

Yuki “I was in a pretty dark place at some point where I felt stuck in absolutely everything, and for three months all I could do was put layers and layers of white paint on a canvas, hahah. At that moment I felt that I understood the charm of abstract paintings, of not forcing a message.
Abstract paintings do not directly explain themselves. In a way they make the onlooker a victim. But it also leaves space for them. It reminds me of the irritating feeling when you don’t want to put feelings or thoughts into words, and you cannot find any way to communicate it, but you want someone to know, to just ‘get it’.
I feel like abstract paintings has the power to just ‘take in’ those unrepresentable feelings. It kind of works like therapy for me. “



ーーHow do you face painting and shooting photography, respectively?

Yuki “I paint when I feel like I am stuck and I cannot see a way out.
When I shoot photographs, I have an exact opposite approach from painting, where I’m in a state where my brain is shouting “I’m so alive right now! I’m actually connecting with someone!””



ーーWithin the way colors are mixed and picked in your abstract paintings, and the colors in your photos, I see elements that are similar yet also ones that are very different. Can you explain your aesthetic views of each (paintings and photographs)?

Yuki “I had never really thought about this, but think I have a tendency to not use bright colors for paintings because I’m always painting in a moment where I am in a form of deep trance within myself. My attention goes more to movement and texture. I feel like color alone has a language of its own so I guess it links back to the way I don’t have a strong communicative drive when I paint. When it comes to photos, I think I am a lot more aware and at ease with thinking about color and light. Since I mostly photograph humans, I really value the color palette that the subject carries.”



ーーWhat motivates you to express or be driven to art?

Yuki “A blend of self-hate and self-assertion.”



ーーIs that something you naturally had since you were young? Or did you discover it yourself and cultivate it? Please tell me about the history of your expressions.

Yuki “Because my parents are both artists, I was taught the meaningfulness and familiarity of art from a young age.
My stance towards creation always come with rough ups and downs, there were times when I didn’t want to make anything for months at a time. But I feel that it's in those times where I cannot create anything, that I can take a clearer look into my aims, inspirations and motivations.”



ーーHow do you select your models?

Yuki “I am attracted towards people that evoke their own kind of rooted presence. But in the end I like shooting my friends the most.”



ーーIn what moments do you see beauty?

Yuki “Moments where in-betweenness is born.”



ーーWhat is “photography” to you? What about “art”?

Yuki “That’s a hard question! Maybe a loud monologue.”


ーーWhat is your source of inspiration?

Yuki “Those who keep striving.”



ーーWhat kind of photos would you like to try shooting in the future? Not just with photos, but is there a plan or expression you would like to try with art in general?

Yuki “Throughout all the mediums, I am most interested in sound right now! I am not really talking about ‘music’ per se, but I admire those who can express through sounds. I’m not the best at technical things, but I would love to explore creation through hearing. Apart from that, I want to hold a solo exhibition. I want to try creating a space from scratch.”



ーーFinally, tell us if you have any news?

Yuki “This is more on the personal level, but I’m moving back to Japan this year! Haha. I’m excited to be inspired by the shift in environment.”

Yuki Kasai-Pare












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