Interview with Iceage about “Beyondless” by AAAMYYY
NeoL / 2018年5月3日 18時37分
作品ごとに存在感を増し、来日公演も連日ソールドアウトと日本のみならず世界中から注目を集めるバンドへと成長を遂げたIceage。スカイ・フェレイラとのコラボレーションでも話題となった“Pain Killer”を筆頭に、力強さの中に繊細さを持った音像が印象的な『Beyondless』をリリースする彼らに、同世代のミュージシャンであるAAAMYYYYがインタビューを試みた。
-- This new album Beyondless, I loved it. What kind of motivation did you have when you started recording or started writing songs for this album?
Johan “I think we started writing the songs a long time before we recorded them. We had a long break before writing this album. I think it creates a specific energy when you’ve been away from something or feel the urge to come back to it.”
Elias “The motivation is just a need to create and initially you don’t quite know where that’s going to take you. That’s something you discover along the way, so you follow your gut feeling and you discover where that’s taking you.”
--Cool.When you started recording this album, what did you want to make out of it?
Elias “We wanted to make what it became. We wanted to invest ourselves and push ourselves into a place where we could convey these songs with as much feeling we can project onto the tapes. Whenever we head into a studio, it’s always a need to get in a headspace where everything is just about the music and getting the true nature of the songs down.”
--What did you enjoy during the process of making songs and recording this album?
Johan“We do it because of the satisfaction of creating.”
Elias“ It’s massively enjoyable, it’s not always pleasant, but it’s fulfilling, the pursuit in itself. The chase is better than the catch.”
——リードトラックにもなっていた“Pain Killer”という曲が私のお気に入りなのだけど、どのようにしてスカイ・フェレイラとのコラボレーションを果たしたの?
--Your second single drop,”Pain Killer” is amazing. How did the collaboration with Sky Ferreira happen?
Elias “We asked her, and she said yes. There’s something with that song where it felt like it could benefit by having another voice, and she was the first one we thought about. She ended up contributing something that really elevated the whole nature of the track.”
--I also hear a lot of new sounds, like horns and trumpets. I wonder where do these imaginations come from?
Jakov “We started doing a little bit on plowing and I think we felt ready to expand the sound picture.”
Elias “It’s an attractive soundscape for us, we dove into another record that uses those elements whether it be 70s cruise or soul music. It just feels like something that integrates well.”
--Every record is very different, but the newest album is even tougher.It remimds me Nick Cave and PJ Harvey. Were you guys conscious of making something tough/strong among your music history?
Jakob “Good.Thanks.We wanted to make all of our albums strong, but then..”
Elias“I think we’re very much about reaching to the polar extremes when it comes to expressing our feeling. We’re quite a lot of melodrama. I don’t think it’s in our vision to do something subtle or pleasant even. Our way of expression is quite bombastic, if you say.”
--You guys have been touring a lot!
Elias “Yeah since we’ve started we’ve been road dogs.”
Johan “It’s why we look so tired.”
--The tour was hectic, but you guys still managed to make this strong album. You guys actually get to show people what kind of band you are. It’s not like a one hit wonder.”
Johan “We take great time in going up, ascending the records.”
Jakob “It’s a lot of fun. Playing live, it’s very different from recording but it’s it’s own thing.”
Eias “Music has sort of become our pursuit in life, we just invest everything we have in it.”
--When did you guys actually start making this album?
Johan “Writing, around a year before we started recording, I guess.”
Elias “It’s difficult to track when the first ideas came.”
--Were you guys writing songs while you were touring?
Elias “No. It’s difficult to write on tour, there’s not the headspace or the actual space to do something.You can get ideas on tour, but actually sitting down and doing the work, there’s no room for that on tour.”
--How do you guys make songs? Do you sit in a studio and start?
Johan “We don’t write the songs in the studio”
Elias “You can get an idea for a structure of a song, you go to the rehearsal space, and sort of play it in, and figure out how to take an idea into something that feels accomplished. It’s sort of telepathic in a way. We all usually have the same vision of where an idea needs to go.”
--So you guys all go into the studio and play it together?
Johan “Well yeah, someone will bring in an idea and build upon that idea. Some of it is done collectively.”
Jakob “We don’t jam. Sometime for ourselves.”
--Why not?
Johan “We do, but it’s not a way of writing songs haha.”
--When I record my albums, I always have something to do before I record, like a ritual. Do you guys have something like that?
Johan“No, haha. We bring a ton of wine into the studio. We don’t have a ritual, we have a method”
Elias “A lot of alcohol involved and we work around the clock. We always purposely try to book a bit less time than we need so everybody is stressed out, everybody can’t get enough sleep, everybody is in a constant whirlwind where you just have to force yourself and you’re being in a place where nothing matters but what’s at hand.”
——I could wrote a good song when I broke up on Valentine’s day.Do you have same situation something like that for songwrithing?
Elias 「困難に打ち勝ちたい時に曲ができることはあるよね。作曲というのはそういう困難を超えるにはよい方法だし、いつもできるというわけではないけど時にはトラウマを追いやることができるから」
Elias “Sometimes a song comes out of a difficult thing you need to overcome. Songwriting can be a good way to transcend issues like that and become a place where you can have something inside and you can place it somewhere else. You can’t always do that but sometimes it’s a good vehicle to just get some sort of trauma out of the way.”
--True.The title of this album, Beyondless, what does it mean?
Elias「”beyond less”じゃなくて二つの言葉をくっつけた造語なんだ。アイルランドの劇作家サミュエル・ベケットが書いた『Worstwrad Ho』から派生している。言葉を離したりくっつけたりして新しい意味を提案するという本なんだ。Beyondlessというのはとてもいい単語であり、同時に実際には単語ではない。これだと閃いたね」
Elias “It’s not beyond less, it’s Beyondless which is not a word. It’s derived from Samuel Beckett, the playwright in “Worstward Ho”. It’s a book where you’re breaking words apart and joining words that are correct but to suggest new meanings. I thought it (beyondless) was a great word, that even though it wasn’t a word, it makes sense.”
--I heard you guys love to read books. What is your favorite book recently?
Joahn「一番最近読んだのはノーマン・メイラーの本かな。モハメド・アリとジョージ・フォアマンとのボクシングマッチを書いた『The Fight』という作品だよ」
Johan “Last book I read was a Norman Mailer book about a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. The Fight.
--Why did you pick that book?
Jakob “Uh, just because I found it in a shelf, and I’m a fan of boxing.”
Elias “I’m reading Death in Venice by Thomas Mann right now.I’ve read like 30 pages, I don’t quite know yet.”
--How did you pick that book?
Elias “Waking up late and having to go to airport and stuffing the bag, haha.”
Johan “I’m reading a book about baseball. I really like baseball. I just like watching it.”
--How do you guys pick up artwork for your album?
Johan“This time it took a while.”
Elias “Yeah, we couldn’t settle on anything. And then finally we got a hold of this girl whose grand dad used to do marblings by hand and she let us look through the archive and then that one just came up.”
--It looks like blood.
“Yeah it’s like a bodily sort of thing.
--You guys really get along well, but you’ve known each other for a long time right? Since you were young? Do you guys have like, “Oh I don’t wanna sleep next to him” because you know each other so well?
Elias “Jakob.”
Johan “You can say as much as you want but at the end of the night, you’re gonna sleep in the same room, haha”
Elias “We all pretend to like each other, haha”
--So you don’t snore?
Johan “Uh, I don’t think so.I move around a lot when I sleep.”
Jakob “Dan can fall asleep anywhere.”
Elias“Yeah it doesn’t really matter if someone is snoring, he’ll just sleep.”
--You guys are more like family, then.
Johan “We were before we started the band as well. When we started making music we were still like a group”
--If you guys were an actual family, who do you think would be the oldest brother?
Jakob & Johan「ダンだね」
Jakob & Johan “Dan.”
--The youngest?
Elias “Dan.”
--He’s not even here! Haha. Is that why? He’s like the hidden core.
Johan “Yeah.”
——あ、MVのことも聞きたいな。“Catch It”のMVを観たのだけど、あれは誰が映像を撮ったんですか?
--I watched the music video, ‘Catch it’. I liked it. How did you guys film?
Elias「僕たちはディレクションしていなくて、アダム(Adam Hashemi/mewのMVも手がける監督)がやっている。彼は曲に寄り添いつつ曲にフォーカスが当たるような素晴らしいヴィジュアルを作るアイデアを持っている。お世辞じゃなく、本当にセンスが良いんだ」
Elias “We didn’t direct that video. It was Adam. He had a pretty firm idea in his head of how we wanted the visuals and doing it in a way that didn’t take away from the song, but just complimented it. He has really good sense, something that sort of goes along with the track but the track is still the focus.”
--I see a lot of pictures and art in the video. Is that what you painted?
Jakob “It was Dan. The older brother haha.”
Johan “He’s very good at drawing.”
--There was a baby. Who’s baby was it?
Jakob 「うん、監督のベイビーだよ」
Jakob “The director’s. That’s actually his baby.”
--Right now a lot of artists are running to nationalism and free thinking, but do you guys have a hidden meanings in your songs/albums?
Jakob 「世界で何か起こっているかに影響を受けないで生きることはできないよね」
Jakob “You can’t live in the world and not be affected by what’s happening in the world, so of course.”
Elias “The world has always been an ongoing tragedy. Maybe some parts in how a lot of countries are going right now makes it more apparent. The world is dealing with crisis in a pretty bad way these days. But we don’t address directly, current events. It’s just created in the world that those events are happening.”
『 Beyondless』
2018.05.04 Fri On Sale
tower records:
Apple Music:
photography Riku Ikeya
interview AAAMYYY
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
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