Interview with Jeff Goldblum about “Isle of Dogs”
NeoL / 2018年5月28日 20時37分
『グランド・ブダペスト・ホテル』(2014)のウェス・アンダーソンによる待望の新作『犬ヶ島』が、ついに日本上陸した。日本を愛する監督が選んだ新たな舞台は、彼のイマジネーションによって生まれた近未来の日本。『ファンタスティックMr. FOX』(2009)以来となるストップモーションアニメーションで、愛犬を探す旅に出た少年と犬たちの友情を描いた。今回インタビューしたのは、犬のデューク役の声優を務めたジェフ・ゴールドブラム。3度目のアンダーソン組となったベテラン俳優は、ジャズや息子たちの話になると目を輝かせ、劇中でも響かせた美声で時に歌声までも披露しながら、本作の製作秘話や監督の魅力について語ってくれた。
——Congratulations on the fantastic film! I loved it.
“I’m so glad you liked it.”
——I love Wes Anderson……
“I do too!”
——And I love dogs……
“I do too!”
——And the film is set in Japan, we are so thrilled. I think a lot of Wes Anderson fans in Japan feel the same way. At last night’s event, everyone was screaming when you guys came on stage.
“They were happy. They seemed happy. And only some of them had seen the movie, but everybody who has seen it loved it.”
——How did you feel to see Japanese fans’ reaction?
“Fantastic! That was lovely. That was so thrilling. How sweet and excited they were! They seemed youthful, and they are, but the couple people who stood up and asked questions seemed very sophisticated art cinema fans, and thrilled to see Wes Anderson, of course. He is everybody’s favorite superstar and director, you know? What an artist he is, and what a great thrill to be living right now with him in full force of his powers, you know? We are lucky.”
——So you have been in two other films with him before.
“Yeah, ‘Life Aquatic (The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou)’ (2004) and ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ (2014).”
——What did Wes ask you when you offered you the role of Duke in ‘Isle of Dogs’? It was quite a while ago, right?”
“He’s been working on it for six years, and then the last three years, working with the puppeteers and doing all that. But somewhere along the line, couple years ago, he sent me an e-mail. I didn’t see him at all, because he always lives in Paris and London, he was working in London on it, and I’m in Los Angeles. But he sent me an e-mail saying ‘I have this idea. Would you like to do something?’ And I’m always like ‘this is so lucky, so wonderful.’”
——Did he tell you that you were playing a dog?
“Yeah, yeah [laughs.] And he sent me a script and couple of other images. They were some paintings of Japanese renderings of dogs and maybe a mountain and some landscapes, etc. I said, ‘well, I don’t know what he’s going to do with this, but it’s going to be great.’ He is…… how interesting is he. And sure enough, a little while later, just by myself, I was in the thing, talked for two hours and recorded it, and didn’t see him again till couple years later when it’s all done. We went to Berlin and won the prize there. I saw all the rest of the cast there whom I hadn’t seen. We all got together and watched the movie… wow! When did you see it?”
——I went to one of the screenings here a month ago. I was so excited.
“Wes has been working on it for six years and it’s his labor of love. Japan is, as he said at the event last night, the first place he wanted to take it, and the most important place to take it. I think he must appreciate people’s enjoyment here.”
——Well, we appreciate his fantastic work.
“Me too, me too. What a genius.”
——You sounded amazing as Duke in the film. You have a beautiful voice.
“Thank you.”
——So you mentioned that you did the recording by yourself. Did Wes have the other dogs’ voices already? Were you able to react to them?
“No. I think Wes read the other parts in each scene.”
——監督からはどのようなディレクションがありましたか? こだわりの強い監督だけに、すべてのセリフは脚本に書かれていたのでしょうか。それとも、即興もありましたか?
——What kind of directions did you receive from him? He is very particular about his craft, so was it totally scripted? Or were you able to improvise a bit?
“There were some things that we were free with. But the stuff I did in ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ was all his writing, was all very meticulously done. He wanted it a certain way just like he did, but within that, you kind of know he sort of loves what you are doing, and you have a kind of freedom to play. And he’s an actor's director and understands human behavior in subtle, complicated and funny way. And you keep doing it, in recording, it’s not so expensive so you can keep doing it 20 times, let’s try this, let’s try that. So that’s what he did. He’s got a very musical ear for dialogues, and it was fun to do that.
——What surprised you the most when you finally got to see the film?
“Everything! Because you know, I read the script but I never understood the story fully.”
——There is so much information in the film. I saw it once and I even read the script. If you are Japanese, you understand the lines in Japanese too, and it’s so much information to grasp. I wanted to check the detail before this interview so I read the script.
“I know what you mean. I saw it three times now. I saw it for the first time in Berlin, then I saw it at a private screening in Los Angeles, and it wasn’t even until that time that I was like, ‘wait a minute, that’s so and so? I didn’t know Frances McDornand was in the film!’ You Know, I didn’t even recognize all the voices. And then the third time, we saw it in Austin. The audience was laughing and crying and everything, then I kind of got the whole story, and what it meant to do and the power of it. It was very funny, surprising, unexpected and touching, and so beautiful. I think the first time I got little weepy just because…… what a beautiful film, how did they do all that?”
——This is where Duke comes out in the film.
“[Laughs] It’s so sweet! ‘I only ask for what I've always had, a balanced diet, regular grooming, and a general physical once a year.’ That’s right.”
——Are you like Duke in any ways?
“Am I like that? Let me see…… I try to get a balanced diet. I like my grooming, and my grooming is very important to me. And a general physical once a year. Yes! I’m little behind on this year’s physical, but that’s what I try.”
——What do you like the most about working with Wes?
“He is a very sweet person. You see he is uniquely kind. He seems to see the world and enjoy the world in a uniquely honorable, dignifying, respectful but wondrous pure way. And he has his own sense of humor about it and his own deep insight. He’s a passionate work ethicist, so he’s devoted his life obviously to making beautiful things, and is a great teacher about history of cinema and culture, and appreciate people. So after you spend time with him, when you are around him, you see other people through his eyes as more interesting and beautiful. He is really something.”
——What do you think Wes sees in you that he keeps inviting you back to his films?
“Well, that’s interesting… I don’t know. I feel so lucky because he could have anybody, anybody would want to work with him. Maybe, partly, it’s because I enjoy it so much. And I enjoy him so much… I don’t know [laughs.] Also, I’ve worked with other people so maybe he associates me with other directors who I think he might admire, like Robert Altman.”
——I saw “Meet the Cast” clip, and I loved you were humming Duke Ellington as Duke.
“(Singing) Yeah, that was a little assignment within the endeavor that was entirely improvisation. I like to improvise. He said ‘just talk like it’s an interview for what it was like making the movie, and we’ll pick something.’ I gave him twenty minutes of rambling about one thing or another. And he said ‘you know, I like those little a minute and a half that you do about that.’ And how they animated that I thought was genius!”
——It was amazing he even made the animation for interviews.
“I think his hand is on everything, even the poster and things, it’s not a standard thing. It’s all special.”
——Wes put so much inspiration from Japanese cinema and culture in this film. Are you familiar with any of the Japanese culture?
“Well, not like he is. He is a devotee. But I’ve been here few times and I love it.”
——What do you like about Japan?
“Food! I love Japanese food. And people are so particularly sweet, really sweet. I’ve seen some of the movies like ‘Tokyo Story’ by Ozu and ‘Ran’ by Kurosawa. I saw ‘Tampopo’ when it came out in the theaters. I have to see more and study more and come here more!”
“I have a jazz band and we just made a record. And someone I met today said ‘hey, you should bring your band here and tour a little bit. People might enjoy seeing you play jazz.’”
ジェフ・ゴールドブラム「最高の気分だよ! ウェスがどんな気分なのか想像もつかないな。まるで子どもを生むようなものだろう?この映画は彼と日本の6年間にわたるロマンスであり、そこにはものすごくたくさんのインスピレーションが詰まっているわけで、本作を日本で公開することは、彼にとってすごく特別なことのはず。僕も日本が大好きだから、この作品が大好きだし、すでに観た人たちは文句なしに楽しんでくれたようだ。最高だね、すごくうれしいよ」
——How do you feel that Japanese audience is finally going to watch this film set in Japan?
“I feel fantastic! I can’t imagine how Wes feels, it’s like giving a birth, you know? It’s his six-year love affair with Japan, and so much inspiration, so I know bringing this film here is very special for him. I love it because I love Japan, and I met some people who has seen it, and they seemed to have unqualified enjoyment with it. I love it, I’m so glad.”
——What would you want Japanese fans to take home with when they leave the theater?
“Whatever they take from it, it’s certainly OK. But for me, I feel like it’s a landmark experience in cinema. I think when you see something beautiful it changes your life in some way forever. Like I say, because Wes is so genuine, it’s so personal and heartfelt. His political conviction and his anti-bigotry, passion, how the student uprising is so thrilling and effective in this, and how the love between the boy and the dogs is so romantic, deep and soulful, and there is a sexy romantic story of Nutmeg and Bryan Cranston’s character… It’s just so much that make you love life a little more, and want to be involved in this lucky planet.
——By the way, do you have a dog yourself?
——Did you get any hints from him to play Duke?
“Sure! He’s heroic. He is our hero who risks his life to protect his pack, which are us and our kids. So sweet. Even though our kids can be little tough. They love him so they jump on him and hug him and stuff, and he just lets them do it.”
——Did you show this film to your kids?
“They haven’t seen it. They haven’t seen any movies.”
——Did you tell them you are playing a dog in the movie?
“I don’t think they understand. One is one and the other is almost three [laughs.] I tell them what I do. I say, “you know, I pretend and I’m going to make a film.” But I don’t think they know because we haven’t shown them anything. So maybe this is one of the things they can see because it’s so very beautiful, you know? They love dogs.”
ジェフ・ゴールドブラム「最近の僕はとても忙しくて、スケジュールがいっぱいなんだ。タイカ・ワイティティ監督の『マイティ・ソー バトルロイヤル』では、たくさん即興ができて楽しかった。そして明日の朝には、もうすぐ公開される『ジュラシック・ワールド/炎の王国』のプロモーションでロンドンに行く。それから、ジョディ・フォスターと『Hotel Artemis』という作品で共演して、興味深い役を演じた。あとは、タイ・シェリダンと共演した『The Mountain』という作品もあって、すでにクランクアップしたのだけど、まだ観ていない。これは1954年の太平洋岸北西部を舞台に展開するダークなストーリーだ。そして、先日は2本の新作への出演契約にサインをしたばかり。今はこれらの作品をまっとうしようとしているところで、その後はまだわからないな。ジャズのアルバムも作ったばかりだし…とにかく忙しいんだ(笑)」
——I grew up watching you in so many films, and am always amazed how different you are in each film. Is there a specific role you would like to play in the future?
“Well… I’ve been very busy recently and my plate is full. I did ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ with Taika Waititi and we improvised a lot, that was fun. And then I’m going to London tomorrow morning to do publicity for ‘Jurassic World,’ which is opening up soon. Then, I did a movie with Jodie Foster called ‘Hotel Artemis’ for the interesting part. And I did a movie that I haven’t seen yet called ‘The Mountain’ which was me and Tye Sheridan. It’s kind of a dark story takes place in the Pacific Northwest in 1954. And I just signed up for two new movies. I’m just trying to do those things justice right now. After that, I don’t know. I just made this jazz record… I’m just busy [laughs.]”
text Nao Machida
■ ストーリー
(c)2018 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
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