DIY Issue:Interview with SHUN NAKAGAWA about “Kalanchoe No Hana” /中川 駿監督 『カランコエの花』インタビュー
NeoL / 2018年7月2日 22時57分
今田美桜を主演に迎え、LGBTQをテーマに制作、国内の映画祭でグランプリ6冠を含む計13冠を獲得した話題作『カランコエの花』。尊厳死を主題とした前作では新人監督映画祭コンペティション・中編部門で準グランプリを獲得するなどインディペンデント映画界を席巻している中川 駿監督に、『カランコエの花』の制作プロセスから込められた想い、次作の構想などを聞いた。
The LGBTQ-themed movie "Kalanchoe No Hana", starring Mia Imada, have won thirteen awards at the Japanese domestic film festivals already. Shun Nakagawa was acknowledged as an independent film directer and was given several awards at the independent film festivals with his previous work "Totoku Ogosokana Shi", which focused on the theme of death and dignity. Here he talks about the process of the making of "Kalanchoe No Hana" and his thoughts on the next work.
——"Kalanchoe No Hana" was truly impressive.The people who are considered as sexual minorities are depicted through the filter of their surrounding environment. That is really wonderful and groundbreaking. Would you tell us about the process of how you approached the story with a perspective like this?
NAKAGAWA: I didn’t really put much thought into it. I guess that it was because of my own personality as a typical Japanese. I care about how people sees me a lot. The story of the character Tsukino in the film pretty much has represented how the Japanese society is seeing LGBTQ nowadays. She doesn’t express her feeling of disgust directly, instead, she tries her best to understand and digest what she has perceived. To think carefully through everything so that they don’t hurt each other even under that circumstance is what it is about. Since I am not among the LGBTQ society, the only way to make the story is like this.I didn't want to make the story which is by imagining how it is like for them from an outsider’s perspective. Even though, I wanted the work to be honest and sincere. So I started to illustrate the characters by thinking about how I would feel about it. I guess I just approached from myself.
——The problems of the surrounding environment was also illustrated. They are thoughtful.But it's too much.That was really cruel but also real in every sense.
NAKAGAWA: The urge of managing to support but somehow with not enough of attention paid is the mostly seen condition. One of the reasons that I wanted to make this film was that I saw the blog of a gay acquaintance. He was someone that is very open with his sexuality. He’d say that he was gay to his friend. And he’d get the response of “thank you for telling me” and followed with “I won’t tell anyone”. Even though his friend thought that this was to show that he cared for him, however, he’d think that why is it something that I need to hide? I was shocked when I read that blog. I would have probably said the same thing to him. That was when I started the realize things and wanted to make the film. The flower of Kalanchoe represents the meaning of protection, means that “I will protect you”. But we have never thought about if the protection was necessary of redundant.
——The beginning of the film was quite immersing. How the scene changed from conversation about Kalanchoe to the performance of the orchestra was really beautiful.
NAKAGAWA: That was shot at Naka High School in Ibaraki Prefecture. The principal was very enthusiastic about the education of LGBTQ and was pleased to cooperate with us after reading the script. The students also participated in several scenes as well. Students from the orchestra scene actually just performed for us before going to an important competition two days after. I think what we have shot there was pretty honest and real, it is really how high school life is and that has contributed to the power of the film. At Naka High School, they give out proper education about LGBTQ with actual data and information. They also offer help and have conversations with LGBTQ students. The principal agreed to our movie cause the education of LGBTQ should be spread and he took the duty of making it happen as an educator in Ibaraki Prefecture. That is really cool. From my perspective, school is the most can be the most dangerous place for one to be. If you are grown up,you can choose to resign from a company if it makes you feel uncomfortable, however, there is nothing you can do to run away from school and quit your identity as a student. Even though the problems occur, you can’t turn away from it.It is a quite serious and cruel place to be. That is why it is very inspiring to see how Naka High School is paying attention and offering support to its student community.
——Indeed. Even though the cognition is spreading around the world right now, the need of thinking and acting on its own initiative is still not to be neglected. I realized it from this film. You have posted on Twitter that you appreciated the football coach Vahid Halilhodžić because his policies made focusing on the independence of each player. That spirit is also shared in the process of making the film, right?
NAKAGAWA: Sure. Coach Vahid said that he only gives out hints to the players when it comes to competitions.If the player feels like it is better to do it in another way and ignores the direction he points, it is totally fine. However, that policy is only based on the trust in how good the players are. Speaking of that, while making the film, we used Etude (improvise) while auditioning and that later came in as the actual shot as well. In order to make it work, we had to make sure that the actors can communicate with each other. And so we created the forum where everyone can exchange their own opinions about the blog that above-mentioned. As a matter of fact, we did get several ideas from the actors and it is really great to have them think about the story and come up with their own ideas.
——All the acting and performance seemed pretty mature, how did you manage to do that?
NAKAGAWA: There was little guidance given out at the shoot. I only helped with the understanding of the script and how I’d like the story to be done while rehearsing. We rehearsed for only four times and before the final shoot starts, the cast went out together, spent the night and got along with each other quite well. I guess that is why they can give out such mature performance. Also, from the camera’s side, I decided to follow the move the characters instead of shooting several times and make a fake documentary in post production. I’m very influenced by the works of Lars von Trier such as the actively moving of camera,and unpredictable zooming up,so that’s why I want to make it in my work too. The film itself is aimed at depicting reality and so I thought that the sense of being alive should be transformed. I edited the footages at peculiar timings when they were usually not to be cut. I want to raise the concerns of the audience by making them feel that “this is everyone’s problem”.
——That ending was quite extraordinary. I am still very impressed.
NAKAGAWA: Thank you. I wanted the work itself to set an example of a failed story reflecting each person’s problem instead of being a representation of an answer. The ending was meat to raise the question of how should each person face each other. There is no absolute question to the profound question, I think. What is really necessary is the searching and understanding of the meaning of diversity.
——How did diversity raise your concern?
NAKAGAWA: I don’t think that I understood it very well at the beginning while working on the draft.I couldn’t digest the meaning just like the character Tsukino. I would say that it is better not to show the answer to those who have watched the film. It was not a work aimed at understanding the question in the first place. There are many opportunities for the film to be screened and everyone would get to see their own point of view from it. The film was first shown at the Tokyo Rainbow Lille (Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival). I was prepared to get criticized for it but most of the audience said that they appreciated how the story was told and I was glad to hear that to cry.
—— Now the film is done, what do you have in mind?
NAKAGAWA: My next film is going to be focused on the human rights of people with disabilities. I was shocked when the Sagamihara killing case took place. The criminal said that “it is better to be killed than having a life not worthy to live” and that was supported by many people on the internet. I couldn’t agree with it. I am strongly against it but somehow I can not articulate the reasons logically. And so I start with myself. There is growth every time when I make a film and confront the problems from within. Even though I have a clue with the plots at the begging, the main process is to pick up the elements through the stages as I work. That is why it is crucial to have someone around you who can see differently. That is how the view gets broadened. I think the topic of diversity is going to be an important axis of my work.
text Shiki Sugawara / Ryoko Kuwahara
2018年7月14日より新宿K's cinemaにてロードショー
中川 駿
1987年 石川県出身/東京都在住。大学卒業後、イベントの制作会社にて勤務。退職後、ニューシネマワークショップにて映画制作を学ぶ。現在はフリーランスのイベント/映像ディレクターとして活動中。『time』(2014)、『尊く厳かな死』(2015)に続く、新作『カランコエの花』はLGBTQをテーマに第26回レインボー・リール東京でグランプリを受賞はじめ国内の映画祭でグランプリ6冠を含む計13冠を獲得した話題作。
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