DIY Issue : Interview with Mon rêve familier
NeoL / 2018年7月10日 12時0分
山縣良和が手がけるwrittenafterwards 10周年のショーで初めて世にお披露目された、細かな刺繍が施されたやわらかく透けるような色彩の美しいドレス。アート作品のようなそのドレスを生み出したのがMon rêve familierである。文化服装学院の夜間を卒業後、パリBALMAINにて修行を積んだ彼は、独自の制作方法で一点もののドレスを作り続けている。ただ自分の感覚のままに、感性の赴くままに、音楽を奏でるように服を向き合っているMon rêve familierに、そのクリエイションの歴史と背景を聞いた。
Yoshikazu Yamagata’s design work was just launched on the writtenafterwards 10th anniversary. When He hold his spring 2018 collection at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, We saw a dress is a work delicately done by hand with the decorative needlework which made the color shine in a clear and lucid way. It makes people think of it as an art work, and reveals the style of Mon rêve familier. After graduating from Bunka Fashion College’s evening program, Mon rêve familier went to Paris and practiced with BALMAIN as he learned how to make his own dress with a strong personal style. Following his own instincts and senses, Mon rêve familier makes his clothes in a way that is just like playing an instrument. We had the pleasure to hear about the story behind the artist’s wonderful creation.
Mon rêve familier「はい、着物を染めています。友禅糊という糊があって、それで染めて釜で蒸し上げると発色するんですね。完全な分業制なので、自分がやっているのは染めの部分だけですが、そういう仕事をやっています」
Mon rêve familier「そうですね。生地に関係することであればなんでも興味があります。早く終わる作業なので、そのあとに服を作れるのも良くて」
—So you are working on Kimono as well, right?
Mon rêve familier: Yes. I am in the process of dyeing kimono. There is this kind of glue which is called Yuzen. The colors show up when you dye it in a steam pot. The complete work is done with several procedures and I am only doing the dyeing part.
—-Did you have an interest in dyeing?
Mon rêve familier: I’d say so. Yes. I am quite interested in any kind of work related to fabrics. It is something that can be done at the early stage of the process, and then I can make the clothes.
Mon rêve familier「高校時代にパンクを好きになって、その影響でファッションにも興味が出たんですが、親の反対にあって、一般の大学に進学して工学部で電気を専攻していたんです。でもやっぱりファッションが諦めきれず、文化服装学院の夜間に通い出して。そこではデザインではなく、服飾全般を学んでいました。その間に昼の仕事でお金を貯めて、フランスに留学してパターンの勉強をして、そのあとは一年間BALMAINのアトリエで職人さんたちと一緒に働いていました。最初は研修で入ったのですが、研修時期なんてお金も出ないし、これでダメだったら帰ろうと思っていたのですが1年の契約がもらえたんです。BALMAINではただひたすら吸収していたので、自分で本格的に作り出したのは6年前に帰国してからです」
Mon rêve familier「パターンそのものより、職人さんたちの裁縫技術を見られたことが勉強になりました。裁縫、裁断、色々やらしてもらいましたね。職人さんも最初の方は相手にしてくれなかったんですけど、しがみついて頑張っていたら仲良くなれて、様々な技術を教えてくれくれて。そこからデザインよりも職人の道へ行こうと思ったんです。彼らは技術が本当に凄い。デザインを支える技術があって成り立っているだと痛感しました」
—-How did you decide to enter the field of fashion?
Mon rêve familier: I was really into the culture of Punk back in high school, and under the influence of that I had started to be interested in fashion. My parents were not in favor of this and so I went to a general university and majored in electricity in the department of engineering. I couldn’t give up fashion anyway and so I joined the evening program at Bunka Fashion College.The class was not just about design, I had to learn everything about making clothes. At the same time, I was working at daytime to save money for going to France for further study of fashion design. And I went with the craftsmen to BALMAIN atelier for one year. Although I got in at first, I didn’t have much money during the time I was an apprentice and so I thought I was going home if things don’t work. Then I was offered the one-year contrast. I was just an apprentice at BALMAIN, it was only six years ago when I had my own work at the time when I got back to Japan.
—-What have you learned when you were at BALMAIN?
Mon rêve familier: I learned a lot from the pattern it self and also just by seeing how the craftsmen work, especially their sewing techniques. We have done sewing, cutting along with other practices. I also got along well with the craftsmen rather than seeing them as opponents. They were really good people who were extremely skillful and helped me a lot along the way. I was thinking more about becoming a craftsman rather than a fashion designer. What they have accomplished technically was honestly excellent. I was deeply aware of the fact that the technology was not powerful enough to support the fashion design field at that time.
Mon rêve familier「思いました。そのきっかけ作りでコンテストに出品していたものの、上手くいかなかったんです。思えば、当時は変なものを作ろうという気持ちだけでやっていたんですよ。ファイナリストになるにはやっぱりちょっと変わったものを作らないといけないと思ってしまっていたんですね。でもそれは自分が作りたいと思っていたものではなかったし、仮に受賞したとしても何になるのだろうと悩んで。だったら一着で良いから自分が好きなものを作ろうと吹っ切れたんです。俺は良いと思っているから他の人が良いと思わなくてもいいやって……こんな風に本当に本気で作ったのは初めてでした。今はブランドを持ちたいという気持ちはないです」
Mon rêve familier「そうですね。変なことをしていた時期に色んなことを試した中のひとつにこの布もあったんです。だから結果的に試行錯誤して良かったのかもしれませんが、当時は冷静にやりたいことと手持ちのものとを突き合わせる余裕もなかった。でも、別にこの布に刺繍というだけでやっていこうなんて思ってはいなくて、やりつくしたら他のことにも挑戦したいと思っています」
Mon rêve familier「これ、美しいのかなぁ? 文化服装学院の先生に見せたらとんでもないやり方だって怒られちゃいますよ(笑)。でも、この素材でこういうキルティングをやっていくと普通は突っ張っちゃいますから、職人的な技術が必要なことではあるんですよね。いきなりできることではないかもしれない」
—-After returning to Japan, did you think about laughing your own brand?
Mon rêve familier: I thought about it. I have sent my work to contests and wished to use that as an opportunity but it didn’t go well. I was only thinking about making things that are weird and bizarre at that time. In order to make it to the final round,I thought the only way is to make weird things so that they stand out. However, I didn’t like the things that I was making. I didn’t even know if it was gonna change anything even if I won.And then I started to focusing on making work that I actually liked. And when I think of my work as good, I don’t need other people’s opinion on it. That was the first time I got serious about making work. For now, I don’t really feel like having my own brand.
—-Do you think that you see the direction of how your work is going when you found the material for this clothing?
Mon rêve familier: Yes.I think I did. This work is also among one of the things that I have done during the time I was thinking about making weird clothing. It probably just happened to be a good one that comes from a lucky mistake. The fact is that I was not objective to tell difference from what I want to do and what I have. Embroidery was a good start but I would like to challenge myself to do other things as well.
—-After the experience of making work that are bizzare, the work you are presenting right now is quite unique and beautiful in its own way. The quality of the material and the balance of how it is both functional and artistic at the same time is really wonderful.
Mon rêve familier: You think this is beautiful? I bet the teachers at Bunka fashion college are going to get mad at me on this,haha. But it is definitely something that requires craftsmanship and technique when handling with this kind of material when you do the quilting part. It is not something that can be learned and done overnight.
Mon rêve familier「そう言っていただけて嬉しいですけど、やり方が珍しいから凄いというわけでもないとは思っています。やりたいものや作りたいものが先行して、そのあとに手法がついてきてる感じです。前のところに花があるでしょう。途中から雲になっているんですか、それは雨、種をポケットに入れたら雲が咲いた、というストーリーにもなっているんです。考えてやったらドンドンつまんなくなるような気がしていて、できるだけ考えないように、感覚だけで作ってはいますけれど、なんとなく自分の中では物語があったり」
Mon rêve familier「そうなんですかね。実は刺繍もやったことなかったんですが、手に豆が残るくらいやり続けました。今は少し出来るようになりましたが、最初のまるで出来なかったときのほうが面白いんです。それは出したくても出ない味で、綺麗になりすぎたらあまり良くないんですよね。いつも音楽を聴きながら作っているんですけど、刺繍も音楽みたいにその日の気分によって変えちゃっていいと思っていて。最初に狙っていたものと違っても、どんどん変えていっちゃう方が可能性がある。考えたってたかが知れているから感覚で進んでいきたいんです。だから同じデザインで何着も作ってくれと言われてもできないし、こういうものにしてくれというオーダーにも答えられない。ブランドなんて到底できないです(笑)。そうやって出す場所もなくただひたすら作っているところに、山縣が声をかけてくれたんですよ。彼とは小学生時代の同級生なんですが、久しぶりに会って服を作っている話をしたら、見たいと言ってくれて褒めてくれて。10周年のショーで使ってくれるなんてなかなかできないことだし、大勢の人に見てもらえる機会を作ってくれて、本当に感謝しています。
—So you have invented your own way of dying,right? The way you do it makes the color somehow stay on the transparent material.
Mon rêve familier: I am really glad to hear you saying that but I don’t think it is good just because the way it is done is rare. I do things only because I want something to be done, and I think about how to get there later when I deal with the method of making clothes. For this one, the flower is on the front and then there is the cloud. That is because of the rain came and then the cloud is there. You see, I make stories along the way. I only think about how I fell and how I want to do it. There is somehow also something in the story.
—That is very artistic.
Mon rêve familier: I guess so. I actually had no experience with embroidery, my hand got rough with callus when I was doing it. I can only make a little bit right now, and I think of what I have done at the very first time was way more interesting. It is something tricky, it doesn’t come when you push hard,and it is not good when it becomes too beautiful. I am always listening to the music when I work, and to me embroidery is just like music when you get to change the way you do things just because you feel different. Even thought it could be totally different from what I was aiming for at first, there is always possibility to make changes to it. I want to be aware of how I am thinking about it and then continue with my instincts instead of thinking about what to do. And so I can’t really do works that are always from the same design. That is probably why I can’t have a brand,haha. Yamagata is a friend from elementary school. We talked about designing and cloth making when we meet again, and we were able to inspire each other. I am really grateful for him who giving me the opportunity to get my work shown to so many people on the 10th year anniversary show.
I don’t really feel like creating my own brand, but I want my clothes to be worn by musicians someday. There is this kind of music called post-rock. I wish my work to be something like “post-fashion”. Just because post-rock music is instrumental and so you can add lyrics to it after. Just like that, I want my design to change as different people wears it. That is what I want to do.
Mon rêve familier
鳥取出身。文化服装学院文化服装学院の夜間を卒業後、 パリに留学。BALMAINにて研修の後に帰国。現在は友禅の染色に携わりながらオリジナルの服を制作。
Mon rêve familier
From Tottori Prefecture.After graduating from the evening program of Bunka fashion college, went to Paris and trained at BALMAIN.Currently in Japan and is working on the technique of dyeing with Yuzen to make original clothes.
photography Yuichiro Noda
hair&make-up Shinya Kawamura(mod’s hair)
model Sena Nakajima(étrenne)
text&edit Ryoko Kuwahara
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