MATSURI Issue : 柳田国男『日本の祭り』を通して考える、多様性とは?/Thinking through “Festivals in Japan” by Kunio Yanagida, what is diversification?
NeoL / 2018年7月22日 12時0分
MATSURI Issue : 柳田国男『日本の祭り』を通して考える、多様性とは?/Thinking through “Festivals in Japan” by Kunio Yanagida, what is diversification?
The vibrant colors from the special occasion of Hare’s day, and the powerful sound of a harsh stone striking. These are what I recall from the childhood festivals’ memories. Festivals appear in different form and shape in various cultures and countries. It connects and reflects the people in their natural habitat. It gives us a special perspective to see the condensed cultural value of a country and the ethnic diversity as globalization is taking place.
There are various festivals happening all over Japan all year long, each has a different meaning and stands for different seasons. Japan is recognized as a country that has a profound love for festivals. Kunio Yanagita, a folklorist who spent his whole life focusing on the studies of festivals, had expressed his thoughts and ideas in his book “Festivals in Japan”.
According to Yanagida, the Shinto, which Japanese people have long believed since Buddhism raised its perception, had no scriptures. Consequently, the priests needed to evangelize themselves exclusively through their behaviors and senses rather than spreading the information verbally. And since the evangelism on weekdays (no ritually special days) was not disseminated, it is considered wasteful for people to not go to festivals and experience Shinto on special occasions. It was impossible for ordinary Japanese to understand God besides going to the festivals. The circulation of the four seasons is remembered effectively through the experience as well. The fact that the sensual teachings of Shinto were along with the cycling of the seasons became the reason for seasonal festivals.
According to him, the Japanese festivals has two aspects, one exists to ornate the event beautifully for the spectators and the other is defined as an existence for enshrining the god with a priest which is ceremonial.
It is a common belief that the performance at Japanese festivals was originally called “Wazaogi” and it occurred as a way to rejoice and amuse the heart of God. “Waza” means techniques and “Ogi” has the meaning of inviting (God). However, Yajida’s idea was not only that. He also thinks that the preciousness of the Shinto experience mentioned above also has the power to move human bodies. That movement was a direct effect from th Shinto experience and it embodies the state in which God exists. In other words, we consider the movement of the more primitive body before dance was invented as a modern warp.
The ritual festival worldwide we have in mind all require a large space to take place because it needs a large number of witnesses for the event to be done correctly. The matrix is also needed so that no mistake will be made. However, in Japan it is stated that various forms and scales of festivals are held according to its own specific faith.
Above is just one example of Yanagida’s theory on festivals. The idea of how the modern day festivals we are familiar with have embodied and transformed Japanese spirituality with its special climates is perceived.
Yanagida have pointed out that the festival in Japan has already shifted from ritual festivals to ritual ceremonies as what he had written in his book in 1942. 80 years after that, not only the transition is going forward, the significance of the branching of festivals is also advancing. Individuality of each festival is revitalized for the purpose of the development of the area.
As the consequence, the concern of how we should think through contemporary festivals reflecting the characteristics of different areas like this is raised.
Kunio Yanagida is known as an ethnologist today, but his starting point was the official of the ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. However, trying to educate people about the same agricultural method that the government decided as an official did not work well. He was keenly aware of how meaningless it was to provide the same technology without considering the specific circumstances of various regions. He learned the importance of seeing the characteristics of the land and individuality, later he went into the field of regional studies. Folklore and education was the most crucial thing to him.
He was keenly aware of the meaninglessness of providing uniform technology, not considering the circumstances of various regions, that he (especially the young generation) in the land learned the characteristics of the land, so that it is not only one method I thought that sexual consideration could be made, and I thought that it would lead to development and I went into the path of regional study. Folklore and education were connected in him.
“Festivals in Japan” is based on the contents which Yanagida gave lectures for students of Tokyo Imperial University just before the outbreak of the Pacific War.
Yanagida had made the prediction that the opportunities for the young generation at that time to think about festivals were almost gone, but in the future it might come back to the people. It was inevitable because of its dependence on globalization and diversification.
Yanagida have taught the origin and transformation of the Japanese customs to the young generation of those days through the faith of people who are not related to the doctrine(scripture) in “Festivals in Japan”. “I truly cherish the importance of thinking in which people are capable of asking the core meaning of the customs.”
The question is asked in the same way as we live in our present day.
Text by Shiki Sugawara
Photography by Baihe Sun
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