OKAMOTO’Sのアドレス帳 Vol.26 長岡亮介 x オカモトショウ
NeoL / 2018年7月24日 20時0分
OKAMOTO’Sのメンバーが友人はもちろん、憧れのアーティストなどをゲストに迎える対談企画第26弾は、オカモトショウがNHK Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」にて共演中の長岡亮介をお招きしてお送りする。
For Vol.26, we are having Ryosuke Nagaoka who is a singer-songwriter and a guitar player as our guest for the "OKAMOTO’S address book". He is also starred in TV Program "Musica Piccolino” with Okamoto Sho.
ショウ「はい。すごくまじめに音楽と向き合っている番組だということはわかっていたので。『スコラ(坂本龍一 音楽の学校)』の制作に携わっていたスタッフもいて間違いないと思いましたし、そこに呼んでもらえたのはうれしかった」
ショウ「ウチのバンドメンバーはみんな今まで亮介さんと何かしらの繋がりがあって、俺だけ深いコミュニケーションをとったことがなかったんです。なので、すごく近い存在だけど、他のメンバーと仲がいいからこそ少し遠いところにいる感じもあって。俺にとってはやっと亮介さんと色々なことを話せるようになったのがうれしかった。『ムジカ・ピッコリーノ』で共演できると知ったときは仲よくなれそう! ワクワク!という感じでした」
——Let’s start with “Musica Piccolino” in which both of you are participating. Did you know about the TV program before you got the offer, Sho?
Sho: Yes I knew about the program from my previous performing experience with Hama. We played Godaigo’s "Monkey Magic" and that was really interesting. I don’t think I ever have received a regular offer, though. It has been six years since the program first started, and it was because the girl just graduated after playing the main role for the last five years. I was under some pressure because of that.
——But isn’t it great to get an offer from a program focused on music?
Sho: For sure. I knew that it was a program that has been serious about music, and some stuff of the producing team were used to work for " Schola : Ryuichi Sakamoto's Music School". I was pretty happy when I got invited.
——And it was inspiring to know that Nagaoka is also participating, right?
Sho: Of course!
Nagaoka: I felt the same. I wasn’t sure if I could do it because I was ashamed of the acting part. Well, I am not gonna say that since I am doing it right now lol
Sho: I feel you lol
Nagaoka: I was relieved to know that you were there, too.
Sho: Our band members were all familiar with Ryosuke but I didn’t know much about him. Consequently I felt kind of distant than other members. It was great to finally got to talk to Ryosuke and I was extremely excited when I knew that I can participate in " Mujica Piccolino".
——I think how you selected the music was pretty intriguing!
Sho: The team was choosing the songs regardless of the difference between culture, genre or style.That was impressive.
Nagaoka: I had to learn to play songs from different cultures.I interpreted it and played guitar in my own way.
——You are always like that.
Nagaoka: I am blessed to be allowed to.
Sho: That is just how amazing he is. We all got the e-mail of the designation details from Tomohiko Gondo who is an arranger before recording. Only Ryosuke’s part was spontaneous and they wanted him to play freely however he feels like. I think that is something only Ryosuke can accomplish.
——Let’s start from the beginning. When did you you first meet?
Sho: We first met at GARAGE in Shimokitazawa when we were still teenagers.
Ryosuke: You were still in ZUTTOZULETELLZ, weren’t you?
Sho: Yea. And you were with Hama, right?
Ryosuke: I met with Hama while he was the bassist in a band called EdBUS.
Sho:That was when we were 17. Hama introduced Ryosuke to me at ZUTTOZULETELLZ’s live at GARAGE. I wasn’t a huge fan of Ryosuke’s work back then, though. I was worried about my life at that time. I wanted to be a pro and afford myself a living with music, however I know it is very difficult to make a living from music. I wanted to meet with someone like him really professional and good.
Nagaoka: Talk to me about that.
——What was the first impression when you met Sho?
Nagaoka: He was pretty young. He was shaking the maracas and he seemed to be enjoying himself. It was very impressive to me.
——The music style of ZUTTOZULETELLZ was also pretty intriguing, isn’t it?
Nagaoka: Without a doubt. It was quite new to me. The Japanese band music back then was all somehow quite dark, but they were really enjoying the show.
Sho: Yeah we were so lively.
Nagaoka:Their style like that Even though everyone had their different opinions, I thought that music should be fun. So I felt exhilarated. I got to know OKAMOTO’S after ZUTTOZULETELLZ.
——You were having a lot of interactions with the members of ZUTTOZULETELLZ.
You had a band with Rakita called Shake Shake Group and then collaborated with Ryohu and later with Hama in Gen Hoshino’s band. Now, you are the co-star with Sho in “Musica Piccolino”.
Sho: Yeah, it was quite like that.
Nagaoka: I guess I was somehow connected with them.
ショウ「いやいや、ものすごく上手くいってますよ! ペトロールズという発明ですよ。フォロワーというのは発明したものにつくものですから。『ムジカ・ピッコリーノ』でも亮介さんのギターの入れ方が、何かの文脈に当てはまらない感じなんですよ。それを現場で直接見られるのがとても新鮮で。もちろん、それは真似できるものではないので、直接自分の引き出しになるものではないですが、単純にミュージシャンとしてワクワクします」
——What do you think of Ryosuke now as a professional musician and a guitarist now, Sho? What do you think of Petrolz?
Sho: Well. I appreciate how Petrolz is playing music like nobody else. And it is surprising to see how three of them are working together fine like that.
Nagaoka: It is very troublesome lol
Sho: I didn’t sound like it was played by just three persons.
Nagaoka: Nobody wants to play like that lol
——It was cool to handle it like that, very charming.
Sho: Yea. I also thought that it was pretty simple and cool.
Nagaoka: I remember how we got praised from you at our live.
Sho: A lot of the music I listen to all sort of includes comparisons and Petrolz don’t do it. It is loved by our generation and I think that is what kind of band all we want to be.
Nagaoka: I am flattered. Not just music, I think everything tends to be caught up in categories. I was trying to avoid that in the beginning though it might not went well.
Sho: You are really doing great! It is an invention owned by Petrolz. Even in "Musica Piccolino", Ryosuke’s way of playing guitar does not apply to some stereotype of cotext. It is very fresh to see it at live. Of course, it is not something that can be imitated. I am excited to see him simply as a musician.
——You really are exploring all kinds of music from this generation, Sho. Your generation are quite conscious of what is original song, it seems like that you had an interest in Hip-Hop, that’s different from what Nagaoka is doing, right?
Sho: Right. Ryosuke is setting the sample by himself.
Nagaoka: I got inspired by quite a lot of things but I just didn’t want to see it through.
長岡「OKAMOTO’S、相変わらず明るいよね! ずっと太陽系のバンドだと思うんだけど、たどってきた変遷が興味深いというか。音が昔と変化してるじゃない? そこがバンドっぽくていいと思う。『今、俺たちはこういう感じなんだよね』というモードが音から伝わってくる」
長岡「いろんなアプローチを体験した結果、『あ、走ってる』って思うわけじゃん? 最初は走ってるかどうかわからないもんね」
——OKAMOTO’S vs Petrolz just happened last year. How do you see OKAMOTO’S now after that, Nagaoka?
Nagaoka: Well they are still bright as ever. I think they are like the sunshine all the time. The transition is quite interesting. I think that the sound has changed and no other band is doing it like them. Their mode is transmitted from their music.
─ ─ It is you who decided to make the transition, Sho?
Sho: I tended to lol But it was Reiji who first had the idea and made the effort. It turned out that we were catching up with the fast-spaced transition. I was trying to make things sound easier. Kouki sometimes gives out his thoughts while Hama tells us when to stop. Recently, Reiji has become the axis of our rotation again. I am trying to keep up with Reiji while sometimes he follows my lead as well, perhaps lol
Nagaoka: I think it is a good thing as a band. You are tracking a variety of things as well.
Sho: We were doing some old songs from today’s rehearsal.It felt like a reunited old band lol
Nagaoka: How does that feel like?
Sho: BPM got slower lol Although it is fine to do it because those songs were fast in the first place.
Nagaoka: You’d better lower the key then lol
Sho: The key has not been lowered lol but it certainly got chic. We are having our tenth anniversary next year.
Nagaoka:It’s already been ten year! That’s awesome. This is really intriguing hearing about this. I never feel like that cause I've never played such a fast and frenetic rock'n'roll lol Does it make you uncomfortable with the BPM being unusual?
Sho: Yea it was uncomfortable to see it like that. When I was teenager, one of the seniors once said to me that he wouldn’t be able to play it that fast. I knew He was just being modest. Actually, our play tends to quite fast at that time.
Nagaoka: As you try to approach it from different aims, you actually don’t know if it’s working or not when you think about it.
Sho: Yea right.
Nagaoka: That is interesting.There may be things that seem to be good as long as it works. As you get to know more about it, you start to worry about other parts as well.
Sho: I think that it is the process and circulation of knowing things and fixing them. I am working on a new album now and the songs included all have raised the BPM from the previous work. It is like 40 unit faster.
Nagaoka: That is impressive!
ショウ「きちんとコンセプト通りになってるじゃないですか! すごい! ある程度色々なことを知ってからバンドを始めたからこそコンセプト通りにいってるのかもしれないですね。ペトロールズにはそういう芯の強さを感じます。俺たちは中学から一緒でそのままバンドを始めたので。もちろん、そのよさも絶対にあると思いますが、ないものねだりで羨ましさも感じます」
—— How are you feeling about working on the pre-production of the new album now?
Sho:I have started the recording now. Since it is going to be the 10th anniversary next year, We have said that we wanted to take things slow a little bit this year. And now I am doing "Mujica Piccolino" and I have started my solo tour for the time. But somehow the members were all motivated at the end of February. Everyone was excited about what was going to happen and they wanted to start the pre-production on April.However I was doing "Mujica Piccolino" and the tour at that time,so I didn't have time to spare.Anyhow their motivation is a good thing for the band.
——A lot of changes also took place within Petrolz, right?
Nagaoka: Well.Tempo was little bit faster at the very beginning , but since I started when I was 26 or 27, I no longer feel that our music was so young lol
Sho: Did you have a concept when you started Petrolz?
Nagaoka: I sort of have seen it as a trio. And I wanted to make our style quite unique.
Sho: It really is there. Since you are in a band yourself I think you know a little bit about it as a concept. I feel the strength coming within the core of Petrolz. Since we all started in junior high, it definitely has helped us. But I have wanted to try like Petrolz. I think I have complicated feelings about this.
Nagaoka: You have a competent knowledge of music. I am interested in how to make your solo song.
Sho: I have solo songs that haven’t been released before included this time. Please go check it out.
Nagaoka: I am sold.
Sho: I feel it’s kind of crazy, though lol Last summer my friend were opening his own restaurant and I have been asked to make a 2-hours long BGM for it.It was pretty hard for me at first, but I wanted to fulfill that request and so I made it. It was called “Summer in Japan” lol
Nagaoka: The title sounds great!
——I have listened to it for a bit and it sounded pretty chaotic. What do you think about it yourself, Sho?
Sho: It is chaos, isn’t it? I am thinking about how to disregard everything else and just to focus on making our song as four of us along the way. I have tried different things and the chaotic feelings I put into the song is a reflection of how I desired to make songs that I haven’t heard before.
Nagaoka: That’s pretty impressive.
Sho: It is difficult to do it as a solo. I thought it would be nice if i could do a tour and learn to play the piece of work little by little. I could write my own songs as well as performing with another musician. But I am afraid it's not good for OKAMOTO's. I am definitely getting somewhere with everything I do for OKAMOTO's. There was this concept of a solo live had to belong to a band or whatever, but after seeing Hama at live, he said a band is a band and you are you.You think that it is no longer necessary. I was relieved to hear that.
長岡「スケッチのほうがリアルだったりするじゃん? 有名な画家が描いた絵でもパッて描かれた素描のようなもののほうが『すげぇ!』ってなることもあるし。もちろん、作品として有名な油絵の作品もいいんだけどね。どちらもあるとうれしくなる。そういう感じ」
——You are doing your own solo live shows and it seems naturally good. The boundary between your solo activity and Petrolz’s is getting ambiguous. How do you feel about that, Nagaoka?
Nagaoka: I don't have to think carefully about it before a do a solo show.I don't care what people think about it. It is different from what I do in Petrolz, but they share things in common as well. I fell like I can see different face of the band when I do solo.
——You are producing solo album that includes only four songs, right?(『N/A』)
Nagaoka: It is just like a sketch. It is almost the same as what I have done before but I never think about how to perform it solo.The reason why I make solo album, it might be quite exciting for our audience when they come to a live show and find a new album without notice. It's not a commercial CD product, so I can make it whenever I want to do.
Sho: I think that the flow is pretty natural and that is very impressive. To make a solo work without overthinking about various problems is what we are talking about.
——That’s what a sketch means, right?
Nagaoka: Yea it is more realistic and it is like a piece of sketch of a famous oil painter. charm.Of course the oil painting itself is wonderful but I like both of it.
Sho: Do you talk to members about that?
Nagaoka: I usually do. They just say "OK". It’s probably because we are all grownups.
——Did you play “Summer in Japan” to your members, Sho?
Sho: I did send everyone the soundtrack. Reiji reacted abnormally lol There might be some songs that have been inspired him.
——Do you have your own vision for Petrolz?
Nagaoka: I feel like recording since I have completed some new songs this year. But it is already July lol I am thinking about making the next album. I want the songs to be simple but that is not easy.
Sho: I am on the same page with you. That is why I am cutting a lot of things of lately.
Nagaoka: It is difficult to do that because there are things that are not easy to be cut off completely. It is harder to do it as trio, though lol I am slowing down the BPM anyway.
Sho: Haha, I see how it is going. Thank you for having this conversation with me today. It’s been very provoking!
Photogpraphy Junko Yoda
text Shoichi Miyake
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
長岡亮介、三浦淳悟、そして河村俊秀の3人組。クルマ好きの長岡が英国でガソリンを意味するペトロールという言葉をグループ名に冠して2005年に結成。ひとつひとつの音が消える瞬間までを意識下に置いたその演奏は人々の集中力を引き付ける。一捻りされた催しなどでリスナーとの信頼関係を築き続け、愛好家は着実に増え続けている。結成13年目を迎え、『Difficult Age』ツアーを2018年9月より開催。
オカモトショウ(Vo)、オカモトコウキ(G)、ハマ・オカモト(B)、オカモトレイジ(Dr)。2010年5月にアルバム 『10’S』、11月に『オカモトズに夢中』、2011年9月に『欲望』を発売。2013年1月に4thアルバム『OKAMOTO’S』を発売し、7月に は両A面シングル“JOY JOY JOY/告白”を、11月6日にニューシングル“SEXY BODY”をリリース。2014年1月15日に岸田繁(くるり)を迎えた5th アルバム『Let It V』を、8月27日にはRIP SLYME、奥田民生、黒猫チェルシー、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、ROY(THE BAWDIES)らとコラボを果たした5.5 thアルバム『VXV』を発売。2015年9月30日、6thアルバム『OPERA』をリリース。2016年6月1日にNetflixドラマ「火花」の主題歌「BROTHER」を表題曲にしたシングルをリリース。10月29日、東京・日比谷野外大音楽堂公演にてキャリア初の47都道府県ツアーファイナルを敢行。同ツアーからの厳選音源と、ツアー中に書き下ろした新曲「ROCKY」を収録し、ツアーファイナルの映像を全曲収録したBlu-ray付きライヴアルバム『LIVE』を2017年5月31日にリリース。8月2日に7thアルバム『NO MORE MUSIC』をリリース。同年10月7日には中野サンプラザにてキャリア初のホールワンマンの開催を発表し、即完売となる。同月30日より恵比寿リキッドルームを皮切りに全国23か所を回るツアー「OKAMOTO’S TOUR 2017-2018 NO MORE MUSIC」を実施。ファイナルとなるZepp Tokyoも完売となる中、オカモトショウのソロツアーが4月より、鈴木茂x猪野秀史 Special Support with 林立夫&ハマ・オカモトが6月よりスタートし、それぞれ好評を博し終了。
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