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Interview with The Orb about “No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds”

NeoL / 2018年8月8日 17時0分

Interview with The Orb about “No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds”







アレックス「犬との散歩、絵を描くこと、読書、ガーデニング、SF映画、旅行などかな。オリジナルなイメージとはなんだろう。過去のスクリーン・ショット? 僕はインスピレーションについて考えてもいないし、それが今作に影響を与えたとも思わない。結局のところ“Life”から生まれるんだ」

——I have heard your new album” NO SOUNDS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS”. Your last work “COW/Chill out, World!“as a sort of ambient music, has depicted the ambiguous feelings beautifully. While your new one gives out impression of things bustling, as if it is a mixed tape of various kind of music. What do you think that has changed since the last album?

"loads has changed , the orb is not minimal anymore . Thomas Fehlmann has left the band . Youth has rejoined & working with a British label too . Using singers again too is so much fun . COW was a statement . NSAOOB has left the solar system & looking for new music in the cosmos."

——The album also have some featured artists like Youth and Roger Eno, who you have known well before. That has helped added various different voices and elements into the work. And it reflects the time that we live in a lot. What is it that you consider as the theme, vision and feeling that you want to express?

"After the 15th studio album ! There is no theme , the theme if there is one . It’s a like all bets are off . It’s in the title mate . No sounds are in indeed out of bounds … maybe not , but in the electronic world it’s a statement of intent . Youth I went to school with , we grew up in a boarding school in north Oxfordshire . Our families are connected . Roger , I met recently & what a lovely chap he is . as is Gaudi , who I did an album with maybe 6 years ago . Called “ screen by screen , on malicious damage with Chester far I on vocals … then there’s Andy Caine , Hollie Cook & Emma G .
all a million miles away from the sounds of COW . trumpets too !!! "

——Besides music, have you ever participated in other kind of creative process, like books or films that are based on your original imagination? What do you consider as inspirations and how does it affect you?

"Dog walks . painting pictures . reading books . gardening . science fiction films . travelling .
what is an original image ? a screen shot of the past ? I don’t consider inspirations & it certainly doesn’t affect me . Life is after all."

ーーエマ・ギレスピーが歌う“The End of the End”はトラップも連想させるビート・メイクが特徴的ですが、実際のところ、トラップを始めとした昨今のラップ・ミュージックから刺激を受けるようなところはありますか。また、ヒップホップやR&Bが優勢を占めるポップ・ミュージックの現状についてあなたがどのように見ているのか、興味があります。


ーーレゲエ・スタイルの“Rush Hill Road”では、ホリー・クックが美しい歌声を披露しています。ホリー・クックはご存知、ポール・クックの娘であり、またスリッツのラスト・メンバーのひとりでもあるわけですが、彼女が参加した経緯を教えてください。




——The song The End of the End by Emma Gillespie reminds people of traps with its beats. Is there any rap music that you can think of that stimulates that kind of impression? Also, what do you think about the current state of pop music as in a time that R&B and Hip-Hop dominate.

"blimey ! 1/ mad lib / CMN / metamono.
2/ brilliant love drake / the brits are coming the new wave of UK hip hop R&B . my woman adores .. "

——We have heard the beautiful voice of Hollie Cook in the Reggae song Rush Hill Road. As the daughter of Paul Cook and also the last member of Slits, how did she participated?

"swaps , i did a tune for her last album & she did a vocal on NSAOOB . i have known paul cook from the killing joke / sex pistols daze . there’s beginning to be another full circle in the making."

——The way of approaching the making of vocal and voice are getting more creative now, for example, the Oneohtrix Point Never is really innovative. Speaking of that, how do you get to capture the importance of the voice including the sampling monologues? What kind of effects do you think is introduced to ambient music through the voice?

"listen to album 1 & album 15 . i think we cracked whatever you’re trying to express / find a vocalist first."


アレックス「危機? 現状? 雲行きを見る? 西欧諸国で権力を握っているのは誰か? メッセージは“レコードプレイヤーを買って、スピンアウトしろ”だよ」

ーー『NO SOUNDS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS』というタイトルにはどんな意味が込められているのでしょうか。




ーージャー・ウォブルが参加した“Pillow Flight @ Shag Mountain”は宇宙戦争(War of the Worlds)がテーマとのことですが、この曲が暗示しているものとは何でしょうか。


ーーラストを飾る“Soul Planet”はまるで、「2001: A Space Odyssey」を音楽体験するような壮大なスケールをもった大曲ですが、この曲はどのようにして生まれたのでしょうか。


——We have had the conversation about COW / Chill Out, World! , you said it as anti-protest music in the previous interview. You have suggested that you weren’t angry at the situation and you didn’t let it get into your head. The music you are making now is quoting some problems to be solved from the era we live in today. The concern of the society and political issues are raised. What kind of message do you want to send out? What do you consider as dangerous now?

"dangerous ? now ? seen the weather lately ? whose in power in the western world ?
message - buy a record player , it’ll spin out - "

——What does the tile NO SOUNDS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS represent?

"the orb 30 years on."

——In the song Wolfbane, the scene of New York City getting bombed is depicted. How did you come up with that?

"in my head. a speech on the effects of a atomic bomb over NYC."

——The song Pillow Flight @ Shag Mountain which featured Jah Wobble was about the War of the Worlds. What did you want to imply through the music?

"dance dance dance to the bass line."

——Soul Planet as the last one, is just as grand as 2001: A Space Odyssey which dramatically expands the scale of the song. How did it come to live?

"the big one . two years in the making . love , respect & thoughtfulness . Gaudi myself & Andy caine started this monster in N8 … "





——While creating your own music, do you feel like the existence of political correctness in various cultural fields is being questioned? How do you think it is connected with your work and are you conscious of the problematic issue?

"u do what you feel is right . every time."

——Nowadays, the technique of AI is intruding into the art world, including design and music. Do you think that it’s possible to have an AI composer? How should music connect with AI? please let us know about your thoughts and opinion.

"no idea , a still no eyed deer . thanks for asking me . get a life or a deer . lx "

text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

The Orb about
『No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds』
(Big Nothing / Ultra Vibe)


1. The End of the End

2. Wish I Had a Pretty Dog

3. Rush Hill Road

4. Pillow Fight @ Shag Mountain

5. Isle of Horns

6. Wolfbane

7. Other Blue Worlds

8. Doughnuts Forever

9. Drift

10. Easy On the Onions

11. Ununited States

12. Soul Planet

The Orb/ジ・オーブ

The Orbは1988年にKilling JokeのローディーであったAlex PatersonとThe KLFのJimmy Cautyにより、ロンドンで結成された。1990年にはJimmy Cautyが脱退。以降はAlex Patersonを中心に、Thomas Fehlmann等と活動が行われている。アンビエント・ハウスやプログレッシヴ・ハウスを確立したエレクトロニック・ミュージック・グループとして、今尚、絶大な人気を誇る。1991年にデビュー・アルバム『The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld』をBig Lifeよりリリース。翌1992年のセカンド・アルバム『U.F.Orb』はUKチャートの1位を獲得する。その後、グループはIslandへ移籍。1993年のライヴ・アルバム『Live 93』、1994年のミニ・アルバム『Pomme Fritz』を経て、『Orbus Terrarum』(1995年)、『Orblivion』(1996年)、『Cydonia』(2001年)とアルバムをリリース。2004年にはCooking Vinylより『Bicycles & Tricycles』、2005年にはKompaktより『Okie Dokie It's the Orb on Kompakt』、2008年にはLiquid Sound Designより『The Dream』、2009年にはMalicious Damageより『Baghdad Batteries (Orbsessions Volume III)』とレーベルを変えながらアルバムをリリース。2010年にはPink FloydのDavid Gilmourをフィーチャーしたアルバム『Metallic Spheres』をColumbiaよりリリースし、UKチャートの12位記録した。その後、Cooking Vinylより『The Orbserver in the Star House』(2012年)、『More Tales from the Orbservatory』(2013年)と2枚のアルバムをリリース。この2枚ではLee "Scratch" Perryがフィーチャーされた。2015年には10年振りにKompaktよりアルバム『Moonbuilding 2703 AD』をリリース。翌2016年には『COW / Chill Out, World!』をリリースした。

More Info:http://bignothing.net/theorb.html












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