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Interview with Alice Phoebe Lou about “Orbit”

NeoL / 2018年8月13日 20時15分

Interview with Alice Phoebe Lou about “Orbit”

アリス・フィービー・ルーは、南アフリカのケープタウン出身のシンガー・ソングライター。現在はドイツのベルリンを拠点に活動していて、これまでに2枚のアルバムと2枚のEPを発表している。2年前にリリースされたデビュー・アルバム『オービット』は、素朴で美しい歌声をのせたブルージーな演奏、そして余韻を含んだドリーミーなアトモスフィアが魅力だったが、最新曲の“She”(※昨年オスカーで「Best Original Song」にノミネートされた)ではトライバル風のダンス・ポップを披露。先日行われた初めてのジャパン・ツアーでも、オーセンティックな弾き語りの佇まいと、エレクトロニックを交えたモダンな身のこなしとの間を揺れ動くようなパフォーマンスが魅力的だった。彼女が音楽を始めた背景、これまでのキャリア、さらに制作中というニュー・アルバムについて、来日中の本人に聞いてみた。









——It is your first time in Japan and it could be a good opportunity for people to get to know you better. Would you mind introducing yourself a little bit to us?

Alice: So I was born in Cape town and I am quite lucky to have grown up in this nice environment. I decided to leave for Europe when I was sixteen because it was just something I always wanted to do. And that is how I got to discover street music and performance. I stayed in France for two months at the beginning and that was when I joined a street music group and we danced in front of the Notre Dame for two months. And that was how I started. That gave me the confidence to know that I could rely on my skills as a performer financially and travel around Europe when I graduate from high school. I thought I was going to head back to my hometown and study history and anthropology, but I found myself learning a lot by performing on the streets and I wanted it to be continued. So I decided to move to Berlin. I didn’t know how long I was going to stay there and it ended up being the past six years of my life.

——Did you have any experience with songwriting or dancing before you went to Paris?

Alice: My mom plays music as a hobby. I played guitar when I was a teenager, mostly cover songs. I have also written some poems but it was never something that I focused on. I was more into dancing and intellectual things. But Berlin made me realized that music and performance is something I really want to do.

——What inspired you and made you feel like pursuing music?

Alice: I was playing in the subways, sitting on the floor like a beggar for ten years.
That’s what I have been doing. It was tough and I wasn’t happy. Then I met a group of Israelite musician who just got out of the army. They were doing the same thing just like me. I have learned a lot from them about not caring how others see me and focus on my own music.









——Were there any artists or musicians who inspired you at that time?

Alice: During that time I was listening to a lot of melancholy music, like Nick Drake. I was also writing some melancholy music and I was being apologetic all the time, like “I am sorry that this is a sad song”. But then I realized that sad songs are also necessary for people. It is not all about performing and smiling to people and having a good time. It is also about going inside of their heart.

——Was it like a sad period for you?

Alice: In a way. I was getting more in touch with the melancholy. I wasn’t only looking for happiness. I was okay with being sad, like just sitting with it and allowing it to rise.

——You were also studying theatre before you left for Europe. Would you elaborate on that?

Alice: So I went to a school which allowed me to choose different subjects to study. It was like a college. We had a darkroom and so I studied photography. As well as history and theatre. I loved history a lot.

——Was there a specific reason that you chose Berlin?

Alice: Many reasons. But I guess we can sum it up with the one that Berlin was the first place where I went to that made me feel very alive. I almost felt like everything was possible for me. I made friends immediately and I felt very welcoming in the city. Also, being able to walk on the streets alone at night was great.

——Berlin is known for quite a lot of genres of music. Which one you liked the most?

Alice: I have never liked club music or electronic music before Berlin. But the vibe at Berlin wasn’t like how I imagined it to be. It was kind of cozy and I think that was surprising to me. Berlin also have an intense drug culture and I think some of my friends went quite far down the road. I think that I am lucky to be able to stay away from it. Maybe it was because of my upbringing. But that can easily happen to a lot of creative people.




Alice「そうね。『オービット』は2年前のアルバムなんだけど、そこからバンドも進化してるし、自分の音楽も自分の内側よりも外側にエネルギーを放出する方向にベクトルが向いてきてるから……自分自身を解放するみたいな? だから、自分が今作ってる新曲やニュー・アルバムとか、新しいライヴ・パフォーマンスとかって、もっとエネルギッシュな雰囲気になってる」



——Did you find any artist that you like?

Alice: I very much liked the music that are quite light. Martha van straaten and Feathered Sun, Acid Pauli. I guess those are my favs.

——Most of the songs on “Orbit “are rather slow but then “She” is condense and upbeat, is there any reason why you did that?

Alice: So “Orbit “have come out for two years already. The way I am making music is getting more energetic as it is how I feel. Less introspective. So now my new album and live performance are all a lot more energetic.

——So you music shows a perspective in which puts attention onto people who are suppressed and treated unequally. Is there any specific reason for that?

Alice: When I started playing on the streets, I had conversation with all kinds of people like the homeless and drug addicts. They were using the same space with me and I got to know more about them. It really changed my perception of hierarchy and how it should not exist.





——Do you think that your identity as a traveling musician also helps to provide that perspective?

Alice: Sure. Especially in the beginning. The sense of being somewhere but as an observer was strong. I have experienced that when I didn’t have money or anything else to offer. On the other side, I became able to be offered with all kinds of things and make friends easily just after a few years. That gives me the opportunity to see from different angles of the society, which kind of put everyone on the same stage.

——Do you think maybe you were influenced by your parents who are documentary film makers?

Alice: Absolutely. And also the anthropology side of things. My parents were constantly fighting the injustice rather than just living in something privileged without paying attention to other’s conditions.









——Do you have the intention of speaking for other people’s mind through your own creative process?

Alice: Not so much. I used to want my songs to filled with profound critical meanings, but over the years I have found that my songwriting styles changed to a place where I just want people to feel something. It can be everything and relatable but everyone has different case.

——Would you tell us about your plan for the next album?

Alice: So during last year my band have evolved a lot to a place where we are allowed to play a lot of fun things and to make expressions. That changed the way how my album would be. We recorded some parts live and so the sounds are raw. It was recorded in California, we were just facing the sea. The producer was Noah Georgeson, who is an amazing person. He brought out our characteristics from the music.

photography Satomi Yamauchi
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
special thanks TurnTable http://turntable.jp

Alice Phoebe Lou『Orbit』
Now on Sale

1.Girl On An Island 2.Society 3.Red 4.Take Flight 5.Haruki
6.Walking In The Garden 7.Amsterdam 8.Orbit 9.The City Sleeps 10.She[Bonus Track]

Alice Phoebe Lou
ベルリンのストリートでライヴ演奏をしながらブルージーなフォーク・サウンドを発展させたサウンド、偽りない歌詞と素朴で美しい声で、パフォーマンス動画が脅威の再生数。世界が注目する南アフリカ出身、ベルリンで活動するSSW|Alice Phoebe Lou(アリス フィービー ルー)。ケープタウンとベルリン録音。才能ある南アフリカとヨーロッパのミュージシャンが多数参加したデビュー・アルバム『Orbit』。ドイツ・レコード批評家賞にて、ベスト・フィメール・アーティストにノミネートされ、いくつかのテレビ番組で紹介された『Orbit』は、ソウル、ブルース、ジャズが複雑に織り込まれた精緻なモザイク模様とでもいうべきものである。日本盤には、解説、歌詞対訳に加え、2018年にシングル・リリースされている「She」を追加収録。













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