Interview with Let’s Eat Grandma about “I’m All Ears”
NeoL / 2018年8月15日 12時0分
——Is it your first time in Japan? What do you think of the audience in Fujirock?
Rosa : Yes,It is our first time in Japan! We just arrived yesterday. The audience is so good! Very respectful!
——You played some new tracks form your new album came out in this year. I think those songs are like facing the audience and live show oriented.
Jenny : We are pretty enjoying play more dancing songs and trying to get the audience more involved and so there are songs that are quite high-energy and upbeat.
——The audience was so excited. We get the impression that the previous album was very deep. Would you please tell me what is the difference in the way of making the album?
Rosa : I think our new album is a lot brighter in the beginning.But it getting more dark and profound as it draw to the end. We have spent a lot of time at the festivals over the summer. We sort of want to capture that youthful energy.
——So you are collaborating with a producer David Wench and Sophie now. What was the most fun thing you have done with them?
Jenny : I think that we had learned a lot from working with Sophie and David, because they both have different approaches to production. So we have learned a lot about how to write pop-structured songs with Sophie and production skills with David.
——Their style also has a very strong pop sensibility, what gives you the inspirations?
Rosa : Mostly we are have always been pop music fan. We are always fans of Sophie’‘s tracks before even collaborating. And we just want to try to make pop music ourselves this time.
——What kind of recent pop music do you like?
Rosa : Years & Years is amazing. Janelle Monae.The 1975 and we love Mondo Grosso.
——How did you get to know Mondo Grosso?
Rosa :I think we found “Labyrinth” online. The producer also did another project.Right? I love that, too. That music video in which the singer was in the city is amazing. The song was so good. We are really inspired by it.
——Mondo Grosso played here last year.
Rosa : It’s amazing!
——I get impression this album has a storyline or specific landscape. It has a lot of different sounds and start is bright but getting dark.
Rosa : I think all of our music is just representing our lives. Over the last couple of years we have had our highs and lows so I guess it is kind of like the narrative of just being us.
——Sounds is very bright and pop when you can relax, but it became dark when you felt frustration. That contrast is very intriguing.
Jenny : I like that contrast. It is more realistic for us.
Rosa : I think sometimes instead of being sad about things and just stay inside, we would rather put the sad lyrics to an upbeat song and dance to it.
——There are a lot of pop songs about breakups and sad love stories. But your new album is not really much about relationship.
Jenny : I think we are writing songs not just about ourselves, some of songs write about that.
Rosa : I want to write our whole life. It is also about friends and other people as well. t is not just about relationship. It is also life lol
——The last track of the album is a twelve-minutes long song which is quite impressive. How was the process like? How did you get inspiration?
Rosa : We have a couple of long songs in this album. When we write, we didn’t use computers so we were just jamming with loops. And so we didn’t realize they were so long till we timed it. We wrote it pretty early and we knew that we were gonna finish the album with it. It’s got that kind of energy.
——Your experience in this album is definitely be a benefit for you future development. What do you have in mind for your next phase?
Jenny : I think we are excited about what’s coming next because we can go to so many different directions now. I think we have definitely found a new phase as you said. We have got a lot of big changes in our lives right now and let’s see how it goes.
Rosa : We are embracing changes. Like traveling to all these places, like Japan lol
——Since both of you have started by 13 and thats quite young, do you ever feel like you are sick of music?
Jenny : No. That’s not happening.
Rosa : We always keep music as our own thing. It is something that still belongs to us.
——You are set to support CHVRCHES on November. CHVRCHES often talks about gender. Did you get any inspiration from them?
Rosa : It’s a very big movent about gender or woman right. When we play first time, the situation was harder than now.It’s 6 years ago. I feel like things getting better.
photography Takayuki Okada
text Takahisa Matsunaga
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Let’s Eat Grandma
『I’m All Ears』
(Transgressive / Hostess)
Now On Sale
※初回仕様限定:ボーナストラック・ダウンロードコード付ステッカー封入(フォーマット:mp3 / 発売日から1年間有効)。歌詞対訳、ライナーノーツ付
1. Whitewater
2. Hot Pink
3. It's Not Just Me
4. Falling Into Me
5. Snakes & Ladders
6. Missed Call (1)
7. I Will Be Waiting
8. The Cat's Pyjamas
9. Cool & Collected
10. Ava
11. Donnie Darko
1. Soundtrack to Dark Continent SEMIRAMIS : Overflow (Instrumental)
2. Soundtrack to Dark Continent SEMIRAMIS : Glittering (Instrumental)
3. Soundtrack to Dark Continent SEMIRAMIS : Salt Lakes (Instrumental)
Let’s Eat Grandma
イギリス出身のロサ(Rosa Walton)とジェニー(Jenny Hollingworth)からなるポップ・デュオ。2013年に結成。BBC Radio 1などで演奏し、NMEをはじめとする有名音楽媒体に取り上げられてじわじわと話題に。2016年6月にデビュー・アルバム『アイ、ジェミニ』をリリース。2018年7月、待望のセカンド・アルバム『アイム・オール・イヤーズ』をリリース。アルバム発売直後にはフジロックフェスティバル出演のため初来日を果たした。
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