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Interview with Odesza about “A Moment Apart”

NeoL / 2018年8月20日 18時0分

Interview with Odesza about “A Moment Apart”

シアトル発ハリソン・ミルスとクレイトン・ナイトによるトラックメーカー/プロデユーサーデュオOdesza。デビューアルバム『In Return』がビルボードのエレクトロチャートで5週に渡り1位を記録、2nd『A Moment Apart』は全米チャート初登場3位、グラミー2部門にノミネートされるなど、リリースする楽曲全てがヒットを記録する時代の寵児だ。音源をライヴ用にアレンジし、オーディエンスをリアルの場でも瞬く間に取り込む彼らの実力はフジロックでも遺憾無く発揮され、6人のドラマーと2人の金管楽器奏者を率いての生音とエレクトロの音の洪水とヴィジュアルの豪華さは圧巻だった。彼らの音楽はなぜかくも人の心を打つのか、ホワイトステージ出演前の二人を訪れた。

--今回のアルバムはシンセサイザーを多用したサウンドによりセンチメンタルでありつつもダンサブルな楽曲が多く、前作からさらに飛躍した印象を受けました。アコースティックな要素が入ったこともセンチメンタルを誘引する理由の一つだと思います。『In Return』リリース直後に、次作ではアコースティックなサウンド要素を取り入れたいとお話ししていましたが何故その考えに至ったのでしょうか。


——Your new album is wonderful. It has a lot of synthesizer sounds but has taste like sentimental feeling plus it’s danceable. I feel it is more productive than last one. I really enjoyed it. So I read interview you guys were talking about that you wanna put more acoustic element into your new album.Would you tell us more about the acoustic songs in your new album?

Clayton: We have always been big fans of blending electronic music with organic elements. The first album maybe had a touch on that but this one definitely is delving into that sound. We are really interested in taking orchestral arrangement, a lot of strings arrangement, brass arrangement into the song and blending them with these electronic elements. We are big fans of Four Tet who takes a lot of these organic sounds. He plays these organic sounds and changes it with using production techniques and makes something new. That is always very inspiring for us. And we think we have tried to capture that quite often in our music.



クレイトン「例えば、”Corners of the Earth”という曲でフィーチャリングしたRY Xは会ってからすぐにセッションをしましたが、一番最初に出来たバージョンのフィーリングがとてもマッチしました。そこから彼は8時間のセッションのうちに曲を全て作ってくれました」


——Would you elaborate on how you approach the organic effect through your creative process?

Harrison: We just really wanted to try some new things .Every albums before this, we found someone by internet and passing sounds back and forth. This is the first time when we actually built the song with an artist who came in with a bunch of loops ideas and loops songs. We have never done that before sitting a studio. It was much fun going to LA to just sit in sessions to sessions with these musicians and work in a studio. We were just kind of trying to learn to read people’s energies.

Clayton : It is a new experience for us. Some of the better stuff we found out is what we have done together in the studio. RY X and we put together on the day we got into the studio and this magical moment happened. He basically wrote the entire song the eight-hour session.

Harrison: And those first moments when people react to music after the time they overthink it can never go back to that. In a lot of time, that is the best part.So that was a new process.





——I saw a couple of making video.I found the vocalists from the makings all agreed on that they got pushed out of their comfort zone through the process. Is that something you deliberately do?

Harrison: I think a lot of the times we hear that person in a different place. Like you do what you do so well but we also need to hear it over here.

Clayton: Working with artists that aren’t originally familiar with electronic music is different. It depends on their background, and they know as much as how we push them out of their comfort zone. As we push ourselves as well. And that push and pull is some really good balance and we made some really interesting music because of that. That was kind of the process we tried to capture.

Harrison: Meeting with an artist for the first time is like going on a date lol We both have a same goal, that is to make something great. But you don’t know how you are going to do it. It could be really comfortable or awkward or terrible. That is very similar in that sense.

--初デートというと、Regina Spektorとのエピソードは素敵でしたよね。手紙を書いてアプローチし、ホテルの一室で歌ってもらったとか。

ハリソン「全部話しましょうか? 長くなっちゃうけど(笑)。長年僕たちは彼女のファンだったので、念願のコラボレーションでした。彼女はとても有名なアーティストだし、僕たちのことも知らないだろうから叶わないと思っていたけれど、彼女が僕たちのデモを聴いてくれて新しさや面白さを感じてくれたから実現に至りました。そして彼女自身がコンフォートゾーンから抜け出して一緒に新しいものを作ってくれたのです。またぜひ一緒にやりたいですし、とにかく自分たちの音に彼女が歌をのせてくれたということ自体が感動的でした」

——Speaking of first dates, let’s hear about the story of the letter to Regina Spektor.

Harrison: Do you want full story? Common! I mean, we were fans of her forever and it was the best collaboration that could ever happen. She is just so incredibly talented. We were like “why would you ever want to work with two guys that you have never heard of”. But I sent a couple of demo kind like she never tried before. She seemed like someone who is excited to step out of her comfort zone. We’d like to make more music with her. Just watching her sing on the microphone was kind of insane.

--Naomi Wildはアカペラを送ってくれて、それを聴いて低迷していた作業が急に進みだしたと話していましたが、そのように逆にインスパイアされて「やらなきゃ!」と思えるということも、あなた方にとってはコンフォートゾーンを超えた体験なのでしょうか。



——And the other hands, an episode of Naomi, she sent you a cappella demo when you guys kind of feeling stagnating music making. And you got power and inspiration from her demo. Sometimes may be you also get inspiration from other artists which push you guys out of your comfort zone.

Clayton: Very much so. That huge part of the collaborate process what makes stuff. I think the music so interesting is that when you got pushed in a different way that you weren’t aware of. The story with Naomi is like, she sent a cappella demo when we heard it we think how beautiful. We took it and through out the writing process which we developed before that. We’d like to really develop the instrumentals around the vocal tone. So even a lot of the time when we share music for the first time with the vocalist, we will give them something really simple. And what we do after is that we get the vocal back and rewrite the instrumentals around their vocals so that they fit together. So it is a lot of back and forth.

Harrison : Like changing the context of the voice. Like if it feels like a pop song, you add a sample of an interesting instrument and it is a totally different thing.




——I think you guys have really good balance between experimenting and keeping very important elements. A song "Meridian” which is little bit oriental but not too much.It’s very beautiful. And Other songs, you take a voice and changed the context of the voice but it still has human touch. It’s interesting.Would you tell us about how do you keep a good balance when making a mixture of something both experimental and organic?

Clayton: It is a lot of time. You can do all the right technical stuff and you can follow all these formulas and know you are doing the right thing, but if it is not feeling right and is not making you feel the way you should, then it is wrong. If you are not getting the right feeling from it, even though it has the incredibly good production sound, it is not clicking. So that is why I think a lot of the vocal pieces and how they are arranged and how the chorus and melodies interact is really important. We are trying to hold on to that. If it is not giving the buzz, then it is not doing what it should be doing.

Harrison : We are just such huge fans of cinema and film scores, that we like to think about those emotional soundscape. There is a reason that people put on their music and think of taking off from an airplane. I’d like to think of that as the background of your life. My favorite instrumentals help add an emotional background to it.

--映画音楽がお好きだということですが、”Line of Sight”のMVはジブリの『天空の城ラピュタ』を思い起こさせました。ジブリ作品はご覧になっていますか?


——Speaking of film scores, I want to ask you your music video “Line of Sight” was inspired by a Ghibli film”Castle in the sky”?

Harrison: I think “Grave of Fireflies” is a nice film. The director is a friend of ours and we got inspired by that a lot. Also me and him are both very inspired by the anime “Akira”. That soundtrack is the most influential instrumental I have ever heard. I used to listen to it in high school just walking around and thinking about those cool sound design. We have always had a lot of chores and drum work and that is pretty much inspired by that soundtrack. So I think yes, we are influenced by a lot of scenes.

photography Junko Yoda
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara

“Across The Room Remix(feat.Leon Bridges)
(Counter Records)
Now On Sale

Apple Music: https://apple.co/2I9yb2g
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2JXdcpa


『A Moment Apart』
(Beat Records / Counter Records)
Now On Sale

ハリソン・ミルスとクレイトン・ナイトによるシアトル発の人気プロデューサー・ユニット。デビュー・アルバム『In Return』が、ビルボード・チャートのエレクトロニック部門で5週にわたって1位を記録し、Spotify のバイラルチャートでも全米1位、世界2位を記録。本国アメリカではザ・チェインスモーカーズやメジャー・レイザーにも匹敵する人気を誇り、今やコーチェラをはじめ大型フェスへ出演するなどビッグ・アクトへと登りつめた。2017 年9 月にリリースした最新アルバム『A Moment Apart』は、全米チャート初登場3位、ダンス/エレクトロニック・チャートでは6週連続トップ5を記録、第60回グラミー賞2018には2部門にノミネートされるなど、その人気を証明した。












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