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Physical Issue : Interview with Brinda Guha

NeoL / 2018年8月18日 12時0分

Physical Issue : Interview with Brinda Guha


Known as the founder of Contemporary Indian Dance, Brinda Guha is a dancer/choreographer/teacher based in New York. She expresses her identity through a new style she has created with her learnings in Classical Indian dance, and continues to share that style with her community. We asked Brinda what certain aspects of dance such as history, sound and movement mean to her.


Brinda「私はニュージャジーで母、マラビカ・グーハにダンスを教わりながらら育ちました。1986年に始めたダンススクールがセントラルNJ にあるのです。毎週日曜日は朝から夕方まで、それがスケジュールでした。最初はちゃんと習うことには興味がわかず、クラスが開催されていた場所までついていく形でした。時間が経つにつれて、音楽のリズムが私の想像力を発揮させ、スピン、フットワーク、ダンススタイルを通して自分を表現するようになりました。生徒になることが必然となり、そこから全てがはじまりました」

--First, can you tell us about your background in North Indian Classical Kathak dance?

Brinda : I grew up in New Jersey learning dance from my mother, Malabika Guha. She has a school in Central NJ that started in 1986. Every Sunday, all morning and afternoon – that was the schedule! At first I wasn’t interested in learning formally, I would just follow along to where classes were held. Over time, the rhythms penetrated my imagination and the spins, footwork, and style introduced itself into the way I expressed myself. It was inevitable that I would become a student, and it started there.



--How did you create a modern style from what you learned from your mother in Kathak dance?

Brinda : The immigrant narrative was very loud for me as I was growing up. I was born to two immigrants from India who had to constantly decide what parts of their culture they’d keep and what parts they’d let go of. That in itself was commentary enough that confirming my identity would be hard. I didn’t realize until I became an adult that my identity is clearest in its complexity, that my expression included aspects of my heritage and aspects of my current circumstance. Once I embraced that reality, I was able to at least begin the process of finding that narrative in my work. Every moment is a fusion, every shape is a comprehensive analysis of two worlds coming together, and every “finished” item encompasses a human story that lives beyond borders. It took hours, lab work, research, mentorship, being wrong, being right, and stepping away from my ego to create new work that would resonate with people and have the potential to last beyond my lifetime.



--What are some things you have learned in pursuing your own style of dance?

Brinda : In creating and pursuing my own style of dance, I learned that not everything works! And that the greatest learning moments are in my failures.



--What are the techniques and tips you most often give when teaching contemporary Indian?

Brinda : I teach my students that you have to know the line before breaking the line. It’s important, when studying Contemporary Indian, that you know about traditional Indian dance. Indian dance is complex in itself; it is a study, not just a style. It involves technique, history, storytelling of that history, and clarity in its communication. It’s important to me that my students understand that the work was created on a foundation of Indian dance, and that although it is now accessible to us, it was created on a strong foundation of an understanding of that is rooted in history.



--Who are some of your role models, in and out of dance?

Brinda : I am deeply inspired by musicians. There are too many to list, but the artists who are creating layers of music through world sound inspire me on a deep level. I am also inspired by my many teachers that I’ve had, their discoveries and mentorship, and their mistakes and regrets that they’ve shared. I am inspired by New York City, the people, the streets, the cars, the sounds, and the colors. I am also inspired by Oprah, because damn, that woman figured it out.



--How do you discover music to choreograph to?

Brinda : Spotify is my life.



--What does your dance company do/where do they perform?

Brinda : My dance company, Kalamandir Dance Company, performs in the tri-state area and dances to work created in the Contemporary Indian language. We are a collective made up of dancers of diverse backgrounds, and we tell stories that are an extension of the Contemporary Indian human experience.



--What is your favorite thing about dance? Do you have any other favorite styles?

Brinda : My favorite thing about dance is that it has language. All the styles of movement pull from a history that is beyond our existence. My other favorite thing about dance is that it often has no language. Movement creates feeling, and feeling drive us towards action.



--Do you believe dance/movement is a form of language?

Brinda : Absolutely. It is the ultimate non-verbal language. We carry our experiences in our body; the way we walk, the way we smile, the way we look at the people and the way we stand up straight. When we marry movement to sound, we create an experience that communicates deeply with a view and/or participant. Movement is universal. Dance is a study of universal movement.



--Have you been to other countries to perform/teach?

Brinda : Yes! I have traveled a lot to study and perform. I lived in Spain for two summers to learn Flamenco, which led to a 10-year study in the vocabulary once I moved to New York. I also study Manipuri Classical Indian dance with my guru in India. I have taught in Spain, England, India and Japan, and hope to teach in more places as my career expands.


Brinda「www.brindaguha.comで最新ニュースを御覧ください。SNSは@brindaguha, @kalamandirdance, @wisefruitnyc, & @solesofduendeで検索ください。いつも新しいものを創ろうとしていて、どんなものがコミュニティーにとって良いのか探し続けています。そのプロセスにはとても感謝しています。好きな事を仕事にできているので、とても恵まれています」

--Lastly, any news we should be aware of (upcoming performances, events)?

Brinda : Keep up with my work at www.brindaguha.com and my social media channels at @brindaguha, @kalamandirdance, @wisefruitnyc, & @solesofduende. I am constantly creating work and seeing what resonates with my community. I am grateful for the process, and I’m incredibly honored to have been able to create a life out of what I love to do.

Brinda Guha

text & edit Karin Horikoshi












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