Interview with Computer Magic about “Danz” and “ Super Rare” by AAAMYYY
NeoL / 2018年9月5日 12時0分
NYをベースにDIYで音楽を発信し続けているComputer Magicことダニエル・ジョンソン。アートワークなども自ら制作し、自身のレーベル「Channel 9」を運営する多才さに加え、数多くのCM曲を手がけていることでも知られる彼女が、2ndアルバム『Danz』と日本企画盤となる『Super Rare』のリリースを機に来日公演を果たした。彼女のファンであり、同じスタンスで音楽に向き合っているアーティストAAAMYYYが新作について、ものづくりについてインタビューを敢行した。
――リハと本番の合間にインタビューの時間をいただいてありがとうございます。そして日本へおかえりなさい! ツアーはいい感じですか?
Danz 「ええ、とても。昨日は大阪でライヴだったのでちょっと疲れているけど、日本酒をたくさん飲めたから大丈夫! 日本酒が大好きなの(笑)。ショーも良かったし、大阪も大好きだし、とても楽しかった。東京には大好きな古着屋がたくさんありそうだから明日はショッピングしたいな」
Danz 「一瞬しか寄れなかったけど、すごく素敵な人だったわ」
Danz 「あまり時間がなくて、古着屋に寄ってシャツを買ったくらいよ」
——Thanks for sparing time for us today.Welcome back to Japan, How’s the tour going? How was Osaka?
Danz : It was good. We played in Osaka last night. We were a little bit tired after the show but it was okay cuz we had sake after lol I love sake. Yea, the show was fine. And I love Osaka. I feel like there are a lot vintage clothing stores which I love. We all feel like shopping, maybe tomorrow.
——Did you go to Flake Records and see Mr. Dawa?
Danz : We stopped by for a little bit and he seemed pretty cool.
——Did you get anything in Osaka?
Danz : I got a shirt in the vintage clothing store. It had been a busy day.
――前回のNeoL Magazineのインタビューでは[Alexandros].の川上洋平さんと対談されていましたね。わたしはもともとComputer Magicの大ファンなので、ダンジーさんが音楽を始めた経緯や、インスピレーションの出処など知れてとっても嬉しかったです。そんなわたしが今日インタビュワーで何だか光栄です。まず6月にリリースされたばかりの日本独自企画盤『Super Rare』についてですが、このアルバムのコンセプトはなんでしょうか?
Danz 「もちろん。(三鷹の森)ジブリ美術館に行ってみたい! スペシャルなバスで向かうんでしょう? いつか単なる観光客として行ってみようと思ってる(笑)。前に『風の谷のナウシカ』を観て、最初はすごく奇妙に感じたけど、今では『オームってすごく可愛い!』ってくらいハマってるし、『 AKIRA』も大好き。私はマニアではないんだけど、これらのアニメはすごく本質を捉えていると思う。”Dimensions”を作ってるとき、脳裏にそういうアニメのことがよく浮かんでいたの」
――I read all the archives of your interviews in Japan including the one from NeoL Maga-zine with Yohei Kawakami from the band [Alexandros]. And I was very impressed how you started this music creation, and how you have inspirations from. And I’ve been one of your biggest fan in Japan and I’m very grateful to be the interviewer today. So what is the concept or theme of your new album“Super Rare”?
Danz :It is like a compilation album. It has a lot of earlier songs. I had a bunch of upbeat songs that weren’t included in Danz but I really want to put them out. Songs I composed for commercials are also included.There are also open projects from 2012 that I didn’t finish until last year. It is kind of a mixture, but now it is more polished.So it is super cool to have them all together in one album. So “Super Rare” is this compilation album. It came out right after “Danz”, but “Danz” is more experimental.Those are the vibes.
——As you mentioned in last interview with Yohei, that you have inspirations from mov-ies or novels sometimes. Did you have any inspirations or ideas comes from movies when your writing lyrics?
Danz : I am inspired by everything. Especially Sci-fi movies, I guess. Like last night I couldn’t sleep and I was up till 3am watching the original West World lol I just like all that stuff. John Carpenter made the soundtrack for Dark Star and he directed that, too. It is good to be inspired not only by music. I feel like creating my own style, I guess. Besides musicians, I am inspired even when traveling. Ideas generate sometimes when I listen to some old songs, too. I think artists are always taking everything in and reinterpreting stuff.
——Do you happen to like Japanese Anime? Like Akira, or Ghibli.
Danz :Yes, I do. I really want to go visit Studio Ghibli! I have heard that there is like a special bus going there. I think someday I am gonna go just as a tourist. I watched Nausicaä before I came. It was strange at first but then I was like “omg these ohmu are so cute”.And I love Akira, too. These animations are just very natural. I am not like a maniac but I love it. When I wrote the song Dimensions, I had those anime impressions on my mind so I guess I was inspired as well.
Danz 「曲によって全然違うわ。ベースラインが浮かぶこともあれば、Ableton(ソフトウェア)だけで作り始めるときもある。道を歩いてて閃いたメロディーを忘れないように録音して、そこから組み立てたり。ドラムにベースを足してどんどん他の要素も入れていったり色々よ。ヴォーカルはだいたいいつも後入れなの。曲を作るのは簡単だけど歌詞はパーソナルな部分だから難しくて。そのために曲を完成できないこともたまにある。でもそれは良いことでもあって。無理に終わらせようとしないで、そういう場合は他の曲を作ってみたり、一呼吸おくと良いものになったりする。せっかちじゃないから作るのに時間がかかってしまうけど、この作品を完成できて嬉しいわ」
Danz 「インストゥルメンタル用にはProphet 6を使ってるけど、ツアーにはProphet 8を持ってきてる。Prophet 6は宝物で、何かあったらと気が気じゃなくなるから、スタジオから持ち出さないことにしてるの(笑)。私もオムニコードはお気に入り。Roland 909を新しく手に入れたけど、オリジナルは高すぎて無理!」
――ダンジーさんは自分のレコードレーベル「Channel 9」を始めたんですよね。
Danz 「日本ではTugboat Recordsがやってくれているけど、前からアメリカではセルフリリースをしていて。曲をオンラインにアップしたり、ロゴを作ったりするディストリビューションカンパニー/レーベルをやっているの。どこかのレーベルに属すより自分でやったほうがいいなって感じで始めたんだけど、全部を自分でやるのは大変よね(笑)。でもレーベルに所属していたらタイトルを決めるだけでも取りまとめるが大変だから、自分でリリースできるのは楽だし、私には合ってる。CMの収入が入ったことでレーベルを作れて、すごくラッキーだと思う。自分で責任をとってプロフェッショナルな仕事をするというのは向き合い方に圧倒的に差が出る。私はアートワークも自分で作って、宣伝もして、できた作品の配送の手配までするの。だって、音楽に関わっている全ての作業を愛しているから」
――なぜ「Channel 9」という名前にしたんですか?
Danz 「”Science Channel 9”という私の古い曲があって、そこからよ。でもたまたまラジオのチューニングが合って変なチャンネルが流れてきた感じで、どうしてその曲がピンときたのかはわからない」
Danz 「いい感じよ。ジュリアン・カサブランカスのCult Recordsに所属してるThe Voidzのショーには全部行ってる。私はスタジオにこもるのが好きだからそんなに回らないんだけど、彼らはすごくクールだと思う。ブッシュウィックにはElsewhereやBaby’s alrightという新しいベニューもできたわ」
——I’m a songwriter and track maker, and I usually have inspirations from actual sounds come out from instruments such as Omnichord, Analog and soft synthesizers of Ableton or Native Instruments or Prophet, or even from side chains. I think you have many instru-ments and tools to build up sounds, which part do you start to make? Beats? Bass?
Danz :Every song starts differently. Sometimes I come up with the Bass line, sometimes I just use Ableton like a drum machine. Sometimes I’ll be just walking down the street and recording a melody when I hear it. I just don’t wanna forget it. And then it is the building part. I start with the drum track and then I add the bass, and fill in everything later. Vocals are usually the last. The song itself is easy but coming up with what to say is hard. It is always the hardest part because it is personal. It happens for a reason that sometimes I don’t finish all the songs. But that is a good thing. When you push yourself too hard into finishing something, it is not gonna end well so I’d rather let it breath. If you can’t finish it, just start something else. Now I am happy with it. I am not the kind of person who rushes lol
——I recently got a new effector called “ ABDACADABRA” of Japanese Private Factory “Bananana Effects”. I’m looking for white Omnichord and new effector called “Dot Chaser” of “RETROACTIVE PEDALS” from Portland. What instruments or geers did you get lately? What is your favorite analog/degital geer? Where do you get new geers?Do you have any recommendations for me to get?
Danz :So I have effects pedals. For instruments, I have the Prophet 6.It is good but I don’t tour with it. I only tour with the Prophet 8 because Prophet 6 is like my baby, I am constantly worried about something happening to it lol I don’t wanna take it out of the studio. I love the omnichord, too. I have the new Roland 909, too. I wanted the original one but that was too expensive lol
——I wanna know more about your new record label Channel 9. Would you tell me more about it?
Danz : So, I used to self-release my albums when I was back in the U.S. I was putting out albums all by myself, and I thought that it would sound better with a record label. That’s how it all started lol I have this distribution company which uploaded the songs online and then I got the logo. And with the commercial income I get to generate all that. It’s lucky enough with commercial income to found a record label. I’ll just keep making com-mercials lol It’s good because publications take you more seriously when you are with a record label, even if you just make up the name lol You are being taken professionally be-cause of that. I have done it all by myself and it was very overwhelming. Like I had to make the artwork itself and send it to the press, and make the shipping and stuff. I will probably get an intern soon. Even though I love doing all that, I want to be focused on music.
——Why did you name it Channel 9?
Danz : I had a song called Science Channel 9 which was an older song. I thought of it as an impression when you listen to the radio and a weird channel comes out. I don’t know.
——What do you think of music in New York right now?
Danz :It’s good. The last show I went to was The Voidz. So, Julian Casablancas owns Cult Records and there were friends who were trying the find a record label. So I have been going to all The Voidz shows in New York. I usually don’t go out that often. I’d like to stay in my studio lol But their music seems cool. There is a new venue called Elsewhere. It’s in Bushwick. Baby’s alright is another one. Yea it is all cool.
Danz 「個人的には、誰もが音楽そのものにちゃんと触れることができるように、あまり政治的になりすぎないようにしてる。でもたくさんの人にとってあの選挙は良くない結果を引き起こしているし、みんな戸惑っているわ。私はアーティストとして自分の感情、動揺していることを曲にする義務があると思った。歴史が繰り返されていて、人々は怒りをエネルギーにして作品を作っているし、それを何らかの形で表に出さなきゃいけない状況にいるの」
——Your song”Delirium” are dealing with issues and message we have that happening here as well. As political issues are complicated to comprehend, what kind of role does music play here? Does it give out opinions to lead to assumptions or is it only raising the attention to the questions and issues themselves?
Danz : I tried not to be too political because I want everybody to be able to relate to the music itself. But the election was pretty bad for a lot of people. I feel like everybody felt embarrassed because of that. I think that I have the duty to write a song as a musician to show that I am upset. That is my most political song. History is repeating itself all the time. People put their angry into their work. We gotta get it out somehow.
——We do have political issues tangled up in Japan, too. However, there are few that would like to make their statement in their work, it is nice to hear it from your songs under that circumstance.
Danz :It is really scary to write those songs. Because some people won’t agree with you. But it is a good way speaking your mind politely. It is important but it is hard. Not everybody will be happy all the time. Sometimes you just have to do what feels right to you, and hopefully somebody likes it.
photography Satomi Yamauchi
interview AAAMYYY
text Ryoko Kuwahara
Computer Magic
(Tugboat / P-VINE)
Now On Sale
2.Nebraska land
3.Ordinary Life (Message From an A.I. Girlfriend)
4.Delirium (Don’t Follow The Sheep)
6.Perfect Game
8.Space and Time / Pale Blue Dot
9.Drift Away
11.Sleepwalk (Bonus track for Japan)
12.On an Island Far Away (Bonus track for Japan)
Computer Magic
『Super Rare』
(Tugboat / P-VINE)
Now On Sale
-Track List-
1.The Technology
3.Livin’ in The Moment
4.Cloud City★CMオリジナルソング。
5.Big Blue Eyes
6.Planet of Dreams★CMオリジナルソング。
7.Running★LEXUSグローバルブランド広告キャンペーンAMAZING IN MOTION「STROBE」採用楽曲
8.Outerspace Radio Theme
10.All Alone in Tokyo(Featuring Har Mar Superstar)
11.Addition(Tangent of Love)
12.Midnight Spaceflight Disco
Computer Magic
NY在住のダニエル・ジョンソン (愛称 :ダンジー)がDJやグラフィック・デザイン活動と並行して活動し始めたプロジェクト「Computer Magic」。
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