Interview with Hinds about “I Don’t Run” by Marya
NeoL / 2018年9月10日 12時0分
世界を席巻した1st『Leave Me Alone』でスペインで初めて世界的成功を収めたロックバンド、Hinds。約2年ぶりとなる2ndアルバム『I Don’t Run』を手にフジロックに出演し、ライヴバンドとしての力量を見せつけた彼女たちが、KING BROTHERS / リンダ&マーヤ のマーヤと再会を果たした。
Marya「FUJI ROCK FESTIVALでパフォーマンスを観せていただきました」
Marya「もちろん。でも、本当に申し訳ないのですが自分のバンド活動が忙しくて、あなたたちの新しいアルバム(『I Don’t Run』)のリリースを知ったのが少し遅くなってしまいました。ようやく聴いてみたらあまりの素晴らしい出来にとても驚いて。もちろん1stアルバム『Leave Me Alone』も素晴らしかったのですが、アーティストにとって2ndアルバムはとても重要なので、今作『I Don’t Run』を聴いてとても嬉しくなったし、安心しました」
——I saw your show at Fuji Rock Festival.
Ana:You saw our show?I’m glad to hear that!Did you enjoy?
——Yes, it was really amazing stage.And this is great to see you again. We have met two years ago,and I have been following you on instagram for a while. I love your new album”I Don’t Run”. Ofcourse your previous album was also great,but I was very happy to listening ”I Don’t Run” because I know how important the second album is to musicians.
Carlotta:Great.People always told us like, “Oh Hinds are releasing their new album! How is that going to be?” And then it becomes their favorite album of the year.
Marya「FUJI ROCKはどうでした?」
Carlotta「最高! 若干天候が悪かったのは残念だったけれど、場所も綺麗で気温も心地よかった。音もとても良かったし、オーディエンスとの距離感、出演アーティストのラインナップも全てが素晴らしかった」
Ana「嬉しい! ありがとう」
Carlotta「ええ、場所によっても内容を変えたりしてる。今回のFUJI ROCKでプレイした”Chili Town”はあまり来たことのない国ではやるようにしてるけど、UKなどではもう王道になってしまっている曲だから飽きさせないようにあまりやらないようにしたり。今回は新曲もいっぱい出来たから、選ぶ曲も増えて長くライブが出来るようになったのも嬉しかった。フェスだと持ち時間もそれぞれだから、長いものと短いものを使い分けていたりね」
——I was really moved when I saw your show last time,so I went to Fuji Rock to see you guys and Bob Dylan this time. Did you like Fuji Rock?
Carlotta: Despite of the bad weather,we loved it.It was arranged beautifully, and the distance between the stages are good as well. The sounds are great, too.
——The audience surrounded me were all dancing and enjoying your music.And then I actually felt the difference from I first saw your performance,that became more powerful and persuasive,from like how you behave between songs.In between the two years, you guys have grown so much and experienced a lot which contributes to your performance now. There must have been a lot going on. You are sending messages to your audience unlike how you did it before. Your performance is more dynamic now and it made me to be so moved. Would you think about how the audience would react when deciding the setlist?
Carlotta: Wow thanks!We are glad to do a longer setlist with new songs from our second album. At the same time, we keep changing our setlist and it depends on what kind of occasions that we are playing. It’s decided not only by time, but only by the audience. For example, we played a song which is called”Chill Town”at Fuji Rock that we dodn’t play in the UK now because that song is too much popular already in UK.And when we perform at music festival,we choosing long version or short version setlist depend on how much time we have.
——When you were performing at Fuji Rock, there was a long pause between the first song and the second. Did you do that on purpose?Maybe it was Ana,weren’t you?
Ana: Yes,it was me.But that wasn’t done on purpose because we always doing what we want. We knew something was going to happen, but we didn’t know exactly what. We improvise depends on the occasions.
——Nice!I’m exactly same type of musician,so I thought I’m really happy if you doing same way.
Ana:If you think before you doing something everytime,you feel like being robot I guess.
——That’s so true,but Amber and Ade were the ones who are surprised in kind of like that unexpectable situation.
Ade:We know what other member do so that’s totally okay for us,haha.
——Cool.Is there any chance to do same unexpectable thing for you guys?
Amber:Not so much because of our instrument.
——I remember that one time Ade went to back stage earlier than we expected.
Ade:Oh,right! But it was because of the ear plug,I couldn’t get the situation so I went back,haha.
Amber「”Finally Floating”」
Carlotta「”Ma Nuit”」
Ade「”The Club”」
——Now I got the situation,haha.So I would like to ask which is your favorite song from the second album?
Amber :”Finally Floating”
Carlotta : “Ma Nuit”
Ana : “Soberland”
Ade : “The Club”
——It’s really interesting that all of your choice are different.
Ana : But my favorite song changes every week. I feel like “Soberland”,that’s it.
——You feeling like Soberland now?I bet you’re having hangover.
Ana :Yes,haha.
——I don’t drink but I like “Soberland” because I’m always sober.
Ana :This song is about people in NY, because they are always sober. But I bet peo-ple in Tokyo are also sober. Which is your favorite?
Marya「”The Club”が好きです。俺はKING BROTHERSというバンドをやっているんだけど、今年活動20周年を迎えて記念のツアーをしていたんです。その間に今まで自分たちがやっていたことを振り返っていたのですが、丁度そのタイミングでこの2ndアルバムを手に入れて”The Club”を聴いた時に歌詞の“I wanna show you it’s cool to grow up”(年を取ることはかっこいいということを証明したい)という箇所に感動したんです。その時の心境に丁度合っていたし、ツアー中の活力になりました」
Carlotta「うわあ! そういう風に私たちの曲が影響を与えることが出来るなんて、いま鳥肌が立った」
—— “The Club”. I have a band called King Brothers. This year is our 20th anniversary and we had some live shows. When I look back in memories of our band, I listend to your new albums. The lyrics of “The Club”are really impressive. The lyrics that ”I wanna show you it’s cool to grow up”is my soul source. It suits to my feeling at that time and became my energy for my own tour.
Carlotta: Oh my god ! That was so good it gave me chills.
Ade :Thanks for telling us.
——Thanks you.I thought it is really important thing.
Ana: We tried to be more direct this time instead of using metaphors. We are very happy that you received our message.
Marya「本当にとても力になりました。そういえば、FUJI ROCKのボブ・ディランは楽しめましたか?」
Carlotta「以前から彼のライヴはお客さんの求める曲というよりは、彼がプレイしたいものをやるということは聞いていて、FUJI ROCKで彼が心から楽しんでいるのを見られてとても嬉しかったし、空間そのものも素晴らしかった」
Marya「あなたたちの音楽活動はボブ・ディランのカバーをしていたことから始まったということは知っていましたが、やはりFUJI ROCKで二組を見ていてHindsが目指すところはボブ・ディランのスタイルに近いのではないかと感じたのですが?」
——Your music is my power.So,did you enjoy Bob Dylan’s show?
Carlotta: It was the best. We were so happy to see him enjoying the performance.
——I didn’t know all of his songs and so I wasn’t quite sure about how to enjoy at the beggining, But I found myself being into his performance at the middle phase.People said like”I wanted him to play popular songs more.”,but I’m not agree with that.
Carlotta: Yes,me too. That was true that he played songs which aren’t familiar to me, But it actually made his show to be more fun,I felt it was like listening to Bob Dylan-style music by an unknown band playing at bar.
Ana:Right.And meanwhile,he perfomed two popular songs.I felt it was like a present from Bob,I really enjoyed kind of like that surprise.
Carlotta:I’ve heared that his show isn’t consisted by songs many people want him to play but he plays what he want before,so I was really happy to see his enjoying and the light and the atmosphere was great as well. Just watching him enjoying it made us very satisfying.
——It was fun seeing both Hinds and Bob Dylan at the same time,and thought maybe you guys aim to his style. Because you have done the cover of his song before. Do you see the resemblance between you and him?
Ana: Maybe I should say that he’s more like role-model to us.He definitely is someone who is very inspiring,especially his lyrics. He is really good at expressing feelings. We look up to him all the time.
Carlotta:Also,we’re admiring his still keeping show.We want keep doing show for long time like him,so it motivate us to continiue.
——Everytime when I see him,I feel”Donig what you want is exactly his style”.Like he is saying “See me,the way I am is the best me!”.
Carlotta:Yeah. And so we are.And we try not to forget to say “Thank you””Hello”,and”Good-bye”.
Marya「俺もあなたたちにありがとうと言いたいです。今日は素晴らしいことが沢山訊けて良かった。10月にまた日本に来るんですよね? 予定がもしも合えば絶対に観に行きます。最後に、2年前『Leave Me Alone』を聴いてあなたたちを知り影響を受けたということはその時にお伝えしたと思いますが、自分がRinda&Maryaというグループを始めアルバムを制作した際に一番最初に出来た曲“人生はLo-Fiだ”は間違いなくHindsに会えたことがきっかけで出来たものなんです。“自分はやりたいようにやるからほっといてくれ”(Leave me alone)ということを歌詞にまでしてしまって、ごめんなさい(笑)」
——I’d like to say thank you for today,I’m really glad to hear nice story from you.You coming back to Japan next October,right?I’d like to adjust my schedule for going your next show.In the end,I think I already told you that I was moved by your music two years ago. I decided to start my band “Rinda&Marya” ever since seeing your show,and I wrote a song which is called “Life is lo-fi”, that was definitly influenced by Hinds. I’m not sure if I have done it right, but I wrote the rylics saying “Leave me alone”in that song.
Hinds: Wow!
Ana:Can we hear it?
——Eh!?You mean now?Is it okay to sing in Japanese?
(He sang his band Rinda&Marya’s song”Life is lo-fi” with ad-lib)
Carlotta:It was really touching.
——Thank you for making such an impact on me. It has helped formed my identity.Please keep inspiring people.I will be your biggest fan.
Ana:Yes,we promise.You’re our Japanese friend,Marya!
photography Junko Yoda
tex&edit Ryoko Kuwahara
『I don't run』
Now On Sale
日本盤 11曲+ボートラ2曲の計13曲収録
1. The Club
2. Soberland
3. Linda
4. New For You
5. Echoing My Name
6. Tester
7. Finally Floating
8. I Feel Cold But I Feel More
9. To The Morning Light
10. Rookie
11. Ma Nuit
12. Holograma (Los Nasty’s Cover)
13. Caribbean Moon (Kevin Ayers Cover)
*12、13 Japan only bonus track
Hinds<I don't run Japan Tour 2018>
・大阪 10/28 (日) アメリカ村CLAPPER
open18:00/ start 18:30
公演チケット ¥5,800(前売/1ドリンク別)
Information: 06-6535-5569 (SMASH WEST)
・東京 10/29 (月 ) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM
open18:00/ start 19:00
公演チケット ¥5,800(前売/1ドリンク別)
Information: 03-3444-6751 (SMASH)
大阪: ・ローソン(L: 52488) ・e+(先着:7/10 12:-00 -12 18:00) ・ぴあ(P:122-154)/英語販売あり ・iflyer
東京: ・ローソン(L:76377) ・e+(pre: 7/10 12:00 – 11 23:59)・ぴあ(P:121-890)/英語販売あり・iflyer
スペインのロックバンド史上初めて全世界でブレイクした4人組ガレージ・ガールズ・バンド。2011年カルロッタとアナが出会い、2013年本格的に活動をスタート。2014年6月、"Bamboo" "Trippy Gum"をBandcampからとしてリリース。それがきっかけとなりNMEやガーディアン(New Band of The Weekに選出)で高い評価を得る。直後にアデとアンバーが加入し4人でHindsとなる。2016年1月8日デビューアルバムをリリース。
2016年4月にプロモーションで初来日、新代田FEVER SOLD OUTさせ日本のファンに熱烈な歓迎を受ける。その後、列挙するのが困難なほど世界中のフェスを席巻し、世界中の音楽メディアで大絶賛されたHinds。世界中が待ち焦がれていたセカンド・アルバムを2018年4月リリース。FUJIROCK FESTIVAL 2018の出演も記憶に新しい中、10月に2年半ぶりの単独日本公演が決定。
Hinds Official HP:
JPN Official Twitter :
『Life Is Action』
今年二十周年を迎えたKING BROTHERS のギタースクリームとして活動中。 N’夙川BOYSの活動休止後、リンダ&マーヤとして活動をスタート。 2017年12月にミニアルバム「Life is Action」をリリース。
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