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Fantasic Fest Issue/日本未上陸映画特集:『Halloween』

NeoL / 2018年10月1日 12時0分

Fantasic Fest Issue/日本未上陸映画特集:『Halloween』

テキサス州オースティンで9月20日から27日の一週間に渡り開催された映画の祭典、Fantastic Fest(https://fantasticfest.com/)。ジャンルムービーと呼ばれる娯楽映画をメインに据えながら、各国の気鋭が手がけるインディペンデント作品をつぶさに吟味した独自のセレクションで年々評価が高まっている。また、開催地であるオースティンは比較的リベラルな層が多く、治安も良いため、居住地として人気が高まっていることも人々が訪れやすいポイントだろう。アメリカ公開前、日本にはもちろん上陸していない粒揃いのフィルムが並んだこの映画祭にて、注目作品のレビューならびにインタビューをいち早く紹介。

2日で15人を手にかけ、精神病院に収容されたマイケルの元に、その犯罪の跡を辿ったドキュメンタリーを制作しようと試みる2人のジャーナリストが訪れた。その手には犯罪時にマイケルが身につけていたマスク。一言も話そうとしない彼に迫る2人の存在、そしてそのマスクが惨劇の幕開けを暗示する。不条理なまでに冷酷で、効率的ですらあるその手口は、我々の常識を超えた、理由なき殺人を繰り返すサイコパスへの時代を超えた “恐怖”を煽っていく。そして、そこに立ち向かう勇気もまた普遍性をたたえて存在する。平和ボケし、警戒心なく窓を開け放した家庭に、ローリーは警告を鳴らす。常に備え、常に鍛錬を怠るなかれと。今作での3代に渡る勇敢な女性像の中で、祖母を気にかける孫娘アリソン(Andi Matichak)がスポットを浴びがちであるが、ローリーの娘であり、アリソンの母であるカレン(ジュディ・グリア)の意識の変化は印象的だ。幼少期に徹底的に防衛術、銃の扱い方などを叩き込まれたことを妄想に取り憑かれた危険な母と過ごした忌まわしい過去とみなしていた彼女が、ブギーマンの危機にさらされ、母の深い愛を改めて思い知る。そして彼女はまた、今や守るべきものを持つ母でもあるのだ。三人それぞれの恐怖との向き合い方もまた見所の一つだろう。

監督:David Gordon Green
脚本:David Gordon Green,Danny McBride,Jeff Fradley
プロデューサー:Malek Akkad,Jason Blum, Ryan Turek
出演:Jamie Lee Curtis,Andi Matichak

ーーまずはじめに、プロデューサー陣にお話をお伺いします。ファンタスティックフェスはジャンル映画の映画祭ですが、制作側としてジャンル映画をどうお考えですか? 今後もジャンル映画の制作の予定はありますか?

ジェイソン「もちろん。今後も他のアドベンチャーに挑戦したい。ジャンル映画は一番楽しいからね! なぜ人は映画館に行くのか? 全く新しい経験をするためなんだ。そして、ジャンル映画はその経験を与えてくれると思うよ」

--I want to start asking question for producers.So Fantastic Fest is film fest for genre movies.What’s your feeling for genre,are you gonna do more genre movies?

Jason:Absolutely.I plan on continuing some other adventures.The genres is the most fun!Why are you go to movie theater?That’s all because of whole new experience,and genres give you it.



--Malek,it’s especially special for you.Because dedicated to your father,and it’s incredible film.Would you talk about how’s it feel to be able to this particular “Halloween”,this particular clew?

Malek:I can tell you that no one will be happier right now about this film.I want to say thank you for all of the clew.



--Jamie,what your real life Halloween tradition are?

Jamie:I’m the proud mother of two,now adult children one who loves”Five Nights at the Freddy’s”,haha.And you know,so I raised children and making home made Halloween costumes,dead people hanging from the trees,and I’m living in neighborhood where no one comes.No one,haha.I am mama,and apparently Halloween is for children,and apparently no pets!Since the very big business in the pet world is the Halloween costumes...haha,but it is truly it’s for child.You know,something about losing your self in a character.I really do think,the reason Halloween is touched a core with in the culture is you’re hide in the character,and that’s vey exciting.So I think children love that.








--What brought you back to this version of Halloween?What was for you guys to join as casts and clew?

Jamie:For me,mostly because for fans of this film,and this character,incredible royal,loving,and you have giving me everything in my life creatively.I think this movie is about generational trauma.What happened in 1978 on October 31th was traumatic.And we’ve never seen about what happens people after words. Because people see the trauma,we are all get pixelated by,and then we move on.I love that story explored actually what happened,that’s why I’m here.And why are you here,lady?

Andi:I’m here because I’m lucky to happen shows incredible movie by you fellows.I’m so completely humbled and honored to be part of this legacy.And...I really don’t know what to say.

David:And I have to say this.Ryan Turek is here!He has thirteen Halloween tattoos on him.And if we don’t do new Halloween film at Brum house,I not gonna be able to continue to live,so thank you.

Ryan Turek:You know,David came by my office one day and said,”new Halloween film,what do you think about it?”and I was like”Fuck!They not gonna make Halloween remake,are they!?”,haha!And I said,you know”Halloween meant so much to us,it’s gonna be incredible”.What about you Jeff?

Jeff:Same.I said “Fuck yeah!”

David:This is scary clew.




--What was the reason of the behind skipping out on all of other mythology of Halloween especially HalloweenⅡ?

David:Because first one is especially attractive,it just worked,it just got you into terror of it,its world you can relate to easily.And so I tired to figure out how way in,but I wanted write something new,fresh,but simple way as original one has.Hopefully could keep simplicity of original,without having to bunch of explain to audience.

Jamie:And I remember one thing.Truth of the matter is the mythology became to be the layer,on top of the original one.and all of the other movies have the same things happened.I honestly the reason of here is they did that.Because if you gonna actually make a movie they gives you a chance to really explore trauma.You can’t add Halloween to,all of the rest of,just go on the original trauma,original injury,now you’ll see what happens to people 40years later when they have not given to any help.I’m really glad they did.



--Great.This will be last question.What is the reason of Michael did not kill the baby?

Danny:You know,I think I talked about it with David and that part of the sequence with long shot.And in that scene,you’ll hear baby crying and instantly think “Oh my god,he’s gonna kill baby?”,right?And he doesn’t.It just makes him to be more mysterious,people think that ”Is there certain people he doesn’t kill?”and confused,I think it keep him mysterious.


Universal Pictures will release Trancas International Films, Blumhouse Productions and Miramax’s Halloween on Friday, October 19, 2018.

Jamie Lee Curtis returns to her iconic role as Laurie Strode, who comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.

Master of horror John Carpenter executive produces and serves as creative consultant on this film, joining forces with cinema’s current leading producer of horror, Jason Blum (Get Out, Split, The Purge, Paranormal Activity). Inspired by Carpenter’s classic, filmmakers David Gordon Green and Danny McBride crafted a story that carves a new path from the events in the landmark 1978 film, and Green also directs.

Halloween is also produced by Malek Akkad, whose Trancas International Films has produced the Halloween series since its inception, and Bill Block (Elysium, District 9). In addition to Carpenter and Curtis, Green and McBride will executive produce under their Rough House Pictures banner. Ryan Freimann also serves in that role.

Halloween will be distributed worldwide by Universal Pictures. www.HalloweenMovie.com

photography Jack Plunkett
text Ryoko Kuwahara












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