Interview with Serpentwithfeet about “soil”
NeoL / 2018年10月9日 17時0分
--So, he really regretted it that he couldn’t make it to the live at Fujirock. But everyone was saying it was different from the CD or the record and that it was more than the record. But, how was it to you?
“Um, it was really pleasant. It’s my first time here in Japan, first time in Asia, so I didn’t know who was interested in my music here or what the interest was like. So I was really alarmed to see so many people there. And the marquee stage, that was, it took a moment to embrace that, but the people were really warm and generous so I really enjoyed it.”
--So do live performances mean something special to you? Is it the opportunity to share your music with everyone, is it more than translating your music?
“Yeah, it is really special to me. Because the record is…the record. It’s the recording. It exists in its own world. And for live, live is…it’s like a comic book versus a live theater. There’s characters and then putting it it a breath. So live for me is giving a song some breath, because in the recording they don’t change. When you press play it’s gonna be the same 40 years from now, it’s never gonna change. So live is taking into account like, there’s a breeze, there’s the people, there’s new faces, and so there’s more life.”
--In terms of performance, do you think you’re inspired by your experience, being in choir or gospel?
“Absolutely. My first love is the stage. I mean I love recording too, I love the studio, it’s a lot of fun because in the studio you get to manipulate, and I really like the idea of manipulation. You can change, you can stack vocals, you can do weird, strange alterations, like I really enjoy the mechanics of recording. But the live, it’s terrifying because you’re dealing with, ‘what does my body do now”. Am I gonna collapse, am I gonna get sick, you know. All that. It’s a different kind of challenge that I really enjoy. I grew up singing choirs, so that’s what I knew, that I’m gonna stay in the choirs for maybe 14, 15 years. Yeah, that’s always gonna be, like I still love choir music and I’m always thinking about them.”
Serpentwithfeet「昔からアートが好きで、話すのも好きだった。だから、歌うのが自分にとっては一番都合のいいコミュニケーション方法だったというか……そう(笑)、子供の頃、『オプラ(・ウィンフリー・ショー/The Oprah Winfrey Show)』が大好きで。自分のトーク番組を持つことに憧れてて、自分の番組で思ってることをいろいろ話せたら気持ちいいだろうなあ、とか。あと、他の子供は別に歌の歌詞とか興味がなかったけど、僕は歌詞とか言葉とか大好きで……うん、言葉の魅力に取り憑かれてるんだよ」
――キレイナ? 美しいっていう意味の「キレイな」?
Serpentwithfeet「あー、そっかそっか(笑)、だから、僕が“キレイナ”って言ったら、みんなキョトンとした顔をするんだ(笑)。なるほど、“キレイ”ね! そう、だから、スティービー・ワンダーはキレイ……あと、ニーナ・シモンも大ファンで、2人は確実に自分に影響を与えたトップ3のアーティストに入るよ」
--If you were to choose one thing, how you’re inspired by gospel music – gospel music can be a protest sometimes, mysterious sometimes, or sometimes it has a power to unite people. But how do you think you’re inspired by gospel music in terms of your music?
“Well it’s the first music I knew. It’s like… the first thing that I knew. I think it’s how warm it is, the warmth. Gospel music, to me, it is my home. You know, like the music is my home. Because it’s so full, that’s something that I’m really interested in, is that it’s just such a full sound, a full feeling, and it’s something that I’m always interested in. Making really full music. I never want people to say that I make flat music, or that I make music that sounds desolate. I wanna say that it’s full, rich music. I think that is what I’m trying to do.”
--What made you want to become a singer? Or make music?
“I always loved the arts. I love talking, so singing seemed like the most efficient way to communicate. I was a really big fan of Oprah when I was a kid, and I wanted to have a talk show but I felt like the best way to talk about what I was feeling as a kid to other kids was to sing. And to sing just like, that verbal thing. I really like words.”
--You met gospel music first, and gospel music, you sing someone else’s music, but how did you start making your own music?
“I started making my own music when I was in college. I think I was like 19 at the time, 19-20. My friends and I, we had the summer off for summer vacation and we were bored. They told me if I start a band they would be in it. And so I did that. Just exploring, nothing serious.
--What type of music?
“Same thing, like R&B, soul. But then I started doing my own thing. That’s when I started to understand what excited me.”
--Were there any artists who inspired you when you were into art, plays, music?
“Stevie Wonder, his writing was just perfect. He writes kirei na (beautiful) music. Nina Simone, is probably within my top 3.”
Serpentwithfeet「“attentiveness”ってとこかな……(スマホで調べる)キクバリ? 気配り?(※「緻密さ」や、一つ一つの音に対する集中力という意味合いで)」
――去年のビョークのリミックス(“Blissing Me”)にはどういう経緯で参加することになったんですか。
Serpentwithfeet「彼女のほうからオファーがあったんだ。もともとあの曲が大好きで、それこそ曲が完成する前からずっと好きで……ものすごく運が良いことに(笑)、たまたま作品が完成する前に何曲か聴かせてもらう機会に恵まれて、そのときから『何これ!? 最高なんだけど!!!!』って大騒ぎしてて(笑)。そしたら彼女からあの曲のリミックスの依頼を受けて、本当に感激しちゃってね。彼女の作ったオリジナル・ヴァージョンが大好きなんだ。ハープもメロディもどこまでも完璧で素晴らしくて」
--For example, DiAngelo was inspired by gospel music as well first, before they made their own music. But your music as well, it’s authentic like gospel music but at the same time, it sounds like soul, jazz, hip-hop or pop. It’s accessible. But why do you think you’re making that kind of music, mixing all those genres?
“Because it all has the same…I see a thread between all of it. There’s a connection between soul music, hip-hop, R&B, jazz, gospel music, even if you get to like Baltimore club music, South African house music, to me it’s all part of the same pie. And I think DiAngelo did that really well. Nina Simone did that really well, Stevie Wonder did that really well. They’re in different regions, in different time periods in different expressions, but it’s all the same pie.”
--If someone were to ask you, what is greatest about Nina Simone, what would you say? One thing, haha.
“Her attentiveness. Kikubari?”
--Are you sometimes inspired by your friends’ music, from those from your own generation?
“Yeah, yeah. I love Moses Sumney. He’s amazing. I love Frank Ocean, I love a bunch of people. Brandy, I’m huge fan of SZA. There’s a lot of people in my generation.”
--Frank Ocean or Chance the Rapper, Kanye West Oneohtric Point Never are some artists that are making modern sounds inspired by gospel music. Do you think you are inspired by those artists as well, in that way?
“Oh I’m definitely inspired by Bijork. Like the other one, within my top 3.”
--You remix your track, but how did that happen?
“She asked me. And I had always been a big fan of that song like when she was still working on it, I got to hear some of it. I was like, “what is that!” haha. That was my favorite one. And then she asked, and I was just like, I couldn’t believe it. I love her version, the harps are just amazing, the melody is really perfect.”
--Do you have any memories or stories from when you guys were talking about doing the remix?
“Yeah, I sent her a demo of it of what I was thinking and she gave me a lot of freedom. She just told me to..but I think I’ve spent a lot of time with her in the past few years, like hanging out, so I feel really relaxed around her. She’s really somebody that she’s not just mental or… she makes everybody feel really really comfortable. Everybody always has… she is the life of the party, you know. She always the life of the party, she always has suggestions like, “let’s go here” at 4pm and then we’ll be out all night, like she always has ideas of places to go. All the time. And so I just wanted what I added to feel the way I feel when I’m around her. Like really, really relaxed, like I could be really open. You can ask her anything, you can talking to her about almost anything. At least I’ve been able to, so. I just wanted it to feel relaxed like that.”
Serpentwithfeet「考えてみたら、僕が初めてエレクトロニック・ミュージックに触れたのもビョークがきっかけだったかもしれないよ、ほんとに(笑)! 中学の頃かな……たしか11歳の頃だったと思うけど、“Human Behavior” を初めて聴いて、夢中になったんだ。あー、なるほど……今まで気づかなかったけど、僕が最初に出会ったエレクトロニック・ミュージックはビョークだったのかあ(笑)!」
――あなたが所属している〈Tri Angle〉は、エレクトロニック・ミュージックのなかでもレフトフィールドでアンダーグラウンド寄りのアーティストの作品を多くリリースしていますが、もともとその手の音楽はよく聴いていたんですか。
――〈Tri Angle〉は以前からチェックしていたレーベルだったんですか。
Serpentwithfeet「いや、それまで知らなかったんだ。ずっとアンダーグラウンドで活動してたんだけど、いまよりももっとアンダーグラウンドのレーベルと出会って(笑)。だから(〈Tri Angle〉との契約は)自分にとっては新しい世界が開けるきっかけになったよね」
--So you said that of course you like performing on stage, but you like recording an being in the studio as well, manipulating, etc. Your beat and rhythm is really unique and your production is amazing as well, but how did you meet or discover electronic music? From what were you inspired?
“Maybe the first electronic artist I know is probably Bijork. Yeah, when I was in middle school. I was 11. I heard Human Behavior. I was hooked. She was the first one.”
--What about her fashion? Her fashion is crazy in a good way. Do you think she inspired you?
“Fashion-wise, I think I’m more inspired by people like Sisqó, yeah haha. He’s probably the biggest for me. He’s also from Baltimore, I’m from Baltimore.”
--So Tri Angle, your label, they are very underground. Do you listen to other underground electronic music?
“By the time I was signed, I would listen to a lot of folks. I would listen to a lot of folks on SoundCloud, just like local DJs - Chino Amobi and Total Freedom, and who else… there were so many electronic. Kelera, I was aware of her. There was a whole scene in New York that was doing electronic music. So like Mykki Blanco, there were a lot of folks.”
――今回のデビュー・アルバム『ソイル』には、その〈Tri Angle〉に所属しているクラムス・カジノやケイティ・ゲートリー、Mmphもプロデューサーとして参加していますね。併せて、メジャー系のアーティストを数多く手がけているポール・エプワースも名を連ねていたりと、意識として新たなアングルから制作に臨まれたところもあったのでは、という印象も受けました。
――最後に。あなたの頭に彫られているタトゥー――“Suicide” と“Heaven”について教えてください。いわゆるキリスト教において自殺はタブーとされているもので、つまり自殺したものは魂が救済されない(=天国に行けない)、転じて神の権威への挑戦とも受け止められる行為でもあるわけですが。一方で、その考えは聖書の記述のような絶対的なものではなく、どちらかといえば、人為的に作られた宗教倫理である、という見方もありますよね。いずれにせよ、この対立するふたつの言葉の並置は、たとえばあなたの宗教観なり死生観だったりを現してるものだったりするのでしょうか。
Serpentwithfeet「いや、これにはちょっと個人的にしまっておきたい理由があるんで(笑)……ただ、自分からひとつ言えるとしたら、(“Suicide” と“Heaven”は)そこまで対立していないんじゃないかな。というか、本当の意味での対立する価値観なんて存在しないじゃないか……そこまでは言っておこうか(笑)」
-- Haxan Cloak, wasn’t actually different from the EP and keeps the beauty of your music. What do you think about this album?
“It’s a continuation of the Blisters EP and yeah.”
--Did you try anything new for this album?
“Bigger vocals.”
--Those electronic artists you mentioned before, they tend to change their voice but you don’t do that. Why is that?
“I do a little bit. I like a mix. So I wanted like some robot, monster sounds on with natural vocals. So that was fun, I really enjoyed that.”
--When you started singing, were you already good like you are now?
“Was I already good? Oh, I don’t know how to answer that, haha. I’m always gonna work to get better, so that’s the best way to put it.”
--Have you had any vocal lessons/training when you were a student?
“Yes, I started singing classical music when I was 12. So I took private classical lessons from 12 to like 23. So like 11 years.”
--You have two tattoos on your head – ‘suicide’ and ‘heaven’. There’s two totally different things, and in Christianity suicide is frowned upon and banned. What are you trying to express through those two words on your head?
“That’s a bit personal, haha. But what I’ll say is that I don’t think anything is truly opposite. Yeah. So I’ll just leave it at that.”
--So you haven’t told anyone, it’s personal?
“Well, suicide means to kill yourself, and I have not killed myself haha.”
--But those two words mean something to you.
“Yes absolutely.”
--But through your music, do you want your listeners to feel or grasp what those two words mean, or what you’re trying to express through your songs?
“Um, I think, well I want people to feel like they are enough. Like they are valid in their feelings. So that’s my agenda.”
photography Satomi Yamauchi
text Junnosuke Amai
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
(Tri Angle Records / Secretly Canadian / Hostess)
Now on Sale
01. whisper
02. messy
03. wrong tree
04. fragrant
05. mourning song
06. cherubim
07. seedless
08. invoice
09. waft
10. slow syrup
11. bless ur heart
ボルチモア出身のエクスペリメンタルR&B / ゴスペルシンガー、パフォーマンスアーティスト。幼い頃から地元の聖歌隊に所属し、フィラデルフィアの芸術大学でヴォーカルパフォーマンスを学び現在はニューヨークを拠点に活動。昨年ビョーク「blissing me」のリミックスにヴォーカルとしてフィーチャーされ話題となった。デビュー・アルバム『ソイル』を2018年6月にリリース。2018年7月、フジロック・フェスティバルで初来日。
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