Fantastic Fest /日本未上陸映画特集 : 『MID90S』
NeoL / 2018年10月24日 15時30分
本作『MID90S』はLAのティーンネイジャーがスケートボーダーに憧れを抱き、熱中し、仲間と過ごす日々を綴ったもの。監督自身の体験や思い出をベースにした90年代のストーリーで、キャストも演技経験のほとんどない本物のボーダーたちを起用している。そのためか、モキュメンタリーのように感じる場面すらあるほどに全てのことが自然に発生し、流れていく。瞬時に名作だとわかり、目を離すことができない。終わってからも登場人物たちは観客の中に生き続ける。どうしようもないほどの憧れとノスタルジーに胸が焦がれる。サントラを手がけたのはNine Inch NailsのTrent ReznorとAtticus Ross。完璧だ。
監督・脚本 Jonah Hill/ プロデューサー Eli Bush/キャスト Sunny Suljic, Na-Kel Smith, Olan Prenatt, Gio Galicia, Ryder McLaughlin
ジョナ「どうなんだろう。僕は15年前にただ想像しうる最高の映画学校に行って素晴らしい映画監督や教授に教えてもらいました。だから自分の作品を制作するにあたり、学んだことを大切にしようと努めたんです。また、ここ4年間は孤独や悲しみ、怒りを感じるたびに自分の部屋に行って文字に起こしていて。誰に見せるつもりでもなかったけれど、そうやって何かを懸命に取り組んで信じていれば誰かがやって来てくれるんです。今回の素晴らしいキャストやスタッフのみんなのようにね。そうやって集うようになって、彼らと人生最良のひと夏を過ごしたんです。子役のみんなは演技の経験が豊富にあるわけではないけれど、信じられないほどに役に打ち込んでいました。才能あふれる役者たち。彼らを迎えることができて誇らしく思うしとても嬉しいです。まあ個人的には大嫌いな子たちだけどね……ハハハ! 冗談ですよ、マジで尊敬してます!」
--I’ll start with very simple question,how did this brilliant actors,the look,the feel,the script,how did they all come together?How did you manage it?
Jonah Hill : I don’t know,I just had been in best film school you could ever imagine for past 15 years, I got to learn from so many amazing directors and professors. When I came time to decided to my own film, I just wanted to be really care about it ,and for past 4 years whenever I was sad and lonely, angry, I just go my room and write and I thought no one gonna show up. Honestly if you work hard but believe enough, people start to show up, and then these amazing people came in my life. We’re just got together, and we had best summer ever. These kids don’t have many experience for acting but they really worked unbelievably hard to become serious actors. They’re so brilliant, I’m just so proud of them and greatful, I hate them personally, haha!
Just kidding. But I do goddam respect them.
ジョナ「最初にサニーと会って、“彼しかいない”とすぐにわかりました。脚本についても深く理解していましたしね。そしてオーウェン! 彼と初めて会ったときは本当に面白くて、ガールフレンドと一緒にどこかに忍び込むために偽IDを作ったという話を聞かせてもらったんです。彼がいかに適役か知らせたくてその音声データをプロデューサー陣に送ったんですよ。普通、子役と言えば『ストレンジャー・シングス』のキャストのような子役を起用するのだろうけれど……いや、悪い意味ではなく(笑)。でも僕はスケートボードが好きな本当の子供を求めていたし、すごく重要なことだったんです。だから、オーウェンの面白い話を聞いて“やった!見つけたぞ”と思ったんですけど、プロデューサーが“オーディションをしたんじゃないの?”と言ってきて……そう、僕はオーウェンにセリフを読んでもらったりするのをすっかり忘れていたんですよ(笑)。でもオーウェンは“彼こそが映画スターだ!”という感じで完璧でした。そして我が友人ジオ、彼は我々の度肝を抜きましたね。彼は素晴らしい役者です……いや、まあまあかな、ハハハ!」
--Hahaha. How did you decided actors?
Jonah : So Sunny came in first, and right away I just knew “This is him”. He understood the script so deeply. And Owen! He was so funny when he came in, he told the story about him and his girl friend made fake ID to get in somewhere. I send the tape to producers to get the kid prove, because normally you use kids actors like in “Stranger things”? Not in disrespect way, but I needed real kids who like skateboard, that was really important to me. So Owen was so funny and I was like “Yeah! Oh my god, he is it!” but producer said “Are you gonna have a audition?”, because I forgot to give them lines, haha. But he told me so funny story and I thought “Men, that’s a movie star!” so...and my fiend Gio, he blew our minds. He’s amazing in the film, I mean he’s alright, haha.
-- Nine Inch NailsのTrent ReznorとAtticus Rossが音楽を手掛けていますね。どのように彼らを起用するに至ったのですか?
ジョナ「そうだな、彼らは僕にとって現代における一番の映画音楽家であり、かつ90年代のアイコンです。本作はインディペンデント映画だから予算もあまりなかったし、実現するなんて思っていなかったけれど、今回のプロデューサー陣は『ソーシャル・ネットワーク』(Trent ReznorとAtticus Rossが音楽を手掛け、アカデミー作曲賞を受賞した)を制作していたこともあって、なんとなく叶えばいいなと夢物語を話していたんです。そしたらプロデューサー陣がTrentとAtticusに本作を送ってくれて、彼らが気に入ってくれ即座に快諾してくれたという感じです。本当に素晴らしい出来事で信じられなかったし、出来上がったスコアもとても気に入っています。彼らの音楽がこの作品に色を足してくれたのです」
--Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross scored this film, how did it happened?
Jonah : Well, it’s double layer, they’re my favorite modern film composers and also huge 90’s icon Nine Inch Nails. You know, we didn’t have a lot of money, this is independent film, so I didn’t think that I will be get them but the producers, they had produced ”Social Network” and I mentioned my dream like ”That will be cool”, they sent them this movie and they loved it said ”Yes” right away. I can’t believe that, it’s special, and I loved that score. It really add emotion to the film.
--I’ve heard that you and Scorsese talked about directing, what was the best advice from him?
Jonah : I working with him on “Wolf of Wall Street” before this, it was the defining moment for me, still the best education in my life. He has been my hero since I was a kid. And before making this film, I just texted him to ask him and he said ”Of cause!” and came over. He loves films so much and we were talking for four hours, which was amazing obviously. One of the things he talked to me a lot of about was...I told him about the opening scene of his films, not cut, he just really like let it be real. I really appreciate with that kind of use that ethic. People just exist in the flame and let that violence be uglier than any other movies about violence. It was big reference. So there is people coming go in the flame a lot in this film.
--And this film was also influenced by “KIDS”? Can you speak about Harmony Korine?
Jonah : Harmony is a good friend of mine, another professor and generous person, amazing human being, amazing filmmaker. Obviously this film got a big reference of “KIDS”, it’s my favorite film. And on the other hand, this film is also “anti-KIDS”.”KIDS” is so beautiful and nihilism, my film has deep connection in heart to my childhood. It’s really important thing to me that A: show respect to “KIDS” and B: I love when great filmmakers in films, as a film directors nerd.
ジョナ「ほらね、素晴らしい答えでしょう? オーウェンはいつも笑ってて面白いけど、とても頑張り屋なんですよ。ある日、いつもお茶らけている彼が静かにしているから、何かあったのかと思って見に行ったんら、彼は脚本を読み込んでセリフを何度も練習していた。そういう仕事に対する熱意は一緒にやっているクルーとして心動かされるんですよ」
--Okay, so question for casts, what you took for the process for preparing for this film?
Sunny : Jonah shows a lot of the films, and also he gave us iPods, which have 90s music. And we went to eat for getting comfortable each other. It was like hanging out with friends like in the movie, it made me get to be more comfortable to shooting it.
Owen : It was my first time acting so I just learn how to connect scenes and script, hahaha. Just trying to find emotion related to my energy and specific scenes, yeah…I don’t know!
Jonah : See? It was great answer. Owen always laugh and being funny. This guy worked so hard. I remember the day, you know he’s always joking around but that day he seemed to be so pensive, so I thought something’s wrong but he was reading the script and practicing his lines very much and that kind of dedication for work is pretty moving thing as a member of same clew.
--You guys wanna continue acting?
Owen : I fell in love with acting, the whole process is such a amazing part to take words off from papers and that came from somebody’s mind. And to put cloths on’s hard to explain, it’s a beautiful art.
Jonah : And he’s amazing at it.
Owen : Thank you!
Directed By: Jonah Hill
Written By: Jonah Hill
Produced By: Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Ken Kao, Jonah Hill, Lila Yacoub
Starring: Sunny Suljic, Lucas Hedges, Na-Kel Smith, Olan Prenatt, Gio Galicia, Ryder McLaughlin, Alexa Demie, and Katherine Waterston
Release Date: October 19th, 2018 (Limited)
Written and directed by Jonah Hill, Mid90s follows Stevie, a thirteen-year-old in 90s-era LA who spends his summer navigating between his troubled home life and a group of new friends that he meets at a Motor Avenue skate shop.
text Ryoko Kawahara
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