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『ライ麦畑で出会ったら』主演アレックス・ウルフ インタビュー/Interview with Alex Wolff about “Coming Through the Rye”

NeoL / 2018年10月23日 12時0分

『ライ麦畑で出会ったら』主演アレックス・ウルフ インタビュー/Interview with Alex Wolff about “Coming Through the Rye”






--James Sadwith mentioned that “When I met Alex in New York, he was so passionate to get the role of Jamie.” What made you want to get this role so much?

Alex Wolff : Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books ever. Not one of my favorites, my favorite. It’s the greatest book that’s ever been written, by far. I was obsessed with it initially just cause of that. I was a kid obsessed with Catcher in the Rye, that’s me. It’s a rite of passage book so that’s initially what happened and I just found it to be such a moving portrait about these two young people and I loved that there wasn’t a lot of random teenager things in it. It didn’t feel like it was written by teenagers it was these two people, and it felt like a 70s classic romance movie, a real road trip romance movie, that had such a deep soulful heart that I hadn’t seen in scripts before then and since then.

--What was your encounter with the book, “The Catcher in the Rye” like?

Alex Wolff : Strangely enough a copy of the Catcher in the Rye was signed by my grandpa, given to my dad,who signed it who gave it to my brother who signed it and then gave it to me, and we all have this one copy. We all did it when we were really young teenagers. That’s how I came about it.





--This story is based on James Sadwith’s experience. Do you also feel that Jamie reflects James? Also, what kind of discussion did you have with James in order to build the characterof Jamie?

Alex Wolff : I think that there’s a lot of James in the character of Jamie. A lot of his drive, his intensities,neuroses. He kind of exudes truth all the time, it’s always the truth with James, which is both his best quality and detriment, which is the same thing about Jamie, he’s all about truth truth truth truth, I think that there’s a lot of that in the script, but simultaneously I also feel like I brought a lot of myself into the character. My dad was getting sick during that time and I think I brought a lot of that in there. My relationship with my brother, I brought all that in too. Jamie is some combination of James, me and the mystical thing that he put on paper. I also think it’s a combination of three different people, like an imaginary character who never existed, that stands alone, all my stuff my personal stuff and the directors stuff.

--What was it like to work with Chris Cooper?

Alex Wolff : Singlehandedly one of the greatest experiences of my life. I think he’s probably in the top 5 greatest living actors for sure, not even a question, and to go toe to toe with him was still to this day one of the best experiences of my entire life.





--Everyone told Jamie that it is impossible to find J.D. Salinger. But Jamie is a character filled with hope and vitality and he did not give up. Why do you think Jamie was so inspired by no other than Holden Caulfield and looked up to him as “his hero”?

Alex Wolff : I think it’s a combination of things. I think that on one hand Holden Caulfield is all about truth and about getting to the bottom of what’s going on. He’s all about passion, and all about standing up for yourself. Jamie likes that he feels isolated at boarding school and connects with someone who also feels isolated, but when you’re that age you’re really looking for someone to connect to, a figure to hang your hat on, and as much as he wants to be Holden Caulfield he isn’t that’s the best lesson of the movie. When Jamie goes to find Salinger, Salinger kind of lets him down but the truth is he’s actually a really good playwright, Jamie is a really good playwright, and he puts on this play, and you see he is going to do something great with his life.Holden Caulfield was a great outlet for that, and a good intro to the rest of his life, but it’s like he projects all this stuff he has inside him onto this character which I think people do a lot with art.

--Just like how your grandfather gave your father, and how your father handed down to you a dog-eared copy of “The Catcher in the Rye”, Caulfield is a character every generation can relate and reflect oneself to. I think Jamie is just the same. When people are lost, they find themselves within these characters, especially during hard times. Why do you think characters like Caulfield and Jamie are so universal?

Alex Wolff : I think everybody feels regardless of what social circle they’re in or what they’re dealing with in
their life. I think everyone at some point or another feels “I’m the only one”, “I’m isolated”,“everyone else is a phony”, and “I’m angry about it.” I think that’s a very cathartic thing to read in a book that’s super well written. I don’t think he’s necessarily like everybody, but I think everybody sees a part of themselves in someone who feels so isolated and so troubled. It’s just a beautifully written book and I think Jamie is another side of the same coin. He’s someone who’s really innocent, really driven, wants to succeed, and I think hes very different from Holden, but I don’t really think anyone is universal. I just think that when something is good
enough, everybody can see some part of themselves in it. But, I know plenty of people who don’t get Holden Caulfield, who just don’t understand it and usually I don’t get along with those people as well because they don’t understand that feeling of isolation, anger, and a lost sense of hope. Anyone who’s ever loved anything as much as Jamie loves Pip in The Catcher in the Rye can relate to the hope.



--You wear different hats; actor, musician and film director. I feel you share a similar vitality as a creator with Jamie. What does “creating things” and “expressing things” mean to you?

Alex Wolff : I think that it almost doesn’t matter what you’re doing if you’re expressing something. I think that you can express something in different ways, but art is in my opinion the only real true form of acceptable expression. I think it’s the only other thing that’s akin to it like therapy. I even feel like with art, it’s an actual representation of how you’re feeling, not just talking about how you’re feeling. It’s the most important thing in the world actually exploring what the human condition is about and what it is to feel and I think you can do that in whatever way you want to. You can do that in making a movie, acting in a movie, from writing music, writing a book, you can do this from all these different outlets. But as an artist it all comes back to expression, and I don’t think there is literally any reason to live if you’re not expressing some form, or partaking in some form, of artistic expression. I honestly can’t say that I would want to be alive.

interview & text Shiki Sugawara



STAFF 監督・脚本ジェームズ・サドウィズ/製作スタン・アードライク、テディ・グレナン、ジェームズ・サドウィズ/プロダクション・デザイナー ジャック・ライアン/撮影エリック・ハート/編集トッド・ホームズ/音楽ジェイ・ナッシュ、ヒース・マクニーズ、グレッグ・ラフォレット

CAST ジェイミー・シュワルツ/アレックス・ウルフ,ディーディー/ステファニア・オーウェン,J.D. サリンジャー/クリス・クーパー
ハンク・マーカス/ジェイコブ・ラインバック ,テッド・タイラー/エリック・ネルセン,フレディ・ゴレシ/ジェイコブ・ローズ,ジェリー・シュワルツ/ゼファー・ベンソン,母/ルシア・スカラーノ,ティアニー先生/エイドリアン・パスダー 

原題:Coming Through The Rye/2015年/アメリカ/英語/97分/シネマスコープ/5.1ch PG12













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