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Fantastic Fest /日本未上陸映画特集 : 『I USED TO BE NORMAL: A BOYBAND FANGIRL STORY』

NeoL / 2018年10月31日 17時30分

Fantastic Fest /日本未上陸映画特集 : 『I USED TO BE NORMAL: A BOYBAND FANGIRL STORY』

「彼らと出会う前はノーマルだったのに!」と1D(ワン・ダイレクション)への愛を熱狂的に叫ぶ少女ーーあなたももしかしたら経験があるかもしれないボーイバンドへの愛、そしてその愛が人生にどう影響を与えたかを4人のファンガールを通して描いたドキュメンタリー。ビートルズを愛し続ける64歳のSusanは「女性に教育は必要ない」とされる時代を生きて来た。33歳のDaraは自分は女性を好きなのになぜTake Thatをこれほど必要としているのか自問したことがある。25歳のSadiaはムスリムなので男女関係には潔癖でなくてはならないが、BackStreet Boysをたまらなくセクシーだと思う。16歳のElifは1Dからインスパイアされて音楽家になりたいが、親からは良い人生を歩むためにもっと勉強をしろ、音楽なんて夢に過ぎないと諭されるーー。Jessica監督自らも1Dのファンガールであることから始まり、彼女が出会った女性たちの6年間を追い続けたこのプロジェクトは、仲間を探す旅でもあり、キャストやオーディエンスが自らを見つめる旅でもあり、生きていく中での道しるべやお守りについてを描いた旅にもなっている。大人ならば眠っている”あの頃の自分”が目を覚ますのを感じるだろうし、もしあなたが思春期ならばこれからのあなたの味方になってくれるであろう、大切な作品。

プロデューサー/Rita Walsh


Rita「監督のジェシカと私は6年間をかけて本作に取り組みました。6年前はOne Directionが大人気で、監督も彼らにどハマりしていたんですね。いい年をしてOne Directionに夢中なんておかしいんじゃないかと彼女自身が思ってしまっていたのですが、時間が解決したことがあったり、そして彼らがただ魅力的だからという理由がそんな迷いを断ち切ってくれたんです。吹っ切れてからは彼女はネット上で“1D仲間”を見つけてやり取りをしていて。ネットで出会った仲間はTumblrでとても面白いことをしていたり、だんだんと監督はOne Directionだけではなく彼らのファンダム(ファン・コミュニティ)に恋をしていることに気づいたのです。その中から撮影に協力してくれるファンの女の子を見つけ、撮影を始めていきました。監督は生の感情を重視していましたし、年齢によって考え方を決めてしまうことの悲しさを表現したいと言っていました。ともあれ、One Directionから始まって、それからほかのボーイズ・バンドに拡がっていったのです」


Rita「最初のOne Directionファンとの撮影はロング・アイランドで2015年に行いました。Elifはまだとても若く思春期まっさかりでしたが、一緒に撮影をした4年間で大きく成長していきました。そしてSadiaというBackStreet Boysのファンの子はとても知的な子でした。というより、撮影に参加してくれたファンのみんなは“どれほどまでにハマりすぎておかしくなっているか”を自分自身で分析している知的な人たちばかり。Sadiaはブログを書いていて、私たちが撮影をしていいかと尋ねると快諾してくれました。彼女のブログは、いかにBackStreet Boys が“手の届かない存在”かということをいつも書いていて素敵でした。予算を用意して毎年同じ時期に撮影のために彼女のもとへ行来していたので、そのたびに“今はどんな感じ?”“もうBackStreet Boysはコリゴリよ/やっぱり 彼らしか考えられない”というやり取りの繰り返しでした(笑)」

——So the film is about fangirls of boybands! It is a really nice and interesting way that you did in showing their problems of the life they are leading. How did the idea came to your mind?

Rita: So the director and I worked six years together on this film. So when we started, One Direction was still, you know, huge. And what happened was that she fell in love with One Direction. She was like an old fan who fell in love with them. And she thought she was crazy cuz she thought she was too old for that. But she was going through a break by the time and they were just so cute. So she turned to the internet and found the One Direction fan when they could talk in their language. What they were doing on Tumblr was really amazing. And so she found herself very much in love with the fans. And then from then we found this girl who shoot videos and that opens up the film. She just loved how raw emotions were in the video and thought was really sad by the time we grow up, you know. So she started out with the One Direction fan and expanded the genre from there.

——When did you start filming?

Rita:The first thing we did with the first fan we worked with was in Long Island, 2015. Jessica filmed with Elif and Elif was still so young, in her puberty. She really grew up over the four years while we were filming her. And Sadia, who was a BackStreet Boys’s fan, she is a very intelligent girl. Like, they are all very intelligent girls who analyze themselves, like “how crazy am I”. Sadia was writing blogs and so we were asking if we could videotape her and she said yes. So she was crazy about the BackStreet Boys and was writing blogs all the time. But she was so smart about the way when she asked “how far is too far”, I loved it. And from there was just about the same time each year, we’d go back and film them when we had the money. And the conversation would go like, “how are you now?” “I’m over it”/“I’m back in it”, you know. And Susan, she just kept on doing it.




Rita「ある意味では本当にお守りと言えますね。この作品に出ているみんなにとって、好きなグループはいつでも特別な存在なんです。彼女たちは好きなグループを通して自分自身を見つめますし、自身の成長もわかるのです。また、ファンもグループを応援する中で何か選択や決断をしなくてはならない時がきます。そしてその選択は自分で行わなくてはいけないことも学ぶのです。私もSpice Girlsでそういう体験をしました」


Rita「そうです。そして、オタクという存在について。この映画祭(Fantastic Fest)はホラーの映画祭だから、なぜこの作品が選出されたのかと思ったのですが、映画オタクのための映画祭だからなんですね。オタクでいることは少し恥ずかしいところがあるじゃないですか。だからこそ、この映画祭が公式サイトで出品作品について書いているレビューを見て、“あれ、この映画祭は私と一緒で映画オタクなんだ!”と仲間を見つけたようで嬉しくなったんです」


Rita「その通りなんです! そしてそれはまさしく私がBackStreet Boysのコンサートで我を失ったときに実感したことでもあるのです。Susanは“とりあえずコンサートに行って自分の内側に住むティーン・エイジャーの自分を発見して”と言っていたのですが、“楽しすぎる!”という感情が創作の根源であるということがとても大事です」

——Their own family portrait , home video and illustlation are combined with the sorty. What made you choose to go from that approach?

Rita:Partly because necessity, because we were filming with low budgets. We couldn’t afford to buy all those materials. But also because we wanted the film to look like a girl’s high school locker, or a scrapbook. And what’s interesting is, through the time, even thought the platform might have changed, it’s Tumbler or Facebook, you know, they still look the same. So whether it’s Susan in the 60s or fangirls nowadays, they are all creative and we wanted to film to feel a little bit like that. And also some of the best footages we had were like shot on an iPhone. We have so many different materials in that. Actually, the opening with the collages made by this girl, she was actually a fan from Georgia. So we sort of wanted to get fans to contribute to the film, and lots of fans, we did a kickstarter in 2016. We were trying to find people who could contribute. And people would just say “oh I have this!”, which was great! And we found the footage of this fan girl on youtube and we were like “can we use your footage?” and she was okay with it. That was great!

——It is really interesting to see how they are the same even when there are differences of age and culture. It really is very touching.Whenever there is something happening in their life,fangirls would always turn to their boybands. It is like a charm thing, right?

Rita: They are in a way. For the girls, it is always their special thing. That is a really lovely way of saying that. Because it helps them figure out how they are. It helps them to shape as they grow. Also boybands usually come out at them time when you just start to make your own decisions and you are just picking things for yourself, you know. I do that with Spice Girls.

——That is beautiful. This film really is about the charm of our lives.

Rita: Yes. And hopefully, it is about fan. I mean, Fantastic Fest is obviously a festival for horror films, so when we got in here, we were surprised. But it is also a festival about being a fan, I guess. And embracing being a fan. So I really love what they write on the website about the film. It made me feel like “Oh, we belong!”

——It is all the same in term of the theme freedom. Freedom for our creativity.

Rita: Exactly! And I think so about something I have tried to learn from it and the BackStreet concert is that, it is really cathodic to lose control. Susan has talked about this, like “I totally recommend going to a concert and just try to find your inner teenager”. I think it is exciting and joyful because it is really a lot of fun.

――“I Used To Be Normal”というタイトルにしたのは何故ですか?

Rita「One Directionのファンの子の発言から引用しました。その時彼女は自分を見失っていて、バーベキューをしながら“私、何やってるんだろう? 前まで私はノーマルだったのに!(I used to be normal!)”と言って泣き始めたんです。それを見た監督は、ファンのその心理にとても悲しいものを見たのですね。多分監督がこのタイトルで言い表したかったことは“私はかつてノーマルだった……でももうそんなことはどうだっていい”と言うことだと思います。私自身そうだから。というか、ノーマルな人なんているんでしょうか?このタイトルは悲しくもあるけれど、このうえない真実なんです。この作品を出演してもらったファンガールに観せたとき、みんながとても感情的になって、特にOne DirectionファンのElifはずっと泣いていたけれど“悲しくて泣いているんじゃないの、One Directionのファンである自分が誇らしくなって嬉しくて泣いているの”と話していて。それは素晴らしいことだと思いました」




Rita「そう。Sadiaはプレミアで“撮影中のインタビューはセラピーみたいだった”と話していました。今まで彼女はBackStreet Boysについて多くの人に話すことができなかったから、何時間もインタビューをすることは彼女にとって心の奥底から気ままに思っていることを話せるよい機会になっていたのですね。そしてそれは彼女自身が“自分がどんな人間か?”を自己分析することに繋がっていったようです。彼女は自分自身に対しても疑り深いところがあったけれど、幸いにも監督を信頼してくれていました。私たちは彼女のことが大好き。彼女の書くブログも素敵なんですよ。そうそう、本作が日本で公開されることを私たちは心から願っているんです。だって、素晴らしいファン文化がある国ですからね。日本のファン文化についてとても興味があります」







——Why did you pick the title “I Used To Be Normal”?

Rita: So that was one of the fan of One Direction said. And she is losing it at that point when she was at a barbecue and she just went crying and like “What is happening to me? I used to be normal!” And the director found it really sad that the fan girl was trying to show those feelings. I think what she wants to use that title to say that “I used to be normal but I don’t care anymore”. This is who I am. Who is normal anyway! So it is kind of sad but honest. So the first time when we showed the film to the fangirls they were really emotional. She cried the whole time and she was okay to say that she was proud to be an One Direction fan. You know, that is great!

——What kind of discussion you had with the crew/cast while making the film?

Rita: So none of the girls saw the film until we finished it, and none of them met each other. Jess filmed with them and she was like “I am a fan as well, so you can say what you like.” But in Alissa’s case, her parents all knew there was a filming happening. But I guess, when we were doing it, what we loved the most was the different and similarity shown in the four stories. You know, it could be really similar for all of them. But other things could be quite different. Like, they had battles with their parents at one point, to different degrees. But then I think Sadia was the most challenged by it. And the other girl was just embracing it. But yea, all four of them really all liked the film.

——It really sounds like that you are friends with these girls.

Rita: Yea. Sadia used to say that, after the premier, the interviews are becoming more like therapy sessions. Because she couldn’t talk to many people about her BackStreet Boys issue. And doing the interviews which would go for a few hours allow them to talk really intimately about it. It became a really good way for her to analyze. Especially her. One year she was like “I am so crazy about them!” and the next year she was like “No, I am strong, I have to put these away, I have to grow up!” So she was really doubtful but she trusted the director, luckily. I love her. And how she writes her blogs beautifully.And we would love to bring the film to Japan! Because Japan has such a great culture of fandom, right? We would like to find that out.

——Do you know Johnny’s? It is like this huge talent associates that produce famous Japanese idol groups. I think the Johnny’s fans would definitely be able to share the empathy with the film.

Rita: Wow. That is very interesting. I am gonna look them up! I am looking forward to bringing this film to Japan!

——Do you have anything in mind for your next project?

Rita: Jess and I would like to make films that are warm and heartwarming and very much about celebrating. She has a lot of stories that she wants to tell. At the moment, we are done with boybands’ fan, even though we love them a lot. We still want to film to be spread out as far as possible. To make people think about what it is that makes them fan. So, yea, lots of things we wanna to. And Jess just had a baby! The name is Joey!

——Thank you for your time!

Rita:Thank you!


text Ryoko Kuwahara












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