Berlin Issue: Interview with Rita Lino
NeoL / 2018年11月26日 18時0分
セルフ・ポートレイトとは、いまの自分と向き合うこと。誰もが写真を介して、一瞬でも自分自身を見つめた経験があるはずだ。ポルトガル人フォトグラファーRita Lino(リタ・リノ)は、彼女の身体とカメラを使い、それを10年以上続けている。じっとこちらを見つめ何もかもさらけ出す彼女の姿からは、逃げようとする弱さではなく向き合おうとする強さを感じた。いまわたしたちは、写真のあり方、自分自身との向き合い方について考えるときなのかもしれない。2匹の猫と暮らす自宅を訪ね、彼女と写真の関係性について紐解いた。
A self-portrait means to face, and be true to yourself. Everybody has seen themselves through a photo and pondered on themselves at least once. Portuguese photographer Rita Lino uses her own body and camera, and has been doing so for over 10 years. From her gaze, and her appearance in which she exposes herself fully, we see not a weakness of fleeting but a strength of facing oneself. Today may be the time for us to think about the ways of photography, and the ways of facing oneself. We visit Rita’s home and her 2 cats, and untangle the relationship between her and photography.
--First tell us how you began shooting photography.
Rita: “When I was around 17 or 18. I went to an arts high school at the time and studied creative things in general like painting, sculpting, and multi-media design. Photography was one of them. I hadn’t thought about becoming a photographer, and began shooting just for fun.”
--You not only work as an artist, but shoot for magazines and fashion brands. Around when did you become a photographer, shooting for work?
Rita: “The first time I worked as a photographer was around college. I was studying industrial design for 4 years from 2008 at a university in Barcelona, Spain. I liked things that stay tangible like books and magazines more than digital things that eventually disappear. The job then was shooting for fashion. Thanks to that, I realized I could do photography for a living and it was fun because I could mix my style into it. I went back to Portugal after graduation and worked as a photographer for men’s luxury fashion brands and their shops. After that in 2012, I relocated to Berlin.
--Why did you relocated from Portugal to Berlin?
Rita: “I left my heart in Berlin when I visited Berlin when I was 19 to party. No reason. But for my 19-year-old self, Berlin was a dangerous city so I decided to return when I was an adult. Berlin isn’t all that clean, but it's a very relaxing city. There are cons but I think the reason I’m still here now is because it’s a peaceful city.”
--Among your works, the self-portraits of yourself are especially impressive. When did you start shooting self-portraits?
Rita: “I don’t remember exactly when I started, but if I were to say for sure it’s when I was in my first year of college. It a very boring period of my life. I have no interest in landscapes and objects but I like bodies, and am especially drawn to women’s bodies. I wanted to shoot but I had no friends around me that would model for me, so I began shooting myself as my own model. I was the only one in the room, I knew how I wanted to shoot, there was no need to be shy, and I never for once thought of shooting it from a sexy perspective.”
--Do you shoot self-portraits regularly?
Rita: “Not every day. There are times when I don’t touch my camera for a month. I don’t usually carry my camera around in the first place. I shoot self-portraits and my works when there is no one around me, and when I’m at home or in a place where I can focus, and lock my doors. Just like painters, artworks require time.”
--Your gaze is sometimes towards the camera, sometimes off camera, but do you intentionally do so? I’m curious of the meanings of your gaze.
Rita: “Not particularly during shooting, but I think I do during editing and photo selection. The photo’s impression changes depending on where the eyes look. It looks candid and as if you’re peeking when there is no gaze. When you see my works in books and on the internet, it feels similar to peeking. You’re secretly peeping at someone, but in the next instance you’re suddenly met with a strong gaze. You then feel like you’ve been punched in the face. I play games like that.”
Rita「特に、2作目の『Entartete』は約10年間のセルフポートレイト。この本は身体とセクシュアリティを見出そうとした作品だし、男性は出てこない。自己発見、つまり自分で自分自身を教えたもの。私は誰なのか、何になりたいのか、どんな美学が好きで、どうしたいのか etc…。自分の意見を確認できたし、たくさんのことを学んだ。でも、いまこの本は閉じるの、それはもう終わったから」
--I see. Now that you mention it, when I meet eyes with the photo I get a rush. Also, the photos in which you’re crying and hurt have a strong impact. What kind of emotions are put into these?
Rita: “I’m interested in not physical pain, but emotional pain. My works don’t explain emotion in works, but in photography. There is no need to explain the emotions and background in words. If I explain it, it would ruin and kill the emotions of the viewer. I want to return to times of looking at a picture without an explanation and deciding whether you like it or not, instead of looking up information on it right away.”
--What did those people who view your works without any explanations think?
Rita: “When I meet people who have seen all my past works, they all tell me that they thought I would be a dark person. That they’re surprised that I’m different from what they expected.”
--You are indeed very frank, and now you’re even more attractive because of the gap between your personality and works. By the way, I read in a past interview that you said that “Cameras know more about yourself than you do”. You strictly face, and stay true to yourself through your self-portraits.
Rita: “Especially my second piece, “Entartete” – It’s a self-portrait of a span of around 10 years. This book is a work that seeks the body and sexuality, and men don’t appear in it. It’s self-discovery, so in other words, it’s what I taught myself. Who I am, what I want to be, what kind of aesthetic I like, what I want to do with it, etc… I was able to confirm my opinions and learned so many things. But, I’m closing this book now because it’s already finished.”
Rita「そう感じてもらえてとても嬉しいわ。詩は好き。好きな詩人は、ポルトガル人詩人のフェルナンド・ペソア(Fernando Pessoa)。あと、ミランダ・ジュライ(Miranda July)にはたくさんインスパイアされた。彼女は作家、女優、映画監督、パフォーマンス・アーティストととにかくマルチなの」
--From your works, I feel a more poetic element than a video or cinematic one. Do you like poems? Do you have a favorite poet?
Rita: “I’m very happy that you feel that way. I love poems. I like the Portuguese poet, Fernando Pessoa. Also, I was inspired multiple times by Miranda July. She’s so versatile in being a writer, an actress, a film director, and a performance artist.”
--The body is a tool to express art through your own body. It’s also something you are born into forever, and cannot change. Is your body like that for you?
Rita: “Yes.”
--There are many examples recently in which these two are diverging, for example people heavily editing photos for social media posts. What do you think about maintaining them equally, and about the people who are diverging from their bodies?
Rita: “I don’t care for looks or reality in the first place. However, there are people who suffer from physical aspects, looks, and poor self-esteem. I have times when I’m worried or have low self-esteem, but not physically. Social media, magazines, and fashion brands release things based on how they will look, and how they can be viewed cool. But to people who worry and have lost their confidence, this becomes poison. Yet, I have been running away from this problem and don’t have a particularly big opinion on it. Because it’s a big issue in society. When you’re sad and you take a selfie and upload it to receive “likes”, I call this “like therapy”. It’s a new way to fulfill yourself. I sometimes upload selfies onto Instagram, but it’s when I’m not wearing any makeup and I’m just having fun. But I mean, of course I want people to “like” it, haha.”
Rita「そう、2016年から取り組んでる作品があるわ。今回は身体を修正してて。アイデンティティ、ペルソナ、美しさを消して、まるで銅像のように見せてる。実は、1作目の『All the Lovers』にも銅像が出てくるの。手掛けてきたすべての作品が大事だけど、それぞれがチャプターになってる。シリーズとして続くのではなく、異なるものにね」
--I think you take in the generation’s issues objectively, and it’s convincing. On a different note, I heard you’re currently working on a new project?
Rita: “Yes, there’s a piece I’ve been working on since 2016. This time, I’m editing the body. I’m deleting the identity, persona, and beauty and making it look almost like a statue. Actually, statues appear in my first work, “All the Lovers” as well. All pieces I work on are important, but each one is a chapter. Not like a series that continues, but a different thing for each.”
--It seems like it will be an even more artistic piece. I’m already very excited.
Rita: “I think I will be able to present it as a series of photography by next year. I will also definitely go to Japan around that time. I hope to do an exhibition in Japan one day. I will also be doing a workshop in Berlin in late November. It’s about editing and not photography, but nevertheless I’m very excited. For photography, I have been working on an NGO “Lovematter” project since the end of last year. I can finally do work with my own pieces. And not in fashion, but in sexual information. I’m so happy to be able to help other people with my works.”
Rita Lino
photography Rita Lino
text Yukiko Yamane
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