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Interview with Dorian Concept about “The Nature of Imitation”

NeoL / 2018年11月19日 12時0分

Interview with Dorian Concept about “The Nature of Imitation”

室内楽がテーマだった前作『ジョインド・エンズ』(2004年)とは趣を変え、60年代のジャズに70年代のフュージョン、80年代のプログレッシヴ・ロックを参照し、高密度でヴォキャブラリー多彩なサウンドを作り上げたニュー・アルバム『ザ・ネイチャー・オブ・イミテーション』。近年、フライング・ロータスやサンダーキャットらとの共演を通じて注目を浴びてきたドリアン・コンセプトことオリヴァー・トーマス・ジョンソンだが、この度のニュー・アルバムを機にロータスが主宰する〈Brainfeeder〉と契約。先日開催されたソニックマニアでは「Brainfeeder Stage」に登場し、その超絶技巧のスキルを駆使した圧巻のライヴ・パフォーマンスを披露してくれた。そして、11月には単独としては4年ぶりとなる待望のジャパン・ツアーが決定。ますますの期待を集める気鋭のプロデューサーに話を聞いた。


Oliver Thomas Johnson「すごくよかったよ。たくさんのお客さんが集まってくれて、しかもみんな真剣に音楽に耳を傾けてくれて、本当に感激だったよ。日本でライヴをやる度に、お客さんが一瞬たりともステージを見逃さないって姿勢で真剣に音楽に耳を傾けてくれる姿に感動するんだよ。まだ新曲がリリースされて少ししか経ってないのに、曲を全部知ってるんじゃないかって思うくらいで……他の外国のフェスだと観客の気を引くために、あれこれ工夫しなくちゃならなかったりするんだけど、それに比べると日本のオーディエンスはすごく成熟してるよね。だからいつも日本でライヴをやるのが好きなんだ」





――I saw your show,it was fantastic.You came here just you released your album and it was perfect timing for Japanese fans to get introduced your music,how do you feel?

Oliver “Yeah it was amazing to see so many people at there and listening to my music, it was incredible to see the reactions of them, one thing especially I thought of Japanese was how they serious about listening to, their concentration not to miss one moment, even if the album has just released.It feels like in other festivals,I have to make a big impact for get attention of audience but compare to it,I was really moved by how Japanese audience are mature.That’s why I love to perform in Japan”

――Because it was to Brainfeeder’s showcase,was this somehow different from the performance from how you do normaly?

Oliver “Yes, it was celebration for 10th anniversary for Brainfeeder and as you said, the new album has just released so there were many elements to put in, the show is for new album so that stage for introduce the album to audience, it was quit interesting that was really special such as using new music equipment for new songs”

――What was the new challenge of the performance for this stage?

Oliver “I’m interested in Live-Looping now, so I’m using it a lot.I only put the construction of music and repeat that sound which I played on it on stage, it’s more complicated than how I do usually so I struggled at the beginning but it’s interesting at the same time. And that show was also for introducing the live version of that album so I enjoyed the reaction by the audience.I’m still nervous if they like it or not but they seemed to be like it so far”









――Your new album there is a nice blend between beat and harmony and colorful flow,dynamic texture.When you actually produced this album which point did you put the main focused?

Oliver “You may noticed already but I mixed many kinds of styles and tried to create my own original and unique sound.I used elements that I haven’t used normally for it, like the live improvisation for example.Using a part of sounds that I played on live or session make songs to be more dynamic.The sound of live or improvisational playing are very interesting because you don’t know how it will be and it can be like a surprise, so I’d like to keep studying it.Recent music tend to be predictable but I wanted this album to be more like unpredictable”

――Is it because this album is influenced by 60s Jazz music or 70s Fusion,80s Progressive rock?Are these elements influenced to what you said?

Oliver “Yeah, it’s like mixing many kinds of elements or styles.Or I can say that using instruments In different way that it supposed to be, like synthesizer, you can find new sound or style if you playing one same type of music”

――What was the most difficult thing of the recording of this album?

Oliver “I mean, all of it, haha. Once you thought you finally found the best way to express the sound, you’ll get shocked how much you spend for it.Some of the songs took one or two months or you struggling hours only for five seconds.I can say it for whole of this album but I struggled all of the details.Many tiny process made this album so there can’t be any mistake.Anyway, yeah it was all difficult from beginning to the end.”

――Do you image the whole picture of the album first,or you see the importance of improvisation more?

Oliver “I start with it from the drawing board, and put the layer of paints on it so you can see the whole picture of the album gradually, it’s kind of like that.Sometimes I get an idea of the shape of song naturally, but even then I really don’t sketch it or prepare for it in advance.Talking about this album, it’s not really a concept but I had a hazy image, so I started from it”


Oliver「60年代のジャズで一番強く影響を受けてるのは、ジョン・コルトレーンの63 年の作品で『Live at Birdland』とか、当時の即興スタイルからものすごく影響を受けてるんだ。あるいは、70年代のハービー・ハンコックの作品とか……ちょうど当時、シンセサイザーなんかのエレクトロニックなサウンドをジャズが取り入れ始めた頃で、そこから新たな可能性が開けていった時期でもあり、サウンド的にものすごく影響を受けてるよ。あと80年代だったら、デトロイト出身のウェンデル・ハリソンの、ジョン・コルトレーンの“Supreme Love”へのオマージュの『Dream of a Supreme Love』とか。ものすごくソウルフルなんだけど、80年代の特有のフィーリングもあって……ちょうどデジタル・レコーディング技術が取り入れられるようになった時期でもあったしね。いま言った3つの時代の要素をミックスして取り入れてるのが、自分がいまやってるスタイルなんだろうね。それと、昔のジェネシスとか……プログレッシヴ・ロックってつねに変化し続けてるところが面白いよね。それに影響を受けて、ちょっと普通じゃない音楽を普通じゃないアレンジでやるようになったんだと思う。プログレッシヴ・ロックからはつねにインスピレーションを受けてるよ」


Oliver「いいね、面白い。それはなかなか深い洞察だなあ……なるほど、ストラヴィンスキーか。この曲とかまさに、あくまでもシンセサイザー主体なんだけど同時にオーケストラっぽい感じにしたくて、シンセサイザーによるオーケストラみたいな感じをイメージしてたんだよね。シンセサイザーがヴァイオリンの代わりをしていたり、ムーグが……あれ英語で何て言うんだろう? ドイツ語ではポーケ・ドラムって言うんだけど、ボンボンボンっていう感じで……」



――I see.So about the influence of Jazz,Fusion,and Progressive rock,what is the specifical reference?

Oliver “The influence of 60s Jazz is”Live at Birdland ”by John Coltrane in 1963 for example, it gave me the improvisational style.Or like 70’s album by Herbie Hancock, at that time, people started using electronic sound of synthesizer and it spread the possibility of music so I got influenced of it a lot.Also from 80s,Wendell Harrison who’s from Detroit, one of his album called “Dream of a Supreme Love”which is the homage for John Coltrane.It is very soulful but you feel 80s feeling at the same time, it was the timing that the digital-recording technology has just started to used.Those three ages I mentioned were mixed in my style I guess.Also,Genesis as well...it’s really interesting that the progressive rock always has been changing, and I’m making unnormal music because of that.Progressive rock has been always my inspiration”

――My favorite song of this album is”Space”,and personally it remainds me of “The rite of spring”by Stravinsky.The popping sound of strings makes me feel funky but also noble at the same time.

Oliver “Good, interesting point.I see, Stravinsky...it mainly consisted by synthesizer but I wanted to make it orchestra feel like, so I imaged it like a orchestra by synthesizer.I used synthesizer instead of violin and...how do I say it in English?The instrument sounds like pom pom pom,we call it pauken drum in German”

――Maybe it’s Timpani?

Oliver “Oh, right. Anyway, yes, I made that song imaging classical orchestra music”





――By the way, the word from the title of this album”Imitation”,it sounds kind of negative in art or creative field.How do you think of this word,do you think that word sounds positive to you?I’m really interesting in it.

Oliver “So from the beginning of production of this album,I thought it will be more like one-concepted but eventually I spread the taste very widely...let me explain how to make this album,I normally write bars one by one, but in this time,I changed the different arrange or instruments each bars.So the color of the sounds completely change by it if I only changed a little bit cord or rhythm, even if it was same song...sorry it’s really complicated story”

――No,I follow you.

Oliver “Well, and...anyway,I’m thinking that how different types of music can have common elements, that was I trying to figure out this time, and you may make music of the parody of someone if you not trying to because there are a lot of music in this world already. If you think the originality still exists but it could be someone’s idea that they made already, but you still keep trying to find.So this title, ”The Nature of Imitation ”means not negative but imitation is very natural thing, I think. Sorry, this is also really complicated story.I hope I could explain it in better way, so sorry, haha”





ーーたとえば、それこそYouTubeであなたが公開されている「Fooling Around」シリーズもひとつのレクチャーであり、教育の機会といえると思うんですね。そうして知識や技術を次の世代に伝えることで、大袈裟に言えば、音楽の歴史を繋いでいく――ということは、意識しているところでもありますか。


――So,”Imitation”can stand for”learn”in Japanese,these two words have same origin.And I’ve heard that your major in university was multi media art, you learned classical music in your childhood,and you came to Japan for having a lesson of Redbull-music academy four years ago.So please tell me that how do you think,the meaning of “learning”?

Oliver “I think a lot about it as I grow up.I was in more like student position till I was twenties, but now I teach someone and I still feel strange about it.But I thought it is the best way that you don’t care about what the academic thing is while you leaning or teaching.Especially for music. Of cause, I studied academic things at school and had a lot of experience from that but people who playing with or musicians who I admired with or teachers gave me a lot of inspiration”

――I see.

Oliver “Yes.So,I was trying to find the middle point between academic thing and experience.The Curriculum of Red bull-music academy was very free so I liked it, that’s why I excepted it.There were the atmosphere that can be made by everyone and doing work together, students were consisted by wide ranged-generation and they playing same one song...the level of musical skill are almost same, but they doing independently.So now I think as a teacher,I want to do that what I wanted to learn when I was student”

――”Fooling Around” that you posted on Youtube for example,I think that is also one of the lesson and the opportunity for learning.And by teaching knowledge and technique can be making new music history,do you think so too?

Oliver “Yes, totally. Well, I didn’t mean it at the beginning actually...it was more like, I thought the lesson video of synthesizer is quit boring because it’s only explaining, so I started to performance while explaining, but feels strange, that video became a topic and something happened that I didn’t expected.It is my main work in a way, and now I feel like it maybe a part of contribution for a whole music world?...haha!”

photography Sachiko Saito
text Junnosuke Amai

Dorian Concept
『The Nature of Imitation』
Now On Salte
(Brainfeeder / Beat Ink)

Dorian Concept Japan Tour 2018
11/29(THU) - KYOTO - METRO
12/01(SAT) - TOKYO - SOUND MUSEUM VISION [7th Anniversary special Track Maker]

Dorian Concept
ウィーン生まれの天才演奏家/プロデューサー、ドリアン・コンセプトことオリヴァー・トーマス・ジョンソン。今年電撃契約を交わした〈Brainfeeder〉から最新アルバム『The Nature of Imitation』をリリース直後、レーベルの一員として、フライング・ロータス、サンダーキャット、ジョージ・クリントン&パーラメント・ファンカデリックらと共にソニックマニアに出演!その超絶パフォーマンスは、"分かっちゃいたけど”な観衆さえ大いに驚嘆させ、熱狂の渦へと導いた。その観るものすべての度肝を抜く即興性に富んだ超絶技巧と、耳にこびりついて離れない遊び心いっぱいのメロディ・センスで、これまでもフライング・ロータスやザ・シネマティック・オーケストラのライヴ・サポート・メンバーにも起用され活躍してきた他、サンダーキャット作品の制作にも参加。プレイヤー、パフォーマーとしての知名度が急上昇していく一方で、2014年に自ら“室内楽”と称した前作『Joined Ends』では作曲家としての才能も開花させた。同年、初上陸した「Red Bull Music Academy Tokyo 2014」の一環として開催された公演は完売。その後もフライング・ロータス単独公演のサポートアクトとして再来日するなど、ここ日本でも着実にファンベースを築いてきた。盟友フライング・ロータスの主宰レーベル〈Brainfeeder〉からリリースした最新アルバム『The Nature of Imitation』をひっさげ、サマーソニック2018、さらに遂に3都市を巡る来日ツアーも記憶に新しい。












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