Berlin Issue: Interview with SOUVENIR
NeoL / 2018年11月20日 18時0分
この青いフーディをご存知だろうか?昨年の英国EU離脱問題”ブレクジット”の影響を受けてベルリンで生まれた「EUNIFY HOODIE」。ユーロ国旗をオマージュしたフロントデザインは通常12個あるはずの星が1個欠けている、一種のオピニオンウエアだ。ヴァージル・アブロー、ユルゲン・テラーをはじめ、このオピニオンに賛同したクリエイターたちの着用で一気に浸透し、その勢いは止まらない。このムーヴメントを生み出したのがデザインレーベルSOUVENIR(スーヴェニアー)。ファウンダー兼クリエイティヴ・ディレクターのDavid Mallon(ディヴィッド・マロン)、アーティスティック・ディレクターのFilip Berg(フィリップ・バーグ)が語るオピニオンウエアとユースのストーリーには可能性と希望しかない。単なるトレンドだけに注目するのはナンセンス、その背景にあるオピニオンも含めて選ぶ時代がやってきたのだ。
Do you know of this blue hoodie? This is the “EUNIFY HOODIE”, created in Berlin amongst Brexit – Britain’s potential exit from the European Union. The front design pays homage to the European flag, and although there is usually 12 stars, there is one missing – it’s a kind of opinion wear. Those who agreed with this opinion such as Virgil Abloh and Juergen Teller, along with other creators, wore this hoodie and it continues to spread like fire. The one that created this movement is design label SOUVENIR. There is nothing but opportunities and hope behind the opinion wear and youth stories that Founder/Creative Director David Mallon, and Artistic Director Filip Berg speak of. Simply focusing on trends has become nonsense. It’s become an age in which the opinions behind them play a role in choice.
ーーベルリンのストリートでもよく見かける「EUNIFY HOODIE」、瞬く間に浸透して一種のトレンドと化していますね。
--The “EUNIFY HOODIE” that we often see has become one type of trend in the blink of an eye.
David: “Everything from who wore the hoodie and supported the project to timing played out perfectly at the same time. Wearing it allows you to participate in the movement as an individual. You can talk about why a star is missing naturally, not just with people involved in fashion, but with say, airport staff. It creates a chance to talk and share opinions. By doing so, new thoughts are born. And as we repeat this cycle, the unclear parts become clearer. I believe many things will begin to change.
--I heard 80% of the consumers are ages 16-25, in other words the youth. How do you analyze this phenomenon in which you are affecting youth opinions?
Filip: “Hoodies are familiar to the youth. You don’t see many 40-50 year olds wearing them, do you? Even if they do, it’s probably like an American dad. It’s also a symbol of streetwear. Even if you see a cop on the streets, you can hide your face with the hood. Politics is decided by older politicians and electors, and is a rather boring topic for the youth. However, the youth generation is left behind with the future that these politicians and electors decide. We chose a hoodie to activate such youth. Although there is an existing opinion, we won’t push our thoughts on what’s right or wrong. They should research why a star is missing on the internet, or call the EU hotline printed on the back of the hoodie. Finding your own opinions and judgements on your own is what is most important. Not just for youth, but for adults as well.”
ーーヨーロッパだけでなく世界に視野を広げ、今秋より「EUNIFY PROJECT」を展開していますよね。
--As of this fall you have expanded “EUNIFY PROJECT” not just within Europe but on a global scale.
David: The concept is the same as the hoodie. We started off with Brexit, but there are many other global problems. Controversies surrounding political and cultural topics will continue to occur, so we decided to focus on this project to pose problems on what’s missing and what may be false. We also receive DMs on Instagram from the youth. Some say that since they’re still students, they cannot buy a 59€ hoodie. I value their opinions and felt that I wanted to support that opinion. So I increased the variety of merchandise by adding T-shirts, caps, and lighters so that it’s more open to everyone and easier to choose from.”
Filip: “We try not to lower prices as much as possible. People have their own age-related and financial circumstances. I want to have a democratic stance in which anyone can buy things under equal conditions.”
--The tendency to choose clothes based on appearance or trends is big in Japan, and having opinion wear isn’t something that is widely practiced. How much has opinion wear actually spread in Europe and Germany?
David: “Countries or cultures that have weak public opinions probably cannot wear much opinion wear. In Europe today, you can say your opinions for the most part. However, there is a long history behind that – we have acquired our freedom, rights and liberation through years and years of effort. There are rules of course, but you can say what you want to say. That’s why opinion wear was born, and that’s why we can wear it freely. You need time for this process, and if the world becomes closer we can all come to educate ourselves and each other. Japan and Europe have good partnerships. You can express yourself through fashion here, and in Tokyo you’ve already been able to do so. You probably wear your favorite things first, but it’s important to think about what you will wear next. It could be opinion wear, vegan, or eco-friendly. Actions like that make the world a better place.”
Filip: “There are also differences in cultures and characters by country. Even in Europe, the North and South can differ a lot. Like how Italians are emotional and talk a lot, haha. I’m from Denmark but I think we’re similar to Germany and Scandinavia in terms of how quiet we are. I feel like Japan is more calm.”
--Behind all of the rave on youth culture in the fashion industry and media, there is the reality that the youth is being exploited. As a collaborator, how to do you face the youth?
David: “It’s a natural flow of give-and-take. We provide the youth with a platform. For example, a brand campaign. We don’t have a huge budget like Adidas, but instead we believe in the young creators and put them in charge.”
Filip: “Not only activating youth, but proceeding with projects with them. But not with a famous, veteran photographer.”
David: “It could be a student straight out of school. The youth are hungry and have as much energy as fire flames. We also want to support that kind of spirit. Originally when we started SOUVENIR 10 years ago, our concept was a platform where artists of all ages and experiences could mix. We gathered 10 friends who were creators and proceeded with the project. Also, there is no need to research what the youth is doing. Even if you don’t look it up on the internet, you naturally hear news. Thanks to that I feel young too, haha. Days that we dine in beautiful restaurants and enjoy delicious food, days that we sit on Spezi (A kiosk in Germany) benches and eat kebabs. I enjoy both, and get good energy from them.”
Filip: “We receive good energy from the youth, and they can learn things from us in return.”
--It’s a beautiful relationship in which you can motivate each other. How old is the youngest staff member in SOUVENIR?
David: “For interns, 20. For models, 5 years old. He’s my son. He recently spotted an EU flag and pointed, “Dad!” haha. Even kids his age already know about Trump. Even what he did to Mexico, or to Kim Jong-un in North Korea. Media nowadays spreads very fast, and there are even news channels for kids in Germany. My son asks me questions on topics he thinks are interesting after watching them. I could not have imagined myself doing so when I was a kid. Education is key for SOUVENIR. There are endless possibilities for education the earlier it is introduced. It’s important to travel the world too. You become open-minded, and begin to understand diversity.”
--You don’t just stop at the youth generation, but also look at kids. To reach such a young crowd, you use fashion as a tool, but how to do you two view fashion?
Filip: “When thinking in terms of how to make politics look cool, or spread it, fashion becomes a very useful tool. There is also a big difference between the opinion wear that we advertise and fashion. We never showcase it on the runway, and don’t feel the need to participate in fashion games. It’s more of a political art movement than a fashion project. Fashion is choices in aesthetics, but for us there is no such fashion-related choices. Clothes are clothes, and fashion is fashion. We’re not trying to bring it towards fashion that much.”
David: “We are a design and creative studio, and are able to use fashion as a communication tool. On top of that, recent fashion brands match their communication and artistic aspects to their fashion. There are even political brands like Telfar. I think it’s amazing that black designers are emerging, like Virgil Abloh. Fashion is changing, and there are ways to use it wisely.”
--What is important in terms of the art and creative field among this circumstance where globalization is fading and countries are focusing on themselves?
Filip: “To us, it is important to come up with designs and stay creative. SOUVENIR activates people through projects and is able to help the world globally. Like the EU flag’s circle was broken, all circles are bound to break at some point. Brexit is an example of a metaphor. What we can do is activate people, include them, and make a change.”
David: “We will do what we can do, and not hide anything. Anybody can take small steps. Even this interview, activating people through clothes, quitting the use of plastic today – they’re all steps. I don’t think such small actions will change the world, but it’s worth believing it does.”
--You’re really making movements happen recently, mainly in Europe, but how will you approach things globally from now on?
David: “I am thinking of approaching China and other parts of Asia with the Spring/Summer 2019 collection. Of course, Japan is included in this. There are currently 10-15 shops in Asia, and with this as a starting point, we may collaborate with people who were influenced. I want to collaborate with people more than brands. Of course, cultural and political things. I also want to influence youth and kids, so projects involving schools or museums are good too. I get many questions on Instagram. Asking questions is a good thing, and I think ideas should be given out more often. I want to support good ideas and collaborate with them.”
photography Tereza Mundilová
text Yukiko Yamane
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