Interview with Rats On Rafts /ラッツ・オン・ラフツ
NeoL / 2018年12月17日 12時0分
At Franz Ferdinand’s live in Japan November 2018,Rats on Rafts which is the quartet band from Amsterdam was selected as the opening act with Franz Ferdinand’s love call.Paul Thomson,the member of Franz Ferdinand described their sound as “pleasant to the ear”,and they caught people’s eye by performing emotional and experimental band sound with post-punk and new wave elements.We interviewed the band which haven’t to be founded by many people in Japan yet,and asked the present state of affairs in Amsterdam.
――How was the impression of Japan?
David ”Really positive, really great.Very overwhelming in a good way”
――On twitter,they said the response Tokyo show was not really good,because they were too much overwhelming.
Natasha “Yeah,after the show many people coming to lobby and a girl said she couldn’t dance because she was really shy”
David ”It’s also we normally on the show,we don’t talk just play to the end but of cause we’re new in here so that was dis communication maybe we should do more communication with audience”
――How did you guys started the band?
Arnoud ”’s long story”
――Please make it short,haha.
Arnoud ”Haha.We met each other when we were in high school we were fourteen years old.And we started the band when we were sixteen.We couldn’t play any instruments at that then,so we practiced a lot for performing in front of audience,and we had changed member couple of time,and now we’re here”
――How did Natasha and Mathijs meet them?
Natasha ”I was in a couple of other bands,and common friend said to me that Oh you have to meet these guys! and I saw their performance and they said they need base player,I thought it’s gonna be fun if I join them so”
David ”We knew her performance skill and definitely her sound is gonna be fit to our sound”
――And Mathijs is a bit younger than everyone,how did you meet them?
Mathijs ”My friend introduced me to them,and joined”
――I see,so everybody has same taste of influenced music?
Natasha ”Yeah,I think 90% or some”
――Natasha,you know a lot of Japanese band music?
Natasha ”I mean,everyone.We all listen to Japanese band music because we listen to same records and practice together so we have similar taste of music”
――Who is your favorite Japanese musician?
Natasha ”YMO.Ryuichi Sakamoto,Haruomi Hosono,Yukihiro Takahashi”
David ”Also Phew.And do you know SHIMITSU?”
――Sorry,I don’t know it.
David ”You know,we can get many different type of music’s records in Rotterdam ,even if it’s not popular band in Europe.And we really like finding those kind of r
――I’ve heard that the music scene in Rotterdam,it’s needed to be different from others and unique.Does it give you influence of making the sound?
David ”Indeed.Many people in Rotterdam are really good at presentation so the most important thing to be popular is how you give a big impact to people. So after they go out of Rotterdam,they keep being unique”
――So that’s why Rats on Rafts is unique!
David ”Maybe,haha”
Arnoud ”I think there’s no other band like us even in Netherland ”
――Talking about your sound,it’s really emotional,and also it’s sensitive.
David ”True,our sound is emotional.We want to express our anger, frustration and passion of daily lives by playing music”
Natasha ”That’s why we basically do recording only for once because we need energy itself”
David ”And also,we don’t talk on stage because we believe that we can make people’s emotion higher if we keep playing songs,so we can feel excitement and sense of unity”
――Indeed,I can feel what you saying from your album.
David ”Yes,it’s almost like bulldozer,isn’t it?”
──でも、アルバムとしては2015年発表の『Tape Hiss』以降リリースがありませんね。
デイヴィッド「実は以前にメジャーレーベルと契約したことがあるんだけど、結局考え方の違いがあって、うまくいかなかったことがあるんだ。その後も、いくつかオファーをいただいたけど、自分たちの活動スタイルとは異なるものを感じたから、このままでいいのかなって。それにイギリスではFire Recordsという素晴らしいレーベルがサポートしてくれていて、いい状況だから、このままでいたいと思っているよ」
――But there haven’t been releasing your album since 2015,”Tape Hiss”.
David ”Actually we’re preparing some new songs already.But we haven’t decided if it’s gonna be releasing or not yet.We don’t know how it’s gonna be.I mean, we want to see the inspiration as a important thing and we want to release our songs if we think it’s supposed to be.We don’t want to be chased by dead line”
――So you guys don’t think about making contract with major label?
David ”Actually we had made contract with a major label once in the past,but it ended up not going well because of the difference of the way of thinking.After that,we had some offer from major label but they seemed to be different taste from our style so we thought this is the best situation as we are now.And Fire Records,the best label supporting us in UK and this is good so we want to keep doing this”
――Can I ask your plan as a band from now on?
Arnoud ”We want make music that no one have listened ever.Also, we want to touring all over the world”
Mathijs ”Agreed.And I want my performing skill to be progress more”
ナターシャ「ファッションだったら「Cheap Fashion」という古着屋。「De Plaatboef」というレコード店は、本当に素晴らしいラインナップ。あとロッテルダム中央駅の近くにある「Hans tweede hands」というレコード店もオススメ」
――Last question.Please tell us about the current culture scene in Rotterdam.
David”It used to be more casual in the past,I mean like the city for workers,but now it’s more like modern city”
Natasha”It’s also international mood”
David ”I think Amsterdam is the most popular city,but it’s too much being as tourist spot.On the other hand, Rotterdam became to be cultural localization these days,I mean there is no point worthy though,haha.But maybe in the near future,and only current band scene is special”
――Is there any spots where you can recommend?
Natasha ”If you like fashion,there is nice vintage clothes shop called Cheap Fashion.And a record shop called De Plaatboef has wonderful lineup.Also,I want to recommend a record shop called Hans tweede hands,it’s close from Amsterdam central station”
photography Riku Ikeya
text Takahisa Matsunaga
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Rats On Rafts
『Tape Hiss』
Now on Sale
Rats On Rafts
メンバーは、Natasha van Waardenburg (ナターシャ、B)、Arnoud Verheul (アーノルド、G)、Mathijs Burgler (マティス、Dr) 、David Fagan(デイヴィッド、Vo&G)。オランダ・ロッテルダムにて結成された、4人組ポスト・パンク/ニューウェーヴ・バンド。ユニークであればあるほど人気が高まるという、独自の感性を持ったロッテルダムのカルチャーから強い影響を受け、さらにニュー・ウェイヴ、ポップやパンクに忠誠を誓い、膨大な本数のライヴ、フランツ・フェルディナンドを含む数々の大物バンドとの共演をこなし、スキルを磨いてきた。エコー・アンド・ザ・バニーメンのウィル・サージャントや、ラウダー・ザン・ウォーのジョン・ロッブなど、ファンを公言するミュージシャンも多数。これまでに3作のアルバムを発表している。最新アルバムは『Tape Hiss』。
Natasha van Waardenburg(B),Arnoud Verheul(G),Mathjis Burgler(Dr),David Fagan(Vo&G),the qurtet post-punk /newwave band started in Rotterdam. The Rotterdam culture that the more being unique,the more becoming popular had given them a big influence so they build strong loyalty to new wave,pop and punk,performing many lives and playing with big named bands such as Frantz Ferdinand,and improving their skills.There are many musicians who professes to be fan of them,such as Echo & the Bunnymen and Louder than war.They had released three albums so far,their latest album is “Tape Hiss”.
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