ドラッグ中毒のホームレスからトップモデル、そして映画監督へ ローナ・タッカー監督『ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド 最強のエレガンス』インタビュー/From the street to the catwalk to the studio: Interview with Lorna Tucker about “WESTWOOD : PUNK, ICON,ACTIVIST”
NeoL / 2018年12月21日 17時0分
ドラッグ中毒のホームレスからトップモデル、そして映画監督へ ローナ・タッカー監督『ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド 最強のエレガンス』インタビュー/From the street to the catwalk to the studio: Interview with Lorna Tucker about “WESTWOOD : PUNK, ICON,ACTIVIST”
波乱万丈なストーリーを生み出せる映画監督は多くいるが、ローナ・タッカーにおいては自身の人生からして既に映画のようなドラマを内包している。15歳にして家を飛び出しホームレスになり、ドラッグに溺れた生活を送るものの、路上でスカウトに見初められてモデルへ。自力で美大に入学を果たして映画監督となった彼女が、あけっぴろげに自身の半生、そして初の長編ドキュメンタリー『ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド 最強のエレガンス』について語ってくれた。
--Dame Vivienne Westwood inarguably has lived a unique life, but you yourself have had a rather unique life. Tell me about your childhood and teenage years.
“I think my childhood and teenage years were very fractured. I didn't come from money or wealth. I had learning difficulties at school and I couldn’t read properly. I was a very angry teenager trying to figure out my place in the world. When I was 15 I ran away from home and ended up living on the streets. I also ended up being addicted to drugs. Then, I was scouted by a modelling agency. I didn't follow up the offer at the time, but the moment stayed with me. I had gone on my own journey through hardships of homelessness. When I had come off the street and tried to clean myself up from drug addiction, there was nothing really I felt for me because I didn't have an education, nor money, and I was pregnant with my first child. I didn't know what I could do.
So I went to study because there was only one course that didn't require any previous education but a portfolio. And that was art. I’ve always been good at drawing so I spent a week painting, drawing and filming myself a quick portfolio. And I was given a place in foundation course in art and design. That really was an eye opener for me because I discovered that I liked photography and working in a visual space. But I still didn't know how I could turn that into a job.
So at the same time I was scouted to model again and that really helped because it gave money to my daughter because I was a single mum, and it also paid me to go to college and to be able to pay rent.
Another great thing about modelling was that I got to travel world. I got to see a different side of the world, women that were artists and photographers. I came from a very small town, where girls only wanted to be air hostesses or waitresses. They didn't have anything ambitious beyond that. Before that I never even thought that a woman could be a photographer or a film maker. I thought it was for older men. So it was really inspiring to meet women creators.
I didn't model for long, only for just over a year. I was getting a lot of pressure because I was battling with drug addiction and I put on a little bit of weight. I stopped modelling because I just found it wasn't good for my mental health being in the industry where people were focusing on what I look like. “
ローナ「大学に通いながらバーで働いていた時、若い女の子がよくするように(笑)、いろんな人の写真を撮り始めました。そこでとあるバンドに出会って、彼らがレコーディングをしている現場を撮らせてもらったことがきっかけで様々なバンドの写真を撮り始めたんです。被写体のパーソナリティーが滲み出したり、彼らがカメラの前とそれ以外で見せる反応の違いを見れる、そんな写真の魅力に夢中になりました。その流れで、友人から動画撮影ができるカメラを借りて、バンドのツアーに同行して映像を撮りだしました。ドキュメンタリー映画を撮りたいと思っていたけど、具体的にどうすればいいのかはわからなくて。制作会社の人たちと関わろうにも、映画を撮影したことがなければ映画の学校に通ったこともない、そんな素人のお願いを聞いてくれる人はいません。ミーティングの場を設けることすらしてくれませんでした。そんな時、以前一緒に仕事をしたザ・カルトというバンドのヴォーカルであるイアン・アストベリーが、『ライヴの動画を撮ってくれないか』と言ってくれたんです。さらに『”コンクエスト”というネイティヴ・アメリカンの女性についての素晴らしい本があるんだけど読んでみて。これは誰かが映画化しなくちゃいけないよ』 と提案してくれて。すぐに本を読み、インディアン特別保留地の女性が対面している虐待について知り、驚き、イアンのカメラを使って撮影することにしました(ローナ・タッカー長編2作目『Amá』(USA 2018年公開)。これが映画を撮り始めるまでの一連の流れです」
--Tell me about how you came to shoot films.
“So I was working in the bar while going to school and I was taking pictures of the people as you do when you are a young girl [laugh]. Then I met a band took pictures of them recording in a studio and I just started filming bands. What I was really loving about photography was that I was watching people’s personalities come across and watching the way they react when the camera was on and off. I borrowed cameras off friends that could film as well. And when I went on tour with them and filmed those videos, I decided that I wanted to make documentaries. But I just didn't know how to get into it. I was trying to have anything with production companies. But because I never made a film before or I didn't go to a film school before, people were saying no. They wouldn't even have meetings with me. Then, Ian Astbury, the lead singer from the band called the Cult, that I had previously worked with, said, “ hey, you should come and film our concert, but there is also a book written by a native American woman, called Conquest, and you should read it because someone needs to make a film about that”. So I read the book, and I was mind-blown about the human right abuses that were happening on native American reservations towards women. He had a camera so started filming. And that’s how I got into filming.”
--『ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド 最強のエレガンス』は監督にとって初の長編ドキュメンタリーとなりますが、なぜヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッドを被写体に選ばれたのですか?
--Westwood; Punk, Icon, Activist is your first feature documentary. What made you want to focus on Dame Westwood as the main subject?
“In 2008, Vivienne Westwood had made a rap song off Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age. He asked me to record it. I had met Vivienne briefly once at the charity fashion show I had walked in when I was a model, but I didn't know anything about Vivienne Westwood at that point. I went down there not knowing what to expect but I never forget the moment she walked through the door. She was in her 70s and she was wearing 6 inch high heel platform shoes and a beautiful dress and had long red hair. And I just remember thinking “oh my god, she is so sexy!”. It just blew my mind because before I met her, my opinion on Getting older was something to be ashamed of. She really inspired me because she also hadn’t come from money or wealth. Throughout the day of filming and recording, she was asking me a lot of questions and we kept in contact. In 2014, she asked me if I would like to put a proposal forward for a fashion film that she was looking to make for the company and I had a really lovely idea. That's when I thought I need to make this into a feature film.
The things she was fighting against in the 70s with punks and the things that rode her to do her activism were all the things that I felt we were discontented with today. Students fearing over their future without any financial means. But I also wanted to portray the story of Vivienne herself coming from no money and fighting in the fashion industry for her place. It didn't happen over a night. Nobody would respond to her. Nobody would support her. People publicly humiliated her. And she never stopped.
And that inspired me to keep going. We can make it if we never stop. We just need to be a little more fearless, even just in the way we live our lives.”
--The film received a rather harsh criticism on the documentary from Vivienne as she believes that your documentary didn't depict enough of her current activism. What do you think of that criticism?
“I don't agree at all. Vivienne wanted her talking to cameras and telling people what to do which is great but that's not how I as an artist or I make films. This is never Vivienne’s film about herself. This was my portrait of her. I believe that the best way to affect people when you are watching the film is to subtly take people on a journey. Being an activist isn’t about standing on the street with a placard and telling people not to buy stuff.
Being an activist is looking at your life everyday thinking how you can make a change. So my film was never going to be her being an activist all the time because that wouldn't inspire people. My film is going to show that Vivienne Westwood has always been an activist. Vivienne has always been a punk since she was a child. I knew she was never going to like the film, but I didn't know that her and her family were going to so publically denounce the film. I think we will all be shocked if Vivienne turned around and said I love this film [laugh].”
Photography Andrea Vecchiato
text Lisa Tanimura
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
『ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッド 最強のエレガンス』
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