『サスペリア』 ルカ・グァダニーノ監督 来日インタビュー/Interview with Luca Guadagnino about “Suspiria”
NeoL / 2019年1月23日 18時0分
—— How did you feel when you were asked to remake the classic film that is very popular among horror fans?
Usually, fans are very critical when someone tries to remake their favorite films.
Luca : “Me too. I haven’t been asked to remake, I decided myself.”
——As you said, you too are very critical of somebody who tries to remake your favorite films, but… “Because they are not good.”
Luca : “Because they are not good.”
——So why did you decide to do it this time?
Luca : “It’s not that I don’t like remakes. It’s that the logic behind making films sometimes is the one of somebody who is not well prepared, or somebody who doesn’t put the care. So remakes could be the least careful movies in terms of approach, because some people think remakes mean to imitate what have been done.”
——I see.
Luca : “Very perfect examples are two remakes of Howard Hawks’ ‘The Thing.’ Howard Hawks’ movie was a masterpiece, then a great director like John Carpenter decided to approach it and made it into a masterpiece. It was rejected when it came out in theaters, but became a classic afterwards. And then, Hollywood tried to remake it five, six years ago, and they copied John Carpenter’s film completely. But John Carpenter didn’t copy Howard Hawks. He took the essence of Howard Hawks’ film and made his own film. So the imitation of John Carpenter was catastrophe because there was no tension, no build-up. You have the same setting, the same circumstances, but there is no idea of time and space. There is no idea of editing. So I’m critical of remakes because… actually, I’m critical of cinema when it comes to an approach that doesn’t take any consideration in space, time and editing. So when I decided that I wanted to remake ‘Suspiria,’ I tried to be very specific about time, space and pace. And I hope this comes across.”
——I read that you first saw the poster at the summer camp when you were young,and then you watched the film later and were very touched. Did it give you an idea that you wanted to become a filmmaker?
Luca : “No, I already wanted to become a filmmaker since I was four or five years old.”
——I think what often happens is that when you like something so much, you just want to treasure it and don’t want to touch it. But in your case, you wanted to remake it.
Luca : “Yeah, it’s almost like a cannibal love. One of the most upsetting stories I read was about this man who tried to eat the people he wanted. It’s terrifying, but at the same time, it tells you a lot about what love means. Sometimes, it means to possess someone to such a degree that you have to basically make the flesh of the other into your own flesh. And not that I’m a cannibal in real life, I think with a movie like ‘Suspiria,’ I’m trying to understand. That was probably my approach.”
——I really loved the music by Thom Yorke as well.
Luca : “I think Thom Yorke’s soundtrack, in my opinion, is a great balance. There is something about a sense of revelation or a sense of longing in a way, it is implied in the story of this film.”
——How did you convince Thom to score this film?
Luca : “Well at the beginning, it was difficult. It wasn’t an easy task to get Thom on board. Because Thom is a musician, but he is not a composer of soundtracks nor a composer. He’s a great musician and rock star. So you always have to cross filters.And I tried to approach him and didn’t succeed, and after many insistences, I had a meeting with him. He listened to me but I don’t think he was really impressed at the time. But I kept insisting. So the second time we sat, we spoke about the music behind horror movies as something we didn’t want. We didn’t want the music that suggested horror. We wanted the music that was a character in itself. Also, we wanted to play with the sound of the time. Thom was very interested in what I asked him, which was to compose the music that Madame Blanc had commissioned for her piece of dance. So there was a lot of thinking that he had to process, and I think he was very stimulated by that.”
——How much material did you give him beforehand?
Luca : “I gave him ‘Verklärte Nacht’ by Arnold Schoenberg to think about a part of the soundtrack.”
——So the music was made before the filming?
Luca : “Oh yeah. We started working together few months before (the filming), and he sent us some music before we started filming.”
——So the actresses were able to listen to the music?
Luca : “Some of it, yeah. And the song ‘Suspirium’ that opens and closes the movie was done before we started shooting.”
——I think fans would be thrilled to see Jessica Harper who was the star of theoriginal film. How did you feel to direct her?
Luca : “Jessica is a wonderful person and she’s such a grounded person. When I spoke to her for the first time, and asked her to play in the movie, she said yes. In October, I told her that the character speaks only in German, and we shot her scenes in March. So she had few months to prepare for herself. When she showed up on set,it was very cold and we were outside. I said “action!” and she went into this very long monologue in German. It was beautiful. She’s a wonderful person.”
——Did you talk about the original version with her? Did she give you any advice?
Luca : “She didn’t give me any advice, but we spoke about it a little bit. But what we talked about is private.”
——I heard that you and Tilda Swinton had been discussing about this remake for a long time, but you made some other movies including “I Am Love” and “Call Me By Your Name” first. Why did you decide to remake “Suspiria” at this point?
Luca : “I bought the right with my partners for remaking ‘Suspiria’ in 2008. We tried to make it with different directors and cast, and when the possibility to make it with somebody else didn’t happen, then I decided I was going to make it. I always wanted to remake ‘Suspiria’ but when we approached the right, I realized I wasn’t in the position in the industry to collect the money needed making my version.Afterwards, I got the position so that’s why it was possible for me to do it.”
——I read you mentioned that this film is about motherhood. What aspect of motherhood did you want to portray through this film?
Luca : “Well I think it’s about generation of life and destruction of life. There are mothers who are giving births, and at the same time, antagonizing the creature they gave births to. They are falsely mothers, the ones who only manipulate their children. So the aspect of the mother who is called a terrible mother that was interesting to
——So you have met Dario Argento?
Luca : “Yes. I’ve been obsessed with him. I remember when I was 14 or 15, I saw him in a restaurant and I spent my time looking at him through the glass. Then I met him few years later, I did an interview with him like you are doing with me. Then we became friends and we met few times. It was many years ago.”
——How was it like to show him your remake?
Luca : “I wasn’t there. We organized a screening for him, and of course I was very interested to know what he thought. But at the same time Dario is not someone used to be open to people. He is very private. So I wanted to show it to him but I didn’t want anything in exchange. He called me after he saw the film. Also, he made a public statement. In the public statement, he said the movie that I directed is an intellectual movie and a delicate movie. And he described his movie as ferocious. It’s interesting because for few years I realized Dario’s films are very delicate, almost like fairy tales for children. So basically, we are saying each other the same thing in reverse. What we talked about on the phone is private.”
——You have worked with Tilda Swinton and Dakota Johnson in the past, and this time, you worked with Chloe Moretz for the first time. What were the reasons you cast these actresses and what did you like about them?
Luca : “They are all fantastic actresses. Each of them brings something fantastic. And I wanted to spend time with them. All the good reasons. I wanted to make a movie together and many more.”
——What do you think is special and unique about Dakota?
Luca : “She is very clever and very ironic and witty. I think she acts in a very sophisticated way.”
——Why did you decide to cast Chloe for that part?
Luca : “She triggers the movie. The intention was to pull the audience into the film.”
——I didn’t know that Tilda was playing three roles until after I watched it. And each of those three roles seems to have meanings not just physically but mentally as well, and I thought it was interesting to have her play all three.
Luca : “Well I thought it was interesting to have the same person interpreting three aspects of human psyche that are so connected to each other. And at the same time, I like the idea that in the movie that celebrates women and explore the darkness of women, the only man who speaks voice is a woman.”
——Did everyone know that it was Tilda who played Dr. Klemperer on the set?
Luca : “Not everybody. Some of them never found out. I remember Ingrid Caven tried to seduce Lutz Ebersdorf, actor played by Tilda. Tilda was amused.”
——You have been working with Tilda for a long time, but who is Tilda for you?
Luca : “Very dear friend.”
——Lastly,are you interested in making “Inferno”?
Luca : “No.”
photography Riku Ikeya
text Nao Machida
edit Ryoko Kuwahara
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