Yuki Kasai-Pare x Lisa Tanimura ”Tokyo Story”
NeoL / 2019年3月11日 12時0分
現在はカナダ・モントリオールを拠点に翻訳者、そしてフォトグラファーとして活躍するYuki Kasai-Pare。学生時代をロンドンの寄宿舎で過ごし、ベルリンでの生活経験を持つライターのLisa Tanimura。海外で時を過ごし、アートやファッション、社会への視点で多くの共通点を持つ彼女たちが東京で出会い、気の向くままに彼の地を歩んだ。その1日の記憶、そして考察。(⇨In English)
Yuki 「昔から東京は見えない枠組みを作るのがすごく上手な街だなと思っていたんです。それがこのところは年々、見える枠組みが増えていっている。区切られた喫煙スペースもそうだし、スペースメイキングが増えているのが面白い。一見どうでもないことだけれどすごいことですよね」
Yuki「でも私たちはバイアスがあるから、そういう人たちで周りを固めてしまっているだけで実際は変わっていないのかもしれない、と考えると怖い。私の周りでも政治や社会的正義に興味を持って、集まって声をあげて、頑張ってる人たちがたくさんいるからこれからの世代で世界は変わる!って安心してしまう。Jodi Deanが指摘したように情報のコミュニケーションが安易になったからこそに安心したら負けだよね。はいシェアした。はい、私の役目は終わった、って(笑)」
Yuki 「私も。でも、それを見て“あっ、これ欲しかったやつ”と思っている自分が一番怖い。それの便利さに一度魅了されてしまって、それで普通に生活できちゃって依存さえしていく自分の怖さ」
Yukii「そう~! “わかってるな、おまえ!”って。でも、これはおまえなのか私なのかわからなくなってくる、という……」
Lisa「例えばフェミニズムやレイシズムの問題だって、それについて全く知らない悪意なき人たちに急に怒ってもなぜ怒っているのか伝わらないじゃない? そこを理解するのには5ステップくらい経るべき段階があるけどそこが難しくて」
photography Yuki Kasai-Pare
model Lisa Tanimura
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Yuki Kasai-Pare / 葛西パレ有希
宮崎県出身。カナダ、モントリオールのマギル大学、文化人類学部(東アジア文化学)卒業。現在は翻訳者、フォトグラファー、アート ディレクターとして活躍中。
Instagram @yuki.kp
Lisa Tanimura/谷村リサ
Instagram @lisataniz
(Available in English)
Yuki Kasai-Pare, currently based in Montreal, Canada, works as a translator and a photographer. Writer Lisa Taniura spent her college years at a dormitory in London, and has experience living in Berlin. Both having spent time abroad, sharing interests in art and fashion, and similar world-views, the two were brought together in Tokyo - where they freely spend their days. This, is a ‘Tokyo Story’ on their day’s memories and discussions.
--You have been returning to Tokyo at least once a year, Yuki. How do you view Tokyo’s dramatic changes recently?
Yuki: “I’ve always thought Tokyo was a city that’s very good at creating an invisible framework. However recently, there’s been an increase in visible frameworks. Separated smoking areas are a part of that too - it’s interesting how there has been a lot of space-making. It seems trivial, but it’s actually amazing.”
Lisa: “That’s true. Speaking of frameworks, Japan is taking down more and more old buildings. Berlin still reforms old buildings like it’s a usual occurrence, but Tokyo has been reset once with a history of getting bombed and becoming a burned, barren land. That’s why I think there isn’t much of an attachment to old buildings. To me, it seems like such a waste.”
Yuki: “They often say, ‘old buildings deteriorate fast in Japan because of the amount of earthquakes”, but even if it’s possible to re-build something, they decide not to renovate but to destroy it all and start from scratch. It’s unique. I wonder if they are ashamed of old buildings?”
Lisa: “Ah, maybe they’re reminded of the dark times when they were still a poor country, as shown in the Golden Street (Golden Gai) in Shinjuku or the black markets in Shimokitazawa.”
--There’s probably a big difference between those who have lived through that era, and those who haven’t.
Lisa: “That may be true. To us, the Shinjuku Golden Gai is retro and cool, but to those who know it when it was first made, it was a red light district. It may be a place or memory that they don’t want to remember.”
--We have a culture of covering up our past darknesses. That may have something to do with it.
Lisa: “In Germany, there is a tendency to look back at things, more than re-building. I think the image that Japan wants to portray of themselves, although it may sound stereotypical, is a somewhat ‘naked’, minimalist one. The reason behind why Japan’s living spaces are so cluttered is because of the limited space they have in their living environments. Tokyo is even one of the most overpopulated cities. Compared to that, the image that Japan has of the living environments in the United States is of the vast LA lands with backyards, so they feel an inferiority complex towards having small land. Maybe they’re ashamed of that kind of clutter.”
Yuki: “Despite that, it’s not like they are fond of big spaces either. It’s an interesting point.”
Lisa: “Yeah. Also, our generation no longer holds such a strong admiration towards the Western World.”
Yuki: “Right. Our parents’ generation strongly praised them, so all they say is “Why do you want to live in Tokyo? America is the place to be!”
Lisa: “The lifestyle of the Americans we see in movies is actually just the top 1%. In reality, there’s an enormous gap between the rich and the poor. Also, even now they tend to only cast caucasians in movies, but in fact there are many races living in the states.”
Yuki: “I have always admired the New York lifestyle from growing up in Japan watching American TV series, but my friends who are actually currently living in NY are all struggling, even more so than Tokyo. Paying expensive rent and squeezing in very small spaces. Even in the suburbs the rent is soaring.”
Lisa: “Yup. And then they move so often that everyone tends to relocate out.”
Yuki: “It’s gentrification.”
Lisa: “I used to hear that word a lot when I lived in London. Also, “redevelopment”. Taking the area that poorer people used to live in, and newly developing it as a trendy place by raising the rent and kicking out those who had lived there before.”
Yuki: “Come to think of it, compared to other cities Tokyo’s rent hasn’t increased.”
Lisa: “London is horrible - real estate goes up every 3 months and Berlin is also expensive now.”
Yuki: “Montreal has been comparable to NY and elsewhere and the white and wealthy have been moving into industrial areas. They say it’s ‘hip’ to be slightly out of the city center, and build expensive, beautiful, spacious and minimalist coffee shops. Then those affected, who are struggling with lower income, structural racism etc. - specifically the homes and businesses of POC, immigrant communities - are being kicked out of the area. Many have gathered and did demos etc, but it’s tough.”
Lisa: “I’ve heard that by 2040, 60-70% of the world’s population will be living in cities. I wonder if the population of cities will continue to increase, and every time there will be a cycle of destroying and creating. Tokyo might just be in that situation now. Honestly, I don’t think many people will be able to live here. The trains are packed and inflation won’t even be a thing.”
Yuki: “Even so they destroy buildings and living properties that don’t really need to be destroyed to build high-rise buildings and pour money to major general contractors… the Olympics is exactly that. I passed by an athlete’s village in Toyosu yesterday, but I was shocked. Who’s going to live in a high-rise apartment in a place like this? I think there’s a fantasy that living in high-rise apartments gives you a certain status.”
Lisa: “I wonder why there aren’t any protests on destroying precious, old buildings in Tokyo.”
--There are many instances when that’s overturned in other countries.
Lisa: “There has never been a time when Japan successfully stopped development. It was interesting how they eyed that the new generation may overturn development in Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. Everybody is starting to become aware that now is a time susceptible to chaos, so there is no time to sit around and give up - if we don’t raise our voices now, something terrible might happen. Hence, people have been starting to act more.”
Yuki: “But we do have a bias, being surrounded by people like that. It’s scary to think that in reality, things may have barely changed at all. There are many people around me who are interested in politics and social justice, and gather to raise their voices on their beliefs. So I become relieved that, “our generation is going to change our future!” I think it was Jodi Dean who said this but, just because it’s become easier to pass along information and capitalize on it, it’s all over if we get comfortable in that. Like, “Okay, I shared it - My job here is done.”
Lisa: “Right, we tend to stick with liberal people. But the extreme right and extreme left just differ in content and aren’t much different. So it may be interesting to actually talk to each other. Something specific like not being able to stop development, the example before about the fantasy of high-rise apartments, all require us to be aware that there is a force that affects the act of buying an item. Our actions are often affected and decided by power and invisible influences, but there are many people who don’t realize this and accept everything they see and hear as they are. I’m terrified of seeing ads on Google on something I was looking at on Amazon, but people who accept that as something natural, their thinking must be paralyzed.”
Yuki: “Me too. I’m most terrified of seeing it and thinking, “Oh, that’s what I wanted! Thanks!” I’m scared of becoming attracted to its convenience, and being okay with it and becoming a slave to it.”
Lisa: “I buy the books that Amazon recommends to me!”
Yuki: “Yeah! Like, “Ugh you know me too well.” But I can’t tell if it’s my own choice or yours…”
Lisa: “Because you’re contributing to the information and acting as one of the gears, you’re not even that surprised at that situation. That’s what’s most scary.”
Yuki: “It’s not like obvious brainwashing and propaganda, where now that there’s this uncanny form of awareness, i would say, where the lines between technology and the individual are blurred, you stop to think of who the information comes from and who it’s for.”
Yuki: “I’m the most scared of the words ishikitai - directly translated as ‘highly motivated’. Similar but very different than the word “Woke”, it has this kind of mocking tone. We use those words to speak of people who are trying to engage in more political discussions or do social and political good. Those who say it probably use it as a way out of embarrassment that they themselves aren’t doing anything or don’t feel comfortable. But affirming to yourself that you haven’t done anything or thought about those things, shutting it down with those words is scary. This is also a form of invisible framework.”
Lisa: “If you verbalize things like that, they group you together as ‘highly motivated’ people. Like people who say, “Feminism? It’s too early in the morning for that!”
Yuki: “I never know what to say to people like that. If they continue on like that, they’re only suffering themselves. Talking to people from my grandmother’s generation who participated in feminist, social justice movements, and being told “after I stopped thinking about it, I no longer felt distressed. - was pretty sad.”
Lisa: “I was also writing about feminism for my senior thesis, but it’s true that the more you know, the sadder you feel. You feel that you alone are helpless in an unfair social structure like this.”
Yuki: “I guess it gets worse when thought through in solitude. But, it’s also dangerous if you feel that you’re a “gathering of people who cannot be understood”, the more you talk about it with others.”
Lisa: “Things are easily brought to extremes in Japan. Despite the fact that there are people living in multiple cultures while living in Japan, there is a stigma that if you’re born in Japan, you are what they define ‘Japanese’.”
Yuki: “Yeah. I was working in Japan the other day, and even though we were speaking Japanese during our whole conversation, and was pretty clear about my background from the beggining, the person told me multiple times, “Wait, you’re Japanese right?” to then “..No way, you’re a gaijin (foreigner)!” and then “ Wait but you are SO Japanese!” They probably didn’t mean it as an insult and jokingly said so, but I was just so confused for him and what is both ‘foreign’ and ‘Japanese’ to him.”
Lisa: “I wonder where this person is coming from with that. Is it a compliment?”
Yuki: “It seemed like they were simply surprised that they were speaking Japanese with someone who didn’t physically fit in with what they imagined a ‘Japanese person’ to be like. I thought, “where should I even begin?” Haha. I felt stupid for being too mindful of the scene and being afraid of being - well, too ishikitaikai in a way. The me now can stay unoffended and laugh about it, exchange thoughts in an objective way, and I think the next step is to be able to smoothly communicate my honest thoughts in a light, constructive way.”
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