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Interview with Cosmo Pyke /コスモ・パイク来日インタビュー

NeoL / 2019年3月13日 17時0分

Interview with Cosmo Pyke /コスモ・パイク来日インタビュー

今、急速に注目すべきクリエイターたちの発信基地となっているサウスロンドンのペッカムで生まれ育ったコスモ・パイクの音楽表現はあらかじめ多様性、多文化の本質をナチュラルにまとっている。レゲエやヒップホップ、ジャズなどのフィーリングを心地よく躍動するインディミュージックとしてアウトプットする彼のバックグラウンドに迫ったこのインタビューは、SUMMER SONIC 2018で好演した数日後、ビルボードライブ東京での公園直前に行われたものである。

──SUMMER SONIC 2018のパフォーマンスはどんな手応えがありましたか?





CP「サンダーキャット! 最高だった! 完璧だったね。あとは、ジェス・グリンとジョージ・クリントン & パーラメントファンカデリックを少しだけ」





──昨日、SUMMER SONICに出演したアーティストはあなたも含めて素晴らしい才能を持った、ジャンルのボーダーをナチュラルに越境している若いアーティストがたくさん出演していました。そのあたりについて思うことはありますか?






──あははははは! あなたはP‐FUNKを通ってた?



CP「ありがとう。本を読むのが好きだからっていうのがあるのかな。兄に憧れて育ったことも大きい。あとは、スケートもそう。小さいころからスケートでケガをしながら練習を繰り返していきいながらいろんなことを学び、意識変革をしてきたと思う。ロンドンにはいろんな人種がいて、いろんな文化があるでしょ? ストリートでスケートをしてるときも、人に当たらないようにとか、外に対する意識を張り詰めてないといけないんだ。人と衝突したら何があるかわからないしね。でも、やっぱりたまには幼い自分も出てくるよ」



——Thank you so much for taking your time to do this interview. I was there when you performed at Summer Sonic yesterday, it was very emotional. How did you like the show yourself?

Cosmo Pyke: Loved it. It was fun. I was excited. And it is better than my expectation.

——You played with band yesterday. How was it different from a solo show?

Cosmo Pyke: I usually play with band so there is not much to it. But it is different from a solo show for sure. The energy is different.

——Did you get to see other band’s performance yesterday?

Cosmo Pyke: THUNDERCAT. I was watching him from behind the stage.It was completely amazing. I also saw Jess Glynne for a little bit and went to see George Clinton. And I went home.

——You didn’t see Chance?

Cosmo Pyke: I was at THUNDERCAT’s so I missed it.

——Before you performed, there was a Chinese hip-hop group. That was a lot of fun. I loved the show.

Cosmo Pyke: I saw that,too! I went to the party afterwards at Trunk Hotel. They were there,too! And Rex,too. We were friends from school. The band was all from the same class. It was nice to see them in Japan.

——Which school?

Cosmo Pyke: Brit School. Adele went there,too. It starts when you are fourteen and you graduate at eighteen.

——There were a lot of young performance like yourself yesterday. They were all amazing. What do you think about the younger generation of these artist, coming so far to perform in Japan?

Cosmo Pyke: I think it’s great. It is crazy. Like George Smith, he is so talented. I am interested to see how it would turn out to be in the next twenty years.

——It is really funny. He plays so good at a young age.

Cosmo Pyke: Last year when I was at school, I was with Rex and George Clinton came. It was crazy. And so it was really fun playing on the same stage with him yesterday.

——Did you get to talk to him?

Cosmo Pyke: Not yesterday, but we talked at school.

——What kind of conversation did you have?

Cosmo Pyke: I didn’t ask him anything. There were other students talking. I came up to him at the end. We were asking what kind of drugs he had been taking lol

——You listened to music like P-Funk back then?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. I loved Paramount.






CP「そうそう。トム・ミッシュと昨日SUMMER SONICで会って、ロンドンに帰ったら一緒に何をやろうかって話した。楽しみだね」









——We always get the idea of humanity and culture when hearing your music. And you are making it from your heart. You grew up in south London. What kind of influence did you get from your parents? How do you transform the emotions into your music?

Cosmo Pyke: Very much so. With my friends and family around me, I get influenced. My old drummer who used to played at my band showed me a lot of music. Like Fela Anikulapo Kuti. That was really important.

——How is the youth culture in south London like right now?

Cosmo Pyke:Maybe the internet is making it looking like some kind of culture, but it is just that. Everyone is too busy. People need to work together more. But it is a good culture.

——You are surrounded by these influence.

Cosmo Pyke: Yea, we grew up together. Everyone knows each othere. Henry has known me since I was a baby. He went to school with my sister. And Tom Misch, his big sister and my big sister went to school together. I met him yesterday at Summer Sonic. Everyone in London is just working on their own thing. We need to work together.

——You are capable of doing that because that you are young and you are all friends with each other.

Cosmo Pyke: Yea, exactly. We were just saying that we want to arrange something when we get back to London.

——What exactly?

Cosmo Pyke: I just said that let’s make music together. That was pretty much it.
You said you were a fan of my music, right? Tom said the same thing.

——We would like to ask you something about Peckham, where you grew up. What kind of city is it?

Cosmo Pyke: It is like Shibuya.

——For real?

Cosmo Pyke: No it’s not lol It is not really a city it is like a small town. It has changed a lot from twenty years ago. You wouldn’t be able to get a cab to go twenty years ago, cuz the driver wouldn’t drive you. But now, it is like the most expensive place in south London. The second song I played last night was about Peckham.

——How do you feel seeing the changes?

Cosmo Pyke: Sad, but also other mixed feeelings. My friends used to see dead bodies on the streets before. I am happy that it has changed. I wasn’t a lot to go to Peckham when I was little. But now it is a cool place.

——Your parents moved to Peckham and you were raised there. Would you talk about that as an influence?

Cosmo Pyke: Quite like a DIY culture. My parents built our house.

——Your mom also played music, right?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea, she used to be in a feminist trio. It is on youtube.

——What kind of performance was that?

Cosmo Pyke: She was funny and she was good. She used to violin and she sings very well. She also wrote songs. She was in the band.

——Have you ever performed with you mom?

Cosmo Pyke:Yea, for family events. She writes the songs and we all have to sing with her. And when I was younger we used to play together.

——So you are naturally playing music since you were a kid. Did you dad play?

Cosmo Pyke: He played guitar, but not really that well. He went to art school. He is an architect.






CP「ああ、そうだね。実はクルーのメンバーがさっき新しいビートを送ってくれて、それがすごくカッコいいんだよ! ちょっと聴いてみる?(と言って、iPhoneから音源を流してくれる)」






CP「あるよ。新しくできてる曲は特に政治っぽい感じかも。クルーで政治についていつもディスカッションしているわけではないけど、誰かがそういうことを話し始めると、『なるほどね! わかるわかる』ってなる」

──Cosmo Pykeの音楽表現も自分と社会がどういうふうに結びついてるかということを感覚的に歌っていると思うんですね。





CP「パーティで会ったけど、正直、彼の音楽は未だにちゃんと聴いたことないんだ。でも、タイロンとの出会いは少なからず今の自分に影響を与えている。そのあとタイロンの撮影でTOP MANのキャンペーンのモデルをやったり、その写真がビルボードに大きく飾られたりもして。そこからモデル事務所とも契約して、音楽をやるためのお金を稼ぐためにモデルの仕事もやるようにったから。欲しい機材を買えるようになったのは大きいよ。でも、こないだキング・クルールに『もうモデルは辞めてもいいんじゃないの?』って言われて。それなら辞めようかなって思ってるところなんだ」






CP「東京! 今日は、ここまで電車で来たんだけど住めるって思ったな」






CP「そうだね。モデルはお金のためにやってたことだから。今は音楽ができればそれでいいかな。今回、東京に来る前に1年ぶりくらいにモデルの撮影してから来たけど、モデルって沈黙しなきゃいけないじゃない? 僕は沈黙したくないから。発言したいし、歌いたい」






CP「ほんとに。でも、彼は知られざる天才だった。ジェフリー・ナサニエル・パイクという人で。これは話せば長くなるけど、第一次世界大戦のときにドイツの収容所から脱獄して、そしてドイツからも出国して、1回亡き人になった人で。第二次世界大戦が起こって、今度はドイツのファシズムを倒しに行くカナダ軍のほうを援軍していた。彼は科学者でもあったから、 氷とソーダで作る海の上に浮く物質(パイクリート)を発明して。その氷山空母に戦闘機を着陸させたんだ。ほんとに偉大な人だったから、彼の本をゆっくり読みたいね」

——We talked about DIY culture before you came. You also skate and do graffiti and music, everything is working fine with you. I think DIY is really important to you. What do you think about it?

Cosmo Pyke: I feel like skateboard and music and graffiti is not really something related to DIY. My dad was from Jamaica and he was told to do everything by himself. He had to walk to get water by himself. He came to London later. My mom had me when she was forty-four. I have a big brother and a sister. I learned a lot from my family. My family could pay for me to have a guitar lesson. They would drive me to anywhere I wanted to play. They paid for me to have skateboard. It was more about family than DIY.

——Sure. The idea and culture of DIY is really impressive in south London.

Cosmo Pyke: I am just lucky.

——And you do the hip-hop. That’s kind of dark.

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. My friend actually just sent me a song today. It is cool. I was just listening to it at Midtown before.

——Are you collaborating with them?

Cosmo Pyke: I don’t really rap that much. I am just their supporter.

——How is your role like?

Cosmo Pyke: I made the crew lol I don’t really have a role.

——You made the beat?

Cosmo Pyke: No. I just rap a little bit sometimes. I like playing guitar more.

——How do your hip-hop crew sing?

Cosmo Pyke: This is a new song. Every song and the beat they do is getting better. This song is about getting rich.

——Do they write songs about politics?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. That one is related to politics as well.

——Do you debate with them sometimes?

Cosmo Pyke: We don’t really debate. But if someone says something, we would agree. We have the same views.

——As Cosmo Pyke, how is it to you to naturally express your ideas?

Cosmo Pyke: I am learning. Like that second song I have done. That is going to come up in January. It could be an album.

——Your music is in the middle of everything. I don’t know exactly how Hip-Hop culture will turn out to be in the future but I think you will stay neutral. You have a lot of potential of becoming something new. Would you talk about the Nike film you did with Frank Ocean?

Cosmo Pyke: Maybe. It was like the first thing I have ever done before modeling and everything. I had a follower and instagram who was from east London, and she casted me for the video. Then I just went to the casting. It looks a little bit like Japan. I had to go really high up to the stairs. And then the guy filmed it. We became friends and he filmed me. And then I got a callback in like a week. And I did video on Sunday at a party. I had school on Monday so I asked my mom like “Mom, can I please go to this party”. She was like yea and so I went. And when I watched the video I found out that the photographer put the scenes that we shot first time at the shoot into the final piece. It is a great film.

——Did you see Frank Ocean?

Cosmo Pyke: I met him at the party. He walked passed me.

——Did you get to talk to her?

Cosmo Pyke: No. She was just there.

——Would you talk about the impact these expired might have made on your music career?

Cosmo Pyke: Not really. I already did the music since I was eight. I still haven’t listened to any Frank Ocean music. I have never listened to the music like that in my life. But it helped me because I knew I could do modeling and I developed a really good relationship with the photographer. It sort of like got me into where I am now. Because after that I did the Topman campaign and had like a big billboard. And then I got signed to an agency for modeling. And I did quite a lot of molding to make money so I could like buy music equipment. And I stopped modeling because King crew told me to. He was my friend.

——You were close with him?

Cosmo Pyke: We were friends. He lived close to me.

——He is having a huge impact on London.

Cosmo Pyke: I feel like he doesn’t really go out. I don’t think he wants to live in London next year. I think he wants to go somewhere else.

——Do you feel like leaving London?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea.

——Is there any place specifically you would like to go?

Cosmo Pyke: Tokyo.

——Do you like Tokyo?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. I was taking the train here and I thought that I could live here.

——Is there anything particularly you love about Tokyo?

Cosmo Pyke: My thing. People loved me. And the Ramen. I had the best Ramen. Everyone is just so nice and healthy. I was looking at people on the train. Old people were just taking the train. No one made seats for them because they were so strong.

——This is your second visit here, right?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. In like three months. Since April.

——Is there anything you are interested about the culture in Tokyo right now, besides Ramen?

Cosmo Pyke: Fashion.

——Which brand you like?

Cosmo Pyke: Eley Kishimoto. There daughter was my girlfriend. I went to their studio in Brixton. I loved Eley Kishimoto. They went to Central Saint Martins when Alexandra McQueen was there the same year. They came up with all of that.

——You are now willing to do modeling anymore?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. It was just for money so that I could make music. But before I came to Tokyo, I did a shoot. I haven’t done one in like a year. It was for like this brand Good Hood and they were collaborating with Nike. I just think modeling is just that because when you do it you are not saying anything. Nothing comes out from your mouth. I don’t want to be silent. Because I have seen models who only do modeling and they don’t talk. You just get ready and stand there and you mouth is shut. I don’t want to be quite.

——And you were saying that you are not interested in American Black music culture like Frank Ocean?

Cosmo Pyke: Yea. I am interested in all black music. At one point I used to loved Ezra Buckley. I don’t listen to him now thought. I appreciate everyone who is doing black music. Because the world style is black people. They are important to me. It is good for us to make music and build this society. Like, black business is important. The system we are living in is important.

——As a human, you are very mature.

Cosmo Pyke: Thank you. Arigatou. Because I read books and I got a big brother who I always look up to. When I was younger I used to hurt myself a lot flipping and it brought me maturity quite young. There were so many different people in London from different culture. When you skate down the street, you don’t want to hurt anyone. You have to focus on everything. It was sort of like that. But I can be immature sometimes.

——That is also an aspect of your music as well, I think.

Cosmo Pyke: Exactly.

photography Satomi Yamauchi
text Shoichi Miyake
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

Cosmo Pyke
ロック/ラップ/ジャズなどの若き才能が続々と飛び出し、いま最もアツい地域 として注目を集めるサウス・ロンドンから登場した弱冠21歳の新鋭シンガーソングラ イター。音楽活動のかたわらモデルとしても活躍し、 フランク・オーシャンの2016年の話題曲「Nikes」のMVへの出演も話題となっ た彼は、数年前から自身のSoundCloud上で楽曲を発表しはじめ2016年に本 格デビュー。昨年は初のEP『Just Cosmo』もリリースした。ジャマイカにルー ツを持つ彼の、ジャズやソウル、レゲエの要素もミックスした洗練されたインディ・サウンドは早耳のリスナーから熱烈な支持を受け、先日行われた初来日のショーケースも即完売のプレミアム公演となった。ロンドン・シーンのネク スト・ブレイク最右翼。サマーソニック2018、そしてビルボードライブ東京にてその才能を見せつけた本格単独ステージを繰り広げたのは記憶に新しい。

協力:ビルボードライブ東京(東京都港区赤坂9丁目7−4 東京ミッドタウン ガーデンテラス4F)












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